Gagerandr: How To Data Example

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Gage R and R

Overview | How to | Data | Example

The Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility study helps you to determine how much of the observed process variation is due to measurement system variation.

How to
1. 2. 3. 4. Choose ProcessMA > Quality Tools > Gage R and R > Gage R and R. In Measurement, select the column containing the measurement data. In Part, select the column containing the part indicators. In Operator, select the column containing the operator indicators and click OK.

Optional 5. In Method of Analysis, choose the method to use for analysis. The Xbar and R method distinguishes the observed process variation into part-to-part, repeatability and reproducibility components. The ANOVA method is similar but it also breaks down reproducibility into operator and operator by part components. In Study variation, enter a value to be used to calculate StudyVar. The default is 5.15, which is the number of standard deviations needed to capture 99% of your process measurements. To select a column of data into a textbox, double-click on any of the column names shown in the list on the left of the dialog box while in the textbox.



Measurement: Numeric. Part: Text or Numeric; Must contain equal number of data points as the Variable. Operator: Text or Numeric; Must contain equal number of data points as the Variable. Study variation: Numeric.


Three operators took measurements on 10 parts, twice on each part. You want to determine how much of the observed process variation is due to measurement system variation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open worksheet Gage.xls. Choose ProcessMA > Quality Tools > Gage R and R > Gage R and R (Crossed). In Measurement, select A Measurement. In Part, select B Part. In Operator, select C Operator. Click OK.

Gage R&R (Crossed): Measurement by Part & Operator By ANOVA method

Source Part Operator Operator*Part Repeatability Total Source Total Gage R&R Repeatability Reproducibility Operator Operator*Part Part-To-Part Total Variation # Dist Categories DoF 9 2 18 30 59 VarComp 0.3768 0.1675 0.2093 0.1301 0.0793 6.0078 6.3846 5 Components of Variation
120 100 80 Percent 10 60 40 20 0 Gage R&R Repeat Reprod Part-To-Part 4 1 2 3 8 14

SS 327.35 5.8543 5.869 5.025 344.1 %VarComp 5.9 2.62 3.28 2.04 1.24 94.1 100

MS 36.373 2.9272 0.3261 0.1675

F 111.55 8.9775 1.9466

P-Value 0 0.002 0.0517

StdDev (SD) 0.6139 0.4093 0.4575 0.3606 0.2816 2.4511 2.5268

Study Var (5.15*SD) 3.1614 2.1077 2.3563 1.8573 1.45 12.623 13.013

%Study Var 24.3 16.2 18.1 14.3 11.1 97 100

By Operator


R Chart for Measurement by Operator

2.5 2 Sample Range 1.5 1 +3CL=0.8495 0.5 Mean(R)=0.26 0 0 5 10 15 Sample 20 25 30 -3CL=0 4 1 2 3 4 6 14

By Part




Xbar Chart for Measurement by Operator

14 12 Sample Mean 10 8 6 6 4 0 10 Sample 20 30 Part 4 1 2 +3CL=10.069 Mean=9.58 -3CL=9.091 14

Operator*Part Interactions



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Interpretation By looking at %VarComp, the variation due to differences between parts (Part-to-Part) contributes 94.1% to the overall variation. It is much larger than that of the Total Gage R&R at 5.9%. The same observation can be made by looking at the Component of Variation Chart. This indicates that measurement system error is small. From the By Part Chart, the variation of the red line shows that there are significant differences between parts. On the other hand, from the By Operator Chart, the red line is relatively flat, which indicates that the differences between operators are small. In addition, most of the points in the Xbar Chart for Measurement by Operator are out-of-control, indicating that variation is mainly due to differences between parts.

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