A) Instituted, Dispute B) Established, Doubt C) Entrenched, Barricade D) Began, Acceptance

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The haste with which the police jumped to conclusions that were lapped up by a less than responsible and sensation hungry media _________. a) really portrays a prejudiced mindset, one which causes members of the minority community to be deemed suspect consistently b) really portrays a prejudiced mindset, which cause members of the minority community to be consistently deemed suspect c) really portrays a prejudiced mindset, which cause members of the minority community to be deemed suspect consistently d) really portrays a prejudiced mindset, one which causes members of the minority community to be consistently deemed suspect

Here, the subject is 'mindset' which is singular, so the verb should be 'causes' not cause. The adverb 'consistently' must be between the auxiliary and main verb i.e. "to be consistently deemed suspect". Hence, the correct answer is option d.


Five choices for rephrasing the underlined part follow the below sentence; the first choice repeats the original, and the other four are different. Choose the correct option for the underlined portion. Public enthusiasm that had been growing for airline travel, still in its infancy, when Amelia Earhart's plane disappeared in the 1930s, diminished for a while; however, today fear of flying is rare. a) Public enthusiasm that had been growing for airline travel, still in its infancy, when Amelia Earhart's plane disappeared in the 1930s, diminished for a while b) Public enthusiasm that had been growing for airline travel, still in its infancy when Amelia Earhart's plane disappeared in the 1930s, diminished for a while c) Growing public enthusiasm for airline travel, still in its infancy, diminished for a while after Amelia Earhart's plane disappeared in the 1930s d) When Amelia Earhart's plane disappeared in the 1930s, growing public enthusiasm for airline travel, still in its infancy, diminished for a while e) After Amelia Earhart's plane disappeared in the 1930s, the enthusiasm that had been growing for airline travel in its infancy diminished for a while

In the question given below, "option c" is the best choice since it arranges the parts of the sentence in the most direct and clear way by keeping the modifiers as close as possible to the words they modify. In addition, "option c" replaces when with a more appropriate term, after which makes the statement appear logical Hence, the correct answer is option c.


It is uncertain whether Mrs. Penniman ever____________________ a search for unfurnished lodgings, but it is beyond________________ that she never found them. a)instituted,dispute b)established,doubt c)entrenched,barricade d)began,acceptance

The answer is Option a Option c can be eliminated since the word 'entrenched'(well-grounded) cannot be used with reference to a search. Option d 'began' could be used here, but the second word 'acceptance' is not appropriate in the context of the sentence. Option b , as thought to be true by some , doesnt go well observe that in first part of the statement a doubt is expressed abt the search being initiated and then the word BUT comes. Suggesting that she has definitely not found the things and beyond doubt suggests that she found them.had it been EVER instead of NEVER in the later part of the sentence.option b could have been the answer hence option a is correct as instituted is similar to initiated


Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the choices given to construct a coherent paragraph. A. What they forget and do not understand is that the problems drowned in drugs come back with a vengeance to torment them once the effect wears off. B. Drug addiction implies physical dependence upon a drug including the development of tolerance and withdrawal. C. Many drugs give the user a kick and tend to eradicate the frustrations and adversities that life throws in his way. D. An addict who develops tolerance requires more and more of the drug to transport him to the world of fantasy. E. The addict's endeavour is escapism and it is doomed to catastrophic failure even before it begins. F. If the addict is not allowed to take the drug, he suffers from painful and uncontrollable convulsions, vomiting, depression and various other maladies. a) BDCFAE b) BDFECA c) BDFCAE d) CBDFEA

