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movement of the body maintenance of posture respiration production of body heat communication constriction of organs and vessels contraction of the heart
2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


Types of Muscle Tissue

Skeletal (responsible for locomotion, facial expression, posture, respiratory movements, etc.) Smooth (found in walls of hollow organs and tubes) Cardiac (found only in the heart)

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2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle

~40% of the body striated muscles (transverse bands/striations)

Contractility Excitability Extensibility Elasticity

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Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle

contractility: to shorten with force excitability: respond to stimulus extensibility: capability to stretch recoil/elasticity: recoil to their original resting length after they have been stretched

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Skeletal Muscle Structure

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Muscle Fiber Structure

sarcolemma sarcoplasmic reticulum transverse tubules sarcoplasm myofibrils

actin myofilaments myosin myofilaments

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Actin and Myosin Filaments

actin troponin (contains binding site for calcium ions) tropomyosin (covers the attachment site for myofilaments)

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Actin and Myosin Filaments

myosin heads

bind to attachment in actin myofilaments bend and straighten during contraction they can break down ATP to release energy

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Outer Structure of Sarcomeres

Z disk (forming attachment site for actin filaments; gives the banded appearance) I band (actin filaments; spans each Z disk and ends at myosin) A band (extends length of myosin filaments)
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Nerve Supply

skeletal muscles do not contract unless stimulated by motor neurons (nerve cells that generate the action potentials) neuromuscular junction/synapse (cell to cell junction between nerve and a muscle fiber)

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Nerve Supply

neuromuscular junction presynaptic terminal (contains synaptic vesicles) synaptic cleft (space between presynaptic terminal and muscle fiber) postsynaptic membrane
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2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


Muscle Contraction

sliding filament model (sliding of actin myofilaments past myosin myofilaments) actin and myosin do not shorten during contraction I bands shorten A bands do not change in length relaxation sarcomeres lengthen by opposing force or gravity
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Excitability of Muscle Fibers

Resting membrane potential

concentration of K+ inside the cell is higher than outside concentration of Na+ outside is higher than inside the cell cell membrane is more permeable to K+ than to Na+

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Ion Channels and Action Potential

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Ion Channels and Action Potential

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Ion Channels and Action Potential

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Cross-Bridge Movement

Exposure of attachment sites. During contraction of a muscle, Ca+ binds to troponin molecules, causing tropomyosin molecules to move, which exposes myosin attachment sites on actin myofilaments. Cross-bridge formation. The myosin heads bind to the exposed attachment sited on the actin myofilaments to form cross-bridges, and phosphates are released from the myosin heads. Power stroke. Energy stored in the myosin heads is used to move myosin heads, causing actin myofilament to slide past the myosin myofilament, and the ADP molecules are released from the myosin heads. ATP binds to myosin heads. ATP molecules bind to the myosin heads Cross-bridge release. As ATP is broken down to ADP and phosphates, the myosin heads release from the actin attachment sites. Recovery stroke. The heads of the myosin molecules return to their resting position, and energy is stored in the heads of the myosin molecules. If Ca+ are still attached to troponin, cross-bridge formation and movement are repeated. This cycle occurs many times during a muscle contraction. Not all cross-bridges form and release simultaneously.
2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved


2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved

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