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Babylon - The First Human Rebellion Against Jehovah God

Babylon - The First Human Rebellion Against Jehovah God

Ancient Babylon Ancient Babylon was built by Nimrod - the very first human to rebel against Jehovah God. The religion and worship that was established in Ancient Babylon, spread to every part of the earth. Even today, we can see the tentacles of Babylon's False worship in the varied religions of the world - even in Christendom. That is why False religion today is called "Babylon The Great" Nimrod and ancient Babylon are gone - but the apostate religion that was started there - still lives on. "The wine of old Babylon's fornication was a debauching system of idol worship and carnal self-exaltation, over and against the revelations and institutes of Jehovah. We find it (the teachings of Ancient Babylon) to this day among all the nations of the earth, affecting and controlling their thinking, their policies, their faith, and their worship. Two-thirds of the population of the

earth - at this hour - are Pagan idolaters, drivelling under the same old intoxication which came forth from Nimrod and Babylon." - THE WINE OF OLD BABYLON Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss "In ancient days Satan seemed to make Babylon the capital of his evil operation. From this headquarters was started false religion." -(Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain p. 224).

Nimrod Opposes Jehovah

Nimrod Opposes Jehovah

"Nimrod was a great grandson of Noah. Nimrod became a "mighty tyrant in the face of Jehovah." Much of the Babylonian worship was carried on through mysterious symbols - thus the "Mystery" religion. This system of idolatry spread from Babylon to the nations, for it was from this location that men were scattered over the face of the earth (Gen. 11:9). As they went from Babylon, they took their occult

worship and its various mystery symbols with them." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow "Shinar is the land where Nimrod built his five cities, of which Babylon was the capital. Babylon continued to be the seat of pagan hate for Jehovah from Nimrod onward." - Prophecy--Babylon The Woman in the Ephah by Steve Van Nattan "Nimrod, who began to prevail in wickedness, for he shed innocent blood, and rebelled against Jehovah." --The Companion Bible E.W. Bullinger;(Appendix 28, pg. 29) "As the people increased in number, the Way of Jehovah was corrupted and a principal figure in those days was Nimrod, the grandson of Ham described as a mighty hunter before Jehovah. The word 'before' used in this sense means, 'totally antagonistic to Jehovah." -The Ensign Trust VOLUME I No.2 - JUNE 1999 'NARROW IS THE WAY' By Harry Lancaster

Satan Rewards Nimrod and Semiramis

Nimrod was the first human to openly defy and oppose Jehovah God. It appears that Satan has rewarded Nimrod for this - by spreading his self-exhaltation around the world. Most gods of many countries were fashioned after Nimrod, and most goddesses of the world were fashioned after his wife/mother - Semiramis.
"Thus from Babylon emerged the entire complex of human "religion". the various gods and goddesses of Rome, Greece, India, Egypt, and other nations can be identified with corresponding gods from Babel." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow "In his deified form, Nimrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Mythology reveals the fact that the god Baal, and the

goddess, the queen of heaven, were universally worshiped under various names and titles. History confirms, that Nimrod, and his wife, Semiramis, were the prototypes for all gods and goddesses that permeated all subsequent cultures and societies." --World Religions by David Terrell "Semiramis, in particular was the model and original of every goddess and female cult figure in the ancient and modern worlds." --SEMIRAMIS, QUEEN OF BABYLON by Bryce Self

Even Christendom has been duped by Satan, into honoring and worshipping Nimrod and Semiramis - at Christmas and also Easter. "Not only has the original Babylonian religious system served as the source of all the worlds non-Christian religions, hut it has also infiltrated and corrupted Christendom to an alarming degree." --Babylon - Source of False Religion "Babylon, Mystery Religion" by Ralph Woodrow

