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Masters Examination 29th and 30th October 2013 Room F_4.

27 Please, note that it is your obligation and responsability to regularly contact your supervisor and inform him/her about your master thesis status quo. This is the only way to provide an effective scientfic work and prevent unpleasant surprises, which by the way concern not only you, but also your supervisor and fellow students. Deadline By 15/09/2013 Action All students have to upload the master thesis to be evaluated by the supervisiors Mode Upload tool in CIS Who Student

All students have to submit a duly completed registration form for the masters examination

Send it signed and scanned to or submit at the office Send it signed by the company supervisior and the active programme director and scanned to or submit at the office Send it per e-mail to

If necessary: Submit a duly completed non-disclosure agreement

All students have to nominate an examiner for the exam in the technical field with. (Attention: the technical field has to be complementary to the subject of the master thesis) By 30/09/2013 The second supervisor send a signed and completed assessment to the first supervisior and to the administrative assistant The supervisors are obliged to inform the student about necessary corrections to be made in the master thesis and submit the duly completed final assessment to the administrative assistant If both assessement forms are positive, the acting program director will define the final grade for the master thesis.

Send signed per e-mail to

Second Supervisor (Company Supervisior)

By 6/10/2013

Send signed per e-mail to:

First and second supervisor

By 11/10/2013

Per e-mail to the students

Acting Programme Director and administrative assisstant

Natalia Wrobel Masters Telecommunications and Internet Technologies

Student will receive the clearance for binding under the condition he/she worked all corrections recommended by the supervisors into the master thesis. By 20/10/2013 UPLOAD of the final version of the master thesis Upload tool in CIS (My CIS) Submit at the office Submit the bound version of the master thesis and 1 CD copy of the final version of your master thesis. Attention: the bound version and the CD version have to be identical with the uploaded version of the master thesis! MASTERS EXAMINATION Student

By 25/10/2013


29/10/2013 + 30/10/2013

Preparation time: 30 minutes per candidate 3 examinations parts: Presentation of the master thesis approx. 10 minutes Discussion about the connections between the subject of the master thesis to relevant fields from the programme curriculum approx. 10 minutes Discussion about other/ complemetary fields from the curriculum (complementary/ technical field) approx. 10 minutes

8th Nov 2013


All graduates

Natalia Wrobel Masters Telecommunications and Internet Technologies

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