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Murder in Perugia DR

“Mignini’s Notebook” AFT

This is a draft version of a new presentation of the the Meredith Kercher murder trial in Perugia.
The objective of this new presentation is to review questions which may be of use to ask Amanda
Knox in her courtroom appearance on 12 June 2009, the first time she will respond to questions since
abruptly aborting the questioning session of 18 December 2007 (a year and a half ago), when, with her lawyer
by her side, she decided to invoke her right to not reply.
For other presentations on this case, timelines, multi-opinioned debate, transcripts, images, and articles and
much more content, I highly recommend the following two sites which have resulted from Steve Huff’s True
Crime Weblog on this tragedy:
Perugia Murder File
True Justice For Meredith Kercher
(While you’re at it, visit Steve’s current blog, published by Village Voice Media: http://
Also take a moment to check out the excellent analysis on this case on Miss Represented’s blog.
Any irony or sarcasm which may be encountered in the presentation or our discussions is not meant by any
means to trivialise the pain and suffering, and brutal senseless murder that Meredith experienced, nor to
reduce her memory.
As we go through the scenarios of what may have happened in the crime, the only moment which is truly
important is the day when all the evidence is presented in court, like in any other serious crime case.
I can only hope that there will be one single ending, that justice is served to those responsible for each of the
crimes which have been determined by the Italian judiciary. I am buoyed by the fact that the victim’s family
has continued to express confidence in the Italian justice system.

- Kermit (11 June May 2009) email:

1. “Highway to Hell"

Amanda: on Nov. 2, we went straight from cottage to

Raffaele’s (paraphrase of Matteini report)
Raffaele: on Nov. 2, we went for a walk downtown before
going to my apartment (paraphrase of police statement)

Please describe to the court your movements on the
afternoon of 1 Nov. 2007.
Describe the last time you saw Meredith, what you did
and where you went when you left the cottage (with
When and where did you smoke marijuana? How much? In RS's modified declaration
In AK's first declaration
to investigators, he said that
Did you take any other mind-altering substances (alcohol, to police, she said she
at 18:00, he and AK leave
and RS left at 17:00 h,
other drugs?). the girls' house and go
going to RS's place,
downtown, passing through
Have you tried other drugs? Which ones? where they spent the
Piazza Grimana, Piazza
rest of the night
Morlacchi, the main fountain
How did you obtain the drugs you used in Perugia? (you and Corso Vannucci.
purchased them, you used what Raffaele supplied to you Raffaele's early declaration. Matteini's report.
When did the strongest effect of the drugs you used start
on 1 November 2007 (that is, when did your memory get
fuzzy) - already at your place? before the Polish student?
later on in the evening at Raffaele's?
When did the effects wear off?
2. "Evening Plans"
Amanda: “me and raffael went to his house ... spend the evening and
night indoors. we didnt go out. the next morning i woke up around 1030”
Amanda: ”I was there and I can’t lie about this”
Raffaele: “to 2100.Knox left him, saying ... that she would go to the pub
Le Chic to meet friends ... ,the girl returned around 1am“
Amanda: a possibility: “Raffaele went to Meredith’s house, raped her
and killed her and then ... pressed my fingerprints ... onto the knife”
Please describe your activities at Raffaele's place. Is your memory still
When your memory was affected, do you think it was due to the drugs,
or due to the stress following the crime, or to some other factor?
Try - together with the court - to make a sum of the times dedicated to each activity in the evening and night of
1 November 2007 (for example: from about 9 p.m., an hour and a half for the movie, 20 minutes for reading Harry
Potter, 45 minutes for the long discussion on Raffaele's bed - with talk about his mother and that there is no right or
wrong, 25 minutes to cook fish - Raffaele's bloody hands, 20 minutes for dining supper, 15 minutes for shower together
and for Raffaele to clean your ears, 10 minutes to suffer the broken drain and basic cleanup or removal of items which
could suffer dampness, etc.).
By the way, are you aware of Raffaele ever cooking with Meredith, either at his place or the cottage?
Including the afternoon of 1 November 2007, how many times did Raffaele visit the cottage, for how long, what
in general were his activities (for example, he took some sun on the terrace for a half hour, he helped me hang
the wash, he helped me search for my underwear which got mixed up with Meredith's ...).
When did you turn off your mobile phone? Why, if normally you always left if on at night?
What music did you and RS listen to? Together or on your own iPods?
Do you recall what phase the moon was in; based upon the light outside how easy was it to see?
3. "Wash Away the Sins of the Earth"
Amanda (about night, Nov.1): we had a shower and we washed ourselves
for a long time. He cleaned my ears, he dried and combed my hair
Amanda (about morning, Nov. 2): “ a quick shower ... it was after i
stepped out of the shower and onto the mat that i noticed the blood in the
Raffaele: No, it was a different day (Pending confirmation and link)

