Womens Orgasms

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The Definitive Guide to Womens Orgasms

A-Spot/Deep Spot, G-Spot, U-Spot and Clitoral Stimulation.

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Copyright modernorgasm.com, 2008-2009. All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 1 - Walk Before You Run Introduction A Little Physiology What is an Orgasm? Importance of Relaxation and Foreplay Section 2 Preparing the Body and Mind Step 1 Setting the Mood Step 2 Release the Body Step 3 Sensual Meets Foreplay Section 3 Stimulation 101 Basic Position Clitoral Stimulation U-Spot Stimulation G-Spot Stimulation 17 18 20 21 12 13 16 3 4 8 10


SECTION 1 - Walk Before You Run

Introduction This Book Will Change Your Life.

This is a modern world. We are in the age of modern sexual sensibility. An age where sexual gratification is the foundation to a healthy life and long-lasting relationship. I am not advocating that it is the only element, but it is certainly, in my experience, the element that seems first to evaporate. In this day and age, social conditioning has led us to believe that Love and Sex are on the same level it is not true. Although Love and Sex do share a level of symbiosis, they are not equal; it is very possible, as in the case of a failing relationship, to be sexually active without an emotional connection. However, one thing is certain; you are either a average lover or a great lover. The reasons you are here is to; increase your own knowledge; breathe new life into sexually repetitious relationship; live new experiences; or simply to be the best lover you can. In any case, you have decided to take action, and with this mentality you cannot fail. If you want to give your partner the best orgasms they have had, and will ever have, then this is the book for you. Remember, this is not a war of the sexes, you want great sex just as much as the next person, and the most exciting thing about what I am about to teach you is that anyone can achieve this; it doesnt require some genetic pre-disposition or amazing physique. All you need is to listen and learn from your lover; be sensitive and attentive to their needs and the results will literally come flooding in. FACT: This e-book will give you instantaneous results if you put the work in. It will not do the work for you. Knowing is different to doing. Trust me; it is so worth the doing! Best of Luck and life, Leo

A little Physiology.

The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand. Frank Herbert A look Under the Hood. Like anything in this world, we do through understanding. However, most of the time, we do through what we think we understand. How many of us has actually sat down and tried to breakdown the female genitalia? A very small percentage. If we dont know what we are dealing with, how can we ever understand its full potential? In this section I am going to break down some basic female physiology; putting a name to the face so to speak.

(Fig.1) Interior - Female Reproductive System.

(Fig.2) Exterior Female Vulva.

As you can see from Fig.1, I have highlighted the main areas of sexual stimulation we are going to explore: 1. Clitoris

2. U-Spot
3. G-Spot

4. A-Spot/Deep Spot
Fig.2 shows a close-up exterior shot of the female genitalia. We will be coming back to this image later when we discuss more advanced methods, however, please take the time to familiarize yourself with its content. NOTE: I would like to note the images only show the relative position of the erotic spots, so you may find that they vary slightly with every female body. Hopefully this will prompt you to play around a little bit when it comes to locating and manipulating the hot-spots. The Clitoris This is the most well known spot of the female genitalia. It is located at the top of the vulva, where the inner labia forms an inverted v shape at its end. The visible part is roughly the size of a pea. It is female equivalent of the tip of the male penis, and is slightly covered by a fold of protective of skin, the Prepus. It contains roughly 8000 nerve endings, almost double the nerve endings found in males, making it very well suited for sexual stimulation. During sexual intercourse it becomes enlarged (swollen and erect) and more sensitive. Roughly 2/5 women do not easily reach orgasm from

