Mekanika Bahan (Eng)

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[TSI 102] Hal. 1/3


Kode Mata Kuliah (Course Code): TSI Program Studi (Study Program) : Teknik Sipil Mata Kuliah Prerequisite) : Statics Para-syarat (Course

Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) :

Mekanika Materials




Revisi (Revision Status): [R-1]

Fakultas (Faculty) : Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer (FTIK) Kredit (Credit) : 3 Kuliah Tutorial : Praktikum (Lecture) : (Practicum): 3 0 0 Semester Ganjil/Genap*(Odd/Even Semester*) Tahun Akademik 2013/2014 (AY 2013/2014)

Lecturers name: Prof. Ir. Sofia W. Alisjahbana, M.Sc., Ph.D.

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces fundamental concepts of deformable bodies. It serves as a bridge between mechanics of rigid bodies (statics) and structural analysis. It explains the behavior of structural members, both qualitatively and quantitatively, under different types of external loadings (axial, bending, and shear). COURSE OBJECTIVE To introduce the basic theory of deformable bodies and to study the behavior and quantification methods of stress and strain in structural members, such as axial members and beams, under different types of external loadings. At the completion of this course, students will: 1. be able to evaluate geometric properties of an area 2. be able to compute the stresses of members subjected to axial and shear forces 3. be able to calculate the stresses of statically determined beams and to analyze stress and strain state 4. be able to calculate the deflection of statically determinate beams 5. be able to solve indeterminate beams 6. be able to do stress and strain transformation METHODS OF INSTRUCTIONS Classroom instruction consists of lectures and practical problem solving, supplemented by visual aids designed to assist the student to successfully meet the courses learning objectives. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT Comply with academic rules. ASSESSMENT Mid Test Final Test

30% 40%

[TSI 102] Hal. 2/3




MATERIAL REFERENCES AND REQUIRED SUPPLIES T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials, 3rd Edition, SI Version, Wiley Additional References: R.C. Hibbeler. 2010. Mechanics of Materials. 8th SI Edition, Pearson COURSE OUTLINE
This section should show topics, sub-topics, specific method of instruction/ delivery and material references.

Sessio n

Topic & Sub-topics Introduction, Stress and Strain Introduction to mechanics of materials, normal stress under axial loading, direct shear stress, bearing stress; displacement, deformation, and the concept of strain; Normal strain and shear Mechanical Properties of Materials and axial deformation The tension test, the stress-strain diagram, Hooke's Law, Poisson's Ratio; Saint-Venant's Principle, deformations in axially loaded bars, deformations in a system of axially loaded bars Geometric Properties of An Area Centroid of an area, moment of inertia, product of inertia for an area, principal moments of inertia, Mohr's circle for principal moments of inertia Torsion Introduction, torsional shear strain, torsional shear stress, torsion of noncircular sections Bending in Beam Review of beam analysis, flexural strain, normal stresses in beams, analysis of bending stresses in beams, introductory beam design for strength, flexural stresses in beams of two materials, bending due to eccentric axial load Shear Stress in Beams Introduction, resultant forces produced by bending stresses, the shear stress formula, the first moment of area Q, shear stresses in beams of rectangular cross section MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATION Beam Deflections

Material references

T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter I, II)

T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter III, V)

T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Appendix A) T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter VI) T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter VII, VIII)


T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter IX)


T.A. Philpot. 2013.

[TSI 102] Hal. 3/3

Sessio n

Topic & Sub-topics Introduction, moment-curvature relationship, the differential equation of the elastic curve, deflection by integration of moment equation (Moment area method), deflections by integration of shear-force or load equations, deflection using discontinuity functions, method of superposition Statically Indeterminate Introduction, types of statically indeterminate beams, the integration method, the use of discontinuity functions, the superposition method Stress Transformation Introduction, stress at a general point in an arbitrarily loaded body, equilibrium of stress element, plane stress, generating the stress element, equilibrium method for plane stress transformation, general equations for plane stress transformation, principal stresses and maximum shear stress, presentation of stress transformation results, Mohr's circle for plane stress, general state of stress at a point Strain Transformation Introduction, plane strain, transformation equations for plane strain, principal strains and maximum shearing strain, presentation of strain transformation results, Mohr's circle for plane strain; review the course FINAL EXAMINATION

Material references Mechanics of Materials (Chapter X)


T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter XI) T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter XII)



T.A. Philpot. 2013. Mechanics of Materials (Chapter XIII)

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