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QUESTIONNAIRE ON COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (CALL) Please rate the questions on a scale from 1 to 5.

1-never; 2-rarely; 3-occasionally; 4-frequently; 5-almost always. 1. How did you learn about CALL-based activities? -courses 12345 -tutorials 12345 -other colleagues from school 12345 -self-searching the net 12345 -collaboration with teachers from abroad on Facebook, Linkedin, Ning, others 12345 2. Have you attended a course on using CALL? If the answer is Yes, what exactly have you learned from that course? I have recently attended a course called European Dimensions in the teaching and learning of English, where we were introduced and trained in the use of a platform called Sanako, which is actually a database containing a wide range of material (including tests, skillswork activities, etc). We did not work on activities proper (writing, or creating portfolios) but we followed steps in creating tests at various levels and thus contributed to the database ourselves. By implementing the platform in the classroom we had the chance to benefit from extensive material and students were engaged with the activities, because they accessed them online. Name an activity related to: -writing -creating a portfolio -testing -vocabulary 3.How will you continue to acquire and master new ideas in CALL after the course ends? -scooping for sites presenting the experience of other teachers 12345

-watching tutorials offered by sites that teach you new methods 12345 -select materials yourself and make your own lesson according to your needs 12345 -using special software provided for Smartboards(if you can use one) 12345 4. Do you have resources where you find information about CALL activities? What are they? -CALL journals on the internet 12345 -educational sites 12345 -teacher forums 12345 5. What motivates you to use CALL activities? - Is learning more efficient? In my case, it turned out to be efficient in the training of skills. I asked my students to create a portfolio (a folder of materials for reading and listening with whatever they found available on the internet) and based on them I proposed different kind of reading and listening activities. SS were all the more interested and motivated to work as the material was selected by them. -Are students more attracted to these activites? They are surely more attracted to these activities. -Is there a greater number of students involved in class than in a traditional lesson? As long as they sit in front of a computer, they all perform an activity and everybody has something to do. Similarly, since I deal with mixed ability classrooms, the activities can be adjusted to their level and interests so no student is lagging behind. -You get instant feedback. Yes.

6.Does your school have the necessary technology for you to have these lessons? Is there a Smartboard, for instance? Yes 7.What impediments have you encountered in: -preparing the lesson: -it is time consuming 12345 -the selected sites ask you to pay for access 12345 -the content is not appropriate for the level of your students 12345 -teaching the lesson: -lack of access to internet 12345 -difficulties with access to the school lab 12345 -malfunction of the computer or projector 12345 -the rhythm of your students 1 2 3 4 5 8.Tick the most frequently used CALL activities: -e-mail 12345 -epals 12345 -developing lessons 12345 -creating instructional Web pages 12345 -portfolios on the Web 12345 -Internet research 12345 -word processing 12345 -skill building activities 12345 Can you name others? 9. What is your opinion regarding your initial and in-service training in CALL activities? An excellent opportunity to refresh teaching ideas and keep students interest alive. 10. To what extent do you consider that such activities are necessary in the FL class? (5-absolutely necessary) 1 2 3 4 5

Account for your choice by providing a short answer to the following question: What competences do CALL activities help the teacher develop in his/her students? Researching and investigative skills mostly, but they also learn to select appropriate material by discarding irrelevant ones.

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