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International Conference Global Ethics: Save the Planet Earth 22-23 August, 2013 Astana, Kazakhstan Astana Declaration

adopted on 22-23 August 2013 Preamble

We, the participants of the International Conference "Global Ethics: Save the Planet Earth" gathered in Astana (Kazakhstan) on 22-23 August 2013, representing International Federations of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations, the National Commissions for UNESCO, governmental agencies, academic, business and creative communities, civil society and youth, UNESCO experts on ethics, intercultural communication, education and cultural heritage. considering the results of plenary sessions, discussions and exchanges in the framework of , the International Conference on "Global Ethics: Save the Planet Earth", guided by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, acknowledging UNESCO's mission and mandate for preservation of peace, harmony and concord among the nations, welcoming efforts of the UNESCO Members States on promotion of a culture of peace and new humanism concepts, recalling the conventions and programs of UNESCO and the Action Plan of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations on Global Ethics, considering the importance of Florence Declaration of 2013 on Global Ethics,

emphasizing the significance of the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 2 2 , encouraging and promoting awareness of the importance of Global Ethics' issues in order to achieve equal rights and responsibilities for all, sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, reaffirming the necessity of strengthening the Global Ethics, in particular: educational, cultural, environmental, information/communication, business ethics and bioethics, recognizing the importance of supporting the spiritual and moral components of human



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Taking into consideration all above mentioned, we declare the following: 1. to promote effective international and national cooperation for the development of youth education and intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity in the framework of Global Ethics, 2. to assist in the improvement of methods to prevent discrimination, violence, racism and xenophobia, 3. to develop further ways to effectively maintain the stability in social and cultural systems, as well as to eliminate conflicts among people, 4. to act towards further development of approaches to provide equal human rights for all, 5. to coordinate efforts to preserve and improve environment for sustainable development, 6. to develop effective mechanisms for rational use of environmentally friendly energyand material-saving technologies, 7. to research and implement new scopes and formats of the interaction between civil society and business communities in order to promote peace and sustainable development, 8. to adopt the principles of mutual respect, tolerance, understanding and reconciliation among the nations through intercultural dialogue, 9. to develop the international cooperation, mutual understanding, tolerance, mutual enrichment and respect for cultural and religious diversity, 10. to support preservation of peace, maintaining social stability, enlightening creativity and civil society empowerment for sustainable development.

Reaffirming the importance of Global Ethic concepts in everyday life, We call for the joint efforts in building the Future We Want

Astana, 23 August 2 0 1 3 (signatures)

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