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How Serial Killers Work Introduction to How Serial Killers Work The Zodiac Killer. John Wayne Gacy.

The BTK Killer. Ted Bundy. Son of Sam. Jeffrey Dahmer. The names and pseudonyms of these killers are burned into the collective consciousness of Americans, thanks to massive coverage in newspapers, books,films and TV specials. Many of those who have been captured appeared average -- attractive, successful, active members of the community -- until their crimes were discovered. This kind of killer doesn't just "go crazy" one day and kill a lot of people. He doesn't kill out of greed or jealousy. So what makes a person not only murder, but murder multiple people over periods of days, weeks and years? There's a special name for these types of murderers: serial killers. In this article, we'll learn about what makes them tick. The term "serial killer" was coined in the mid-1970s by Robert Ressler, the former director of the FBI's Violent Criminal Apprehension Program. He chose "serial" because the police in England called these types of murders "crimes in a series" and because of the serial films that he grew up watching. Prior to this, these types of crimes were sometimes known as mass murders or stranger-on-stranger crime. The FBI defines a serial killer as one who murders three or more victims, with "cooling-off" periods between each murder [source: U.S. Code]. This sets them apart from mass murderers, who kill four or more people at the same time (or in a short period of time) in the same place, and spree killers, who murder in multiple locations and within a short period of time. Serial killers usually work alone, kill strangers and kill for the sake of killing (as opposed to crimes of passion). According to a recent FBI study, there have been approximately 400 serial killers in the United States in the past century, with anywhere from 2,526 to 3,860 victims. However, there's no way to really know how many serial killers are active at any point in time -- experts have suggested numbers ranging from 50 to 300, but there's no evidence to support them.

Serial murders also appear to have increased over the past 30 years. Eighty percent of the 400 serial killers of the past century have emerged since 1950. Why this is happening is a question of some debate; there is no answer, just as there is no simple answer as to why some people become serial killers. In the next section, we'll look at some classifications of serial killers in use by criminal researchers and profilers so we can begin to understand this phenomenon. Intense study in the field of serial murder has resulted in two ways of classifying serial killers: one based on motive and one based on organizational and social patterns. The motive method is called Holmes typology, for Ronald M. and Stephen T. Holmes, authors of numerous textbooks on serial murder and violent crime. Not every serial killer falls into a single type, and many are more than one type. Neither of these classifications explain what might actually lead someone to become a serial killer (more on this later). There is not enough scientific data upon which to base these classifications, either -- they are based on anecdotal and interview data. Critics of the Holmes typology point to this as a flaw, but many investigators still find the method useful when studying serial murder. According to Holmes typology, serial killers can be actfocused (who kill quickly), or process-focused (who kill slowly). For act-focused killers, killing is simply about the act itself. Within this group, there are two different types: the visionary and the missionary. The visionary murders because he hears voices or has visions that direct him to do so. The missionary murders because he believes that he is meant to get rid of a particular group of people. Process-focused serial killers get enjoyment from torture and the slow death of their victims. These include three different types of hedonists -- lust, thrill and gain -- and power-seeking killers. Lust killers derive sexual pleasure from killing. Thrill killers get a "kick" from it. Gain killers murder because they believe they will profit in some way. Power killers wish to "play God" or be in charge of life and death.

AMERICA'S FIRST SERIAL KILLER H.H. Holmes, who was convicted of nine murders, is often considered to be the first serial killer in theUnited States. Holmes confessed to 27 murders, and some investigators thought he may have actually murdered hundreds. He began by killing guests at the massive "castle" hotel that he opened to host visitors to the 1893 World's Fair inChicago. Holmes' crimes were discovered in an inspection after a custodian told police that he was not allowed to clean certain floors of the hotel. He was convicted and hanged in 1896. Interest in the Holmes case was revived in 2003 with the publication of "The Devil in the White City," a book juxtaposing the murders with the construction of the World's Fair. Serial Killer Behavior Serial killers can also be classified by their organizational and social skills. They can beorganized or disorganized (depending on the type of crime scene) and nonsocial orasocial (depending on whether they are excluded by society or exclude themselves). The following chart illustrates behaviors of the two most common types. The majority of identified serial killers are organized and nonsocial. Most of them also follow some other basic patterns. More than 80 percent of serial killers are male, Caucasian and in their 20s or 30s. Serial killers are generally intelligent, and they usually kill Caucasian women. There's no way to "tell" a serial killer simply by his appearance -- most of them look like everyone else. Ted Bundy, who was convicted of 30 murders, was often described as attractive, charismatic and articulate. John Wayne Gacy was a popular figure in his community and often performed as a clown at block parties. He met with first lady Rosalynn Carter when he was precinct captain of his local Democratic Party. He was also convicted of the murders of 33 boys and men. Often, serial killers exhibit three behaviors in childhood known as the MacDonald triad: bed-wetting, arson and cruelty to animals. They are also likely to have come from broken homes and been abused or neglected. Although some are shy and introverted, others are gregarious and outgoing but actually feel very isolated.

Many theorists point to the troubled childhoods of serial killers as a possible reason for their actions. We'll explore this and other theories for why they do it in the next section.


There have been female serial killers, serial killers who were members of racial and ethnic minorities, serial killers who murdered outside of their race and serial killers who began murdering during childhood. Aileen Wuornos, the subject of the 2003 film "Monster," was convicted of killing seven men. She died via lethal injection in 2002. Most of the victims of Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy -- both Caucasian -- were men and boys of racial or ethnic minorities. Mary Bell was 10 years old when she was convicted of murdering two boys in England in 1968. After being incarcerated in first an all-boys' reform school and later a women's prison, she was released at age 23.

Serial Killer Motives One of the most studied aspects of serial murder is why? A number of theories have been set forth as potential explanations. But unraveling the making of a serial killer is like aligning a Rubik's cube. In other words, there is no one answer. Let's take a look at three possible theories: childhood neglect and abuse, mental illness and brain injury. Neglect and Abuse One theory centers around the neglect and abuse that many serial killers experience as children. Robert Ressler and Tom Shachtman describe a study conducted by the FBI, which included interviews with dozens of murderers (mostly serial killers). In each case, they found similar patterns of severe childhood neglect. During a child's development, there are important periods in which he learns about love, trust, empathy and basic rules about how to interact with other human beings. If these traits aren't imprinted upon the child during that period, it may not be possible for him to learn them later in life. Serial killers were often physically or sexually abused as children or witnessed the abuse of family members. This pattern of neglect and abuse, some researchers say, leads serial killers to grow up without a sense of anyone other than themselves. But at the same time,

many children grow up neglected and abused, but do not become violent criminals or serial killers. On the next page we'll learn about mental illness and brain injury in serial killers. Serial Killer Sanity For some people, the only way to explain serial murder is to say that serial killers are "insane." Some serial killers do plead "not guilty by reason of insanity" as a defense, but are all of them "insane" or even mentally ill? According to the U.S. Code, an insanity defense means that "at the time of the commission of the acts constituting the offense, the defendant, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, was unable to appreciate the nature and quality or the wrongfulness of his acts. Mental disease or defect does not otherwise constitute a defense". Basically, a serial killer arguing "not guilty by reason of insanity" must prove that he did not understand right from wrong at the time that he killed. But it can be difficult to prove that he really did not understand that his actions would result in the death of the victims. Only two serial killers have successfully pled insanity. John Douglas, long-term head of the FBI's Investigative Support Unit, believes that serial killers "don't have a problem understanding what death means, and that they have the power to kill". Some serial killers have been diagnosed by psychologists and psychiatrists as psychopaths. The official term in the Diagnostic and Standard Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) is antisocial personality disorder (APD). According to the DSM-IV, a person with APD follows a pattern of "disregard and violation of the rights of others occuring since age 15 years." This pattern includes seven factors (three of which must be met for diagnosis), such as "failure to conform to social norms," "irritability and aggressiveness" and "lack of remorse". Psychopaths are not insane -- they do know right from wrong. But this diagnosis may explain their behavior during their killing cycles.

