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What is Clinical & Business Intelligence in Health Care Industry:

US healthcare industry is on track to wreck the nation's economy through out-of-control costs. It is clear that major changes are needed. In the context of ongoing healthcare reform, leaders of US hospitals and health systems recognize an urgent need to transform their care delivery systems. Clinical business intelligence is the use of data analysis to improve care delivery. Clinical business intelligence (i.e., clinical analytics) refers to a broad category of information technologies that gather data created during the delivery of medical care and analyze that clinical data to help managers and clinicians make better decision. Clinical business intelligence is an essential tool for health systems pursuing clinical transformation as they take action to dramatically improve their performance in terms of cost and quality. Improving performance requires insight into "what works" and "what does not work," as well as intelligent systems to ensure that the best care is delivered. Clinical business intelligence can provide insight and intelligence, making it an essential tool for health systems pursuing clinical transformation.

Clinical Performance Measurement

"You can't manage what you don't measure" is a management truism. One of the most important benefits of clinical business intelligence is the ability to better manage the care delivery process through the use of clinical performance measurement. Clinical performance analytics are just as essential for health system management as the financial performance analytics that help manage the revenue cycle, the supply chain and the workforce. Clinical performance measures focus on specific processes and outcomes that are important to achieving the health system's overall organizational goals. Many hospitals and health systems have explicitly stated their overall mission and goals in terms inspired in part by the concept of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's "triple aim,"

The components of the Triple Aim are:

Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction) Improving the health of populations Reducing the per capita cost of health care

Clinical performance measures track progress towards improvement goals and help with accountability for results.

Clinical Decision Support

Clinical business intelligence can be used during the process of caring for individual patients to improve the decisions about care made by doctors, nurses and other clinicians. These applications of clinical decision support are often called predictive analytics because they look ahead and suggest treatments that will yield future positive outcomes.

Clinical Business Intelligence is the use and analysis of data capture in the healthcare setting which directly impact their decision making. It has power to positively impact patient care delivery, health outcomes and business operations. This clinical business intelligence technology improves entire nations healthcare system as well as medical and economic wellness of patients. Clinical & Business Intelligence solutions which extracts the data from IT systems into centralized, secure repositories or databases for purpose of data analysis. Combining both clinical intelligence and business

intelligence provides historical and predictive views of organizations operations. Similar view of clinical care, in order to enable better business decision and improve patient care delivery, and also improving organization fiscal sustainability.

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