Roller Coaster Mania 2013

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Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

Roller Coaster Mania

To Do List
1. Start making Virtual Portfolio (PowerPoint, Word Documents, etc.) to give to potential client (Will use Camtasia to present Portfolio) 2. Watch Video of kinetic and potential energy with everyone. a. MINI LESSON ON POTENTIAL AND KINETIC ENERGY 3. Do quiz on kinetic and potential energy a. include knowledge of kinetic and potential in portfolio to client b. 10 pts 4. Meet with client to find out what design brief they would like. i. MEET WITH CLIENT AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH WEEK TO GO OVER WHERE YOU ARE AT! b. include in portfolio c. 5 pts 5. Come up with Company Name and mission statement a. include both in portfolio b. Company name must be creative and also tell what you are in business for. c. Research what a mission statement is and what needs to be included in a mission statement, then make your own mission statement up. d. 5 pts 6. Research Paper Roller Coasters 7. Do Interactivities to help plan roller coaster 8. Sketch Roller Coaster a. include a picture copy in portfolio b. include an explanation of research in portfolio c. include why you chose the model/sketch that you started with d. 10 pts 9. Buy necessary products including a receipt of where money was spent. a. Receipt will be a spreadsheet done on Microsoft Excel i. MINI LESSON ON MICROSOFT EXCEL b. Write a check to buy your product. (All people in group write individual check) i. MINI LESSON ON WRITING CHECKS c. include a graph (possible pie graph) i. MINI LESSON ON MICROSOFT EXCEL GRAPHS

Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

d. include explanation of where your money was spent (show how much under you were from the 1 million dollars) i. You may buy or trade unused pieces but trade in value is HALF and buy value will be DOUBLE after original purchase. ii. Redo Excel Spreadsheet if you return or buy any extras. e. Include at the end, if you had to buy any extras or did you had any leftovers f. 10 pts 10. Build Roller Coaster a. Include pictures of the roller coaster b. Include a video of the roller coaster in action from start to finish (MUST BE AT LEAST 20 SECONDS FROM START TO FINISH) c. 40 pts 11. Test/Re-Test Roller Coaster a. When complete with Roller Coaster, include information of velocity using worksheet included. i. MINI LESSON ON HOW TO FIND VELOCITY b. Include time from start to finish, c. Include how much potential energy the roller coaster starts with d. Include how you were successful in stopping the marble within 6 in. from the end WITHOUT HITTING THE END OF THE TRACK! e. 10 pts 12. Make virtual portfolio a. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to include all information necessary to sell you roller coaster design and price. i. MINI LESSON ON POWERPOINT b. Must have sound i. MINI LESSON ON ROYALTY FREE MUSIC c. Must have animation d. Must have transitions e. Must have clip art f. Must have video(s) i. MINI LESSON ON MAKING VIDEOS AND TAKING PICTURES AND DOWNLOADING TO COMPUTER. g. 35 pts 13. Give group presentation on Camtasia with everyones voice included. i. MINI LESSON ON CAMTASIA b. 35 pts

Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

Roller Coaster Mania

Company Name:

Mission Statement:

Some Research Sites:

Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

Roller Coaster Mania

Sketch of Roller Coaster:

Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

Roller Coaster Mania

Pricing Guide
$1,000,000 Limit Price per sheet of paper (if not bought up front, then price doubles)

Labor (includes 1 tape roll) (Flat Fee) Columns (2 columns/sheet) Beams (2 beams/sheet) Diagonal Supports (2 diagonal supports/sheet) Shelf (10 shelves/sheet) Brackets (120 brackets/sheet) Straight Track (4 straight tracks/sheet) Sharp Turn (2 sharp turns/sheet) Wide Turn (2 wide turns/sheet) Funnel (1 funnel/sheet) Merge (2 merges/sheet) Loop (4 loop pieces, 2 small loops, 1 big loop)

$105,000 $25,000/Sheet $25,000/Sheet $10,000/Sheet $10,000/Sheet $10,000/Sheet $20,000/Sheet $20,000/Sheet $20,000/Sheet $40,000/Sheet $40,000/Sheet $40,000/Sheet

Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

Roller Coaster Mania

Financial Plan (Rough Draft here, final Draft on Excel spreadsheet) Item Price/Sheet Labor $105,000.00 Columns $25,000.00 Beam $25,000.00 Diagonal Supports $10,000.00 Shelf $10,000.00 Brackets $10,000.00 Straight Track $20,000.00 Sharp Turn $20,000.00 Wide Turn $20,000.00 Funnel $40,000.00 Merge $40,000.00 Loop $40,000.00 Total Spent (Can't Exceed $1,000,000)
# Bought


Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

Roller Coaster Mania

1. Once you carefully construct your roller coaster then, 2. Measure and record the height of the starting point for the track using a meter stick or metric tape measure. a. HEIGHT: ______________ 3. Measure and record the mass of the marble using the gram scale. a. Mr. Hill will weigh your marble using a scale. b. MASS OF MARBLE: __________________ 4. Write the equation for PEgrav of the marble and then calculate the PEgrav at the starting point. a. What is the equation for Potential Energy? ______________________ b. What Potential Energy does your marble have? __________________ 5. Find the velocity of your marble. Find a track that measures at 1/3 of a meter or 12 inches. Use a stopwatch and measure the time it takes to get through that portion of the roller coaster and record it below. If you use 1/3 of a meter or 12 inches (MUST BE STRAIGHT TRACK), then your distance will be .33333 m.

Team Name: __________________________ Student Names: _________________________________

6. Fill in the table and find the velocity by dividing the distance by the time. Trial # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. Calculate the average velocity for your 10 trials or add all of your velocities for the 10 trials and divide by 10. Distance (m) Time (s) Velocity (m/s)

8. Use the average velocity measurement and the mass of the marble to write the formula for finding kinetic energy. Then calculate the kinetic energy of the marble.

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