ans is BDFECA. Good one man...did you make it yourself? Also, get two things right dude- 1) The grammar. Once you talk of the addict as one person (he) i.e. singular, you cannot use many (they) i.e. plural in the same jumbled paragraph if the sentences refer to the same entity. 2) CAT questions with 6-statement jumbled paragraphs usually have statements 1 and 6 fixed. 5. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text. Flannery O'Connor, one of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, is often noted for her satirical writing style and her comically inane characters that often meet gruesome and grotesque ends. The "uninitiated" might even be tempted to consider her work a confusing and pointless portrayal of senseless violence perpetrated in large part against ignorant innocents. To do so, however, would be to do a great disservice to the genius of her work, and to deny the existence of multiple layers and levels on which her stories can be interpreted. a) Flannery O'Connor, the twentieth century satirical writer, portrays violence to a great extent in her work. The inexperienced might get induced to regard it as a meaningless display of violence leading to a denial of her genius in the creation of multiple layers and levels of interpretation. b) Flannery O'Connor, a twentieth century satirical writer, creates layers and levels on which her stories can be interpreted. Violence is integral to her writings on the basis of which she creates interesting and deep plots. c) The genius of Flannery O'Connor lies in the creation of the levels of interpretation. Her style is essentially satirical and peppered with violence, though it might be interpreted as senseless violence d) To disregard the genius of Flannery O'Connor would indeed be a disservice. Though the violence sometimes may feel to be unnecessary, the satire is where lies the main essence of her work

From the above paragraph, we need to capture some important line and search for those in the choices given. After reading all the choices, we can easily spot that "option a" contains all valid arguments given in the para. Options b, c and d are incomplete since they miss one or the other point. Hence, the correct answer is option a. Which of the following exhibits a pattern of reasoning least dissimilar to the one exhibited in the argument below?

7. Nature lovers are attracted to forests and nature parks. Just look at the number of people visiting the Corbett national park.

a) Defence personnel who are trained in extremely rigorous procedures often end up as dysfunctional members of the society. Hence if an officer is not trained rigorously, such an officer is more likely to be useful to the society. b) This machinery has increased the work efficiency of the workers. As a result, some of these workers are surplus to the company. c) Fleas must thrive in a warm environment. During warm weather my dog suffers from fleas more so than during cooler weather. d) Cigarette smoking is known to cause lung cancer in some people. However, most victims of lung cancer live in regions where smoking is uncommon. e) Alcoholics and teetotalers usually appear at the same restaurant at the same time of the day. Therefore, alcoholics are teetotalers must be hungry at the same time. The answer is C The answer will be one among (c) or (e) because in these cases because of the large noof appearance of a particular entity we are making an assumption regarding their behaviour. of which in option (c) the assumption is made first , then the ground over which the assumption is made is given. which is quite simmilar to that in the statement of the question hence, the answer is (c)

Here, the main argument is: Nature lovers are attracted to forests and nature parks (it is a conclusion). The justification is provided by citing the number of people visiting that park. If we analyse carefully, we can see that option C is similar to the pattern of argument in main statement. Fleas thrive in a warm environment acts as a conclusion. Justification is provided by "my dog suffers..." Other options don't fit into the given criteria. Options a, b and e consist of a statement followed by a conclusion. The 'however' in option d make it out of choice. Hence, the correct answer is option c.

8. Go through the caselet below and answer the question that follow:Goodricke Group Ltd is planning to give top priority to core competence of production and marketing of tea in 2007. The company intends to increase the production of orthodox varieties of tea. Goodricke is planning to invest Rs. 10 crore to modernise the factories. The company has announced a net profit of Rs. 5.49 crore for 2006 as against Rs. 3.76 crore in 2005. Which of the following can be deduced from the caselet?

a) Production and marketing is core competence of Goodricke Group. b) Increase in production of existing products enhances profits. c) Core competence can be used for furthering company's interests. d) Core competence leads to modernization and profits. e) Goodricke has given top priority to production because it has earned net profits of Rs. 5.49 crore.

Options a,b,d and e make no sense...c can well be the answer as if the company does something it has to be related to furthering its interests some way or the other, but thats common sense- we dont deduce it from the passage!!! No answer is actually correct, but if I have to chose one it would be (c)

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