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The Floating Stones

The Floating Stones in Figures Executive Summary Analysis Development and Testing Project Management and Construction Innovation and Sustainability Organizational Chart Project Schedule Design Drawing Appendix A - References Appendix B - Mixture Proportions Appendix C - Bill of Materials

Table of Contents

i 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 A-1 B-1 C-1

Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition (CNCCC) since 2006. Last years edition proved to be very competitive finishing third and establishing a school record in the Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition, while also performing at a high level in the Metropolitan conference with a second place finish. Inspired by the energy and relentlessness of past and present RockNRoll legends, the team decided to name its canoe The Floating Stones after the iconic Rolling Stones. With its never ending evolution and constant motivation the RockNRoll theme was perfectly fit to describe the 2011 edition. It has been a year of challenges for the team. Inspired by last years trial, the team once again took on the challenges of prestressed concrete, hoping to solidify weaker sections of the canoe that proved problematic. The design team also spent many hours improving its structural concrete mix, by adding more recycled/reused materials. The construction team was also put to the test, working on solutions in order to unmold the canoe more effectively while working on many green initiatives, such as the water recovery system. The competition sub-committee successfully used its creativity to produce the graphic design of the canoe and the support system. The administration sub-committee has been actively working finding different solutions to the everlasting financial problem. To help us, a dozen newcomers were welcomed bringing new energy and will required to accomplish our goal, while the more experienced team members provided support and skills.

Color  Length  Weight  Maximum width Maximum depth Average thickness  Reinforcement Micro steel fiber 

The Floating Stones in Figures

Black, grey, white, red 6,07 m 141,35 kg 538,5 mm 406,4 mm Side : 8,5 mm Bottom : 12,7 mm 1.4% volume 1280 kg/m3 13,8 MPa 1,1 MPa 2,2 MPa 13 446,5 MPa 1310 kg/m3 10 MPa

Color concrete mix (14 days) Density  Compressive strength 

Executive Summary
As one of the leading engineering schools in Canada, cole Polytechnique de Montral is highly regarded for its high academic standards. Founded in 1873, cole Polytechnique has an enrolment greater than 6,000 students and is located in Montreal, an agglomeration of almost 3 million citizens. The concrete canoe team is proud to represent cole Polytechnique for the third time at the Regional Concrete Canoe Competition in the Metropolitan section and has competed in the

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

Structural concrete mix (14 days) Density  Compressive strength  Tensile strength  Flexural strength  Youngs Modulus 

The Floating Stones

To begin with the canoe analysis, a three dimensional model of the canoe was created on CATIAV5R19 and a finite elements analysis was performed on SolidWorks. As this was a new software for the design team, a learning period was necessary, but its performance proved well worth it. Many restrictions, such as the presence of prestressed cables, the unmolding difficulties and the machining of our previous mould forced us to make modifications in the 3D model of The Floating Stones, primarily to the interior curve of the male mould gunwales. These modifications were made to ensure an optimal curvature radius which would allow a stress free unmolding in the gunwales and provide the necessary space for the prestressed cables. Another goal related to the design was the reduction of the canoes thickness. In order to accomplish this the critical stress positions caused by the loading cases were identified using the finite element analysis. Using these results, a variable thickness hull was generated to optimize the canoes weight. Last years design team validated the numerical analysis used in the previous years by comparing the finite element analysis result with experimental testing. Validations were realized on the BLITZ (2009) and the ALBATROS (2010), the latter presenting the exact same hull exterior shape as this years version. The experimental tests were conducted to measure the strains at the critical positions during racing conditions with two, three and four paddlers taking place inside the canoe. In order to gather these measurements , gauges were placed in eight different positions, i.e. under the knees of the paddlers, as well as in the gunwales at the canoes center in longitudinal and vertical directions. The dynamic amplification factor (FAD) was also determined from experimental testing by analyzing the static and dynamic effects of the different loading cases. Critical FADS of 1,4 under the knees and 1,7 in the gunwales were usedi n the static analysis of The Floating Stones. As previously mentioned, the numerical analysis of The Floating Stones was carried

out on SolidWorks. This software was chosen because of its intuitive interface, its compatibility with CATIAV5R19 and for its high performance in finite elements analysis. For the preliminary test, the CHARLIE IVs isotropic and elastic material characteristics were considered to identify the necessary strength of our concrete. The traction and compression stresses were determined with different loading cases i.e. two, three and four paddlers. The paddler positions were determined based on paddling experimentations carried out at the beginning of the year. In order to model the different loading cases, the weight of an individual paddler was estimated at 85 kg. This weight was applied to the canoe through the paddlers knees. The combination of the paddlers weight, the hydrostatic pressure and the weight of the canoe represent the applied loadings. The hydrostatic pressure was determined using the buoyancy and considering the weight of the paddlers, canoe and displaced water volume. With the forces at play and an iterative procedure, the water level from the lowest point of the canoe hull was then identified. The water level for two and four paddlers is respectively 127mm and 177,8 mm. The water was modeled by springs of 0,114MPa and 0,220MPa for two and four paddlers. The results of the Figure 1 : Maximal tensile stress analysis are found 2 paddlers loading case. in table 1 and consider the FAD.
Table 1 : Maximum stresses for load cases, including amplification factor. Load case (MPa) 4 paddlers 3 paddlers 2 paddlers Bending stresses Under knee 2,24 2,40 3,44 Tensile strength Gunwale 0,311 0,917 0,547

