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2 First of all, the main character in Alice adventures in wonderland, Alice felt like she didnt belong in the

magical world of wonderland. There were a lot of times when Alice felt very lonely and sad. For example, there were many different puzzles during her adventures, like the growing and shrinking of her body, due the foods that she eats. This caused Alice to be very confused of what is going on and she has no one to expressed her feelings too. While she did felt very lonely, she did managed to make some friends with some animals. However, her foolish mentioning of her cat that eats birds, causes all the animals to scattered in fear. For that reason Poor Alice began to cry again, for she felt very lonely and low spirited.1.

The main character in Gulliver travels, Gulliver, also felt extremely out of place during his various adventures. In his first adventure in Lilliput, he was the only giant in the country. While in his second adventure in Brobdingnag, he was the smallest person in the country. This caused Gulliver to feel very uncomfortable because, everyone around him during his adventures, are a completely different race of people. Thus, causing the feeling of being completely left out. Gulliver can only pretend and Dreamt I was at home with my wife.2.Therefore, Alice and Gulliver do in fact shares similar experiences of feeling excluded and extreme loneliest during their adventures.

Secondly, Alice, the main character in Alice adventures in wonderland had encountered a lot of strange behaviours from the people she met at wonderland. For example, she encountered a lot of talking animals like the white rabbit. This caused Alice to be very confused of what is going on, because animals shouldnt be able to speak the human tongue. Later on during the story, Alice arrived at the Duchess house. Alice found the Duchess cook to be very strange because the cook was pouring massive amount of pepper in the soup, which caused the Duchess and her baby to sneeze like crazy. After this unpredictable event, the Duchess flings the

baby at Alice, without any care or concern for the babys safety. Thus causing Alice to leave the house with the baby fearing for it life. On a closer inspection Alice thought that the baby was acting weird because it was snorting. Then she figured out that There could be no mistake about it. It was neither more nor less than a pig, and she felt that it would be quite absurd for her to carry it further.3.

3 Similarly, Gulliver couldnt fully understand some of the ridiculous behaviours the he had encountered. For example, In Lilliput he learns that the country of Lilliput and the country of Blefuscu are fighting a war against each other for decades, for a really stupid reason. The reason being on the proper way to cut an egg. This is an ignorant behaviour, because no matter how you cut an egg and egg will always be an egg. There was even some nonsense behaviours that Gulliver couldnt even comprehend. He learned that Eleven thousand persons have at several times suffered death, rather than submit to break their eggs at the smaller end.4.As shown above, Alice and Gulliver a does shares a similar experience of meeting a very bizarre cast of characters during their adventures.

Thirdly, Alice life was always in constant danger. This point means that death was always so close to take her life away. For example, When Alice first seen the white rabbit jumped down to an unknown hole, she quickly followed it, not knowing what danger might be at the bottom of the hole. She didnt even considered if the hole was a trap to lure in little girls. This could had lead her to her own downfall. Another example of Alice life being endangered would be the queen of heart. When Alice angered the queen, the queen ordered the guards Off with her head!5.

Likewise, Gulliver life was also so close to meet death numerous times. During his various adventures, Gulliver was always shipwrecked. He would be floating around in the open sea, where death can meet him at any time. Even in his

stay in Lilliput, his life was in danger. For example, he was a one man army against the whole fleet of the Blefuscu. He single handily fought the Blefuscu and won. However, Gulliver was indeed injured during the fight. This injury could had been life threatening to Gulliver. Another example when death was so close to take his precious life away was when he first arrived at Brobdingnag. When the giants was harvesting their crops and Gulliver was hiding inside the fields A reaper, approaching within ten yards of the ridge where I lay, made me apprehend that with the next step I should be squashed under his foot, or cut in two with his hook.6.As can be seen above, Alice and Gulliver shares the experience of almost meeting their tragic end, during their adventures.

4 Lastly, Alice is not afraid of anything despite her young and innocent age. Normally a young girl like Alice should know not to follow strangers. However, despite this Alice out of her own curiosity followed a suspicious talking white rabbit, down a rabbit hole. Without even stopping and thinking for a second about the consequences. When she reached the bottom of the rabbit hole, she discovers a suspicious looking bottle lying on a table. Alice should have been taught by her parents not to follow strangers and even not to eat foods that she finds from the ground, since it could have been poisonous. Nevertheless, young Alice inspected the bottle and decided to drink it out of her own curiosity sinceThis bottle was NOT marked poison.7.

Identically, Gulliver has also a very brave soul. During his numerous adventures, Gulliver seems to never learn that by going out on a voyage, he always ends up in a strange place. His passion for travelling and his braveness often lead him to deep trouble. His first adventure begins in Lilliput, after he awakes from his shipwreck. Gulliver was captured and was being used by the people of Lilliput to crush there rival the Blefuscu. After this entire event, Gulliver managed to become a hero to the Lilliput. However, this fame didnt last long. Gulliver was convicted of

treason and was order to be shot in the eyes and starved to death. Gulliver was luckily enough to escape to Blefuscu, where he had found a boat and was able to returned to England. Despite, what happened in Lilliput. Gulliver decided to travel once more, this time to the unknown land Brobdingnag of .In Brobdingnag, Gulliver was kept as a pet and was attacked by a giant rat. Gulliver showing no fear Had the fortune to rip up his belly.8. As can be seen above, Gulliver and Alice shares a similar curiosity and braveness during their adventures.

To sum things up, In this essay it was proven that both main characters in Jonathan Swifts Gulliver Travels and Lewis Carrolls Alice adventures in wonderlands, had went through much the same experiences, during their wild adventures. Both main characters put up a huge amount of couarage, despite not fearing for the unknown. No wonder that, great stories are still being written to this day.

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