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Perum Bumi Abdi Negara Blok Q No. 7-8 Tasikmalaya West Java Mobile Phone: 08129942413 or 081802036088 E-mail Address: or

General Practitioner (Post PTT), Emergency Trained, Health Promoter

JOB EXPERIENCE October 2005 December 2006 : Working at MSF-France, Sigli Base

1. October December 2005: As a supervisor at Mutiara Hospital, Beureunun, Aceh. Responsibilities: - Promoting the quality of health care within the hospital with MSFs protocols as standard - Promoting the referral system between mobile clinics, Community Health Centre (Puskesmas), Mutiara Hospital, Sigli Hospital and Banda Aceh Hospital - Make good coordination with other health facilities and ``Health Department - Make monthly report and planning

2. January March 2006:

as mobile clinic medical-psychologist team coordinator at Tangse, Mane and Geumpang Sub District, Pidie Distric, Aceh. Responsibilities : - Make good coordination with all local authorities (Head of the Sub Districts, Head of the Police, Head of the Army, and Chief of the Villages) in the area where MSF open the program - Make good coordination within the team (between the medical team and the psychologist team) - Promoting the quality of health care within the areas in the collaboration with the Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) - Make monthly report and planning

3. April 2006 December 2006 : as ICU and Surgical ward supervisor in Sigli Hospital, Aceh Responsibilities : - Responsible for emergency cases - Promoting referral system from the Puskesmas, within the hospital, and with Banda Aceh Hospital. - Promoting the quality of nursing care and emergency management - Collaborate with PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) to make a small blood bank within the hospital. - Make a good coordination with the Hospital Board and Health Department - Make monthly report and planning

September 2005

: In House Doctor at Club Med Ria Bintan, Indonesia Responsible for the guests health care and infirmary orders

March 2005 August 2005 : General practitioner at private clinic Citra in Jakarta Responsible for emergency case January 2005 : Volunteer for tsunami victims in Aceh Providing health care for the refugees and evacuation teams


1. Trainer 2. Emergency care 3. Team management 4. Computer : Windows Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Out Look) Internet Explorer SPSS Bahasa/Indonesian : English : Sundanese : Acehnese : able to write and speak fluently able to write and speak fluently able to write and speak fluently able to speak a bit

5. Languages : -

6. Common to work in a multi-cultural environment

TRAININGS and COURSES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GELS/General Emergency Life Support ( certified November 2006) ACLS/Advance Cardiac Life Support ( certified July 2005) DOTS/Direct Observed Therapy-Short (certified August 2004) HIV in the Southern Hemisphere, Epicentres Scientific Day, Paris, May 2006 Vaccine-preventable Diseases , Epicentres Scientific Day, Paris, May 2006 Diagnostic Tools of Tuberculosis and Malaria , Epicentres Scientific Day, Paris, May 2006 7. Challenges for Neglected Diseases with Drug Resistant Tuberculosis , Epicentres Scientific Day, Paris, May 2006

ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCES 1. Attending MSF-Frances Coordinators Week, MSF-France Headquarter Office, Paris, May 2006 2. Attending MSF-France: Indonesia Mission Coordination Meeting , MSF-France Headquarter Office, Paris, May 2006 3. Member of Asian Medical Student Association/ AMSA (June 2000 June 2001) 4. Member of FMUIs Preventive Health Care Study Group (December 1999 June 2001) 5. FMUIs Committee Chairman of Student Board for charity (November 2000 March 2001)

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1. Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta (1998 2005) 2. Taruna Nusantara Senior High School, Magelang (1995 1998)

PERSONAL INFORMATION Place, Date of Birth : Tasikmalaya, December 15, 1979 Religion Marital Status Nationality : Moslem : Single : Indonesian

REFERENCES 1. Marine Berthet-Tampubolon, Field Coordinator, MSF-France Indonesia, Mobile phone: +6281360246651, 2. Zaher Osman, Medical Doctor, former Head of Mission, MSF-France Indonesia, 3. Soroosh Sereshkii, Medical Doctor, former Field Coordinator, MSF-France Sigli, Mobile phone: +989151110860, 4. Peter Zelas, MD, BS, FRACS, FRCS (ED) , MSF-France Colorectal Surgeon, Mobile phone: +9621217644, PIZELAS@BIGPOND.NET.AU 5. Elodie Fletcher, MSF-France Psychologist, Mobile phone: +33681914325,

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