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

The Floating Stones

Development and Testing
This year, the teams main goal was to upgrade the CHARLIE IVs concrete mix while being more eco friendly. Last years team innovated with the creation of a self-consolidating fiber reinforced concrete that could be pumped and would resist without additional reinforcement. In order to be pumped in a confined space, the mix also required mobility and resistance to segregation. Despite a tight schedule, the team showed determination and was able to develop more than 65 formulas to finally come up with a structural concrete mix that met the required objectives. In order to achieve this, the addition of different materials to the concrete mixes was iteratively tested. To perform the slump flow test, we built a slump cone of 3,48L compared to 6,17L for a standard Abrams cone ( NFP 18-451 Norm). The smaller volume reduced the quantity of concrete batches and saved nearly 45% raw materials throughout the design, analysis and construction process of the concrete. A 1,6 factor was applied to the results to obtain the equivalent of a standard Abrams cone test result. All compressive values are based on compression tests using 50,8mm by 101,6mm cylinders (ASTM C39) and a four-points bending test was used on a 304,8mm X 101,6mm X 12,7mm beam (Figure1). little denser. The team also chose this aggregate because its more angular in comparison to the more spherical shape of rubber. This allows the mix to be more cohesive. The recycling of these shells reduces the use of new materials while enhancing their life cycle. The K15 microspheres were also replaced by K1 microspheres to reduce the density of the overall mixture. The proportion of these aggregates were varied to obtain a well spread gradation curve, hence enabling the creation of a self-consolidating concrete. The final mix had 70,2% of Poraver, 25% of nutshells, 4,8% of K1 resulting in a mix of 95,2% recycled aggregates. Its translucent appearance proved to be more effective in the addition of color pigment. Last years cementitious materials proportions were kept since they had already been optimized and because the team had other areas on which to focus. The chosen mix has c/cm of 0,45, thus satisfying the requirements for the competition (0,3 to 0,5). In order to increase the rheology of the fresh concrete, the quantity of Plastol5700 superplasticizer from Euclid, a third generation polycarboxylate with 70% of solid content was optimized to 47,84g/kg of cement by a parametric analysis. Although it did not increase the rheology as much as some other superplasticizers, this highly effective reducer of water was chosen for its ability to make the mix more viscous. Two more superplasticizers were tested. A dozen mixes were developed with BASFs PS 1466. This superplasticizer was rejected because for the same spread, the concrete had still not taken after a 14 days cure, resulting in a weak concrete. Sikas Viscocrete225P was also tested. This high range superplasticizer has the particularity of being completely solid, which enhances the optimization of the product. For a similar spread, the mix was also weaker so the team decided to continue the development of the concrete mix with the Plastol5700.
Table 2 : Compressive strength of different superplasticizer for a 23.6-in spread. Superplasticizer Compressive strength @14 days (MPa) Plastol 5700 14,3 PS 1466 0,6 Viscocrete 225P 5,7

Figure 2 : four-points bending test on beam.

According to the rules, two aggregates had to each represent a minimum of 25% of the overall weight of the canoe. Poraver glass spheres were an exceptional choice due to their low density. The team replaced last years rubber with recycled nutshells, which have a better hardness and absorbed less water, but, on the other hand, are a

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

The Floating Stones

The addition of latex to the concrete mixture significantly increases the flexural and tensile strength of the concrete by increasing the adherence between the fibers and the concrete mixture. Although the latex concentration was verified during previous years, a concentration of 1,56g/kg of cement was optimized taking in account the quantity of fibers. In order to reduce the ecological footprint of the canoe, part of the virgin latex that was previously used was replaced by BOOMERANG recycled latex paint. By increasing the quantity of the recycled paint, it was shown that its viscosity weakened our structural mix. Our test have shown that a 25% ratio is optimal to maximize the concrete tensile strength
Table 3 : Admixture properties. Admixture Plastol5700 oz./100lbs cement Eucon ABS oz./ft3 AKKRO-7T oz./100lbs cement Recycled paint oz./100lbs cement Type Water reducer Antisweating & Antisegregation Latex (Virgin) Recommended dosage 9.53 @ 47.81 Actual dosage 366.67

of the mold, the steel fibers primary orientation was perpendicular to the potential cracking. Different percentages of steel and polypropylene fibers were also tested. Polypropylene fibers have a low density and also reduce the shrinkage, but they critically reduced the maneuverability and were thus rejected. Visual inspection of last years canoe, Charlie IV, revealed the presence of important cracking perpendicular to the gunwales. To overcome this weakness, two 1,6mm prestressed steel cables were placed in the middle of the gunwales to decrease tension in critical locations. A 90,7 kg tension was applied to both cables, including the 30% prestress loss which was obtained from a small scale test realized with a load cell . The widening of the gunwales did not only allow for adequate concrete covering, but was also essential in eliminating the fibers potential vault effect. A major development for this years team was to use shotcrete for the finition mix. A wet mix containing crushed glass and poraver as agregate and the right dosage of pigments was used to realize the projection. This method had the advantage to assure a good thickness control. With last years construction of a water filtering and retention basin, our design team was able to use recycled water to wash the tools and instrumentation required for mixing concrete. This year, the team leaders decided to go further in the field of water economy and opted for the use of recycled water in the concrete mix. The filtration system allows water with only a small quantity of fine particles that originate from concrete component and henceforth prevents the presence of elements that would be harmful to the concrete hydration process. Table3 shows that the behavior of concrete made with recycled water has a variation of 3,5% compared to the values of concrete made using clear water. Such tests were conducted at many different stages of the concrete design to ensure the homogeneity of the recycled water. Moreover a chemical analysis of our recycled water was conducted at the Polytechnique Analytical Geochemistry Lab and determined that the water contained a fine particle concentration of 1,5g/L.

