Lecture#3 Kinematic Analysis

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Structural Geology QAB1053

Lecture #3

Learning Outcomes
Students should be able to: z Kinematic analysis determine movements, changes in shape or strain. z Rigid and non rigid body of deformation. z Homogeneous and heterogeneous strain. z Material lines and strain ellipsoid with relation to simple and true shear. z Measurement of strain by using fossils and fragments.
1 QAB 1053 Structural Geology 2

Ki Kinematic ti A Analysis l i
Assoc. Prof. Askury Abd Kadir Geoscience & Petroleum Engineering Department

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

Deformation response of rock body to applied stress. z Rigid body deformation z Non-rigid body deformation (strain)

Rigid Body Deformation

Rock body displace with no change in shape or volume, e.g. translation and rotation.

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

Rigid Body Deformation

Displacement of fault blocks along fault plane or fault slip with no deformation of block also consider as rigid.

Non-rigid Body Deformation (Strain)

Strain change in size and shape body in response to an applied forces z Dilation change in volume or area. z Distortion change in shape

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

Volumetric Strain
z Strain may involve change in volume, as well as distortion. z Volume loss is mainly due to dissolution (chemical process) or compaction (mechanical).

Homogeneous Strain
All points within deforming body undergo same change in shape and volume.

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

Homogeneous Strain - principle

z Straight lines remain straight after deformation z Parallel lines remain parallel after deformation z Circles become ellipses

Material Lines (Reference lines)

z In homogeneously strained body there are two material lines that do not rotate relative to each other. z Remain perpendicular before and after strain z Length of material lines change

QAB 1053 Structural Geology

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Material Lines
Lines that contain recognizable features, e.g. grains, fossil, crystals, mineral alignment

Strain Ellipse
Material lines that do not rotate define the axes of the strained ellipse. z An ellipse defining a principle directions of strain (stretch) z Lengths of strained axes define the magnitude of strain.

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Strain Ellipsoid
z In 3D, we have three perpendicular material lines. z Axes indicate degree of stress relative to three principle stress directions, S1, S2 and S3

Fossil: Oncolite
Original spherical oncolites become ellipsoidal when subjected to homogenous strain. z What can learn by measuring S1 and S2?

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Strain Ellipses
z Instantaneous strain ellipse shows single increment of deformation within strain continuum z A snapshot of strain condition at given instant. z Finite strain ellipse shows final or total strain.

Heterogeneous Strain
Changes in size and shape varies across deformed body. z Parallel line dont remain parallel z Straight line dont remain straight

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Heterogeneous strain

Heterogeneous strain
Most deformation in nature is heterogeneous, e.g. folding no line remain parallel or straight.

Ptygmatic fold
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Analysis of Strain
Analysis of heterogeneous strain is a problematic one. z Difficult to deal with mathematically z Subdivided into regions which can treated as locally homogeneous

1. Simple Shear
Shearing of fault blocks past one another z Lines within body undergo uniform rotation z Lines parallel to shear direction remains parallel

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Simple Shear
Sinistral (left-handed) shear in ductile shear zone.

2. Pure Shear
Uniform stretching of the Earth crust at rift zone (divergent) z Uniform extension and contraction z Lines parallel to & perpendicular to principle direction of stress dont rotate.

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Pure Shear - Boudins

Boudinage uniform extension

Pure Shear Stretched pebbles

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Measurement of Strain
Measure in line length and orientation
z Linear features that have been deformed, e.g. stretched fossil z Axes of elliptical markers that were circular prior to deformation

Strain Marker
Stretched pebble conglomerate: Originally spheroidal pebbles stretched into elongate ellipsoids

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Strain Marker
Crinoid Ossicles Cylindrical ossicles becomes elliptical with applied stress

Strain Marker
Oncolites carbonate concretions which is deposited by algae, with concentric spherical nature become ellipsoid; quite similar to ooliths

QAB 1053 Structural Geology


QAB 1053 Structural Geology


Strain Marker
Bivalve shells have natural right angle symmetry z Measure angle between hinge and axis of symmetry

z Rigid and non rigid deformations are solely controlled by material behaviour. z Heterogeneous strains are the most prominent compared to homogenous in geology. z Simple p and true shear can be recognised g from the strained materials. z Strain markers are generally marked by distorted fossils and fragments. z Kinematic analysis is an important key on recognising stress-strain relationship.
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QAB 1053 Structural Geology

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