vaginal stimulation, therefore during intercourse, it is important to include stimulation by means of oral, digital, or mechanical manipulation. Recently reports claim that the clitoris is much larger than previously thought, much of it being retained beneath the surface. The part that is visible is simply the head; similar to the male penis, the rest of its length hides beneath the surface and extends down, surrounding the vaginal opening. This means that, although the shaft is not as sensitive as the head, when the penis is inserted the shaft will be massaged by each pelvic thrust. The U-Spot. The Skenes glands: commonly referred to as the U-Spot, Female Prostate or ParaUrethral glands. They are a small patch of sensitive erectile tissue located on the anterior wall just below and on either side of the urethral opening. Many women have reported that if this region was gently caressed, with the finger, the tongue, or the tip of the penis, there is a powerful and pleasurable erotic response. The glands are homologous with the prostate glands found in men. However, in the male, the urethral tube delivers both urine and seminal fluid containing sperm. It is believed that the Skenes glands are the source of female ejaculate fluid. During moments of intense orgasm commonly associated with the G-Spot stimulation, they secrete, out of the Urethra, an alkaline liquid that is chemically similar to male seminal fluid. Women who experience ejaculation (which can range from a few drops to a few tablespoonfuls), sometimes imagine that the moment of climax has forced them into involuntary urination, but this is simply because they do not understand their own physiology. G-Spot. Since its discovery it has been widely coined as a term for inexperienced males to demonstrate their sexual prowess. However, the right method and location has been widely misconstrued over time. Many researchers are still arguing to its existence at all. The G spot (aka the Grfenberg spot) is a patch of sensitive erectile tissue zone about two or three inches inside the vagina on the anterior (front) wall, closest to the clitoris or pubic bone. When touched it will feel like a squashed raspberry, and will become slightly larger with more arousal. The G-Spot has been linked heavily with the concept of female ejaculation. Persistent stimulation of this hot-spot has been described as extremely and violently pleasurable, causing ejaculate fluid secretion and intense all body orgasmic contractions. A-Spot/Deep Spot. The Anterior Fornix Erogenous zone (aka the AFE zone, A-spot, Epicenter, Deep spot or the Second G-Spot) is a patch of sensitive tissue located in the innermost point, anterior wall (ceiling), of the vagina, just above the cervix, between the cervix and the bladder.

It will feel like the ridge of a Frisbee. It is described by many specialists as the 'female degenerated prostate'. In other words, it is the female equivalent of the male prostate. Direct stimulation of this spot can produce violent orgasmic contractions, and can lubricate very quickly, sometimes without any other form of stimulation. Unlike the clitoris, it is not supposed to suffer from post-orgasmic over-sensitivity. The orgasm reached by this method is said to be distinct from the orgasms reached by stimulation of the clitoris. Other women say that it is similar in sensation to an orgasm achieved by G-spot stimulation, while others say it is more intense. An orgasm as a result of AFE zone stimulation can last more than a minute.

Now that you have a good understanding of the basic physiology of the female genitalia, I can imagine that you have already begun thinking about possible applications of these hot-spots during intercourse. But, dont jump ahead, in the next section, we are going to explore all over body relaxing massage and foreplay, which will increase the orgasmic experience.

What is an Orgasm?

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows. Epictetus When a woman becomes sexually aroused, her heart rate increases, her breathing quickens and natural chemicals such as endorphins are released. Her breasts become more sensitive to touch and her nipples become erect whilst the areolas become noticeably enlarged. Some women flush red on their face, neck and chest, and as discussed earlier, her genitalia becomes engorged with blood and secretions occur inside and at the opening of the vagina. Her labia flatten and open and the vagina lengthens and widens internally. As the arousal/stimulation increases, so does engorgement which in turn makes her body even more sensitive. The clitoris however, instead of continually swelling, begins to retract under the clitoral hood and decreases in length by about 50%. This is usually a signal that an orgasm is imminent; for the majority of females, as long as optimal stimulation continues. The orgasm begins with strong muscle contractions within the vagina, along with all over body sensations. Some women even report overwhelming warmth that surges through their entire being. These contractions can last from four seconds to about 1 minute, depending upon the method of stimulation and hot-spot manipulation. Tantric sex boasts that the orgasm can be extended indefinitely, given the right preparation and methods. The contractions tend to occur at intervals of 0.8 seconds, and the inner two-thirds of the vagina usually opens more whilst the uterus contracts. The muscular contractions usually occur in the outer third of the vagina, uterus and anus. During orgasm, skin flushing/reddening generally reaches its maximum. Muscles may continue contracting, while blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate continue to rise. Signs of Orgasm. The first of the muscular contractions are usually the most intense. 1. 2. A mild orgasm may have 3 -5 contractions, an intense orgasm 10 -15. The skin flushing/reddening becomes even more noticeable, possibly covering a greater percentage of the body. 3. 4. 5. Muscular convulsions may affect the rest of the body during orgasm. The women may secrete female ejaculate from the Urethra. A woman's facial expression and groans heighten as the orgasm intensifies.

The Orgasm Sensation. Every sensation or nerve stimulation that we experience in life is completely subjective, as everyones brain interprets physical stimuli differently, and is dependent solely on the individual's perception. Women generally report a tingling in the spine, brain, genital areas, and overwhelming warmth that spreads through the rest of the body. Along with powerful muscular contractions or spasms within the vagina that are very pleasurable. Other women report almost passing out, whilst others report an earth moving" experience. Women who experience female ejaculation report a feeling of needing to pee just before they orgasm. This often the reason that a lot of self-conscious women fail to experience squirting, as they feel uncomfortable letting go of this feeling in fear that they may urinate.