0.53 @ 2.66



Latex (Recycled)


Since last year, the primary reinforcement is composed of steel micro fibers. In the previous canoe, a percentage of 1,75% of 6mm fibers with a 0,014mm diameter was used. Unfortunately, this year, the team was unable to obtain 6mm steel fibers, therefore, 10 mm fibers were used. These latter had been rejected last year because they clogged the pumping system. In order to avoid clogging, the percentage of steel fibers was reduced. An L shaped test mold, which has a more critical slope than the actual canoe, was constructed to perform pumpability test. By modifying fiber quantities, the optimal proportion found, in order to obtain the required strength and maneuverability, was 1,40%. As the pump was placed at the extremity

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

The Floating Stones

Table 4 : Effect of water. Properties Spread (mm) Compressive strenght @14 days (Mpa) Clear Water 520,7 14,3 Recycled Water 515,6 13,8

All these efforts resulted in the developement of a very promising mix which the properties can be found in appendix B. To resist bending and tensile stresses, 1,40% of micro-steel fibers (10mm) and two prestressed steel cables located in the gunwales were added. Considering last years problem with major cracking in the gunwales, a validation was carried out to avoid failure of these essential structural elements. A maximum tensile strenght of 0,8MPa was taken in consideration to find the 785,11kN necessary resisting force. By comparing this force with the actual 2688,06kN force in the gunwales (considering a completely crack concrete area and a 50% effective fiber orientation), it is obvious that gunwales are resistant enough. Below, you will find the comparison between our finite elements model and our actual structural mix tested strength.
Table 5 : Comparison between finite elements results and structural mix results. Properties Tensile Strength @28 days (MPa) Bending stress @28 days (MPa) Analysis 0,79 2,9 Final Mix 1,25 2,87

To coordinate the work of the committee the executive team met on a weekly basis. A special, all day meeting was organized in September to determine the years objectives, to draw the outline of the project schedule and to establish the budget. Most of the decisions taken during this meeting were based on last years experience given that construction techniques were quite similar. Last years experience showed reduced delays in achieving milestones. As mentioned in table 6, this years delays were mostly caused by a lack of participation and delays in the mold machining.
Table 6 : Major milestone. Milestone Hull Analysis Mold Construction Final Concrete Mix Canoe Casting Variance 4 weeks 7 weeks none 7 weeks Reason Lack of participation Delays in machining Hard work Delays in the mold construction

We consider acceptable the small difference between the analysis result and our final mix strength.
Project Management and Construction

Project Management Considering the success of the previous years team organization, it was decided that it should remain unchanged for the 2011 edition. The committee was thus separated in 4 different sub-committees (Administration, Competition, Construction and Design) each led by their respective vice-president who formed part of the executive team, along with the project director. This organization allowed for excellent communications, multi-tasking and enhanced efficiency.

Financing was conducted on three different levels in order to maximize funding of the project. The first source concerned the funding from different groups related to the university, the second was focusing on external sponsor, while the last level was based on the organization of fundraising events (V.I.P. party, bowling, wine and cheese, etc.). During the first weeks of the project, human resources were divided between sub-committees according to their respective planned man-hour proportions of the total work load. As shown in table7, cumulated man-hours are similar to last year except for a slight decrease in the construction

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

This years expenses were similar to last year except for the potential participation in the 2011 National Concrete Canoe Competition. However, with the loss of our machining sponsorship and the high costs related to the participation in a third competition, our first budget was 10% higher than last year for a total of 41000$, considering an additional 5 000 $ to acquire for the machining. Keeping in mind our capacity to find financial sponsors we had to revise our budget to finally come up with a budget of 30000$ by cutting in different expenses, particularly those related to the competition sub-committee (canoe stands, product display, etc.).

The Floating Stones

sub-committee due to the casting of only one canoe (compare to 4 last year). An important reduction in the number of active members has caused the average man-hour per member to slightly increase to 160 hours per members.
Table 7 : Cumulative man-hours. Sub-committee Administration Competition and paddlers training Construction Design Total 2011 1200 1300 2000 1500 6000 2010 1150 1200 2500 1400 5750

assembled, they were once more linked together using threaded rods. (See the plan in appendix). Keeping in mind the goal of maximizing the use of last years mold, the team decided to reuse and re-machine the three central blocks of the male mold, each made up of 48 MDF boards. The modifications brought to the male mold, enabled us to change the thickness of the canoe to be in accordance with the finite elements analysis. The machining of whole blocks was a big step towards a better depth control since it eliminated the length variation it had last year due to the adhesive between every plank. For alignment purposes, each block had a top width equal to top width of its corresponding female block. Considering last years problem related to the unmolding of the extremities of the male mold, we decided to adopt a new orientation for the construction of these parts. The three middle male mold sections are designed in a three pieces system that enables the removal of the center part and then the extraction of the peripheral parts. This design allows for a smooth unmolding that reduces damage to the canoe but more importantly to the gunwales. Because of the extremities small width and the presence of prestressed cables, this design could not be applied to the male mold points. It was decided that these parts of the mold would be machined in high density foam blocks and would only be used once. High density foam was chosen for its low price, its good machining capacities and the ease of breaking into small pieces to help in the unmolding. The blocks were covered with epoxy resin to add rigidity and to stop steel fibers from penetrating in the mold. To finalize the male mold, coatings of paint and sealer were added to insure its impermeability. A major innovation this year was the addition of prestressed cables in the canoe gunwales. In order to maintain the cables in place, we used pierced nuts that were imbedded in the gunwales concrete mass and screwed to 8inches bolts. During the assembly of the male mold, special attention was put into boring the holes which would receive the bolts and then inserting the cables with the right alignment in the bored nuts. Because they crossed the top part of the male mold, the bolts were accessible