Why would you shower on the morning of 2 November 2007, if you had
showered just hours before at Raffaele's flat the night before?
During the week or so that you went out with Raffaele before the crime,
with what frequency did you shower at his place?
Please take a look at a photo of yourself with your (self-claimed) washed
and blow dried hair on the morning of 2 November 2007 and compare
that with photos of you before the crime or even here in court: is there
any easy way to explain the apparent difference? (e.g., you didn't have
hair conditioner in the cottage, your combs were up at Raffaele's ...).

youlose a stud
explain theor earring marks
apparent on the on
night of ear
your 1 November
lobes and2007?
neck which can be seen in photos of you on 2
November 2007, the latter of which other witnesses have commented on in court?
Have infected ear piercings ever caused you bleeding like the amount of your blood found on the sink faucet
and cotten baston (Qtip) box?
What treatment did you use for your infected piercings, assuming that they were infected already before the
crime? Where did you store it (at the cottage? at Raffaele's?)
Did you consult a doctor for your ears or the apparent wound on your neck? How about for any
other concerns?
4. "True Confessions"
Amanda: I “consoled Sollecito when he blamed himself
for not having been at his depressed mother’s side before
she committed suicide”
Raffaele: “my mother died of cardiac arrest”

When did Raffaele first tell you of his mother's suicide?
(as you understood to be the case)
How do you think it affected him? What other drugs or
destructive behaviour did Raffaele tell you he had
participated in?
Did your parents divorce affect your own emotional
Please explain your statement that there is no right or
wrong, just better or worse choices.
Do you feel that the act of murder (on the part of any
theoretical perpetrator) can be termed as right or
wrong? Or is the possibility just a choice, and the
correctness of the decision which one makes depends
on the moment?
Has Raffaele ever scared you? Did he ever do anything
you considered very odd?
Could you tell us the worst experience you had
with Raffaele? And the best?
5. "Who's Your Daddy?"
Raffaele: told police his father had called him at home around
11 p.m
Dr. Sollecito (father): Goodnight short text message

What contact are you aware of Raffaele having with his father
between 1-2 November 2007? (for example, fixed line calls,
mobile phone calls, exchange of short messages, email ...).
Did the fixed line phone or Raffaele's mobile phone ring at any
time on the night of 1-2 November 2007.
Please describe your own communications that night.
When did you and Raffaele turn off your phones?
Talk about Raffaele's computer use that night: movie?
navigating? school work? catching up on email?
6. "The Red Herring"
Amanda (to police): “I am really scared of Patrick, the
African guy”
Amanda (a month later, after Patrick’s release and not
having contributed to his release): and not as a contributing
factor to): "I am sorry for Patrick and for the whole situation”