Importance of Relaxation and Foreplay.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply! Goethe What do I mean by relaxation? The modern world comes with a lot of external pressures that over time can build and begin to press on us without us even realizing. A lot of these pressures present themselves as muscular tension. Even low self esteem can cause a womans body to tighten up and not allow her to let go of her inhibitions. It is easy to say that as a species we are very self-conscious of ourselves in a sexual capacity, and therefore, how can we fully free ourselves sexually if we are held back by unwanted and unneeded tension? Releasing tension can take some time, but one thing is for sure, the more tension free we are, the more intense the sexual experience can be. This is a very important point that I am trying to make, and you should take it very seriously. A lot of women are not very sexually open to new sensations and ways of experimenting. The sexual act can be a very vulnerable, and sometimes, embarrassing experience, so it is vital that you try to make every second as relaxing as possible. Fear based emotions can cause a woman to literally stop her own orgasmic experiences or at least make it less pleasurable for them. Examples of relaxation methods are: 1. Mutual Bath or Shower.

2. Massage (not sensual). 3. A small drink or nice meal (Im not advocating getting drunk) 4. Relaxing Music/Atmosphere/Scents etc.
5. Warm space. Once your partner has reached a point of relaxation through some method, they will be in a calmer state of mind. This calmer state will allow her to release her muscles throughout the stimulation phases of this course. NOTE: It is important to note that it is worthwhile trying to promote a playful and fun sense of mind. If the woman is too conscious of what is taking place, without a relaxed/playful mindset, her body can naturally tense up, making it very difficult to let go and allow the sensations to take over. What Do I Mean by Foreplay?


The term foreplay comes with a lot of negative connotations, especially from men. For men the preparation for sexual intercourse occurs much quicker than in women; having no glands to secrete lubrication. Sex is a form of exercise just as much as it is a method for replication or pleasure. In order to achieve maximum proficiency in terms of results i.e. orgasm, a well warmed up body reacts much better than a cold one, and reduces the amount of micro injury. Foreplay allows time for the sexual organs to fill with blood and glands to begin lubricating the interior and exterior of the vagina. When the organs are fully primed for intercourse, the excess of blood increases the response of the nerve endings in and around the vagina, making it much more sensitive and responsive to different forms of stimulation. Foreplay can take the form of kissing, touching, embracing, talking, teasing, oral sex and sensual massage. It is often advisable to work up to foreplay through the relaxing phase. After time and experience you will become accustomed to your partners body and how responsive her body becomes at different stages of arousal. DONT RUSH...As tempting as it is for every man to skip a step here and there, think about your partner first. Many women just as men like skipping steps because of the sexual gratification of full on sex, but, this is generally because of previous inexperienced who have rushed on. If you want your partner to experience mind blowing full body orgasms, you must take the time to relax her body and warm-up the relevant organs first. As I have said before...LISTEN TO HER BODY.



SECTION 2 Preparing the Body and Mind.

Step 1 Setting the Mood.

As said in the previous section, it is very important to make sure that your partner is as relaxed as possible before you move on to foreplay and stimulation. Dont get me wrong, I am not adverse to the concept of quickies or getting straight to the good part, but, if you want your partner to experience the full potential of the orgasmic experience, you cant rush it. Before beginning massaging, it is important to create a relaxing and atmospheric space, from which she feels more comfortable to enter a mental and muscular relaxation to facilitate a higher state of arousal which increases the stimulation for more pleasure. The massage is also an excellent activity to build trust, and to get to know each others body more intimately. The more relaxed she is, the less fear she will have to let herself go. Follow the guidelines from section The Importance of Relaxation and Foreplay as a general note on how to create the right type of mood and mentality before you move on to the next step.


Step 2 Release the Body.

The Massage. NOTE: The best oil to use for the entire process is Grape Seed Oil. Its a natural oil that is perfect for massaging both the exterior and interior of the female genitalia. Always make sure that you are using enough oil and that you have warmed it up in your hands. Do not massage directly on any bone. If you feel, within a particular area, a tight knot of muscle, continue to massage that area until the muscles release and become malleable. Listen to her body.

1. Once you partner is in a calm and relaxed frame of mind, position her so she is
laying on her front. Gently rub in the oil over her back, bum, inner and outer thighs. Begin to massage without the purpose of arousal, the upper back and shoulders, working/kneading the muscles with your thumbs in a small to large circular motion.

2. After you have worked the neck and shoulder area until it is warm with fresh
blood and supple, begin moving to the upper back, kneading at either side of the spine with your thumbs, working down to the base of the spine and then back up. Do this a few times slowly, until it feels released. 3. Begin working the flesh around the lower back and sides. It is sometimes advisable to add a little more pressure around the mid-section, as a lighter touch tends to cause a tickling sensation. As the flesh is a little more malleable around this area, you can try squeezing the skin and underlying muscle in a pinching action. Concentrate on one side at a time with both hands, and when it is complete, move to the other side.