Construction This year, in order to save time, money and especially in the optic of preserving the environment, we decided to re-use last years double walled mold by having most of it machined a second time. We were also able to add prestressed cables in the canoe gunwales to enhance its strength. The female part of the mold, which is made up of five independent blocks comprised of a total of 246 MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) one inch sections, was completely re-used. An intensive sanding and the application of 2 coats of paint and 1 coat of sealer were enough to give the mold back its clean and smooth surface. The alignment of each block was ensured thanks to two threaded rods and a steel dowel. Once the blocks were

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

Considering our experience with the double sided mold and the casting of only one canoe, the critical path was not influenced as much as it was before by the casting and finishing of the canoe. Based on the projected timeline, the critical path would mostly consist of the structural analysis followed by the casting of the canoe. However, minor delays in the concrete development would result in a change in the critical path having the concrete development replace the structural analysis. Our schedule allowed for a 10 days buffer, which by the end of the project would be used to compensate the delays caused by the machining of the mold. Since our schedule didnt allow for much latitude, the project advancement had to constantly be monitored and controlled to avoid competing at the regional level without a high-performance canoe.

The Floating Stones

from exterior to allow for their removal during the unmolding. To begin the assembly of the mold, the construction team started by leveling Figure 3 : Prestressing the female mold positionning system. blocks and joining them using threaded rods. Using the previously constructed hoist, we then placed each block of the male mold in its place while insuring the proper positionning of the prestressed cable in the nuts. The unmolding agent was also added to the entire mold during this phase. Finally, the male and female molds were closed using lag bolts and a wood frame was put in place to reinforce the connections between the different parts of the mold. The day of the canoe casting, the team was split in two, while one was responsible for the preparation of the concrete mixture, the other focused on the induction of the right amount of traction in the prestressed cables. As soon as the first 20 L of mixture was ready, the concrete injection started non-stop by the front tip of the mold until the mold was full. Such a practice was carried out in order to avoid drying of the concrete before it reached the other end of the canoe. After the 14 days cure, the removal of the mold was performed by removing the central part of the male mold and then removing the peripheral parts by breaking the foam pieces. Finally, to achieve the canoe aesthetics, a whole week was dedicated to the sanding of the canoe in order to obtain a smooth and regular surface. A thin white concrete layer was then added to the exterior surface to allow the placement of the colored concrete and the application of acid stain. Once again a lot of time was put in the sanding of this white concrete layer. An amalgam of colored concrete and acid was used to achieve the canoe mosaic. The coloration was created using different adhesive stencils for each color. To finalize the canoe, a fine sanding was performed on the colored surfaces and 2 coats of sealer were added.

Innovation and Sustainability

Proud of its leading status in technology and sustainability, the concrete canoe team of cole Polytechnique has once again developped multiple innovative solutions in order to improve its canoe and reduce the ecological footprint of its project. To accomplish this goal the concept of the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) was applied in a rigorous fashion throughout the project. The failure of past editions to implement prestressed cables has only motivated the current edition to succeed in the addition of this essential structural element. To complete such an advance, a pre-stress test section was conceived to design the pre-stressing cables positioning system. Prestressing of the canoe gunwales has enhanced the overall canoe strength and hence allowed for an increase in the use of recycled materials in the concrete mix. A special attention was been placed in the improvement of our structural concrete mix in order to make it more ecologically friendly. First of all, the team has continued to study the water recycling system in order to make it more effective. After multiple tests, the team decided to reuse the waste water not only for washing purposes but also as part of our concrete mix. Finally, in order to continue our reusing and recycling habits, two new items have been added to our mix. Recycled paint and nutshells were tested and implemented, enhancing the strength and improving our green initiative.

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

Organizational Chart

The Floating Stones

Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

PROJECT SCHEDULE Project: Concrete Canoe 2010-2011

ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 DESIGN Research & developpement Concrete Tests of concrete components and casting of samples Samples testing Construction of the pumpability test module Pumpability tests Concrete mixture optimisation Prestressing Construction of prestressing test module Prestressed concrete tests Final structural concrete selection Structural analysis of the hull 2010 canoe instrumentation Mecanic tests on 2010 canoe 2011 canoe modeling Primary finite element analysis of the 2011 canoe Finite elements analysis of the 2011 canoe Experimental datas and finite elements analysis comparison CONSTRUCTION Mold Mold modeling on CATIA Remachining of the male mold Machining of styrofoam tips Refurbishment of the female mold Sealer and demolding agent application Casting of the canoe Prestressed cables installation Mold assembly Casting Demolding and humid cure Rough sanding Application of colored concrete/acid Fine sanding Sealer application COMPETITION Coloration of concrete Conception of the colored concrete mixtures Placement tests Acid coloration tests Theme Theme and logo selection Mosaic creation Construction of supports, stand and cross section Ordering and distribution of commemorative clothing Training Physical training Interior training Paddling training on water Metropolitain Conference Competition 73 52,9 67 67 67 63 46 53 54 55 56 57,62 58 59 48,49,50 41,42 47 47 41,42 43,40 39 40 42 35 28
31,30SS+14 days