Ancient Babylon & "Babylon The Great" Both - Reject Jehovah God
The fact remains that just as Nimrod and Ancient Babylon rejected Jehovah God - so too, today, all of Christendom and the pagan world - also Reject Jehovah God in one way or another. "Nimrod, who built Babel or Babylon, -- lead a rebellion against Jehovah-God and instituted a pagan worship system that rejected the Lord God Jehovah." -- The Book; THE HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN The Nimrod - Druid Connection Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. September 1998 "His name is Nimrod, It means the rebel, and is evidently meant to designate the nature of the man. He was the first specimen of giant tyranny after the flood. His Defiance of Jehovah was perpetrated in wickedness and ambition under the very eye of Jehovah. Nimrod's assumptions were religious as well as political. His awful greatness was

of ambitious rebellion, apostasy and defiance of Jehovah. And as it was Babel that was the beginning of his empire, so is Babylon the great its consummation and close." -Nimrod by Horatius Bonar 1808-1889

"The Trinity" is based upon Nimrod and Ancient Babylonian Worship

"Nimrod of Ancient Babylon became both the husband and son of Semiramis, and was worshiped as - both god the father - and god the incarnate son. In the Bible, Nimrod was called Tammuz and Molech. He was worshiped in Babylon as El-Bar, meaning "god the son." In Assyria, Nimrod was called Baal, Bal or Belus meaning "lord." --The Two Babylons ; Alexander Hislop Louizeaus Brothers; Neptune, N.J. "History reveals that the trinity concept is a pagan invention and belief found in many ancient countries. The worship of the trinity traces back to the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz (of ancient Babylon) soon after the Flood!" -Forerunner Commentary "Trinity" by John W. Ritenbaugh under - The Nature of God - Elohim

The World Joins Babylon in Rejecting Jehovah How ?

Mankind in general has gone through great lengths to eliminate any mention of Jehovah from the earth. Bible translators have removed Jehovah's Name almost seven thousand times (7,000) and have replaced it with the "generic" title of Lord. The world is busy worshipping nature gods and goddesses, a myriiad of Nameless Lords or elevating Jesus and worshipping him in place of Jehovah God. Little does the world realize that when Jehovah becomes active and sends his son back to the earth - There will be great anger

on the Part of Jehovah - against all those who have ignored him, rejected him, refsed to acknowledge him, or just plain out defied Him.

Removing Jehovah's Name From the Bible

"Why was God's name Jehovah in the 1901 version but not in this version! Many translations are guilty for taking out God's name in the Old Testament 7000 times! What a lame excuse for removing Jehovah's illustrious name from this psalm to his praise!" --Review of NIV Thinline Bible; Reviewer: Neburo "The ASV (American Standard Version) has "Jehovah" in it about 6,823 times, just like the original Hebrew, but the NASB removed it every time. " -Jason Beduhn Northern Arizona University Department of Humanities Arts and Religion "...the distinctive Hebrew name for God usually transliterated Jehovah, is in this translation represented by "LORD." - Today's English Version (preface) "The substitution of the word "Lord" is most unhappy; in NO WAY represents the meaning of the sacred name (Jehovah)..." - The 1872 edition of Smith's Bible Dictionary "The next most common Divine name in the Bible is Jehovah. In your KJV Bible, Jehovah appears in small capital letters, as "LORD". --What is God's Name? by Garner Ted Armstrong "In this translation we have followed the orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted 'the Lord' for the name 'Yahweh' (Jehovah), and we have substituted the phrase 'the Lord God' for the phrase 'the Lord Yahweh' (Jehovah). In all cases where 'Lord' or 'God' represents an original 'Yahweh' (Jehovah) all capitals are employed. for "LORD" "