Brain Injury

Some researchers theorize that serial killers have brain damage or other biological abnormalities that contribute to their actions. Damage to areas like the frontal lobe, the hypothalamus and the limbic system can contribute to extreme aggression, loss of control, loss of judgment and violence. Henry Lee Lucas, who was convicted of 11 murders, was shown to have extreme brain damage in these areas, probably the result of childhood abuse, malnutrition and alcoholism. Arthur Shawcross, another 11-time serial killer, was found to have had several brain injuries, including two skull fractures. While in prison, he suffered from headaches and often blacked out. Bobby Joe Long, convicted of nine murders, stated at one point, "After I'm dead, they're going to open up my head and find that just like we've been saying a part of my brain is black and dry and dead". In the next section, we'll see how law enforcement catches serial killers.

Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer, confessed to killing four women, all of whom were prostitutes. Ridgway was a missionary killer. In his plea statement, he said, I hate most prostitutes [source:].

Many of the most publicized cases are lust killers, including Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. All three killers found sexual gratification in the torture and murder of their victims.

David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam, was a thrill killer who enjoyed the excitement of the kill. He did not touch any of his 15 victims (six of whom died -- nine were injured), but followed and shot at them from a distance.

Catching a Serial Killer A serial killer keeps killing until one of four things happens: he is caught, he dies, he kills himself or he burns out. Obviously once law enforcement determines that a string of murders can be attributed to one person, the goal is to catch him as soon as possible. But how do they figure this out? And how are serial killers caught?

In the aftermath of any homicide, investigating the crime scene and performing an autopsy are routine steps that law enforcement takes in an attempt to solve the crime. Once all of this information has been collected, it can be entered into a nationwide database run by the FBI, as part of ViCAP (Violent Criminal Apprehension Program). This program can help to determine patterns, or signatures, that link separate homicides. According to FBI profiler John Douglas, a signature "is a ritual, something the subject does intentionally for emotional satisfaction -something that isn't necessary to perpetuate the crime. Some serial killers pose their victims in a certain way or leave them in a certain place after killing them. Another signature might be a method of torture or mutilation. It's what the killer does to fulfill his fantasies, and it can tell investigators a lot about his personality. Investigators also look at the MO, or modus operandi, of the crime. The MO reflects what the killer had to do to commit the crime. This includes everything from luring and restraining his victim to the way that he actually murders her. A serial killer's MO can change over time. Essentially, he learns from past mistakes and improves with time. Serial Killer Profiling Determining the signature and the MO are both aspects of profiling. The FBI's Behavioral Sciences Unit developed the process of profiling in the 1970s, and Ted Bundy was one of the first serial killers to be profiled. Studies by psychologists and psychiatrists and information gleaned from past serial murders go into the creation of the profile, along with crime-sceneinformation and witness statements. For example, if the victim is Caucasian, the killer is probably Caucasian. If the crime scene shows evidence of careful planning, the killer is likely to be intelligent and older. If the victim was mutilated in a very disorganized way, her killer is probably schizophrenic, and schizophrenics are more likely to be very thin and unkempt. Profiles are not 100 percent accurate, but they're usually found to be very close. According to Robert Keppell, the detective who took Bundy's confession, the profile assembled for Bundy's crimes was perfect, "even to the point where they predicted he'd have a step-brother and that's what he had".

Once the profile is completed, investigators can look at the existing list of suspects and determine which are most likely to have committed the crime and determine how best to capture him. Some organized serial killers, such as Dennis Rader (the BTK Killer), feel the need to taunt the police, which sometimes leads to their arrest. Rader sent police a floppy disk containing metadata that was traced to his church. Many serial killers, even those who are incredibly organized and methodical, slip up in some way that leads to their arrest. In the case of Jeffrey Dahmer, a potential victim escaped and led police to Dahmer's apartment. Some of John Wayne Gacy's victims had worked for his construction business. But not all serial killers are caught. Some are arrested or picked up for other crimes, and evidence leads investigators to their murders. Ted Bundy was caught at a routine traffic stop, while David Berkowitz, the "Son of Sam," was initially picked up for loitering and was thought to be a witness to the crimes instead of the killer. Once convicted, most serial killers either spend their lives in prison or are executed if the death penalty exists in their state. Ed Gein is one exception. At first found incompetent to stand trial, Gein was sent to a mental institution. Later his psychiatrist determined that he was competent, and a judge found him not guilty by reason of insanity. Gein died in 1984 of heart failure. Most researchers agree that there is no way to "cure" a serial killer. Some serial killers who spent time in mental institutions after committing their crimes or received psychiatric treatment were deemed "cured" and released, but they went on to kill again. Others did not improve after a number of treatment attempts. Peter Woodcock spent 35 years in a criminal psychiatric hospital in Ontario, Canada, after murdering three children. While out on a day pass, he and his security guard escort -- who was also a previously imprisoned killer -- killed another patient. Until we know more about how to stop serial killers before they start to kill or refine ways of capturing them before they continue the cycle of murder, they will continue to be as much a part of reality as murder itself. For lots more information about serial killers and related topics, check out the links on the next page.


One of the first films to feature a serial killer was the 1960 Hitchcock thriller "Psycho," based on Robert Bloch's book of the same name and inspired by real-life killer Ed Gein. Gein also inspired the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and the character of Buffalo Bill in "The Silence of the Lambs." The latter film also made the public aware of the FBI's profiling and ViCAP system. There are numerous true crime books, novels, films and TV shows devoted to the phenomenon. But why are they so popular? Perhaps people are fascinated simply because what serial killers do is so horrifying. They enjoy the fear that comes with serial killer films and books. Some people take this fascination a step further. Until recently, a search on eBay for "serial killer memorabilia" turned up personal items of convicted serial killers, including clothing, paintings and letters. EBay banned the sale of these and other "murderabilia" items after protests by victims' rights groups. One Web site sells serial killer action figures, calendars and trading cards.

Improve Your Memory With These Great Tips Do you find yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out information on important tests? Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help improve your memory. Before your next big exam, be sure to check out some of these tried and tested techniques for improving memory. These strategies have been established within cognitive psychology literature to improve memory, enhance recall and increase retention of information. 1. Focus your attention on the materials you are studying. Attention is one of the major components of memory. In order for information to move from short-term memory into long-term memory, you need to actively attend to this information. Try to study in a place free of distractions such as television, music and other diversions. 2. Avoid cramming by establishing regular study sessions.

According to Bjork (2001), studying materials over a number of session's gives you the time you need to adequately process the information. Research has shown that students who study regularly remember the material far better than those who do all of their studying in one marathon session. 3. Structure and organize the information you are studying. Researchers have found that information is organized in memory in related clusters. You can take advantage of this by structuring and organizing the materials you are studying. Try grouping similar concepts and terms together, or make an outline of your notes and textbook readings to help group related concepts. 4. Utilize mnemonic devices to remember information. Mnemonic devices are a technique often used by students to aid in recall. A mnemonic is simply a way to remember information. For example, you might associate a term you need to remember with a common item that you are very familiar with. The best mnemonics are those that utilize positive imagery, humor or novelty. You might come up with a rhyme, song or joke to help remember a specific segment of information. 5. Elaborate and rehearse the information you are studying. In order to recall information, you need to encode what you are studying into long-term memory. One of the most effective encoding techniques is known as elaborative rehearsal. An example of this technique would be to read the definition of a key term, study the definition of that term and then read a more detailed description of what that term means. After repeating this process a few times, you'll probably notice that recalling the information is much easier. 6. Relate new information to things you already know. When you are studying unfamiliar material, take the time to think about how this information relates to things that you already know. By establishing relationships between new ideas and previously existing memories, you can dramatically increase the likelihood of recalling the recently learned information.