Please respond to the unanswered question from
questioning session of 18 December 2007: Why did you
falsely accuse Patrick Lumumba on Nov. 5?
If it was because of stress, why did you never ever over
the course of three weeks retract the accusation, and you
only recognised having made a "mistake" a few days after
his release from prison? (ie. you didn't contribute at all to Detour
helping to free Patrick, once you - supposedly - recovered
from the supposed stress of Nov. 5). Wild goose chase
What about your statements concerning how you observed
Meredith's body, what did you know and when concerning Caccia all’oca selvatica
Meredith's death, her position, the possible cause of
death? Waste of time
7. "Barefoot and Pregnant Thoughts in the Kitchen"
Date: 1 Nov 2007
Amanda: “Raffaele and I went into another room and
Time: approx. 10.30 p.m.
then I heard screams. Patrick and Meredith were in
Meredith's bedroom”
“I stayed in the kitchen... I remember hearing Meredith's
screams and I covered my ears”

Amanda: “I used the bathmat, on which there was blood

, because I’d left the towels in the bedroom. I saw the
blood on the bathmat and I dragged it into the bedroom
to get the towels, then, I took it back to the bathroom and
put my earrings in” Possibly she stepped off the bathmat
in the end.

Questions: Date: 2 Nov 2007

Time: approx. 10.30 a.m.
When you had your vision of you and Raffaele fooling
around in your room, and of Patrick retiring with
Meredith to the English girl's room, had you taken off
your socks and shoes in the vision?
In the vision, when you heard Meredith's screams and
feared the worse, were you still without shoes?
In your vision, what did Raffaele do when he heard
Meredith's screams? What did you do?
Do you believe that the size 37 Luminol barefoot
footprints are yours?
“Bathmat shuffle”: can I have a show of hands
Please describe to the court the bathmat shuffle … how many people would shake their tail
routine. feathers on a bloody mat?
8. "I am the Wolfman"
Giulia Bongiorno: (paraphrase) “it's obviously a
lone-wolf crime” (Pending link)

Footprints: (yes, footprints can speak a thousand

words): Luminol prints, visible prints, barefoot
prints, shoeprints, Sra. Nara’s testimony, etc.

Can you remember the brand of tennis shoes you
wore in November 2007, or did you only possess
the hiking books that Raffaele refers to on
morning of Nov.2?
Show Amanda a photo of the Albanian witness:
Amanda, do you recognise this person?
You're a (self-proclaimed) rock climber, would
you be able to enter the cottage through
Filomena's window?
Would you prefer anyother access route, for
example the kitchen window via the terrace?
Did you ever describe to anybody that you saw
Meredith's body in the mirror of her room?
Do you think that Meredith would have been
capable of fighting off a single assailant? Would
you? How about 3 assailants?
Were you ever in the park? Did you see any
tramps? Any breakdowns?
9. "Rise and Shine"
Amanda: (paraphrase from diary) “got up around 10:30”
(pending link)
Shopkeeper: The suspect was was waiting for the store to
open (pending link)

Please tell the court at what time did you wake up on 2
November 2007.
How did you wake up (natural light? alarm clock? alarm on
your or Raffaele's mobile phones?).
Were you still partially under the influence of the drugs you
took the night before?
Did you shower at Raffaele's before leaving (that's a sneaky
question ...!)?
Have you ever shopped at the variety store down Raffaele’s
street (Corso Garibaldi)?
Do you recognise the owner by sight?
Did you ever buy bleach there?
Have you ever bought bleach or other cleaning products in
Are you aware of Raffaele stirring in the night (for example,
to turn on his mobile phone around 6 a.m.)?
Were you hungry when you got up? What did you have for
10. "Whitewashing“
Amanda (frank's interview): I took wash home to do it at the
laundromat (pending confirmation and link) Raffaele’s flat

(why take it home then?)