-- Preface - 1935 Bible ; J. M. Powis Smith and Edgar J. Goodspeed "the early translators generally substituted "LORD" (for the divine name of God, Jehovah). The Potestant Reformers preferred Jehovah, which first appeared as Iehouah in A.D. 1530 in Tyndale's translation of the Pentateuch (Exodus 6.3), from which it passed into other Protestant Bibles." -Introduction to the Old Testament of the New English Bible by Sir Godfrey Driver "Jehovah occurs more frequently than any other Divine name. It is found in the Old Testament more than 6000 times. The Word "LORD" is usually substituted for Jehovah in reading." - The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII 1910 by Robert Appleton Company Nihil Obstat, October 1, 1910. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York
"every time that the expression "the LORD's angel" recurs, we know that the term LORD represents JEHOVA." -R.B.Girdlestone, Synonyms of the Old Testament, 1897, p.43. "In the New Testament, likewise, KURIOS (LORD), when used as a name of God...most usually corresponds to YHWH Jehovah, and in this sense is applied." - A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, by J. Parkhurst, revised ed. of 1845, p. 347 "between the periods 70-135 C.E., the tetragrammaton (Jehovah) was replaced by Kyrios (The LORD)." -G. D. Kilpatrick Etudes de Papyrologie Tome Neuvieme pg. 221 "the divine name (Jehovah) was originally written in the New Testament quotations of and allusions to the Old Testament, but in the course of time it was replaced by surrogates (like Lord or God)". - New Testament Abstracts, March 1977, p. 306.

Jehovah Reveals Himself Through His Name

"One thing we must keep in mind is that Scripture is the revelation of God to man. As such, the ultimate authority and control of these names as they are used, is God's. God places incomparable significance on His own name. Jehovah (YHWH) is used 6824 times in the Old Testament as God's name. He says -'This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.' Some people have had problems with the use of Yahweh (or Jehovah) as God's name. (But these people should realize that) - The idea of a progressive unfolding of God's character through His NAME is overwhelmingly apparent in Moses' writings." --Old Testament Understanding of the Names for God by Mary Barnum "I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise unto graven images." (Isaiah 42:8) (ASV) -BibleGateway "I am Jehovah, and there is none else; besides me there is no God." (Isaiah 45:5) (ASV) -BibleGateway "Jehovah, the God of your fathers... this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." (Exodus 3:15)(ASV)-BibleGateway "...The Sacred Name Yahovah was revealed to man by Yahovah Himself and is not a man-given name" -(see II Apol., 10, 13; Trypho, 126, 127). "Much is lost in Bible reading if we forget to look beyond the substitute word [Lord or God] to the personal, intimate name of God himself. By telling his people his name, God intended to reveal to them his inmost character." -Eerdmans' Handbook to the Bible, page 157. J. A. Motyer, principal of Trinity College, England

Warnings From Jehovah

Jehovah gives a warning to all those who refuse to give glory to his name. Jehovah makes it clear that he will not tolerate forvever - being ignored or having His Name ignored. "And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith Jehovah of hosts, then will I send the curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings." (Malachi 2:1,2)(ASV)-BibleGateway "You had better take seriously the need to HONOR MY NAME. Otherwise, when you give a blessing, I will turn it into a curse." (Malachi 2:2)(CEV)-BibleGateway "A son honoreth his father, and a servant his master: if then I am a father, where is mine honor? and if I am a master, where is my fear? saith Jehovah of hosts unto you,

O priests, that despise my name." (Malachi 1:6)(ASV)-BibleGateway "And now, this word is for you, O religious leaders. If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor My name....then I will send the curse on you." (Malachi 1:1,2)(NLV)-BibleGateway

Spiritual Adultery Against Jehovah Spiritual "Adultery"