4. Now that her back is nice and warm, you can try a very nice way of relieving
tension around the shoulder blades. Place one of her arms horizontally across the base of her back (similar to if she had her hands tied behind her back.) This arm position allows the muscular release and lifting of the corresponding shoulder blade, allowing you to now, as you support the arm with your other hand, carefully slip your hand underneath the raised shoulder blade. Repeat on other side.

5. As you move down again, massaging firmly along either side of the tail bone until
you reach the buttocks. Now you can begin using wider circles as you work the area. Remember, this area is well cushioned, you may have to be quite firm to affect the muscle effectively. There is a lot of tension held in this area, and because of this, there is a general sweet-spot in the centre of each buttock. As you massage deeply with your thumbs, ask your partner to guide you to this


sweet spot, trust me she will know when you find it as it is not necessarily pleasant, but important to release. When you are done with the spot, you can work the rest of the buttocks with your thumbs. Dont forget underneath the buttocks. 6. Just below the buttocks, you can begin working the back of the thighs and moving around to the inner thigh of both legs. Work one leg at a time with both hands. There is another sweet spot located on the inner thigh that, once again, your partner will have to guide you too as it varies with different people. NOTE: Your main objective here is to release the muscle. Try to be firm not soft. You can concentrate on being more sensual after your partners body is released. Once you have completed releasing these areas, ask your partner to turn over and lay flat on her back. From here you begin the same again, working her upper half down to the genital region. Remember to apply more oil, making sure that she is soft and supple, reducing the level of friction before you begin.

1. When she is relaxed, begin by working the spots just beneath her collar bones.
This is another sensitive spot so listen to her as you slowly work the area firmly. Try working with her breaths; massaging on the out. Concentrate on one side at a time. This area tends to store a lot of tension so it is important to work it quite a lot before moving on.

2. The next area of tension, and it varies with different women, is the Pectoralis
muscle located beneath the breasts. A good spot tends to lay just under the top of either nipple. Ask your partner, once again, to guide you to it as you press down, and as before, begin working the area with your thumbs. Work both sides until they smooth out. Another spot is under the breasts, so make sure you work this entire area well.

3. The next spot is one of the most important areas. It takes the shape of v and is
located just above the pubic bone. This area is quite sensitive so listen to your partner as you massage, making sure that you work it as much as possible before moving on. Work with both fingers and thumb, making sure to be firm.

4. The next is probably one of the most forgotten about tension spots. It is located
on both sides of the vagina, between the labia and the thigh. It is the area where the natural swell of the labia begins to flatten as it meets the thigh. When you find it, begin working, one side at a time, with your fingers. Make sure that you work this area to the full length of the labia. Be firm but not too hard. NOTE: These areas are just the typical tension spots that we are concerned with for the purpose of what we are trying to achieve. Remember, every woman is different. If you


would like to use even more methods to release her body by all means do so, just be sure to perform the ones listed here.

In the future, I will be creating a separate e-book on Sensual Massage and Tantra, so keep in contact for mail-out information by filling in your details at www.modernorgasm.com.


Step 3 Sensual Meets Foreplay.

Once the blood has begun to flow within the muscles you have been working, you can begin making the massage a little more sensually. By sensual I mean playfully, taking time to tempt her sexually. The key to sensual massage is breathing. Make sure that you match your breathing rhythm to your partner as you begin massaging her erogenous zones. Zones include: Neck, Ears, Lips, Scalp, Breasts/Nipples, Clitoris/labia, Perineum (the area between the vagina and the anus), Buttocks, The Small of Her Back, Her Fingers and Toes. Also, areas of soft tissue such as: the backs of her knees, the insides of her arms, the inside of her elbow, the inner thighs, or her palms etc. As the massaging becomes more heated, try varying the manipulation by stroking, kissing, licking, blowing, nibbling/biting and teasing. Gentle stimulation is usually more arousing than pressure that's hard or rough, and if you can catch her off guard it is generally more stimulating. Remember, the largest organ of the entire body is the skin, and there is a lot of it to explore. Be playful but dont give in. keep teasing until she cant take anymore. This in itself is sometime enough to bring a women to orgasm.


SECTION 3 Stimulation 101.

Basic Position.