7. Visualize concepts to improve memory and recall. Many people benefit greatly from visualizing the information they study. Pay attention to the photographs, charts and other graphics in your textbooks. If you do not have visual cues to help, try creating your own. Draw charts or figures in the margins of your notes or use highlighters or pens in different colors to group related ideas in your written study materials. 8. Teach new concepts to another person. Research suggests that reading materials out loud significantly improves memory of the material. Educators and psychologists have also discovered that having students actuallyteach new concepts to others enhances understanding and recall. You can use this approach in your own studies by teaching new concepts and information to a friend or study partner. 9. Pay extra attention to difficult information. Have you ever noticed how it's sometimes easier to remember information at the beginning or end of a chapter? Researchers have found that the order of information can play a role in recall, which is known as the serial position effect. While recalling middle information can be difficult, you can overcome this problem by spending extra time rehearsing this information. Another strategy is to try restructuring what you have learned so it will be easier to remember. When you come across an especially difficult concept, devote some extra time to memorizing the information. 10. Vary your study routine. Another great way to increase your recall is to occasionally change your study routine. If you are accustomed to studying in one specific location, try moving to a different spot during your next study session. If you study in the evening, try spending a few minutes each morning reviewing the information you studied the previous night. By adding an element of novelty to your study sessions, you can increase the effectiveness of your efforts and significantly improve your long-term recall.

awkward phobias
10. Ergasiophobia Fear of Work This tipe of phobia cand be asociated to individuals that may actually be suffering from an underlying mental health problem such as depression or Attention Deficit Disorder. Nevertheless, this can be used as a good excuse to get out from work once in while. 9. Neophobia Fear of New things Neophobia is the fear of new things or experiences. Also known as Cainotophobia, it is defined as the persistent and abnormal fear of anything new. In its milder form, it can manifest as the unwillingness to try new things or break from routine. This is not a laughing matter! Some of my ex-girfriends are neophobic. 8. Gamophobia Fear of marriage. Read it out loud boys, Gamophobia is the fear of getting married or being in a relationship. This phobia refers to a person whos afraid of commitment, whereas the opposite of it, anuptophobia, could be what those overly-attached girlfriends have. 7. Taphophobia Fear of being Buried Alive Before the advent of modern medicine there have been numerous cases of people being accidentally buried alive, so this fear hasnt been invented by a phronemophobic. The fear of being buried alive is basically the fear of being placed in a grave while still alive as a result of being incorrectly pronounced dead. 6 Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking. I cant think of a better paradox than this. From the description, Phronemophobia resembles Mnemophobia which is basically the fear of memories. As with any phobia, the symptoms may vary by person depending on their level of fear. The symptoms typically include extreme anxiety, dread, the inability to articulate words or sentences, dry mouth and shaking.

5. Coulrophobia Fear of Clowns Have you ever heard of the movie 100 tears? If you havent, then you should probably know that Coulrophobia is an exaggerated fear of clowns. It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. Sufferers sometimes acquire a fear of clowns after having a bad experience with one personally, or seeing a sinister portrayal of one in the media. 4. Gymnophobia Fear of Nudity As you might have guessed, Gymnophobia is the fear of being seen naked, and/or seeing others naked, even in situations where it is socially acceptable. This phobia often arises from a feeling of inadequacy that ones body is physically inferior, particularly due to comparison with idealized images portrayed in the media. 3. Panphobia Fear of Everything Also known as Omniphobia, Pantophobia or Panophobia, it is a medical condition known as a non-specific fear. The the sufferer finds themselves in a state of fear but with no known target, and therefore no easy remedy. It has been described as a vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil. This fear is often seen as a secondary condition to schizophrenia. 2. Cibophobia- Fear of food. This one really sucks Cibophobia is a relatively complicated phobia that usually gets mistaken with anorexia. As a major difference between the two, those with anorexia fear the effects of food on body image, while those with cibophobia are actually afraid of the food itself. 1. Ithyphallophobia Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. Also know as Medorthophobia, Phallophobia, Ithyphallophobia, and Fear of an Erect Penis being the most common, this persistent, problem often takes months or even years to treat and sometimes it even requires the patient to be exposed repeatedly to their fear.

10 things you shouldnt do if youve escaped from prison Ok, so youve escaped from prison and now youve ran out of ideas on what to do next. Fortunately for you, weve come up with a couple of things that you shouldnt do once youve escaped the rusty old cage. First of all, before you can start building boats, like Andy did, you should remember that this is the real world, a place where escaped convicts are hunted down like well this term didnt really invent itself out of thin air. Second, most of the things written in this article have been seen before in movies like The Shawshank Redemption, Escape from Alcatraz, The Great Escape and Papillon. 10. Youre five minutes out of the sewage duct, its pouring outside, and theres nobody around to hear you scream for joy. Dont stick around too much! If youre waiting for uncle Steve to come and pick you up, make sure hes doing so a few miles away from the prison. If no ones waiting for you, because youre a menace to society, then youd better avoid any nearby hotels, train stations, bus stops or bridges. Why? Theyre called points of interest and usually thats where the cops look for escaped inmates, like you, thats why. 09. The fact that youre still wearing that orange, blue, pink, or whatever color they give your outfit in prison, will not get you very far. As a general rule, uncle Sam gives you this fancy suit so that you stand out in the crowd. You dont have to be a genius to know that everybody will recognize you due to the clothes youre wearing. Also, the police will set up a couple of perimeters around the prison which are meant to contain the escaped convict, so youd better avoid other people for a while and run like youre on fire. 08. Chances are that youre not as smart as Andy was, so I hope you didnt spend the past six months watching paint dry. Most probably, you will be on foot, so a prime physical condition will help you get as far away as possible. Dont forget that dogs will be on your tail the whole time and no matter how many rivers you cross, they will still

track you down. Try to swim down the stream a couple of miles. That should buy you some extra time.. 07. So you feel like going home to your mom? So is the police. By now they have already started talking to anyone who might have known you before youve escaped from prison. Everyone you knew in your life, before the escape, is now gone forever. I hope that you havent been running your mouth around, telling everyone what an awesome plan you have. Keep in mind that the fewer the people know about this, the better. From now on, you are on your own. 06. In 24hrs (if youre lucky) your face will be all over the news. More to it, youre exhausted, hungry and wet so I bet your moral is six feet under. Right now, all you need are some dry clothes and a decent source of proteins but whatever you do, try to keep a low profile. Dont take more than you need, dont hurt anybody in the process and for Gods sake, dont spend too much time in one place. If you need to sleep, do so in the sewers or a hidden place. 05. Dont even think about getting a weapon. Whether its a knife or a shotgun, weapons will only complicate things. Remember that your mission is not to fight back, but instead you should continue to run. Whether you get caught or not, adding extra charges to escaping the prison will probably get you an extra 20 years in a maximum security facility. 04. Dont go directly to Mexico! What you see in the movies is wishful thinking. Nobody gets out of the country that easily and if youre thinking about driving a car through those barriers, youve got another thing coming. Were not in the wild west anymore and you should know that things have changed a little bit since youve been incarcerated. Everything from phones to computers and cars will bring you closer to the cops. Remember that technology is not your friend. 03. So youve managed to get away and finally youve rested more than 4 hours? Good! Dont go spending everything in Vegas! What I mean

to say by this is, dont draw too much attention onto yourself. The fact that you havent been caught yet doesnt mean they stopped looking for you. As Ive told you before, its just a matter of time until they find you and widening that timeframe as much as possible, might be your best shot at being free. 02. You will need a new identity. Think of a name, think of a birthplace, think of a highschool girlfriend, in fact, try to create a totally different background for yourself and keep to that story. Dont think about anything fancy that requires too much explaining to do. Princess Banana Rama, Manager at Microsoft will not do. 01. If you meet a cop, try to act natural. I know it sounds like Im telling you to stop sweating while walking in the middle of the desert but eventually it will happen. Whether its in the first six hours since youve escaped or well after three years, nothing will give you away better than your own self.

30 Things Every Man Should Know How To Do

A real guy needs to know how to do real stuff and, after weeks of debating in our office, weve managed to come up with a list of 30 essential skills that probably every man needs to know. Were not saying you need to be an expert in any of these, but you should at least practice them because practice makes perfect, right? So, there you go the 30 things every man needs to know how to do: Open a bottle without a bottle opener If you cant open a bottle without a bottle opener, youre probably a girl, or at least thats what your friends will think about you soon after theyll notice that youre almost crying in front of your beer bottle. Its pretty damn easy to do it: just use whatever you find around you, a plastic lighter, coins, silverware, your keys, anything with a hard edge. Its not hard to figure out how to do it and with practice you could master this easily.