Task Name Concrete Canoe - 2010 edition ADMINISTRATION Financement Sponsorship documents redaction Sponsorship research Wine & Cheese VIP party fundraising atcivity Bowling fundraising activity Canoe presentation Design Paper Draft redaction Correction & traduction Final report Engineering notebook Information gattering Redaction Oral presentation text Speakers selection Redaction for the presentation text Creation of the multimedia presentation Presentation practices Extern relations Recruitement Website updates ASCE accreditation


Baseline Duration 190 days 190 days 190 days 14 days

Baseline Start Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 11/10/10 Mon 25/10/10 Mon 28/02/11 Tue 08/03/11 Sat 26/03/11 Mon 21/02/11 Mon 21/02/11 Mon 28/02/11 Fri 04/03/11 Mon 21/02/11 Mon 21/02/11 Mon 28/02/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Tue 08/03/11 Sat 12/03/11 Wed 16/03/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 11/10/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 25/10/10 Mon 07/02/11 Mon 01/11/10 Mon 01/11/10 Mon 15/11/10 Mon 14/02/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 11/10/10 Mon 18/10/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 08/11/10 Mon 10/01/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 08/11/10 Mon 29/11/10 Mon 29/11/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/12/10 Mon 10/01/11 Mon 10/01/11 Fri 14/01/11 Fri 21/01/11 Sat 22/01/11 Sat 12/02/11 Sat 26/02/11 Sat 05/03/11 Sat 19/03/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Fri 26/11/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Fri 26/11/10 Fri 26/11/10 Fri 26/11/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 09/01/11 Sun 09/01/11 Fri 15/04/11

Baseline Finish Mon 04/04/11 Mon 04/04/11 Mon 04/04/11 Sun 10/10/10 Sat 19/03/11 Sat 06/11/10 Sat 12/03/11 Sun 20/03/11 Mon 04/04/11 Mon 07/03/11 Sun 27/02/11 Thu 03/03/11 Mon 07/03/11 Thu 03/03/11 Sun 27/02/11 Thu 03/03/11 Fri 25/03/11 Mon 27/09/10 Fri 11/03/11 Tue 15/03/11 Fri 25/03/11 Sun 10/10/10 Sun 10/10/10 Sun 10/10/10 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 20/02/11 Sun 20/02/11 Sun 13/02/11 Sun 05/12/10 Sun 23/01/11 Sun 10/10/10 Sun 06/02/11 Sun 13/02/11 Sun 28/11/10 Sun 14/11/10 Sun 28/11/10 Sun 20/02/11 Sun 23/01/11 Sun 10/10/10 Sun 17/10/10 Sun 07/11/10 Sun 31/10/10 Sun 09/01/11 Sun 23/01/11 Fri 25/03/11 Sun 09/01/11 Sun 28/11/10 Sun 26/12/10 Sun 26/12/10 Sun 17/10/10 Sun 09/01/11 Fri 25/03/11 Thu 13/01/11 Thu 20/01/11 Fri 21/01/11 Fri 11/02/11 Fri 25/02/11 Fri 04/03/11 Fri 18/03/11 Fri 25/03/11 Mon 24/01/11 Thu 16/12/10 Thu 25/11/10 Thu 16/12/10 Sun 31/10/10 Mon 24/01/11 Thu 25/11/10 Thu 23/12/10 Mon 24/01/11 Mon 24/01/11 Sun 09/01/11 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 09/01/11 Sun 09/01/11 Sun 17/04/11

Duration 200 days 200 days 200 days 28 days 155 days 5 days 15 days 16 days 8 days 9 days 4 days 3 days 2 days 20 days 10 days 10 days 161 days 1 day 4 days 4 days 4 days 50 days 14 days 14 days 50 days 138 days 138 days 108 days 75 days 86 days 23 days 78 days 60 days 66 days 20 days 24 days 3 days 138 days 20 days 3 days 35 days 45 days 75 days 5 days 192 days 123 days 14 days 46 days 46 days 16 days 5 days 69 days 2 days 3 days 1 day 21 days 14 days 7 days 14 days 7 days 183 days 90 days 76 days 14 days 14 days 114 days 60 days 45 days 54 days 45 days 183 days 34 days 56 days 23 days 3 days

Start Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 25/10/10 Mon 01/11/10 Fri 25/02/11 Fri 04/03/11 Thu 07/04/11 Thu 03/02/11 Thu 03/02/11 Mon 07/02/11 Thu 10/02/11 Thu 03/02/11 Thu 03/02/11 Sun 13/02/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Wed 23/02/11 Sun 27/02/11 Thu 03/03/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 11/10/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 25/10/10 Sun 14/11/10 Thu 11/11/10 Thu 11/11/10 Wed 01/12/10 Thu 13/01/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 17/10/10 Wed 20/10/10 Mon 27/09/10 Wed 24/11/10 Mon 07/02/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Wed 24/11/10 Wed 08/12/10 Wed 08/12/10 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 23/01/11 Fri 28/01/11 Fri 28/01/11 Sun 30/01/11 Wed 02/02/11 Thu 03/02/11 Thu 24/02/11 Thu 10/03/11 Thu 17/03/11 Thu 31/03/11 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 12/12/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Fri 26/11/10 Fri 26/11/10 Fri 26/11/10 Mon 27/09/10 Mon 27/09/10 Sun 09/01/11 Sun 06/03/11 Fri 15/04/11

