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IAS zone: Human development

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Human development
This is a summary of Human development chapter of economic survey [] to reap demographic dividend population needs to be skilled, healthy and literate india ranks 134 on HDI due to low literacy and poor healthcare ranks 129 on gender inequality' worse than pakistan, bangladesh and srilanka dimensions of inclusive development poverty alleivation employment generation health education women empowerment social welfare financial inclusion social inclusion social sector spending mostly focussed on education[40% of social sector spending] 3.3% of GDP spent on education public health expenditure much lesser than private health expenditure 1.36% of GDP Poverty poverty line based on monthly per cap consumption expenditure MPCE arrived at through NSSO surveys every 5 years poverty declined from 37 to 30% between 2004-05 to 2009-10 1.5% decline per year improvements in IMR and income inequality gini coefficient measures deviation of distribution of income India-35.8 lower than SOuth africa, lanka etc rural consumption expenditure increased at faster rate than urban employment grew by 1.6% per annum in last decade slowed down in second half of decade lower labour force participation rate declined from 430 in 2004-05 to 400 per thousand greater number of people opting for education/skill development female employment fall in female employment in rural areas indicates more rural women are continuing education unemployment declined in last 5 years



IAS zone: Human development

unemployment rate decline greater than employment growth more people are opting for education poverty alleivation schemes MGNREGA 53% women participated against mandated 33% enhances bargaining power of agricultural labour reduced distress migration recent initiatives electronic fund management to reduce delays in wage disbursal additional employment beyond 100 days in drought affected areas integration with UID convergence with other schemes like total sanitation campaign NRLM also called ajeevika self employment program assist poor families through bank credit and subsidy for creating income generating assets features every woman member from poor household must be member of a SHG SHG members provided training provision of funds to SHG and also interest subsidy SJSRY For urban unemployed and Under employed encourage self employment social protection programmes AABY life and disability cover 18-59 years includes rural landless includes education scholarship for children RSBY 30000 per family per annum 75:25 share 90:10 special category states smart card based portability National social security fund support schemes for unorganised sector like beedi workers, weavers, toddy tappers etc Rural infrastructure development Bharat nirman water supply electrification irrigation roads housing telecommunication Indira awas yojana PM gram sadak yojana rural drinking water program aims to provide 40 ltr per cap per day so far 84% rural houses covered sanitation only 32% household have toilets new strategy- community sanitation approach urban infrastructure program JNNURM includes provision of shelter and basic services to urban poor extended till 2014


Skill development

IAS zone: Human development

National skill development council approved 24 training projects Udaan- private sector led skills training program for JK youth Education 12th plan focus teacher training accountability enforcement capacity building in secondary schools Elementary and secondary education Right to education out of school population 134 lakh to 81 lakh between 2005-09 inservice teacher traning imrpovement in school infrastructure Mid day meals covers 1-8 standard convergence with NRHM MIS used to monitor scheme RMSA aims at improving access and quality of secondary education includes infrastructure, teacher training Models schools scheme implemented in 6000 educationally backward blocks implemented by state government sakshar bharat adult education aimed at 80% literacy by end of 11th FYP higher education among largest in world with over 600 universities 11th plan initiatives improvement of access curriculum reforms use of IT for distance education Health NRHM launched in 2005 increased community involvement decentralized public health system improved manpower, drugs, equipment JSY launched 2005 to reduce MMR promotes institutional deliveries Janani shishu suraksha yojana covers all pregnant women free delivery, drugs, diet, transport etc National vector borne disease contorl, programme to contorl malaria, dnegue, chikungunya, japanese encephalitis, Kala-azar, lymphatic filariasis kala-azar , filariasis to be eliminated by 2015 PM swasthya suraksha yojana to correct regional imbalance in territary healthcare 6 AIIMS like institutes to come up in bhopal bhubaneswar jodhpur patna rishikesh AYUSH mainstream allopathic services


women and child development ICDS IGMSY Rashtriya mahila kosh micro credit to poor women policies to address violence against women

IAS zone: Human development

varma committee-examine punishments in cases of aggravted sexual assault usha mehra committee- identify lapses in policing in delhi crisis centres counselling centres financial assistance to victims challenges need to balance imperatives of growth and inclusion growth should lead to higher and better jobs need to move towards more production and growth oriented schemes convergence of schemes empower PRIs and promote decentralisation in plan programme implementation need to convert outlays into outcomes Boxes Socio economic caste census puprose - to better identify BPL families based on NC saxena recommended criteria door to door enumeration conducted by states with support from union ASER education survey positive increased enrollment better pupil teacher ratio better provision of girl toilets more libraries negatives fall in basic reading and arithmetic levels children attendance declined
Posted by bharath at 5:34 AM Labels: Economic survey, economy, Human development
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IAS zone: Human development

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