Handle easy car problems such as jump starting your car or changing a flat tire. You dont need to be a mechanic to solve any of these, you just need to do it once and then youll know how to do it for the rest of your life. If you have a crappy battery you should learn how to use those jumper cables because sooner or later youre going to need them. Theres nothing more unmanly than having to call AAA or one of your buddies to teach you how to use them or to help you change your flat tire as well. Build a fire I think I could say weve all seen at least a couple of episodes of Man vs Wild. If you havent seen one yet, you should quit reading this right now and look it up because Bear Grylls is pretty damn great. Drinks his own pee, starts fire from almost anything. Building a fire without a lighter, gas or matches wasnt a problem many, many years ago but if this problem arises, you have to be prepared and learn how to do it. Know at least a couple of awesome jokes If you can make her laugh, you can make her do anything. Thats what Ive heard years ago and it seems its true. A guy with no sense of humor is considered by everyone dull or boring and in case youre one of those guys, youll need to change that as soon as possible. Heres a cool joke: A man walks over to a lady in a bar and asks whats your name ? Carmen she replies, I like cars and men ! Whats yours ? The man looks her up and down and says Beerpussy Approach a woman out of your league We all see beautiful women everywhere we go, around the city, at the supermarket, at the mall.. everywhere. Theyre usually chatting with friends, enjoying life like they have no care in the world and youre standing there, gawking at them, having the urge to go up and talk to them but not doing anything because you think theyre out of your league. In case theyre not billionaires, married, or supermodels, you dont need to worry. Just go there and say something, show them

you have balls (dont take em out lol), be cocky and funny and try not to ignore their looks. Maybe youll get a number, and a future date. Perform basic first aid We can get injured basically anywhere, playing sports, trying to fix something, putting ourselves at risk to save others and so on and we often end up with small wounds, burns, even broken bones that need immediate attention and care. When that happens knowing to treat these various wounds is essential for you or for your friends. Dont cry like a baby when youve just hurt yourself because mommy is not there to help so.. learn first aid. Dance like a normal guy You dont have to be an expert in dancing and perform a breathtaking Viennese Waltz with a girl at a party. You just need to go on the dance floor and perform like a normal guy, without doing anything silly or going for stupid dance moves youve learned decades ago. Just go with the flow, watch others maybe and keep it simple. Choose a first date location First dates are pretty stressful (if you care about the result of course) and, even though choosing a first date location is not really a skill, its something that every man should be an expert in. If the location is right and you dont do anything stupid youll easily win her over especially if you take her to a romantic place. Just make sure your current girlfriend isnt going to be there at the same time lol. Tell a womans dress size and spot fake breasts Im sure weve all gawked at many, many women until now, especially if youre a loyal reader of this site and sooner or later youll be able to appreciate almost the exact measurements, dress size, bra size and so on of a woman. Youll even start spotting fake breasts. If they dont bounce or jiggle, theyre probably fake but if you get to grab and feel them youll probably know what youre dealing with. Talk your way to a lower price

You may be surprised to learn that only a few prices in the marketplace are fixed and finely honed negotiation skills can always help you get a better deal, from a small discount, to free stuff and bonuses. If you know how to sweet talk successful negotiation can knock down the price of clothes, gadgets and even bills. Too bad you cant negotiate the price for gas. Know your local professional sports teams I cant believe there are still guys out there who dont follow sports, dont know anything about the local professional sports teams or dont even have a favorite team in the whole country. Whenever theres an important game coming up, speaking with guys like these seems like talking to retarded kids and its really uncool. You should at least know all the sports teams in your city. Learn to cook something, from a simple meal to a romantic dinner You cant go to a restaurant or fast food all day long and you probably wont have someone around you all the time just to cook for you. So youll need to prepare something for yourself or maybe youll want to prepare a romantic dinner for a girl as well. There are thousands of sites and books with simple cooking recipes and probably the same amount of youtube videos explaining how to do it so it wont be a problem learning how to prepare a couple of easy meals. And youre going to impress yourself after youre done. Buy a suit that fits you really well Suits are cool and even though you dont have a job that entails dressing in one, you will still have to do it a couple of times a year for certain events and youll have to buy one. Squeeze the fabric to see if its ok, check the buttons, make sure its not wrinkly and always get fitted. Look into the mirror and imagine Barney Stinson lookin awesome in his suit. If you look almost as awesome as he does, then youre all done.

Know how to Tie a tie After youre all set with your suit, you should know how to tie a tie. This is one of the most common problems for most guys out there but you can learn it from basically anywhere, from your folks, friends, from the web, from apps for your phone and after youll manage to do a perfect tie knot, youll never forget how to do it again. Throw a punch like a man, not like a girl Inevitably, at least once in your life, youll find yourself in a situation where you need to throw a punch. Not necessarily in a fight, maybe you just wanna teach your kid to defend himself, or who knows? You cant throw a punch like a girl or bitch slap someone because theyll end up laughing and wooping your ass in the same time. Forget the roundhouse, you dont have a haymaker, just swing your shoulders and throw a straight punch with the right length and youll solve the situation pretty quickly. Ask for help and directions Even though you think you know where youre going and you dont want to ask for directions, youll end up in a situation where you will need to stop and get help. Dont be stubborn or pig headed because sometimes the directions you were given might be plain wrong and youll end up in a completely different place. Just pull over and ask anyone going by, ask at nearby store or gas station and youll get the right directions. Be a Great Wingman You have certain responsibilities to your friends and if you really want to help them, the most important thing they might need is to help them get laid. You might need to jump on a grenade, the ugly friend of the girl he wants to pick up, while hes doing his game, or maybe you just need to start the conversation and show the girl that his friends are pretty damn great. Make a Special Drink or Cocktail

A wise man once said, I drink, therefore I am! and I think that comment explains the best why we love drinks. But instead of buying a six pack or beer, a bottle of wine or tequila, you could impress your girl or maybe friends by preparing a special cocktail for them. Mint Julep, Sazerac, Manhattan and so on are just a couple of classic cocktails you could prepare at home if you have the right ingredients. But there are plenty of sites from where you could find recipes for probably every cocktail in the world. Iron your own shirt You cant always have someone around to do this for you and going out with a wrinkled shirt is not an option in case you dont want to look like youve just come out of your washing mashine. Just take the ironing board, the iron, of course, and start moving and grooving without keeping it too much in the same spot. In time Im sure youll master this but if theres a girl around, dont tell her you know how to do it as well. Tell if someone is lying to you Lying has been around as long as the truth from little white lies to omissions and stupid stories that only a naive kid would fall for. Were used to hear the truth but every now and then you get the sneaking suspicion that the person across isnt telling the truth. If you know how they talk normally and you look for certain signs such as no eye contact, stress gestures, rise in vocal pitch and so on you might easily spot a liar and ask the right questions. Do at least a couple of push-ups on command In my group of friends weve actually started a thing a while back for guys who run late. For every minute theyre late, they have to do a push up. Its pretty fun to watch, it makes all of us arrive on time and its also good for your body. I think every man should be able to do at least ten or twenty push-ups on command and if you cant do even these, you should move your fat ass to the gym as soon as possible. Speak a foreign language (or more)

Apart from the fact that this makes you a lot more interesting to a lot of people, it might be really useful whenever youre ready for that crazy trip you were planning to Europe. Italian is cool, French sounds lovely, Spanish is good in case you want to impress a Latina and.. probably any other foreign language has its advantages. Give a Good Massage Even though Im sure you love receiving massages a lot more than you like giving one, your girl deserves a full half an hour of pleasure, a great body massage that will make her like you even more. It might lead to other things, but Im sure youll both enjoy it. Try to Look Good in Pictures Were not male models and we all know that we look kinda silly in most candids. But there are a couple of photos where we look pretty damn great and thats exactly how youd like to look in all other photos. So.. take some time and study the photos where you look your best, notice your position and youll know the angles that work for you. Drive in crappy conditions You cant drive only when its sunny and warm outside and youll end up pretty often on the road driving in crappy conditions such as heavy rain or snow on icy or muddy roads and you have to be able to handle your car on any road and in any conditions. Adjust your driving, be really careful and dont try to be a hero or do anything stupid. In case youre just about to go out with your car when the weather is shitty, check your tires, windshield wipers, brakes and youre ready to go. Sew a button Because you shouldnt have to ask your girl/wife or your tailor for anything simple enough to do yourself in just a couple of steps. Buttons will snap off and you could solve this issue fast with a simple thread and a needle. Know at least one musical group as much as you can