Finish 12/09 Thu 14/04/11 Thu 14/04/11 Thu 14/04/11 Sun 24/10/10 Mon 28/03/11 Sat 06/11/10 Sat 12/03/11 Sun 20/03/11 Thu 14/04/11 Fri 11/02/11 Sun 06/02/11 Wed 09/02/11 Fri 11/02/11 Tue 22/02/11 Sat 12/02/11 Tue 22/02/11 Sun 06/03/11 Mon 27/09/10 Sat 26/02/11 Wed 02/03/11 Sun 06/03/11 Mon 15/11/10 Sun 10/10/10 Sun 10/10/10 Mon 15/11/10 Fri 11/02/11 Fri 11/02/11 Wed 12/01/11 Fri 10/12/10 Tue 04/01/11 Tue 19/10/10 Mon 10/01/11 Wed 12/01/11 Sat 15/01/11 Tue 30/11/10 Fri 24/12/10 Sat 15/01/11 Fri 11/02/11 Sat 16/10/10 Tue 19/10/10 Tue 23/11/10 Wed 10/11/10 Sun 06/02/11 Fri 11/02/11 Wed 06/04/11 Thu 27/01/11 Tue 07/12/10 Sat 22/01/11 Sat 22/01/11 Tue 12/10/10 Thu 27/01/11 Wed 06/04/11 Sat 29/01/11 Tue 01/02/11 Wed 02/02/11 Wed 23/02/11 Wed 09/03/11 Wed 16/03/11 Wed 30/03/11 Wed 06/04/11 Mon 28/03/11 Sat 25/12/10 Sat 11/12/10 Sat 25/12/10 Sun 10/10/10 Tue 18/01/11 Thu 25/11/10 Sun 09/01/11 Tue 18/01/11 Sun 09/01/11 Mon 28/03/11 Sat 30/10/10 Sat 05/03/11 Mon 28/03/11 Sun 17/04/11 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 27/09 19/09 26/09

October 03/10




November 31/10 07/11



December 28/11 05/12




January 02/01




February 30/01 06/02



March 27/02 06/03




April 03/04




May 01/05

24/10 25/10 01/11 06/11 25/02 04/03 12/03 20/03 07/04 14/04 28/03

160 days 12 days 12 days 12 days


10 days 15 days

37,62,67,55 11 12

7 days 4 days 4 days 11 days

03/02 07/02

06/02 09/02 11/02


37,62,67,55 15

7 days 4 days 180 days 1 day

03/02 13/02

12/02 22/02

27/09 23/02 27/02 03/03 26/02 02/03 06/03

10,14 19 20

4 days 4 days 10 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 50 days 147 days 147 days 140 days 70 days

10/10 10/10 15/11

10/12 11/10 19/10 25/10 14/11 10/01 12/01 04/01

29SS+14 days

105 days 14 days 105 days

30SS+20 days,32SS+20 75days days

28 days 14 days 14 days 7 days 119 days 14 days 7 days 21 days 35 days 63 days 14 days 180 days 105 days 21 days 28 days 28 days 21 days 14 days 75 days 4 days 7 days 1 day 21 days 14 days 7 days 14 days 7 days 120 days 81 days 60 days 21 days 35 days 120 days 60 days 28 days 60 days 60 days 104 days 30 days 50 days 30 days 3 days

11/11 01/12

30/11 24/12 13/01

16/10 17/10 20/10 10/11 24/11 07/02 06/02 11/02 19/10 23/11

24/11 08/12 08/12 12/10

07/12 22/01 22/01



28/01 30/01

29/01 01/02 02/02 03/02 24/02 10/03 17/03 31/03 23/02 09/03 16/03 30/03 06/04

11/12 12/12 10/10 25/12

25/11 26/11 26/11 26/11 09/01 09/01 18/01

30/10 09/01 06/03 05/03 28/03 15/04 17/04



Critical Task




Baseline Milestone

The Floating Stones

- ASCE, ASCE National Concrete Canoe Competition Rules & Regulations, conferences/nccc2011/rules-regulations_new.html - ASTM. (2001), Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete, C 138/C 138M-01, West Conshohocken, PA, USA. - ASTM. (2001), Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (SpecificGravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate, C 128-01, West Conshohocken, PA, USA. - ASTM. (2001), Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates, C 136-01, West Conshohocken, PA, USA. - ASTM. (2003), Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates, C 33-03, West Conshohocken, PA, USA. - ASTM. (2003), Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, C39/C 39M-03, West Conshohocken, PA, USA. - ASTM. (2004), Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, C 496/C 496M-04, West Conshohocken, PA, USA. - CHARRON, J-P. (2006), Notes de cours Civ6505, Technologies de bton, cole Polytechnique de Montral, QC, CANADA. - KOSMATKA, Steven H., KERKHOFF, Beatrix, PANARESE, William C., MACLEOD, Normand F., MCGRATH, Richard J. (2004), Dosage et contrle des mlanges de bton, Portland Cement Association, QC, CANADA. - quipe Polytechnique (2009), Technical paper Albatros, Montral, QC, CANADA. - BEAURIVAGE, F. (2009), tude de linfluence des paramtres structuraux sur les lois de comportements des btons fibrs pour la conception de structures, cole Polytechnique de Montral.
Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