Ok, you have released her muscles as much as you possibly can, her body and organs have begun to fill with blood, and she is a little heated from all the erotic foreplay. The next stage is focused stimulation. When your partner is fully relaxed and aroused, have her lie on her back with pillows under her head. Have her bring her feet in, half way to her bum, so her knees are bent and pointing to the ceiling; semi supine position. It is best to do this on a soft surface such as a bed, if not you could also place a pillow, covered with a towel, under her hips. Let her knees fall apart so her legs butterfly to the sides; pillows under the knees at both sides can also help with her relaxation. This can be a very vulnerable position, which is why her relaxation is so important, her genitals are fully exposed. Remember to breathe deeply, slowly and with relaxation during the entire process. At certain points she may hold her breath due to the stimulation, if this happens, prompt her to breathe freely again, and to relax her body. NOTE: Before you begin any form or prolonged stimulation techniques, make sure that your partner is well oiled. The areas that you will be manipulating are very sensitive, so, there is nothing worse than unnecessary friction. As a rule: Pressure = Good, Friction = Bad.


Clitoral Stimulation.

Methods of stimulation include:

1. Oral Stimulation: (aka oral sex, eating pussy, or cunnilingus) is possibly one of
the best and most exciting ways to stimulate the clitoris. The tongue can be very precise, and can be hard or soft. Saliva also provides a natural lubrication.

2. Fingers: Not as effective as oral stimulation but still very enjoyable. Fingers are
also handy because they can simultaneously play with other hot-spots.

3. Sex Toys: offer maximum clitoral stimulation. Many are designed specifically to
stimulate the entire clitoral zone using low to high frequency vibrations. They also come in different shapes and sizes to be used as additional stimulators during intercourse.

4. Intercourse: As said in a previous section, many women cant orgasm through

intercourse alone. Therefore, it is important to use a range of stimulation to encourage her body to become more sensitive and orgasmic. Technique. Gently squeeze the outer lips of her labia between the thumb and index finger, and slide up and down the entire length of each lip. Do the same to the inner lips. Take your time. Urge her to inform you whether the pressure, speed, depth, etc. need to be increased or decreased. However, try to keep conversation to a minimum. Vary between clockwise and anti-clockwise circles as you stroke the clitoris, and gently squeeze it between thumb and index fingers. As your partner becomes more aroused, the clitoris will become engorged with blood, making it slightly larger and a darker shade of red. Position yourself in-between her legs. You are going to start oral stimulation. Begin by lightly licking the inner thighs, leading up to the vagina. Take your time; this is a very pleasurable experience for her. As you navigate the contours of her labia, let the end of your tongue enter the opening of her vagina, as it passes by. As you slowly build on this, begin lightly circling the clitoris; at some points letting it pass your lips into your mouth. From here you can begin lightly nibbling, being careful not to be over eager. The next technique I call the washing machine; because thats what it reminds me of. Take the clitoris into your mouth, along with some of the labia. It should be positioned just below your top set of teeth; but not touching, and your tongue should meet it underneath. You will need a certain amount of suction to keep it in your mouth. Begin swirling your tongue around the clitoris, allowing it to move any way it wants. You will soon realize that it is very easy to isolate the clit to increase stimulation, or back off for a general amount.


A Little Trick: when your partner is close to orgasm, the clit will have, as I can only describe from my experience, a slight metallic taste. I can only imagine that this is due to the sudden rush of blood that causes it to swell before orgasm. DONT LET HER ORGASM YET! Position yourself alongside your partner, with whichever arm free to continue the stimulation. Take the 2nd and 3rd fingers of your hand and place them directly over the clitoris; feeling the clit resting against your fingertips. Apply a small amount of pressure as you begin circular movements with the hands. As your partner becomes more aroused, begin applying more pressure, taking note to listen to her body if its too much. After a certain amount of time; varying with each woman, the vagina will begin to feel very warm as her natural fluids begin to lubricate the aroused area. When this happens, begin combining a penetrative movement of the fingers into the vagina; along the upper wall, then back out to continue the clitoral stimulation. This combination will tease the inner muscles and excite the contractive muscles in the vaginal wall. Here is the Secret: When your partner begins contracting from the imminent orgasm, slow down and go back a step. It may be somewhat frustrating for your partner but trust me; it will be very worth it in the end. Continue to do this a couple of times; the more you build this, the bigger the pay off. Another Trick: A lot of women report over-sensitivity of the clitoris after they orgasm; men report the same. Something you can try is, rather than continuing to stimulate, simply continue to hold your fingers over the clitoris with a little pressure. You are not stimulating, but, you are also not removing the stimulation. This can often have a cyclical feedback effect, which can either lengthen the orgasm or even cause another. I have also found that adding downward pressure just above the pubic bone can sometimes intensify the orgasm. The most important thing about any of these techniques is play and practice. Try out new things; I doubt she will mind too much.


U-Spot Stimulation.