We all love music, we all have our favorite genre and artists and even though we usually have different tastes you should know a couple of things about your favorites in case anyone asks for more. You dont have to be a know-it-all and argue with someone who doesnt like your music, but you should know something about your favorite musical group. Undo her bra with just one hand This is much easier than most people think. All bras function on the same basic mechanism so if you learn to undo one, you shouldnt have any problems with the others. You just need to practice a lot because whenever you get to the point when you need to undo her bra, you should be good at it. If you cant unhook it fast with your clumsy hands, it might ruin the mood. Buy a Proper Gift for Anyone We all love birthdays, especially ours, of course, but whenever your friends or someone from your family celebrates their birthday, its time to look up for a proper gift and.. we usually have trouble figuring out what the right gift is for someone. Just google fun gift ideas, search for things they love, need or really want and youll turn yourself into a gift guru. Learn to Surf the web anonymously Your Internet history tells a lot about you, especially when you meet someone who knows where and what to look for. Anyone can find out how often you visit weird porn sites or whatever you do on the web all day long but theres an easy solution for that and that is clearing your history, cookies and cache or maybe even browsing sites through proxies.

Last week we discussed if you need money to get laid and I mentioned that the same things applies to looks. I got a ton of emails

from you guys telling me that on the contrary, one needs good looks in order to score women. The hard truth is that, the better you look, the easier it is to score increasingly hotter women. Does that mean you have to be good looking in order to get laid? NO but, looking good, will surely help your situation. Lets dive deeper Theres this whole myth created by these big dating guru guys. It doesnt matter how you look, youll be able to get any woman you want. Thats just retarded. Ive gotten laid plenty of times just because the chicks believed I was hot. Heck, Im not even that hot but I once had a chick approach me in a club saying that she just had to talk to me because I looked so good (grated that only happened once). More Opportunities The point here is that yes, looks do matter but when it comes down to it, women dont care about it as much as we do. Looking good will just give you more opportunities. Some women will reject you because you werent attractive enough when you first approached them. Sure, that may happen less to good looking men but at the end of the day those guys can fail within the next 30 seconds. If youre a total moron when you open your mouth, those great looks youve got will do nothing for you. Ive met so many frustrated women whove been utterly disappointed by dudes that looked good only to turn into retards the moment they opened their mouths. The bottom line is that, when compared to men, women wont just bang a guy just because he was good looking. This means that being good looking will only give you a bigger opportunity. This is why theres absolutely no reason to blame your looks for anything. Many of youthe ones that say Im not good looking which is why Im not getting laid, are only using this an excuse. Quite frankly, this statement is nothing more than a pathetic excuse you use to hide under. The truth is, unless you look like a monstrosity, if you dress well, look clean, keep clean, very few women will DENY you the

opportunity of getting to know them. Youll always see great looking chicks with horrible looking guys and thats just a testament of how unimportant looks are to some women. But be realistic: In order to have a decent amount of success you also need to be realistic. If you rate yourself as a 1 from 1 to 10, then dont expect to score that perfect 10. As a rule of thumb you can go at least 34 higher. If youre a 3 you can score a 7. If youre a 6, you can score 10. But if you see that 1 with a hot 10, know thats its one of the rare exceptions. Looks are an advantage Being physically attractive is an advantage, in the same way as having a ton of cash is another advantage. Owning your own business is an advantage. Being a club promoter is an advantage. Being famous is an advantage. Being fluent in 5 languages is an advantage. Get the point? Neither of the above examples will guarantee you a flock of women. They only offer you an edge in front of the competition. I wanted to get all of this out in the open because so many guys out there make such a big deal about it. Ive lost about 15 kgs in the last 5 months and went from a horrible belly to almost ripped abs. Do I have more women checking me out? Yeah. But, do I get laid more often? Nope. The only difference is that I can approach more women without an INSTANT rejection. This means that I have to approach fewer women on any given night to be successful but other than that, its game on. If I still had that belly and looked even worse than I do now, Id probably have to approach 2x more women on any given night but that would still yield the same exact result at the end of the evening 1 chick that Im going to bang. Stop using your looks as an excuse for why you arent getting any women. Go out there and approach chicks, show them your personality, show them that youve got value, show them how amazing you are and most importantly show them that youve got game.

Most people believe that if youve got no money, you cant get laid. This could not be further from the truth. This article will show you how to be a player even when youre so broke that youre living on your friends couch. After I graduated University I decided to take some time off to have fun. I was doing pizza deliveries and living on my friends couch. The job was paying me more than enough money to go out about 5 nights a week and that was all I needed. Funny enough, during this period, lots of girls bought me all sorts of stuff. Stuff like dinners, drinks, dates, cabs even clothes. If Im thinking about it now, most of them probably realized just how broke I was but anyway lets continue. When youre a broke player theres 4 major things that can put a strain on your already tiny budget. This article will show you the best ways to go around them. Transportation This is the one you have least control over. If you live in a small town, then you can probably walk it. If you live in the suburbs and you have to drive 30 minutes to get downtown then thats when you probably cant avoid paying for gas. If you live in the big city its probably super cheap to just get the subway ($2) or share a cab with friends. Regardless of your methods you can usually get away with about $5 a night for transportation. If you are driving, parking is a major downer. The only way to avoid this is to arrive early. You might think this is lame but the easiest time in the night, for a player to play his game, is early anyway. If you get invited to house parties these provide a perfect opportunity to hitch a ride with someone else. You can use house parties as an excuse to hitch a ride downtown. The downside to things like this is the fact that eventually, you will have to return the favor and being as broke as you are right now, you probably wont have the money to be doing that. Just catch as many free rides as you can and stop before you become the freeloader people always hate. Entry Fee

The easiest way to avoid this is to go to places that dont have an entry fee. You can easily stick to dive bars, hotel lounges, sports bars etc. Now you might be thinking, but the places with ridiculously high entry fees are the places with the hottest girls. Thats usually true and Im going to show you how to get into most of these places with reduced or no entry fee. You first need to get on a local promoters list. This may sound hard, but it isnt. A simple search on Facebook or any other social network is all you need to be on any promoters VIP list. Do a search on Facebook for City Nightlife and obviously replace city to your location. Youll see a lot of fan page for promoters, go on them, you can easily recognize them with all the fancy pictures and champagne and all that glamorous stuff. Look on those pages until you find a phone number that says TEXT this number to be on VIP list for Monday or whatever. You simply text that number, turn up and youre sorted. Usually you get something like a 50% discount but sometimes you even get a free entry. You can take this even further if you try to actually meet the promoters. A good way to approach this is to look on their Facebook page and find a person that posts there quite often, he must also be posting stuff that proves he knows the promoter. You can then say Hey Promoter, my friend is friend with your friend (the one you saw posting). Hell usually pretend to be all excited but in reality, he doesnt really care. This is a good way to get to know him and eventually get more free entries. You can also befriend the bouncers. This is slightly harder to do but if youre a regular, just go outside every once in a while and talk to them. Theyre usually bored to hell and always take the chance to talk to someone. Sure some are rude and unresponsive but most of them are just normal people. The more you talk to them and get to know them the more you can jump queues and get free entries. Alcohol It goes without saying that you should never ever buy girls drinks, sure now youre broke and cant afford to but even if you have money its still not the way to go. Alcohol is the easiest way to lose your money. If you dont drink at all, youre fine but if you do drink