Appendix A - References

- LI, G., XIAOUHUA, Z., CHUIQIANG, R., ZHAN, W. (2010), Properties of polymer modied steel berreinforced cement concretes, Construction and bulding materials. - SHEN, J., YURTDAS, I., CHEIKHNA D., LI, A. (2008), Une nouvelle mthode de formulation des btons autoplaants (BAP), XXVI Rencontres Universitaires de Gnie Civil. - OLIVEIRA, L. A. P., JALALI, S., FERNANDES, J. M., TORRES, E. (2005), Lemploi de mtakaolin dans la production de bton cologiquement efficace, Materials and Structures, p. 403-410. - SAHMARAN, M., O. YAMAN, I., TOKYAY, M. (2009), Transport and mechanical properties of selfconsolidating concrete with high volume y ash, Cement & Concrete Composites, p. 99-106. - GLEIZE, P., CYR, M., ESCADEILLAS, G. (2007), Effects of metakaolin on autogenous shrinkage of cement pastes, Cement & Concrete Composites, p. 80-87. - RAO, G. (2001), Long-term drying shrinkage of mortar - influence of silica fume and size of fine aggregate, Cement and Concrete Research, p. 171-175. - RAO, G. (2003), Investigations on the performance of silica fume-incorporated cement pastes and mortars, Cement and concrete research, p. 1765-1770. - NEHDI, M., SUMMER, J. (2003), Recycling waste latex paint in concrete, University of Western Ontario, p. 857-863

The Floating Stones

Appendix B - Mixture Proportions
Mixture : Structural Mix - 1,4% fiber Batch Size (m3) : 0,015 Cementitious Materials CM1 - Portland Cement CM2 - Silica Fume CM3 - Connex CM4 - Metakaolin Total of All Cementitious Materials: Fibers F1 - Micro-Steel Fiber (10 mm) Total of All Fibers: Aggregates A1 - K15 Glass Microspheres Absorption. 0% A2 - 0,25 - 0,50 mm Recycled Glass Spheres Absorption. 4% A3 - 0,50 - 1,0 mm Recycled Glass Spheres Absorption. 4% A4 - 1,0 - 2,0 mm Recycled Glass Spheres Absorption. 4% A5 - Nutshells Absorption. 2% Total of All Aggregates: Water W1 - Water for CM Hydration (W1a + W1b) W1a. Water from Admixtures W1b. Additional Water W2 - Water for Aggregates. SSD Total Water: Solids Content of Latex Modifiers S1 - Plastol 5700 S2 - EUCON ABS S3 - AKKRO-7T S4 - Recycled Paint Total Latex Solids: Admixtures AD1 - Plastol 5700 1,09 kg/L AD2 - EUCON ABS 1,08 kg/L AD3 - AKKRO-7T 1,14 kg/L AD4 - Recycled Paint 1,30 kg/L Water from Admixtures (W1a): Cement-Cementitious Materials Ratio Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio (w/cm) Spread. in. M - Mass of Concrete (kg) V - Absolute Volume of Concrete (m3) T - Theorectical Density (kg/m3 = M / V) D - Design Density (kg/m3 = M / 27) D - Measured Density (kg/m3) A - Air Content (% = [(T - D) / T x 100%]) Y - Yield (m3 = M / D) Ay - Relative Yield = (Y / YD)
^ * Water content of admixture. If impact on w/cm is less than 0.01 enter zero. Including water added for aggregate absorption For aggregates, provide ASTM C 127 oven-dry bulk specific gravity.

SG 3,15 2,25 3,14 2,20 7,85

Non-SSD Proportions as Designed Amount Volume (kg/m3) (m3) 236,49 0,075 199,29 0,089 15,94 0,005 79,71 0,036 531,43 0,205 109,90 109,90 11,21 81,46 46,34 34,75 57,92 231,68 0,01400 0,014 0,080 0,127 0,089 0,079 0,043 0,418 0,20

Actual Batched Proportions Amount (kg) 3,547 2,989 0,239 1,196 7,971 1,649 1,649 0,168 1,222 0,695 0,521 0,869 3,475 2,9494 0,4495 2,4999 0,1149 3,0643 0,433 0,041 0,327 0,583 1,384 Amount (L) 0,398 0,038 0,287 0,449 Volume (m3) 0,001 0,001 0,000 0,001 0,003 0,000 0,00021 0,001 0,002 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,00628 0,0029

Yielded Proportions Amount (kg/m3) 3,88 3,27 0,26 1,31 8,72 1,80 1,80 0,18 1,34 0,76 0,57 0,95 3,80 3,23 0,49 2,74 0,13 3,35 0,474 0,044 0,358 0,638 1,515 Amount

Volume (m3) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,00

0,14 0,64 0,52 0,44 1,35

1,00 1,00 1,09 1,08 1,14 1,30 % Solids 70 20 61 58

196,63 29,97 166,66 7,66 204,29 28,89 2,70 21,80 38,89 92,28 Amount

0,20 0,027 0,003 0,019 0,030 0,078

Water in Admixture (kg/m3)

0,0029 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001

Water in Admixture (kg)

0,00 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,001

Water in Admixture (kg/m3)