As the relative position of the Urethra is so close to the Clitoris, it is very difficult to not, if not directly, stimulate this area during stimulation of the general vaginal area. However, using some of the methods explained previously, isolating this spot can be very pleasurable. Have your partner begin in the basic position after she is relaxed and aroused. Start by lightly kissing the inside of her thighs, using the teeth to slightly nibble your way up. When you reach the labia, use your tongue to caress its contours until you reach the clitoris. Take your time. Take the 1st finger and thumb of either hand and place them to either side of the labia above the clitoris. Spread your fingers, opening the labia and exposing the Urethra. Begin slowly circling your tongue around its surface; it should slightly swell. Keep licking, sucking and circling your tongue around this area whilst you circle the 1st and 2nd fingertips of your other hand around the inside of the vaginal opening. Many women report this to be very pleasurable, even if it does not lead to orgasm, but with the right amount of hot-spot combinations, there is no reason that it shouldnt.


G-Spot Stimulation.

Important things to know: 1. All women have a G-spot.

2. Massaging the G-spot can lead to multiple orgasms and female ejaculation

3. All women can achieve a G-spot orgasm.

G spot orgasm With practice and some luck, G spot massage will produce an orgasm. The man can feel the orgasm happening by feeling the orgasmic contractions around his finger or thumb. This will be a light, rhythmical squeezing and releasing of the vagina, lasting about 5 to 10 seconds. Multiple G spot Orgasm If you keep going after the first orgasm, its possible to reach a second, third or more. In some cases, clitoral stimulation can produce multiple orgasms, but the most common way is G spot massage. If you reach the first orgasm from G spot massage, have a rest for about 20 seconds, but then you can begin massaging the G-spot again, as long as the woman feels comfortable. Many women find stimulation just after orgasm uncomfortable. If you keep going like this you may reach two, three or more orgasms. Leave the 20 second pause after each one, but only after the orgasmic contractions are over - don't stop during the orgasm! Again remember to use firm pressure on the G spot - light rubbing won't do anything. G-spot massage in the Doggy Position For now, forget about sex - the best way to get G-spot pleasure is with fingers or better, a thumb. The best position for G-spot massage is the doggy position. The man should insert his thumb into her vagina (no long or sharp nails please!), press down onto her Gspot, and massage back and forth: If the woman pushes her hips back, this makes her G-spot easier to find and easier to stroke. Close up inside it looks like this:


G-spot massage is not exactly as straightforward as clitoris massage, and there are a few more things you need to know. We'll take you through them all. Here's a rundown of the full G-spot massage technique:

1. Trim your nails short. 2. Lots of foreplay. 3. The woman kneels on all fours in the doggy position and pushes her hips back, as
shown above.

4. The man inserts his thumb into her vagina and presses down onto her G-spot. 5. The man massages her G-spot back and forth, with firm pressure. 6. The woman should relax her PC muscle and keep it relaxed. 7. The woman should let go of the 'pee feeling'.

1. Trim your nails short. Watch out for long or sharp nails. They can cause small cuts or tears in the delicate skin in and around the vagina. 2. Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay. Foreplay builds sexual arousal and fills the sex organs with blood, making them more responsive. The more you foreplay, the more pleasure you'll get when you have sex. Without foreplay, touching your G-spot may be uncomfortable or even painful. Orgasm is much more likely after lots of foreplay. 3. The woman kneels on all fours in the doggy position


And pushes her hips back. This position really helps with G-spot massage. Pushing your hips back increases pressure in your pelvis. Your legs, hips and bum tighten up and gently squash your vagina and the surrounding area. And most importantly, this position pushes the G-spot slightly further out into the vagina, making it easier to find and stimulate. 4. The man inserts his thumb into her vagina and presses down onto her Gspot. He should be able to feel her G-spot as a bumpy, ridged area about one inch in diameter. When a woman is aroused, her G-spot gets larger and protrudes into the vaginal canal. 5. The man massages her G-spot back and forth, with firm pressure. He then rubs the pad of his thumb back and forth on her G-spot. The pressure has to firm. Only a deep, firm massaging will work. Unlike the clitoris, the G-spot doesn't respond to light pressure. 6. The woman should relax her PC muscle and keep it relaxed. The PC muscle in women is very similar to that in men. It connects the tail bone to the pubic bone, it can clench, release and push, and it can be used to prevent the passing of urine. You can feel it in action by placing a finger just inside your vagina and squeezing. It's shown as a thick black band in the diagram below:

Female PC muscle (click to enlarge) When a woman's G-spot is being stroked, she may feel like tensing her PC muscle. Don't do this - she should keep it relaxed. Along with firm pressure on the G-spot, this is one of the keys to G-spot orgasm. Relaxing the PC muscle is also the key to female ejaculation.


