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Synchronous Motor


Thew are the 'ante Magnin= as given in Hg. 38.7 and S carat that sale, for I has been Shown 1..elliC.11.

38.17. Effect of Excitation on Armature Cunent and Power Factor

The value of excitation for which back enif. 1;:b is equal I ri magnitude) to applied voltage V is known as 100% excitation. We will now discuss what happens when motor neither overexcited or ander-exicted although we have alteady touched this point in Mt. 38.13. ('onsidei a synchronous motor in which the mechanical load is constant (and hence output is also constant if losses am neglected).

in) rig. 3$.47 Fig. 38.0 (a) shows the case for 111114* excitation it., when E5= V'the armature current I lays behind V by a small angle 0. Its angk 0 with Eta,: fixed by stator constants i.e. tan 0- Xsi R. In Fig. 38.47 (br excitation is less than 100% i.e., E o < V. licre, ER is advanced clockwise and so is a:mature current (because it lags behind ER by fixed angle 0). We note that the magnitude oil is increased but its power (achie IA AC0'01%0111+ has increased). Because input as well as Van- constant. hence the power component of l Ie.. I cos 0 remains the same as before. bui wauless component / sin is increased. /fence. as excitation is decreased. / will increase but p.f. will decrease so that power component oil i.e., I cos 0 = OA will remain constant. In fact, the locus of the extremity of cunent woo( would be a straight horimintal line as shown. Incidentally. it may be noted that when field current is reduced. the motor pull-out torque is also reduced in proration. Fig. 38.47 lei repeeicata the condition for overexcited motor i.e. when .c> V. Here. the resultant voltage vector Ek is pulled anticlockwise and so is 1. 11 is seen that now motor is drawing a leading current. It may also happen for some value of excitation. that I may be in phase with Vie,, p.f. is unity !Fig. 38.47 Ohl. At that time, the current drawn by the motor would be Two imixatant points stand out clearly Irons the above discussion tit The magnitude of armature current varies with excitation. 'the current has large value troth for low and high 4, alum of excitation (though k is lagging for low excitation and leading for higher excitation) In between. it has minimum value corresponding to a cenain excitation. '17te variations of I withexcitation are shown in Fig 38.4S (a) which are known as 'V curves because of their shape. fill For theSante Input. armature current swimmer a wide range and gs causes the power factor also to vary accordingly. When overexcited, motor runs with leading p.t and with lagging p.1 when under-excited. In between. the pl. is unity. 'Ilse variations of pl. with excitation

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