heres the most cost effective way to do it, without ever buying a single drink from the bar. Pre-game is what I call it. This basically means you get yourself ready before you actually go out. Go to your local liquor store, buy your favorite type of alcohol, and get the brand thats on sale. Lets say you like WHISKEY (I do) then just go into that store and look for the brand of whiskey that they have on sale. Always buy that, I know it might not be the best one, but lets be honest here, youre broke so you dont have much of a choice. Bottles are incredibly cheap and if youre not an alcoholic it will last you for quite some time. Also make sure you buy a cheap aluminum flask. This will set you back about $5 but you only need to buy it once and its definitely worth the investment. So heres what you do. First you drink at home, enough to get you going but dont get drunk, never get drunk. Now fill that flask up and go out. Make sure you hide it well on your person. I would refrain from going to places where you get searched as it might get found and thats not cool. Now all you do is get a cheap coke from the bar, slip to the toilet and pour shots in the glass. The flask should hold about 5 shots, more than enough for the whole night. A glass of coke is about $2 meaning that with $10 youre drinking whiskey and coke all night. You can shoot straight from the flask but make sure none of the bouncers and bartenders see you as this will get you thrown out. If youre good at your game, you can even trick or convince the girls to buy you drinks. But this does take some skill. One last note, in my couch crashing days some of my lucky friends were bartenders, if you know a place where your friends work behind the bar thats a fantastic way to get free drinks. Because I was doing pizza deliveries I always brought pizzas home from work and the bartenders ate for free. As a result I always and I do mean always got drinks for free at their work places. This is also fantastic social proof if youre chatting up some girls at the bar. Dates Most broke players are worried about this one in particular. Here are some basic ways to go around dating when you have no money.

Attend free events. You can easily find these on Yelp or similar sites related to your location, just type Free events City in Google and youll find plenty do. Some of these are incredibly impressive for women, like modern art galleries, theater, concerts, shows etc. Make sure you get something close to your house so you dont have to spend a lot of money on travel. Never go on dinner dates, bar dates or all sorts of other dates that involve spending massive amounts of money. Take her for a walk in the park and just walk and talk or you can even take her shopping with you, just dont buy anything, girls love this sort of stuff. Final Notes Its pretty evident that when you dont have any money, online and day game can be the most rewarding. It will allow you to skip on all of the above nightlife related money spenders. If youre doing online dating make sure you do the free sites theyre much better anyway (Plenty of Fish and OK Cupid) There you have it, by following my advice you can easily have a great night out even if youre broke.

In the last 6 months Ive managed to lose 15kgs as part of a get in shape type of challenge I set to myself. You all know I do amazingly well with the ladies but has this effort really done anything in that arena? To give you an idea, Im 6ft 1inches tall (185cm) and 6 months ago I weighed in at 91kg. Granted, I wasnt really fat but I did have a very visible belly and some manboobs. 15kgs lighter, Ive got an 8pack and am as most would call it, very fit. Ive never been into big muscles and always aimed for a skinnier but ripped type body. That being said, lets look at what getting in shape can do to you when it comes to scoring more women. Sky High Confidence The better you look physically the better youll feel mentally. Its just how we are as men. If you look and feel amazing, youll know

it and radiate it from within. Your confidence will be sky high and all the women around you will feel it. You will get A LOT more looks Women like to check out great looking men in the same way you like to check out hot women. If you look amazing, women will notice you. Theyll actually stare at you in hopes that youll notice them doing it and approach them for a chat. Also, because so many women eye ball you, youll have a fantastic chick pool to choose from. Women will approach you In my past articles Ive mentioned that Ive hardly been approached. I mentioned that I always had to approach women and that you should always do the same. I still believe that, but looking this good has seriously ranked up that approach count. Ive literally had women come up to me at least once a week. It may not sound as much but from 6 or so approaches in my life, to 1 a week thats an outstanding increase. Youll bang more women Sure that may sound obvious but looking good makes it easier for you to close. If shes physically attracted to you it means that shell also be easier to seduce which means you really do need less game to score. You can make more mistakes, say a few stupid things but shell still be there because omg this guy looks so amazing. Youre going to get a LOT better at game Looking good will bring you a lot more women which automatically means youll be forced to improve your game. Getting all those looks in a club will force you to do something. Talking to girls more often will force you to improve your conversational skills. In short, looking good will make you better with women. *The list above represents short term benefits. They are short term because once you open your mouth, if you sound like a retard; youre still going to be a retard, regardless of how amazing you look.

How To Get In Shape First of all I want to mention that Im in no way a fitness expert nor am I a gym buff. I manage to lose weight and look good through trial and error and Im going to share my views on it because it worked for me. 6 Pack Abs are made in the kitchen Ive read this statement on the internet so many times but I still never believed it. Thousands of ab crunches with almost no effect later and I can confidently say that its better to eat right than do abs workouts if you ever want them to be visible. Forever Hungry What you eat and how much you eat matters a LOT. To keep things simple, stay away from sugar (juices, ice cream, sweets etc) and junk food (burgers, mcdonalds, any fast food, crisps etc). If you manage to cut these things out, youll be half way there. The next part is basically living your entire life with a feeling of hunger in your stomach. This may sound extreme but is in fact, a lot easier (at least for me) than eating 6 calculated meals a day. I mean, who has time to cook 6 meals a day? Instead of doing that, just force yourself to eat a lot less. Dont starve yourself but in those 3 meals a day, eat enough to NOT be exactly full. In time, youll get used to this and it will seem much easier. An easy tip on how to achieve this, dont keep shit in your fridge. If youve got 3 salamis there, youre going to eat sandwiches (bread and that salami). If youve got no salamis there, youre NOT going to eat bread all by itself. No cured meats and spreads in the fridge will reduce your snack meals by 100%. Work Out Every Day Obviously this was coming but heres the hard truth about it. You should aim to work out at least 30 minutes every day. To keep things a LOT simpler just do 150 or so pushups in 4-5 sets (if you can) and 150 squats again in same number per set. Do this each day before you eat breakfast. It wont last more than 30 minutes and is ENOUGH. If you feel like youve got it, do some before at lunch as well.

If you really really feel like youve got it, do a workout routine. I did INSANITY and it was amazing. Keep in mind that working out without a diet (or at least what Ive mentioned above) is almost useless. The insanity workout is 9 weeks, 6 days a week, 1 hr a day and its absolutely insane. First 9 weeks I did it, I didnt keep a diet and wasnt forever hungry. I lost 2 kgs. You can lose that much after you take a shit so basically it was useless. Yes I was feeling fit; meat stayed better on me but at the end of the day, fat was there. I actually lost a lot more and started to have abs visible when I just did the pushups and squats. When I realized that it must be the diet, I started doing that workout again and BY god how things changed. Insanity program provides you with a diet, but its more science fiction than reality, Im guessing normal people dont eat anything close to what they say in that menu, let alone the 6-8 cooked meals a day routine However, keeping a diet is KEY. As a rule of thumb its 20% workout and 80% diet. Keep in mind that the INSANITY workout is incredibly intense. If youre seriously overweight, consult your doctor before attempting that because youll pass out/get heart attack after the first 20 minutes. Keep Your Mind In The Game Its hard to stay motivated and believe me I know it. Force yourself to want it, wake up and while youre washing your face think about the workout youre going to do and how amazing youll look after it. Working out shoots endorphins in the brain (similar to sex, food and coke) so, as long as you stick to it, it will become addictive in the long run. There you have it, 5 reasons why its worth it to get in shape and a really easy to follow get in shape and lose some weight plan thats going to get you results as long as youre forever hungry.