For a clitoral orgasm, women usually tense their PC muscle. For a G-spot orgasm it's the opposite. See the page on the difference between clitoral and G-spot orgasms. 7. The woman should let go of the 'pee feeling'. This is the final piece of the G-spot orgasm puzzle, and also unlocks female ejaculation. As pleasure builds during G-spot massage, a woman will feel the sensation of needing to pee. The key to both G-spot orgasm and female ejaculation is to just let this feeling go. What's happening is the build up to female ejaculation or squirting. This is a clear odourless liquid that squirts out of the urethra during G-spot massage. The liquid comes from glands that surround the urethra known as Skene's glands. These glands become engorged during and block the flow of urine from your bladder. Much more information can be found in the female ejaculation section.

"Female ejaculation is the direct result of an intense orgasm. Also known as: come, cum, climax..." In 1978 research by Perry & Whipples documentation and extensive studies confirmed what Berlin gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg had discovered over 25 years earlier: When the G-Spot is firmly enthused, a fluid with a "silky" texture was ejaculated when the female had a whopper of an orgasm. These are called G Spot orgasms G Spot Orgams Time to go to work kids, so now that you have the map lets talk about the treasure. You will only get to that treasure (her pleasure) if you are three things: PATIENT, UNSELFISH and you have GOOD GRIP. Weak handed, short fingered no grip having, intolerant selfish pigs need not apply. This "manipulation" of her G-SPOT is to bring her to orgasm and hopefully some silky female ejaculation. The greatest reward here is if you have ever had sex with a woman who just "came" on your mouth or finger. Her pussy gets wet and silky that when you slide your penis in it goes in like an oily knife into its sheath.

How Do You Operate This Thing? Think of her G-SPOT as the "0" on a combination lock. Dont be concerned where the zero is located it might be located a little off center as if your left-handed one-eyed brother was playing with the lock before you came to open it. Now imagine that when you find "0" it will send a sweet sensation or light shock wave through her body as if someone has just jimmied the lock on the door to her female ejaculation.


Now when you find "0" dont keep tugging on the damn thing because it probably wont open. Finding the G-SPOT is about satisfaction not frustration and every girl has a different combination. Some gals want you to BREAK the lock and some girls want you to PICK the lock. When you find zero "you will know". She will use signs like moaning, groaning, or even grabbing your hand in that great old fashioned way that says, "Stop/Dont Stop". When you get to the G-SPOT dont be concerned about whether or not she is going to have an orgasm be concerned with whether or not you are doing it right. If you have a good prehensile grip and are patient in finding the G-SPOT and unselfish about how long you will "work it" then more than likely she will reach climax and hopefully spray you with a sweet silky gusher of Playboy Bunny lube.

How Will I Know I'm Making Her Hot? Duh! You will knowtrust me, you will know. To get G Spot orgasms, your job is to literally MASSAGE the G SPOT. While doing so make sure you are manipulating other parts of her body like her "lips" and most especially her "clitoris". That is the tri-fecta baby! Put in the work this means, massaging, and licking, sucking, biting, and manipulating the hell out of that little hole. She wants you to find the G-SPOT, she told me. Make sure you are patient in your manipulation you have to find it first. When you do she will not be like a sports car that goes from zero to sixty in 4.8 seconds flat. She will be like a semi-truck or tractor trailer. It will travel very slow up hill and take a lot of focus to drive it. Once you get it over the hill though the truck becomes a juggernaut with nothing stopping the full force of its power not even a runaway ramp! Most women will not let you get out of the cockpit when you take them over that hump until it is over. They will literally tell you right when it happens or is about to happen because THEY ALSO HAVE BEEN PATIENT. It is important that you focus on every hand movement, moan, groan, and "yes" that comes out of her mouth while you are working down under. Now, if you are not even close to her g spot then dont worry you will know that as well because it will be like having sex with a manequin. (Another way to know is if she turns on the TV on while you are searching for her G-SPOT... Don't bore her!)

Female Ejaculation from G Spot Orgasms Female ejaculation is the direct result of a g spot orgasm. Also known as: come, cum, climax which is weird that all synonyms for orgasm start with a "C".