Did you turn on the washing machine in the cottage?
With whose clothes inside?
If not, after the washing machine got fixed, why would you go
Corso Garibaldi
to a laundromat?
If you preferred to wash your clothes in a laundromat, was it
one of the laundromats very near to Raffaele's door? Laundromat Via
If so, then why take your wash all the way to the cottage, only
to have to take it back to Raffaele's place to use one of the
Please tell the court a detailed list of the items you took to the
cottage: was the Harry Potter book part of your load?
Why, if you hadn't finished it, and you were starting to spend
most of your free time and nights at Raffaele's flat?
Where in the cottage did you leave your bag of wash?
What clothes were you going to wash? Did you ever wash any
of Raffaele’s clothes, before or after the crime?
11. "Itinerary: Morning at leisure"
Amanda: I called Raffaele from the cottage
(pending confirmation and link)

Amanda: We had breakfast at his apartment, we

cleaned up the broken pipe, then I told him
(pending link)

Amanda: I told him once we had left his place and

as we were walking down the street
(pending confirmation and link)

Amanda (from email): had a shower, got nervous,

took the mop and walked
(pending link)

For once and for all, when did you notify Raffaele
of the situation at the cottage?
If it was after doing other activities (haul up mop
and bucket to Raffaele's, then breakfast, then
clean up broken pipe ..) you must not have been
very nervous, in spite of the state of nerves which
you describe in your email
12. "I've Written a Letter to Daddy ..."
Amanda's email to family: “filomenas room was closed, but when i
opned the door her room and a mess and her window was open
and completely broken, but her computer was still sitting on her
desk like it always was and this confused me. (pending link)
Filomena’s testimony (as per The Guardian): Her clothes were on
the floor and …. her laptop was among the clothes. She said there
was glass on top of the pile of clothes: "I remember that in lifting the
computer … I was picking up bits of glass because there were bits
of glass on top“

You say explicitly that seeing Filomena's computer on her desk
on the morning of 2 November caused you confusion, given that a
burglary had apparently occurred and you were surprised that
they had not taken the computer from its desk location. Are you
aware of anybody (you, Raffaele, the Postal Police, Filomena's
male friends) taking the computer from the desk, putting it on the
floor, and covering it with broken glass and clothes, before
Filomena's arrival?
Do you know why the reading lamp from your room was found on
Meredith's floor?
Your bedroom window faced west, did you have any lighting
problems when you were in your room (for example, looking for
clothes in the closet) on the morning of 2 November 2007?
Did you loan your reading lamp to Meredith?
There were two reading lamps on Meredith's floor, do you know if
she used them in this manner prior to the crime?
13. "Telephone Marketing Skills"
Edda (Amanda’s mother): has stated on several of the TV and magazine
interviews that she told Amanda to call the police (pending links)
Raffaele: I had already called 112 when the Postal and
Telecommunications Police arrived (pending link)
BUT the Postal and Telecommunications Police were in fact already there
even before Amanda called to Edda at 12:47!!!!!! (pending link)

When you called your mother, where were you exactly, and who was with
What phone calls - if any - had you already made?
Had any contact with any sort of Italian law enforcement agency been
made? (for example: Carabinieri, Postal Police, Custom agents,
Endangered wildlife protection officers ... ).
Did you immediately follow up your mother's suggestion to call the police?
Or did you wait for a while?
How long after your first call to your mother did you make your second call?
Did your mother ask you if you had been involved in any questionable
Did you tell her you were in trouble or did you offer any such information to
What action did your mother say she would take to help you? What type of
help did you ask her for?
14. "You say tomayto and I say tomahto"
Amanda: “Meredith would often lock the door, even when she
went for a shower”
Filomena: Meredith “only locked her door when she left the

Did Meredith always / alot of the time / sometimes / never
lock her bedroom door?
Did Luca or Filomena misunderstand you if they believed you
to say that Meredith always locked her door, even to have a
By the way, when you spoke with them on 2 November 2007,
was it in English or Italian?
Do you know why Meredith locked her door on occasion - if
she did?
If you felt that it was normal for Meredith's door to be locked,
then why did Raffaele (as per his initial declarations) attempt
to break down her door, before the arrival of the Postal Police
and Filomena and her friends?
Did you have any reason to prefer to not break down the Editor’s note: okay, this vignette doesn’t
door, (for example, thinking that Meredith had gone out all have alot to do with the door, but it is funny
night and would probably return in a few minutes?)
15. "Lock Me Up Before You Go-go"
Father Curt Knox: ”physical and mental abuse for 14 hours ... No food, no
water, no official interpreter."
But, in realtiy, after just 2 and a half hours, “at 1:45 a.m., she pointed the finger
at the bar owner Patrick Lumumba, who had criticized her work habits”

