Safe Work Method Statement - Part 1: Company Details

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SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT Part 1 Company Details Company Name: Contact Name, Position and Phone number:

: Address: Project details Project: Job Address: Job Description: Activity: Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) SWMS Approved by: Name: Signature: Date: Personnel responsible for monitoring and managing activity: Overall Risk Rating After Controls 4 Acute 2 Moderate 3 High 1 Low Page 1 of 11 Area: ABN:

Relevant workers must be consulted in the development, approval and communication of this SWMS Name: (Include names of workers who were consulted in relation to this SWMS) Signature: Job Title: Date:

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 1- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


ALL PERSONS INVOLVED IN TASK MUST HAVE THIS SWMS COMMUNICATED TO THEM PRIOR TO WORK COMMENCING Regular inspections and observations will be conducted by ____________to ensure SWMS is being complied with. Daily Tool Box Talks will be undertaken to identify, control and communicate additional site hazards. Work must cease immediately if incident or near miss occurs. SWMS must be amended in consultation with relevant persons. Amendments must be approved by ______________ and communicated to all affected workers before work resumes. SWMS must be made available for inspection or review as required by WHS legislation. Record of SWMS must be kept as required by WHS legislation (until job is complete or for 2 years if involved in a notifiable incident).

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 2- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Personal Protective Equipment

Foot Protection

Hearing Protection

Eye Protection

Face Protection

Hand Protection

Protective Clothing

Breathing Protection

Operation: Safety footwear, hearing protection, face protection (welding face shield & safety glasses), hand protection (heat resistant gauntlet gloves), coveralls or appropriate long armed / legged clothing, respiratory protection. Additional PPE maybe applicable in accordance with site conditions (e.g. High visibility, hard hat, sun protection). Ensure all PPE meets relevant Australian Standards. Inspect, and replace PPE as needed. Safety Notes SDS for Shielding Gas (Argon) must be available on site. Or other Shielding gases where applicable Argon is classified as a Class 2.2 gas but is not categorised as a Hazardous Chemicals according to ASCC. Argon is a colourless, odourless, non flammable gas. Argon is an asphyxiant gas which means the gas displaces oxygen from the air. Argon cylinders should be stored in a secure position, upright and restrained to prevent from falling. Do not store Argon cylinders within close proximity to ignition sources and ensure that there is adequate air movement / natural ventilation. Safety glasses and leather gloves should be worn when working with Argon. Hazardous by products may be created when Argon is used in welding activities Strict controls must be in place having regard to reducing exposure to fumes / vapours created. Argon is non irritating to the eyes or skin

DOCUMENT NO: S812.0297 Authorised by: Signature:

ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 3- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Task Breakdown

Possible Safety or Environmental Hazards


Control Measures to Reduce risk


Responsible Officer

NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented. Operators Requirements Personal injury: - Burns and fume inhalation - Eye injury Quality of welds Fire or explosion 3H All relevant workers involved within welding activities are qualified Boilermakers/tradesmen and experienced trade assistants and labourers. Ensure all relevant workers have been trained / instructed in the following areas: a) Company OH&S induction; b) Construction OH&S induction; c) Site specific induction. Training should include: Safe Work Procedures; Hazard identification processes; Relevant SDS for Shielding Gas; Relevant SDS for electrodes; Control measures including correct use of PPE. Emergency Management Procedure 2M

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 4- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Task Breakdown

Possible Safety or Environmental Hazards


Control Measures to Reduce risk


Responsible Officer

NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented. Transporting Escape of gas during transit. Depletion of oxygen Environmental hazard Vehicle damage 2M Ensure cylinder is positioned vertically, restrained and protected from impact. Ensure all welding equipment is stored to prevent movement and damage whilst in transport Never transport inside an enclosed vehicle unless suitable ventilation is provided Ensure SDS is conveniently located during transit. Ensure all relevant PPE is easily accessible during transit in the event that it is required. 1L


Personal Injury: - Damage to eyes - Burns Faulty equipment


Check that all applicable safety equipment is available and in safe working condition including: Welding shield and safety glasses; Respirator to avoid inhalation of vapour; Leather gloves Coveralls and or long legged / armed clothing Safety boots; Welding shields, screens to protect others from flash; Hearing protection; Fire extinguisher Access to running water