When she finally reaches climax in some you will feel the vagina contract or even "spasm". I have experienced female ejaculation personally in two forms. One was watery, clear, silk-like fluid that flowed in abundance. The second was a little less clear (almost milky) and thicker but just as silky in texture. The G-Spot and female ejaculation are not a secret that only Indiana Jones can produce or find. Your girl has it and wants you to find it and if you are not looking for it then I bet she is doing it herself (or looking for someone who will). It is the lock to her door of pleasure learn the combination. In addition to the vaginal passage and its surrounding labia, the female genitals also boast four sexual 'Hot Spots'. These are small zones of heightened erotic sensitivity, the stimulation of which during the mating act helps to bring the female nearer to an orgasmic condition. They are: the Clitoris, the U-spot, the G-spot, and the A-spot. The first two are outside the vagina, the second two inside it: The G-Spot, or Grafenberg Spot. This is a small, highly sensitive area located 5-8 cm (23 inches) inside the vagina, on the front or upper wall. Named after its discoverer, a German gynaecologist called Ernst Grafenberg, it is sometimes romantically referred to as the Goddess Spot. Research into the nature of the female orgasm, carried out in the 1940s, led to the discovery that the female's urethral tube, that lies on top of the vagina, is surrounded by erectile tissue similar to that found in the male penis. When the female becomes sexually aroused, this tissue starts to swell. In the G-spot zone this expansion rebults in a small patch of the vaginal wall protruding into the vaginal canal. It is this raised patch that is, according to Grafenberg, 'a primary erotic zone, perhaps more important than the clitoris'. He explains that its significance was lost when the 'missionary position' became a dominant feature of human sexual behaviour. Other sexual positions are far more efficient at stimulating this erogenous zone and therefore at achieving vaginal orgasms. It should be pointed out that the term 'G-spot' was not used by Grafenberg himself. As mentioned above, he called it 'an erotic zone', which is a much better description of it. Unfortunately, the modern use of 'G-spot' as a popular term has led to some misunderstanding. Some women have been led to believe, optimistically. that there is a 'sex button' that can be pressed like a starter button, at any time, to cause an erotic explosion. Disappointed, they then come to the conclusion that the whole concept of a 'G-spot' is false and that it does not exist. The truth, as already explained, is that the Gspot is a sexually sensitive patch of vaginal wall that protrudes slightly only when the glands surrounding the urethral tube have become swollen. Several leading gynaecologists denied its existence when it was first discussed at their conferences, and a major controversy arose, but later, when it was specially demonstrated for their benefit, they changed their minds. Sexual politics also entered the debate, when certain anti-male campaigners rejected out of hand the idea that vaginal orgasm could be


possible. For them clitoral orgasm was politically correct and no other would do. How they have reacted to the recent marketing of 'G-spotter' attachments for vibrators is not recorded. Astonishingly, there have been recent reports that some women have been undergoing 'G-spot enhancement'. This involves injecting collagen into the G-spot zone to enlarge it. According to one source, 'One of the latest procedures to catch on is G-spot injection. Similar substances to those injected into the lips to plump them up can now be injected into your G-spot. The idea is that this will increase its sensitivity and so give you better orgasms.' This sounds more like an urban myth than a surgical reality, but where female sexual improvements are concerned, almost anything is possible.


Very gently explore and massage the inside of the Yoni with this finger. Take your time, be gentle, and feel up, down and sideways. Vary the depth, speed and pressure. It is important to remember that this is a massage in which you are nurturing and relaxing the Yoni. With your palm facing up, and the middle finger inside the Yoni, move the middle finger in a "come here" gesture or crook back towards the palm. You will contact a spongy area of tissue just under the pubic bone, behind the clitoris. This is the G-spot or in Tantra, "the sacred spot". She may feel the need to urinate, experience a little discomfort or most hopefully pleasure. Vary the pressure, speed and pattern of movement. You can move side to side, back and forth, or in circles with your middle finger. You can also insert the finger that's between your middle finger and pinky. Most women should have no problem and will enjoy the increased stimulation from two fingers. Take your time and be very gentle. You may use the thumb of the right hand to stimulate the clitoris as well. An option to try if the receiver wants it is to insert the pinky of the right hand into her anus. [In Tantra, it is said that when your pinky is gently massaging her anus, the next finger and middle finger in her Yoni and your thumb on her clitoris, "You are holding one of the mysteries of the universe in your hand."] You can use your left hand to massage her breasts, abdomen, or clitoris. If you massage the clitoris it's usually best to use the thumb in an up down motion, with the rest of the hand resting on, and massaging the mound. The dual stimulation of right and left hands will provide much pleasure for the receiver. Continue massaging, using varying speed, pressure and motion, all the while continuing to breathe deeply and looking into each other's eyes. She may have powerful emotions come up and may cry. Just keep breathing and be gentle. Some women have been sexually abused and need to be healed. A giving, loving and patient partner can be of immeasurable value to her. If she has an orgasm, keep her breathing, and continue massaging if she wants. More orgasms may occur, each gaining in intensity. In Tantra this is called "riding the wave." In ending the massage, slowly, gently, and with respect, remove your hands. Allow her to relax and enjoy the afterglow of the Yoni massage. Cuddling or holding is very soothing as well. As you learn to master the YoniMassage your sex life will be greatly enriched and you will learn a great deal about feminine sexuality.



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