Please state the exact phases and moments of your questioning on the night
of 5 November 2007.
At what approximate time did your questioning start? “ Synchronise watches ”
What activities were you doing before your session started: did you speak on
the telephone with Filomena? what did you talk about? did you do cartwheels?
Why? Did someone make you do the cartwheels? Who?
Is it true that around 1:45 you stated that you had been in the cottage on the
night of the crime?
Even if you now reject that declaration, please repeat its overall elements.
Why did you make that statement?
What were the circumstances of your questioning until 1:45 a.m.?
Were you refused requests to go to the bathroom?
Did you request food? If so, were you refused?
What happened after 1:45? Did female police officers accompany you to the police station cafeteria and invite
you to a snack, or did you have to pay?
What happened around 5 a.m. which gave rise to your next statement? Was that coerced in any way?
When you were arrested you had approximately 250€ in your pocket. When did you withdraw that money
from the ATM. When did you pay your November rent?
16. "Je t'adore, Ich liebe dich, Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!" In one corner,
Amanda and her
Chris Mellas:"It was coercion" he said. "They did what stepfather …
they needed to do to get her to say what they wanted her
to say." He claimed that one of the policewomen, who
allegedly hit her on the head ...
Amanda: (paraphrase) “I received hits on the head”
Ghirga: “There were pressures from the police but we
never said she was hit.”
Pleeeaaasse, Amanda, on Friday 12/06/09, explain to us
exactly what physical aggression you were subjected to,
and who did it.
Was C.Mellas correct in his identification of the Perpetrator?
How did this modify your declaration, if at all?
Exactly at what point did you suffer this aggression, if it … and in the other, her
occurred? lawyer Luciano Ghirga
If it occurred, why haven't you filed a formal complaint?
Why have you waited so long to talk about it?
Have you discussed this aggression with your step-father?
Have you discussed this aggression with your lawyer? Have you ever been struck like this before?
Did you indicate to your step-father which police officer was Have you ever been the victim of
responsible for the alleged aggression, or do you think he was aggression? By who?
just guessing when he made a post on an Internet discussion
Do you feel this has effected your responses
board saying it was one of the two female police officers who
to any of the questioning in this trial?
escorted you out of the police station on the day of your arrest?
17. "Flintstones, Meet the Flintstones"
Amanda (to her parents): ”I was there and I can’t lie
about this”
Curt Knox: ___________
ixnay *
Please explain the circumstances of the first
conversations with your family in Capanne Prison.
* “Ixnay”: pig latin
How has your family influenced your relation with the for “shut up”
investigators and the prosecution in this case?
At any time has there been either a family member or
friend who has influenced your statements?
18. "The Politician vs. The Career Jurist"
Heavey: has accused Italian judicial officials of incurring in
illegalities in this investigation (pending quote of Heavey and link)
Mignini: a career civil servant

Has the prosecutor himself, Mr. Mignini ever treated
you badly in his direct dealings with you?
Do you know of Judge Michael Heavey of the
Washington State Supreme Court? Have you ever
met him?
Have you ever sent, or are you aware if your Italian legal
Which of these two persons is
team has ever sent any missive or information better prepared to intervene in this
concerning your arrest and imprisonment to Judge case in a formal, methodical,
Heavey? documented manner?
Are you aware of any formal investigation or judicial
process (including requesting interviews and
documentation of the parts concerned) which Judge
Heavey has initiated from America concerning alleged
illegalities committed by the Italian judiciary in your case?
Can we confirm that: Heavey has never spoken to your
Italian lawyer Ghirga? Has he interviewed Mignini? Has
he interviewed Claudia Matteini?
Are you aware when he sent his official (on Washington
State Supreme Court letterhead) letter to the Italian
judicial authorities, if he remembered to attach any
documents or evidence justifying his accusations?
19. "The Exorcist"
Capanne Prison Chaplain Don Saulo
Scarabottoli (Dec. 2007): Amanda is going to
tell her truth (pending confirmation and link)
Questioning on 18 Dec 2007: Amanda invokes
her right to not respond to questions, after 2
questions from Prosecutor Mignini which
provoked an emotional response from her
(violent shaking and crying as I recall). She
looked at her lawyer and then at Mignini and
stated: I want to avail myself of my right to not