Pre-inspect all equipment ensuring that: DOCUMENT NO: S812.0297 Authorised by: Signature: ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 5- Version 8.0 Date:

Everything is in safe working order Applicable to the work being performed


REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved

Task Breakdown

Possible Safety or Environmental Hazards


Control Measures to Reduce risk


Responsible Officer

NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented. Planning continued Personal Injury: - Damage to eyes - Burns Faulty equipment 2M Ensure that a trained first aid officer is always within the team involved in welding activities. Ensure suitable equipment for application electrodes, hoses, shielding gas. Consider providing portable extraction unit / fans to ventilate work area if unknown prior to arrival at site. 1L

Preparation & Site Awareness

Personal injury: - Manual Handling - Burns - Potential fire hazards. - Inhalation of fumes


Check work area and ensure: All flammable and combustible materials are clear of the welding area (timber, solvents, dry grass, rubbish); There is adequate space to carry out the activity to reduce congestion and manual handling risks; There is adequate ventilation / extraction to control exposure to welding fumes; First aid facilities are known along with the sites Emergency Evacuation Plan


DOCUMENT NO: S812.0297 Authorised by: Signature:

ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 6- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Task Breakdown

Possible Safety or Environmental Hazards


Control Measures to Reduce risk


Responsible Officer

NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented. Pre-Commencement Checks Eye injuries to others 2M Check availability and condition of all relevant PPE and ensure: Operation Personal injury: - Burns - Eye Injury Quality Issues Damage to the equipment being welded. 2M Final safety check of welding unit and associated equipment is completed; Work area is set up safely Provide trestles/benches to place work pieces on to reduce manual handling risks; That welding screens are in place and people are advised of imminent welding activities pre warning; All welding cables and power cables are in safe working condition and are placed in positions that do not create risk trips or through wet areas; All cables and hoses are secured properly; That the area is provided with adequate ventilation of and / or appropriate respirator is used; Welding shield is applicable to the task and in safe working order; Work piece is appropriately earthed 1L 1L

Ensure: - The correct electrode has been selected for specific tasks; - Connect the earth lead to the job as close as possible to the weld area & provide insulating matts; - Remove all potential trip hazards and obstructions from the work area; The work area is not wet under foot; - That extraction system is operational at breathing zone or natural ventilation is adequate; - Fire extinguisher is within vicinity of work area; - Fit and test appropriateness of all relevant PPE;
REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 7- Version 8.0 Date:


Task Breakdown

Possible Safety or Environmental Hazards


Control Measures to Reduce risk


Responsible Officer

NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented. Operation - continued Personal injury: - Burns - Eye Injury Quality Issues Damage to the equipment being welded. 2M Check electrical supply for surge protection / earth leakage; Gas cylinder is secured & clear from ignition sources; Turn on Gas, Unit and test gun; People with pacemakers are kept clear of the immediate area Keep consistent contact tip to work distance to reduce chance of electrode overheating and clean / consistent weld Avoid contact with the live section of the welding hand piece Do not drape cables / hoses over body or work piece That effective confined spaces permits and procedures are in place should welding take place within a designated Confined Space When handling work piece wear heat resistant gloves and / or handle with insulated tools or avoid handling hot work Handle only once cooling period has taken place; Turn off and disconnect power, gas supply when not in use 1L

DOCUMENT NO: S812.0297 Authorised by: Signature:

ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 8- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Task Breakdown

Possible Safety or Environmental Hazards


Control Measures to Reduce risk


Responsible Officer

NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented. On Completion Damage to welding leads. Electrical hazard. Slips, trips & falls 2M On completion of welding activities ensure: Power & gas is turned off and disconnected; Remove all used and unused electrodes from the electrode holder; Remove earthing; Place all hoses, leads and cables in a safe location to reduce risk of trips and damage to equipment; 1L

Ensure work area is well ventilated to exhaust all welding fume; Clean up work area and return to clean & tidy condition; Replace all equipment and PPE into company vehicle, secure accordingly and report / record equipment that is to be replaced.