Im constantly battered with emails from guys, giving me all sorts of reasons as to why they cant get any women because theyre this and that blablabla. More often than not, what they say to me is

never the actual reason behind their inability to succeed with women, its always an excuse. This being said, the following 16 things about yourself are the real truth behind your failure with women. If you find yourself relating to a lot of these, seriously consider doing something about it. If you find that hardly any apply to you, give me a call and lets go out this weekend. 1. You are too weak Thats right; the first and most important reason is your weakness. You do not have to balls needed for sex to happen. You fear rejection and this stops you from interacting with hundreds of potential chicks. You have problems grasping the true reality of the situation the more chicks you approach; the more you get rejected BUT ALSO the more you get laid. 2. You arent proud of yourself Youve somehow managed to come to the conclusion that youre not the guy women want. Instead of working towards gaining some self respect you are OK with this terrible existence. If you truly feel this way about yourself, how do you expect any woman on this planet to view you differently? 3. Youve got a massive complex You strongly believe that your crooked teeth or bad skin is the reason you havent gotten laid in 6 months. Unless youve been on the news because that complex makes you look like a monstrosity, you fail to realize that most people really dont care. 4. You dont care about the way you look You believe that a man is not a woman and thus he should not spend some time in front of the mirror to fix himself up. You think guys that do their hair and dress well are gay but yet, you seem to miss the fact that they are always leaving the venue with a girl. 5. You dont care about how fit you are You somehow know women dont really care about your physical appearance but again are oblivious to the fact that guys, that

work out and look fit, are leaving the venue with a girl much more often that you are. 6. Youre a quitter The first time you get rejected in a night, is also the last time because youve already given up. Instead of trying and trying (until you succeed) you quickly become #2 (and never succeed). 7. You say no to alcohol You havent yet realized that a MODERATE USE OF alcohol is incredibly useful in social situations. Even the most socially awkward dude can lose his inhibitions and interact with women. You say no to alcohol and no to chicks that drink because youve got principles while you may have that, you certainly dont have any women in your bed. 8. All the girls you meet are from your tiny social circle You fail to notice that the best way to meet women is to actually go out into the world and approach them. Every social circle will have a VERY limited number of potential prospects. Do you want your banged chick number to be a little over 2? 9. You are desperate for female attention You rarely get the chance to be in the presence of a woman and when you do, you do the dumbest s**t possible. You lean in when youre talking to her, you text/call her 10x time more often than she does, you freak out when she doesnt immediately text/calls you back, you ask for permission, you show these sings of neediness, you lose her 10. Youre unable to connect to women Although youve got a decent age, youve failed to realize that the best way to connect to women is emotionally. Instead of sharing an interesting story and talking about how it made you feel, you try to use reason and logic, whilst explaining how the country got in or out of the recession. You feel frustrated that you cant understand women, or that they just dont get you.

11. You dont know how to get a girl interested in you Because you dont understand women you find it incredibly hard to get them interested in you. You dont know how to make them want you and this becomes increasingly difficult as time progresses. This is probably because 12. Youre not interesting If all you do is go to work/school, come home, and sleep. Then, its probably evident that all you talk about is the only thing you do (work/school). Youve failed to realize that interesting people do interesting things thus having a lot of interesting s**t to talk about. There are no REAL excuses for not being interesting, or at least appearing to be. 13. You do not understand humor You think that dropping random jokes in randomly inappropriate situations is the way to make people laugh. You even misinterpret the importance of making a girl laugh, as in, Why would she need to have any fun when shes with me?. You dont understand that good humor is spontaneous and situational, its hardly ever prepared at home and you also miss the fact that laughter always makes a girl feel good. 14. You take girls to dinner You havent yet realized that dinner dates are never a step closer to getting what you want. Apart from the fact that this dating scenario creates a lot of unnecessary pressure on both parties it also stops you from making some real moves, such as touching as shes on the other side of the table. Unfortunately youve again failed to realize the importance of alcohol. Instead of helping this social awkwardness date scenario with something that loosens a persons inhibitions, youve decided to counter the effects of the booze by throwing some food over it. Dont you think it would be better to take girls out for drinks?

15. Youre cheap

You dont take girls to dinner, not because you understand that taking girls to dinner decreases the chances of getting physical and scoring but, because youre a cheap bastard! I agree that its never a good idea to buy girls drinks, BUT ONLY when they shamelessly request it. In every other scenario you just come out as a cheap. 16. You dont have game You dont understand why the above examples are stopping you from meeting and succeeding with beautiful women. Having game is not just about understanding women, its about understanding the society you live in and fitting well into those social norms. You need to adapt yourself to what society desires (fashion, music, interests, technology etc), otherwise youre just going to be the weird guy that doesnt fit in. Im not saying to become mister NORMAL, because its always much better to have some outstanding and unique interests. However, not having any friends, not having any common interests with people, not listening to the music people listen to just tells everyone, male and female, that you do not fit in with normal society. Think about it, if you have nothing to talk about because nothing interests you, you are doomed to a life of loneliness. Finally, not being into Justin Beiber doesnt mean you dont fit in, because there are just as many people that feel the same way.

Experience is what makes us good at the game. Over the past years, Ive done some of the most ridiculous stuff imaginable but, only by doing that was I able to eventually succeed. You see, sometimes failing is the only way to LEARN your lesson but it should never be a reason to give up. If you think youre failing, or want to fail a whole lot less, this article is here to show you the 40 most important rules that Ive learned to live by. Read them, remember them and who knows, you might actually succeed without having to fail so much. 1. Dont give a shit. Not giving a shit is hard to fake and Ive yet to meet a successful player that cared.

2. Always scout the chicks. If you arent picking the right girls that are most suitable and probable to be banged by you, youre wasting your time. 3. Dont fantasize about her before having sex. Women are always more interesting and beautiful before the actual act, fantasizing before only makes you sad when it doesnt happen. 4. Know the importance of alcohol. While you can take girls out for coffee, taking them out for drinks will increase your chances of scoring by at least 50%. 5. Stay on your toes. While approaching girls may be the easiest way to score new chicks, its never the only way. 6. Know how to close and do it when the time is right. 7. Approach at least 7 girls a week. If youre not doing this, youre not exploiting your true potential. 8. Always have an opening line. When in doubt, just say Hi. 9. Never go out if youre not feeling your best, youll just waste everyones time. 10. Only compliment women when you 100% know that your compliment just got you closer to getting laid. Quite often, this doesnt happen. 11. Become interesting. If youre not able to talk for hours about yourself, your life, things you do, know etc then youre not interesting. 12. Money, cars, houses, jobs are NOT why men get laid Game is. Get this in your head and you can achieve anything. 13. Always carry 2 condoms. One is never enough. 14. If you dont see her again in a week, its probably over. 15. Theres always more to learn. 16. Know how to be an actor and play the part of getting into her pants. 17. Stay true to your standards, even if youre really drunk, youre only going to be disgusted in the morning.

18. Dance if you have to, even if you hate it. 19. Dont try to copy some guy, be yourself and be original. 20. Once a girl stops trying to get you in a relationship with her, you can still bang her for a long time without working for anything. 21. Never ask for her name, before she asks for yours. 22. Making out with her should be your minimal goal, not her number. A number with no makeout can often be a useless number. 23. If she offers to give you her number, it doesnt mean youre getting laid. It just means you might see her again. 24. Being consistent may be the hardest thing to do. Some nights you might have 10 women begging for your attention whilst other nights you cant even get a monster to smile. Its just life so, stop whining. The more you do it, the better you get at it and the better you are, the more consistent you become. 25. Your artistic side, your adventurous side, your risky side can and will always compensate your inexistent financial side. 26. If you wait for her to make the first move, youre probably still waiting now 27. Never underestimate the power of a wingman. Hes the best defense you have against her cockblocking friends. 28. Youre such a nice guy is never a good sign, any other compliment, is. 29. Allow your game to evolve but know that it will only evolve with experience. 30. Never bust your nut before you go out. Being horny only makes you work harder. 31. Know that being good at sex is important but never ask her how it was. Confidence is a must if you want to do it again. 32. Stand out. If youre in a venue and every other guys looks like you, know that its time to leave.

33. Not all women know how to flirt. Some will give you advice while others insult you. Thats just their way of showing affection. 34. If a woman knows how to be sexy and feminine, shes always going to be a good catch. 35. Always have a plan for everything. Where youre going out, how youre going to approach her, what youre going to say, how youre going to ask for her number, how youre going to ask her back at your place etc. 36. Sometimes saying nothing is exactly what you need to say. 37. Dont know what to say? Read a book or ask a player for advice. 38. Its ok to lose hope after a very bad night but always get back up in the morning. 39. Your dream girl doesnt exist, if she was real, how could she be your dream girl? 40. The game never ends you just get old, tired and a wife.