There's a famous Spanish professor of the
University of Salamanca, Fray Luis de León,
who was arrested in the 1500's and spent 5
years in prison. On his release he returned to ??!!?
the University, and started his first class ?
following his imprisonment with the sentence
"As I was saying yesterday ..." . Please! Mr.
Mignini, ask the same questions as you had in
your notebook on 18 December 2007! And ask
the rest of the questions from that same list too!
20. "Contamíname, Mézclate Conmigo“
Pending links

What did you see or hear when the door was broken down?
In the days prior to the crime, was Raffaele any more
present then other men in the girls part of the cottage (for
example, Giacomo or Marco) ?.... or maybe you're not able
to answer that question if you yourself weren't that much in Which of these two
the cottage in the prior days. methods of bra handling
On the morning of discovery of the crime, did Raffaele at is more likely to cause
any point enter further into Meredith's room than either Luca DNA contamination?
or the Postal Police agent?
Are you aware of Raffaele suffering a cold, dandruff, excema
or any other health or physical condition which could have
made him leave bodily tissues or fluids on Meredith's
Are you aware of Raffaele ever touching purposefully or
accidentally Meredith's undergarments?
With what products did Raffaele usually clean his knife
21. "The Fall-Guy"
Amanda of Rudy: “I had only just met him
three or four times and hardly knew him”
Raffaele: I don't know Rudy. I’m afraid about
the things he will invent (pending quote and link)
Judge Micheli concerning Rudy: Guilty of
murder (pending link)
Tell us about your relation with Rudy. Did
you see him on one or more occasions in
the boys flat below you (as the boys who
lived there have declared)?.
Did he ever enter the upper flat of the
Did you ever (how many times) see him
alone or in the company of others (eg. the
boys from downstairs) in Perugia?
What did you think of Rudy as a person?
Did he ever sell you drugs? Did you find him
On the basis of what you know of Rudy,
would you think him capable of murder?
Thank you for deciding to testify today after
a year and a half of silence; would you be
willing to continue to help in clarifying this
crime, by participating in a face-to-face
session with either Raffaele or Rudy?
22. And, finally, "The Great Divide"
The images we have of the players in this case say a lot:
Compare Meredith in her “Some Say” (Kristian Leontiou) video, to Amanda in her drinking video, to Rudy in
his vampire video, to Raffaele and his violent manga comics.

Please describe, taking all the time you need, what you thought of Meredith. Also your relationship (both good
and - if any - bad aspects).
Describe how her death affected you. How did you manage to get over your grief?
Why didn't you go to the memorial service in the main plaza?
Tell us about a fun or funny incident with Meredith from before her death.
Tell us about a moment of disagreement.
Were you angry that Meredith was going to start working part time for Patrick?
If so, were you angry at Meredith, or at Patrick or at both of them?
Were you attracted to Giacomo? Were you angry that Meredith had become close to him?
What are Raffaele's characteristics which attracted you to him (apart from his Harry Potter glasses!)?
If your sister was brutally murdered what action might you take to secure the truth so your mother would be
comforted in knowing about her final hour?
Presently you must be aware you are the centre of the universe for many people who care a great deal about
you and for Meredith Kercher.
As much as you have expressed your passion for Italy would you say it is your desire to stay here in Perugia?

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