01 07 Cabinet and Policy Officers As at 010513

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Cabinet Member Leader of the Council

Councillor Lib Peck lpeck@lambeth.gov.uk

Leaders Office contact:


Erica Ballmann Overall political responsibility for the council; EBallmann@lambeth.gov.uk partnerships; external relations including the 020 7926 5706 Government, GLA and other local authorities. 07947 679 221 Responsibility for driving the borough's growth and regeneration agenda, specifically leading on Vauxhall and Waterloo. Responsibility for the cooperative council transformation; ensuring community innovation and resilience is delivered. Responsibility for council communications.

Deputy Leader of the Council

Jackie Meldrum jmeldrum@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 5707

Chris Ricot cricot@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 8167 Michael Warren 020 7926 1167 (PA)

Deputises for the Leader of the Council. Works with the Leader on the growth agenda and has specific responsibility for economic development, business, jobs, skills and employment and local economic recovery. Supports the cooperative council transformation and is responsible for emergency planning.

Children and Families

Rachel Heywood rheywood@lambeth.gov.uk 07961 100 198

Parmpreet Tatla ptatla@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 1186 [ Up to 30/6 - Corinna Gamble CGamble@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 0156 ]

Outcome: to improve opportunity for children and young people through excellent education provision and youth services; and to look after and protect our most vulnerable young people. Responsibility for schools; youth services; early years; childrens social care; safeguarding children; children in care; children with learning disabilities; youth offending service; Young and Safe; troubled families; family interventions.

Cabinet Member Culture and Leisure

Councillor Sally Prentice sprentice@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7587 0160 07970 982 417

Leaders Office contact: Chris Ricot cricot@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 8167

Portfolio: Outcome: to develop and promote an excellent cultural offer open to all communities and to improve Lambeth's leisure facilities, libraries and parks. To deliver better parks and green spaces; to deliver key projects including new leisure centres at Norwood and Streatham; and to ensure the delivery of our cooperative council libraries. To develop relations with key cultural partners including the South Bank.

Environment and Sustainability

Imogen Walker iwalker@lambeth.gov.uk 07946 216 941

David Packer dpacker@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 7758

Outcome: to ensure cleaner and greener neighbourhoods for Lambeth. Responsibility for environmental services including street and road care and repair; refuse and waste collection; public realm; recycling and parking. Responsibility for energy; food and sustainability; cycling and road safety.

Equalities and Communities

Lorna Campbell lcampbell@lambeth.gov.uk 07946 217 584 or 07877 420206

Parmpreet Tatla ptatla@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 1186

Outcome: to develop cohesive and resilient communities which celebrate Lambeths diversity. Responsibility for equality impact assessments; developing innovative ways of communicating with new communities; faith groups. Responsibility for community hubs and the Community Leadership Network and welfare reform mitigation (jointly with Councillor Paul McGlone).

Cabinet Member Finance and Resources

Councillor Paul McGlone pmcglone@lambeth.gov.uk 020 8674 3250 07985 735 875

Leaders Office contact: David Packer dpacker@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 7758

Portfolio: Outcome: To deliver a financial strategy that enables our political priorities and delivers value for money. Responsibility for corporate resources; capital programme and asset management; performance and service improvement. Responsibility for democratic services; accommodation strategy; facilities management; human resources; trade union relations; welfare reform mitigation (jointly with Councillor Lorna Campbell).

Health and Wellbeing

Jim Dickson jdickson@lambeth.gov.uk 020 3149 6657 07970 139 901

Chris Ricot cricot@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 8167

Outcome: to deliver a strategic vision for health and well being for all our citizens and in particular to protect our most vulnerable adults. Responsibility for public health; adult care services; adults with learning disabilities; older peoples services; supporting people; rough sleeping services; carers; residential care; voluntary sector; disabilities; mental health; people with or affected by HIV or AIDS; careline; sheltered housing support. To develop relations with key health partners including hospital trusts and NHS Lambeth.

Cabinet Member Housing and Regeneration

Councillor Pete Robbins probbins@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7207 4372 07734 882 363

Leaders Office contact: Parmpreet Tatla ptatla@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 1186

Portfolio: Outcome: To shape an integrated housing, planning and regeneration strategy for the borough and to deliver improved housing management and specific regeneration projects. Responsibility for strategic transport, regeneration and planning policy including building control. Responsibility for housing management and relationships with Lambeth Living, TMOs, RSLs and private sector; homelessness; HRA; rent and service charges.

Safer and Stronger Neighbourhoods

Jack Hopkins David Packer JHopkins@lambeth.gov.uk dpacker@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7091 9010 020 7926 7758 07796 342 323

Outcome: to develop safer and engaged neighbourhoods. Responsibility for delivering a public protection model which involves community safety agenda including policing; domestic violence; drugs & alcohol; licensing; violent crime; trading standards; customer access; service standards. Responsibility for delivering our cooperative model for better neighbourhoods through innovative communications and through the Neighbourhood Enhancement programme.

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