Whenever a worshipper of Jehovah God, forsakes him, in favor of another god or gods - The Bible speaks of this as committing Spiritual Fornication or Spiritual Adultery. In the Book of Revelation the Apostate Church is called a Whore or Prostitute and is referred to as a woman called, "Babylon The Great". "You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." (James 4:4)(NIV)-BibleGateway "In the Old Testament, Israel is pictured as the wife of Jehovah. Any involvement with other gods is viewed as spiritual adultery." (cf. Isa. 54:5;Ezek. 16:6-29; 23:1-49; Hos. 9:1)." -The Danger of Friendship with the World; by Gil Rugh, Senior Pastor Indian Hills Community Church; Lincoln, NE "Christianity has jumped in bed with paganism!" -The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS! William F. Dankenbring and John D. Keyser "The wicked apostate Church fornicated spiritually with the heathen, pagan religions of the world, " -The Surprising Origin of CHRISTMAS! William F. Dankenbring and John D. Keyser
"...the whoredoms of all perverted Christian religionists are still in essence the same old harlotry which first found place and embodiment on the banks of the Euphrates. It is the same old Babylon, and her harlot daughters, bearing rule or kingdom upon the dominions of

the earth, and intoxicating the inhabitants thereof out of the wine of her fornication. True religion and an uncorrupted Church have never suited the representatives of power, or pleased them long." - THE WINE OF OLD BABYLON Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss "The wine of old Babylon's fornication was a debauching system of idol worship and carnal self-exaltation, over and against the revelations and institutes of Jehovah. It was already bottled and labelled before the first dispersion (Confusion of Tongues at the Tower of Babel). It went with that dispersion into every country and nation under heaven. As a matter of fact, we find it to this day among all the nations of the earth, affecting and controlling their thinking, their policies, their faith, and their worship. Not less than two-thirds of the population of the earth at this hour are Pagan idolaters, drivelling under the same old intoxication which came forth from Nimrod and Babylon." - THE WINE OF OLD BABYLON Excerpt from 'The Apocalypse' by J. A. Seiss

"When the early church departed from God and imbibed pagan errors, she became Babylon.." - the International Sabbath School Quarterly, Feb. 29, 1896 "It was by departure from the LORD, and alliance with the heathen that became a HARLOT." - The Great Controversy, page 382. In 1851, James White wrote : 'The woman, which is the great city, called Babylon, symbolizes the fallen apostate churches'.... "

"Mystery Babylon is the spiritual representation of the literal Babylon." - Prophecy--Babylon The Woman in the Ephah by Steve Van Nattan

Jesus used his father's name and told us to do the same.

In prayer to his father, Jesus said:--

"Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified." (Matthew 6:9) - BibleGateway Again Jesus Prayed to Jehovah -"O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you, and these know that you have sent me. I made known to them YOUR NAME and I will continue to make it known... "I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world." (John 17:25,26,6)(ESV)-BibleGateway "I will praise thy name for ever and ever.. Great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised; And his greatness is unsearchable." (Psalm 145:2,3)(ASV)-BibleGateway "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." (Psalm 83:18) (King James Version) -BibleGateway Evidently the utmost importance to Jesus was the sactifying or honoring of God's Name. That is why he put it as the first topic in his Model Prayer. How sad that Jesus modern-day followers do not follow him in this example. Instead of sactifying and honoring God's Name, they have removed it more than seven thousand times from the Bible. And rather than honoring God's Name, Jehovah, they have turned him into a nameless "LORD". Even the pagan gods are mentioned in the Bible by Name. Think of how much this must anger, Jesus, to see that those who claim to follow him, have completely ignored his admonition to them. "He [Jesus] did not withhold his father's name YHWH (Yehowah - Jehovah) from us, but he entrusted us with it. It is otherwise inexplicable why the first petition of the Lord's Prayer should read: 'May your name be sanctified!'" - Wolfgang Feneberg; Entschluss/Offen (April 1985)

On one occasion when he was praying publicly to God, Jesus was heard to say : "Father, GLORIFY YOUR NAME ! And God himself answered : 'I HAVE glorified it, and I will glorify it again.' " -John 12:28, The Jerusalem Bible. "One of Jesus Christ's missions was to reveal the name of the Almighty God (Jehovah). Jesus taught in his prayer to Hallow or keep His Father's name Holy. How can we perform obedience to his word if we don't know His Father's real personal name? " - B.9.2: The Biblical Background; Gilles C H Nullens

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