References Model Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Model Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 Western Australia - Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Note Gas welding safety flashback arresters. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Argon WTIA Fume Minimisation Guidelines Gas Metal Arc Welding RTA Tip Sheet Welding hot work WorkSafe Victoria A guide to safety in the metal fabrication industry Safe Work Australia (2011) - Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice NATIONAL STANDARD FOR PLANT [NOHSC:1010]

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 9- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT Part 2 Formal Training, Licenses required for workers undertaking this task: Appropriate licence and certificate. Relevant training. Training in the following safe work procedures/ SWMS / training modules is required: (All workers to be trained in relevant procedures.) Site-specific inductions Training in this SWMS Nature of hazards / risks Emergency procedures

Duties of workers undertaking this task: Example: (Name): Operating electric jackhammer (Name: Clean-up crew (Name): Supervisor Etc.

Details of Supervisory Arrangements for workers undertaking this task: Example: - Suitably qualified supervisors for job - Direct on-site supervision - Remote site communication systems/ schedule - Audits - Spot Checks, etc - Reporting systems

Details of regulatory permits/licenses, Engineering Details/Certificates/WorkCover Approvals: Plant to comply with RTA requirements PPE to comply with relevant Australian Standards

Relevant Legislation, Codes of Practice: Model Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Model Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 Western Australia - Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Note Gas welding safety flashback arresters. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Argon WTIA Fume Minimisation Guidelines Gas Metal Arc Welding RTA Tip Sheet Welding hot work WorkSafe Victoria A guide to safety in the metal fabrication industry Safe Work Australia (2011) - Hazardous Manual Tasks Code Of Practice NATIONAL STANDARD FOR PLANT[NOHSC:1010]

Plant/Tools/Equipment: (List plant and equipment to be used on the job.)

Maintenance Details for plant / equipment used on job (Include cranes, forklifts, electrical equipment etc.)

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 10- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Example: Electric jackhammer

As per manufacturers recommendations. Electrical tested/tagged every 3 months.

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 11- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Part 3- SIGN OFF This SWMS has been developed in consultation and cooperation with workers and relevant Persons Conducting Business or Undertaking (PCBU). I have read the above SWMS and I understand its contents. I confirm that I have the skills and training, including relevant certification to conduct the task as described. I agree to comply with safety requirements within this SWMS including safe work instructions and Personal Protective Equipment described. Name Qualifications Signature Date Time Employer

Review No. Name and initials Date

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 12- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved



Risk Management Code of Practice 2007, AS/NZS 31000 -2009 Risk Management Principles and guidelines

Level of Effect

Example of each level

Insignificant/Acceptable Minor Moderate

No effect or so minor that effect is acceptable First aid treatment only; spillage contained at site. Medical treatment; spillage contained but with outside help. Extensive injuries; loss of production Death; toxic release of chemicals

Major Catastrophic Step 1 Determine Likelihood What is the possibility that the effect will occur?
Criteria Description

Step 2 Determine Consequence - What will be the expected effect?

Almost certain Likely Possible Unlikely Rare

Expected in most circumstances. Will probably occur in most circumstances. Might occur at some time Could occur at some time May occur only in exceptional circumstances

Effect is a common result Effect is known to have occurred at this site or it has happened Effect could occur at the site or Ive heard of it happening Effect is not likely to occur at the site or I have not heard of it happening Effect is practically impossible.

Step 3 Determine the risk score

Step 4 Record risk score on worksheet

(Note Risk scores have no absolute value and should only be used for comparison and to engender discussion.)

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ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 13- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


Score 4 A: Acute 3 H: High 2 M: Moderate 1 L: Low

Action ACT NOW Urgent - do something about the risks immediately. Requires immediate attention. Highest management decision is required urgently. Follow management instructions. OK for now. Record and review regularly, and if any equipment/ people/ materials/ work processes or procedures change.

DOCUMENT NO: S812.0297 Authorised by: Signature:

ACTIVITY : Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) Page 14- Version 8.0 Date:

REVIEW NO: SafetyCulture All rights reserved


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