49,87 4,70 35,99 56,29

7,950 1,995 7,459 12,564 29,97 0,45 0,37

0,398 0,038 0,287 0,449 1,17

303,8 28,7 219,2 342,9

0,435 0,041 0,314 0,491 1,28

0,45 0,37 17,54 0,01 1282,43 1280,00 0,2 0,014 0,914

0,45 0,37 19,20 0,01 1282,43 1280,00 0,2 0,015

1169,58 0,91 1282,43 1169,58 8,80 1,00


Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

The Floating Stones

Mixture : Finish Mix Batch Size (m3) : 0,015 Cementitious Materials CM1 - White Cement CM2 - Slag Ash Total of All Cementitious Materials: Fibers F1 - Micro-Steel Fiber (10 mm) Total of All Fibers: Aggregates A1 - K15 Glass Microspheres Absorption. 0% A2 - 0,25 - 0,50 mm Recycled Glass Spheres Absorption. 4% A3 - 0,50 - 1,0 mm Recycled Glass Spheres Absorption. 4% A4 - 1,0 - 2,0 mm Recycled Glass Spheres Absorption. 4% A5 - Crushed Glass Absorption. 2% Total of All Aggregates: Water W1 - Water for CM Hydration (W1a + W1b) W1a. Water from Admixtures W1b. Additional Water W2 - Water for Aggregates. SSD Total Water: Solids Content of Latex Modifiers S1 - Plastol 5700 S2 - AKKRO-7T Total Latex Solids: Admixtures SG 3,03 2,25 7,85 Non-SSD Proportions as Designed Amount Volume (kg/m3) (m3) 137,87 0,046 199,29 0,089 501,35 0,169 0,00 0,00 14,79 245,67 0,00 0,00 86,82 347,28 1,00 1,00 1,09 1,14 175,47 105,30 70,18 11,56 187,04 10,90 299,02 309,92 Amount

Actual Batched Proportions Amount (kg) 0,965 2,989 3,509 0,00 0,00 0,104 1,720 0,000 0,000 0,608 2,431 1,2283 0,7371 0,4912 0,0809 1,3093 0,076 2,093 2,169 Amount (L) 0,398 1,836 Volume (m3) 0,000 0,001 0,001 0,00 0,00 0,001 0,002 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00267 0,00123

Yielded Proportions Amount (kg/m3) 0,94 3,27 3,42 0,00 0,00 0,10 1,67 0,00 0,00 0,59 2,37 1,20 0,72 0,48 0,08 1,27 0,074 2,038 2,112 Amount

Volume (m3) 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

0,00 0,00 0,106 0,241 0,000 0,000 0,035 0,381 0,18

0,14 1,02 0,64 0,52 2,5

0,18 0,010 0,262 0,272

Water in Admixture (kg/m3)

0,00123 0,000 0,002 0,002

Water in Admixture (kg)

0,00 0,000 0,002 0,002

Water in Admixture (kg/m3)

Cement-Cementitious Materials Ratio Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio (w/cm) Spread. in. M - Mass of Concrete (kg) V - Absolute Volume of Concrete (m3) T - Theorectical Density (kg/m3 = M / V) D - Design Density (kg/m3 = M / 27) D - Measured Density (kg/m3) A - Air Content (% = [(T - D) / T x 100%]) Y - Yield (m3 = M / D) Ay - Relative Yield = (Y / YD)
^ * Water content of admixture. If impact on w/cm is less than 0.01 enter zero. Including water added for aggregate absorption For aggregates, provide ASTM C 127 oven-dry bulk specific gravity.

0,28 0,35 1345,58 1,00 1348,07 1345,58 0,18 1,00

0,28 0,35 9,42 0,01 1348,07 1310,00 2,8 0,007 1,027

0,28 0,35 9,17 0,01 1348,07 1310,00 2,8 0,007


Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

% Solids AD1 - Plastol 5700 1,09 kg/L 70 AD2 - AKKRO-7T 1,14 kg/L 61 Water from Admixtures (W1a):

49,87 523,18

7,950 102,295 105,30

0,398 1,836 1,91

303,8 7677,0

0,435 1,788 1,86

The Floating Stones

Appendix C - Bill of Materials
Materials Portland Cement. Type GU K1 aggregate 0,25 - 0,5 aggregate 0,5 - 1,0 aggregate 1,0 - 2,0 aggregate Nutshells Silica Fume Connex Metakaolin Micro Steel Fiber (10 mm) Superplasticizer (Plastol 5700) Anti-Bleeding (Eucon ABS) Latex (AKKRO-7T) Recycled Paint (BOOMERANG) Water Sealer Acid Stain Wooden Mold. complete Quantity 21,39 kg 1,01 kg 7,07 kg 4,05 kg 3,06 kg 4,78 kg 18,02 kg 14,42 kg 7,29 kg 9,85 kg 2,39 L 2,23 L 1,73 L 2,70 L 15,77 L 25,00 L 12,00 L Lump Sum Unit Cost 0,33 $/kg 66,67 $/kg 4,33 $/kg 4,50 $/kg 4,83 $/kg 0,88 $/kg 2,45 $/kg 4,34 $/kg 5,50 $/kg 23,00 $/kg 12,35 $/L 14,53 $/L 9,17 $/L 11,11 $/L 0,00 $/L 3,70 $/L 11,62 $/L 6 000,00 $ Total Production Cost Total price 6,98 $ 67,33 $ 30,64 $ 18,23 $ 14,78 $ 4,21 $ 44,15 $ 62,58 $ 40,10 $ 226,55 $ 29,52 $ 32,34 $ 15,82 $ 30,00 $ 0,00 $ 92,59 $ 139,44 $ 6000,00 $ 6855,25 $


Concrete canoe 2011 - Polytechnique Montreal

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