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A WHITE ROOM. THE TRANSLUCENT WOMAN, stands against an all white background.

She extends a hand towards the outline of a doorknob. TW Follow me. I have so many things to show you. THROUGH THE DOOR INTO, COSMICA; Absolute and complete, colors flood through a vortex of possibility. Dream stuff, a manifestation of pure creativity as a quantifiable, changeable mass. We travel beyond CUT TO: FOUR PANELS: 1. A young girl (8) sitting in her room, pounding away at the keys of a typewriter. No toys lay strewn about, just endless paper. Her mother watches from the door, a smile creased across her lips. 2. The Translucent Woman with her hand outstretched, her hair a magnificent swirl above and behind her. Cosmica fills her body, her mouth agape. 3. A wasteland, two figures against a radiant sunset. 4. The end of all things. A planet exploding next to a blue sun. CUT TO: INT. PLAGUE SHIP MAIN DECK One alien pilot stands inside a holographic sphere, controlling the vessel. This is KREEL. The commander approaches from behind. URU, draped in a hood. Sharp fangs. A staff made of alien bone. URU Updates? KREEL Negative on all channels. Weve scanned every biowave transmission within thirty leagues. Shes a ghost.

URU She is a stubborn child playing meaningless games. And wasting my time. KREEL May I ask, sir, what she really hopes to accomplish? URU My daughter was a transcriptor. Third generation. She started young, because she had a knack for particular phrasing and getting under her profs skin. She knew the power of words. She knew it, and she had learned to use them to their utmost potential. KREEL Im not sure I understand. URU Words arent just words. Words have power. Words change things. They will things into being. My daughter is a master of this. She is able to shape reality with her words. And she thinks she can shape us into something more. Something better. KREEL Words And you disagree? URU She is not God. Nor, is she a God. Its not her place; therefore, she is a threat. And therefore, we will put her down like the threat she is. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM DAY Warm light through the curtains, as young EMBER (9) sits at her desk in front of the window typing away. A shadow shifts in her room. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM NIGHT The young girl asleep. Her mother kissing her forehead. MOTHER Dream amazing dreams, sweetpea.

She closes the door. A shadow creeps up over Ember as she sleeps. Long tentacles pull the curtains on her windows closed, pulling the covers over her tiny body down to the foot. BLINDING LIGHT FILLS THE ROOM, the shadow bursting into a million pieces. Ember jolts awake in bed. Here stands The Translucent Woman, standing half inside a doorframe made of light. TW Follow me. I have so many things to show you. Ember smiles, takes her hand. THROUGH THE DOOR INTO CUT TO: THE CONSTRUCT TW stands next to Ember in a completely WHITE SPACE. Ember HUFFS. TW Whats the matter? EMBER Theres nothing here. This is boring. TW Are you kidding? WIDE OUT An infinite white space, Ember and TW tiny specs in the distance. TW This is everything! EMBER This is silly. TW Youre silly. EMBER No, you.

TW gets in her face, pointing a finger. TW No, you! TW composes herself, while Ember looks on. TW Okay. Im sorry. Got a little non-plussed there. Anyway, this is what we call The Construct. EMBER Construct. But theres nothing TW No, youre wrong! (sigh) Lets start simple. Whats your favorite flower? EMBER Texas rose. TW Okay. Imagine a rose. Close on Embers closed eyes, really trying to focus. TW Have you got it? EMBER Yes. TW Now imagine a field of them. EMBER Okay. TW Okay. EMBER That was stup-Ember opens her eyes to an endless field of bright yellow, texas roses.

EMBER But TW Do you understand yet? You can do anything here. You control this space. EMBER How? TW With your words. CUT TO:

EXT. BERING SEA DAY Choppy weather and violent seas as a crab fishing vessel climbs the waves. CUT TO: EXT. FV NORTHWESTERN DECK - SAME TW and Ember stand above the main deck, wearing rain gear while other men work the large crab pots beneath them. TW Seems like were in an episode of Deadliest Catch. EMBER Sorry. It was Dads favorite show. TW No. An apt metaphor. Lets go fishing! The deckhands release the crab pots into the ocean.\\ CUT TO: SPACE The Plague Ship and its armada fire plague missiles at a small planet, a larger blue sun in close proximity. The planet decomposes from the inside out before a small implosion, then a massive explosion.

CUT TO: INT. PLAGUE SHIP MAIN DECK Uru stands in the holographic sphere, angry. Flipping through digital surveillance footage. Searching for his daughter. He ROARS in frustration. Kreel comes running into the room. KREEL I may not have found her, but I think I know what happened KREEL I searched not through the bio-wave transmis, but through audial transmis. The elders on my home planet told stories of Vocalis, but I never thought it possible URU What are you saying? Tell me! KREEL Your daughter spoke her way out of this world entirely. Urus face in disbelief.

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