If you think youre failing, or want to fail a whole lot less, this article is here to show you the 39 most important dating rules that the player has learned to live by. Read them, remember them and who knows, you might actually become a player. 1. Dont give a shit. Not giving a shit is hard to fake and Ive yet to meet a successful player that cared. 2. Always scout the chicks. If you arent picking the right girls that are most suitable and probable to be banged by you, youre wasting your time. 3. Dont fantasize about her before having sex. Women are always more interesting and beautiful before the actual act, fantasizing before only makes you sad when it doesnt happen.

4. Know the importance of alcohol. While you can take girls out for coffee, taking them out for drinks will increase your chances of scoring by at least 50%. 5. Stay on your toes. While approaching girls may be the easiest way to score new chicks, its never the only way. 6. Know how to close and do it when the time is right. 7. Approach at least 7 girls a week. If youre not doing this, youre not exploiting your true potential. 8. Always have an opening line. When in doubt, just say Hi. 9. Never go out if youre not feeling your best, youll just waste everyones time. 10. Only compliment women when you 100% know that your compliment just got you closer to getting laid. Quite often, this doesnt happen. 11. Become interesting. If youre not able to talk for hours about yourself, your life, things you do, know etc then youre not interesting. 12. Money, cars, houses, jobs are NOT why men get laid Game is. Get this in your head and you can achieve anything. 13. Always carry 2 condoms. One is never enough. 14. If you dont see her again in a week, its probably over. 15. Theres always more to learn. 16. Know how to be an actor and play the part of getting into her pants. 17. Stay true to your standards, even if youre really drunk, youre only going to be disgusted in the morning. 18. Dance if you have to, even if you hate it. 19. Dont try to copy some guy, be yourself and be original. 20. Once a girl stops trying to get you in a relationship with her, you can still bang her for a long time without working for anything. 21. Never ask for her name, before she asks for yours.

22. Making out with her should be your minimal goal, not her number. A number with no makeout can often be a useless number. 23. If she offers to give you her number, it doesnt mean youre getting laid. It just means you might see her again. 24. Being consistent may be the hardest thing to do. Some nights you might have 10 women begging for your attention whilst other nights you cant even get a monster to smile. Its just life so, stop whining. The more you do it, the better you get at it and the better you are, the more consistent you become. 25. Your artistic side, your adventurous side, your risky side can and will always compensate your inexistent financial side. 26. If you wait for her to make the first move, youre probably still waiting now 27. Never underestimate the power of a wingman. Hes the best defense you have against her cockblocking friends. 28. Youre such a nice guy is never a good sign, any other compliment, is. 29. Allow your game to evolve but know that it will only evolve with experience. 30. Never bust your nut before you go out. Being horny only makes you work harder. 31. Know that being good at sex is important but never ask her how it was. Confidence is a must if you want to do it again. 32. Stand out. If youre in a venue and every other guys looks like you, know that its time to leave. 33. If a woman knows how to be sexy and feminine, shes always going to be a good catch. 34. Always have a plan for everything. Where youre going out, how youre going to approach her, what youre going to say, how youre going to ask for her number, how youre going to ask her back at your place etc. 35. Sometimes saying nothing is exactly what you need to say.

36. Dont know what to say? Read a book or ask a player for advice. 37. Its ok to lose hope after a very bad night but always get back up in the morning. 38. Your dream girl doesnt exist, if she was real, how could she be your dream girl? 39. The game never ends you just get old, tired and a wife.

Here are 20 signs that may give you a warning that youre already forgetting one very important aspect of your life and you really need to get laid. As soon as possible. 1. When you start fapping to Japanese cartoons. Or any other cartoons as well. Or anything else that doesnt include real tits or real women. If you know all the latest Hentai releases you might want to do something about it. 2. When you surprise yourself singing Justin Biebers songs. Thats not only a sign that you need to get laid pretty damn fast, its also a sign you might not be straight lol. 3. If you get very pissed and irritated by the thought that your geeky friend just recently had a date and youve been alone for months. 4. When you can read l33t. If you know what l33t means. I mean 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 141d. If you even think l33t is cool you might have a serious problem. 5. If youve read this article until here, and you still want to read more. 6. If youre searching on Google for ways to get laid and you end up in a vicious circle, reading articles that are telling you that you need to get laid. 7. If you think Twilight is the best movie youve ever seen. Ok, I understand Ashley Greene is in it and shes damn hot in real life but what the heck? that movie is shittier than the last episode of Seinfeld.

8. If you find yourself being nice to your kid sister just for her to hook you up with one of her friends. 9. If you wear a Smurf costume to a Halloween party and you think you are cool. 10. When you choose to stay home and watch some cheap movies with your average looking girlfriend, while your friends are out, drinking and having fun. When you think that bros before hos is just a rhyme, without any deep meaning. 11. When you cant keep a straight face and feel very uncomfortable whenever you hear the song I touch myself by the Divynyls. 12. When you have fantasies with your 52 years old neighbor. No, Im kidding. If this happens you really need to consult a psychiatrist. 13. If you think that MMORPGs are the best things invented since sliced bread. If youve recently played a MMORPG for an entire night, thats a sign youre not focusing on the right things. 14. If you tell a girl I like you for who you are. No shit, this is one of the cheapest lines in any mans playbook and thats a sign he could say anything just to get laid. 15. If you have a yellow fever but you dont live in an Asian country. 16. If you make a conscious effort to hook up with your ex by pretending you now have a pathetic life. 17. If you know who Aayla Secura is. Star Wars fans will be like whoa, but why? 18. When you play footsie with your own foot. This a clear sign that you havent been around women for a while. 19. When you suddenly understand what blue balls or gray lips meant and your doctor is giving you hints that you will soon get a Deadly Semen Build-up syndrome if you dont do something. 20. If someone recently named you: phuctart youre clearly acting like one.

Sue's list is in bold. My responses are below each one. 1) Do not involve your penis in sexting if you are public figure with a penchant for extramarital affairs. Ok, so she opened with a fair point. I'll give her that. But that's all I'm giving you, Suzanne! Unless you send me your phone number. Because then I can probably hook you up with a sick photo of my dick. 2) Do not neglect your penis. I am talking hygiene. This is nonsensical. This is the beginning of Suzanne's filler bullshit. Did you realize after number one you didn't have anything else to write? What's next, Sue? You going to tell us we need to wipe our assholes after we shit? Well I've got a cold confession: I already do. 3) Do not stick your penis into household objects. Disagree. Completely. If you have a fleshlight in your house, it's a HOUSEHOLD OBJECT and not shoving your dick into it is a goddamn disservice to your cock's dorsal nerve. Also, no fleshlight? NO PROBLEM! Use one of these pillows and the fist God gave you. Same basic thing! I'll give Sue partial credit on this one and just say: don't stick your dick into anything you might not be able to get it out of or anything electrical, as that is an embarassing way to die. R.I.P Uncle Ted. 4) Do not use your penis to urinate all over the place in public. Why on earth is this acceptable? I don't know, maybe the prevention of bladder infections, or UTI's, or white snow, you bitch? It's acceptable because at some point everyone does it out of basic necessity. Even women. 5) Do not ever put your penis into someone who does not want this. How very thoughtful. Suzanne was under the impression we all needed to be reminded not to rape. Store this advice somewhere safe, Bros. Wouldn't want to forget this one. 6) Do not name your penis. Mine is named the BOX CUTTER, but sometimes, when he's feeling randy or on a covert mission, he goes by Ebenezer Splooge. 7) Do not derive pleasure from your penis with other men. Oh for fuck's sake... I've had enough. Can't do it. I don't even know what the fuck this one means, but you've made me lose the will to go on. You win, Sue. You goddamn win... Here are the final three, each worse than the one before it:

8) Do not try to pierce your own penis. 9) Do not try to make your penis bigger by buying Bazooka Pills or other rubbish offered online. 10) Do not mistake your penis for your brain. So if we're keeping score Suzanne provided us with one and a half good tips. Oh, and if you're a fan of torture, read her entire post and logic behind her choices at The Guardian.

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