ME2342 Sec2 Statics

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ME/CEE 2342:

Fluid Mechanics Section 2 Fluid Statics [Chapter 3 in the text book]

Paul S. Krueger Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX 75275 (214) 768-1296 Office: 301G Embrey
P. S. Krueger ME/CEE 2342 2-1

Definition: In fluid statics, there is no relative motion between fluid particles. This means there is no shear stress in the fluid and we only need to deal with pressure.

Pressure at a Point:
The pressure at a point in a fluid experiencing no shear stress is independent of orientation. This means that fluid pressure depends only on location in fluid statics!

P. S. Krueger

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F = 0

Similarly, pz = ps. Thus, pz = px = ps = p. Since is arbitrary, p is independent of orientation.

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Pressure Variation Between Points: Basic Equation of Fluid Statics

Consider a stationary (static) fluid:

Note: we are no longer looking at just one point; we are considering pressure variation from point to point.
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F = 0

No pressure variation in the horizontal direction means that p = p(z) (depends on z only). Mathematically we write p p = =0 x y

But, m = xyz
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Substituting for m we have

Now, define

p p2 p1
And divide by xyz


dp = g = s dz

This (along with the condition p = p(z)) is the basic equation of fluid statics.
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Basic Result for Liquids:

Pressure increases linearly with depth!

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1) Manometer

From our previous results

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because s for a gas is small. We will assume p is constant for a static gas. Thus,

So, a manometer is a pressure gage (measures gage pressure directly)

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2) Liquid Pressure

Find the (gage) pressure in the water at (3). Note:

gf = g gf = g (SG w ) = SG w

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Begin by writing the relationship between pressures at different points:


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Alternative method: Start at a location where p is known. Then follow a path along the tube to unknown p. Add sh when going in the direction of gravity (down) and subtract when going against gravity (up). If we apply this method to the previous problem we get

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Alternative method applied to an example from the text book:

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Note: If the tube is inclined, use the vertical distance, not the distance along the tube to find the pressure difference.

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3) Hydraulic Jack

At equilibrium

Thus, if there is a large difference in area, a large load can be lifted/supported with a small force.
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Hydrostatic Force on Submerged Surfaces

Conceptually, think of a fish tank:

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General Case of a 2D, Flat Surface

p0 = patm Liquid (s) hp g FR dF h O

y yp x

p(h) = p0 + sh





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Goal: Replace the pressure forces on the region of interest (plate/window) by a net resultant force, FR, located at (xp, yp) and depth hp on the plate. Note: We know FR is perpendicular to the plate because the pressure acts perpendicular to the plate. Begin by with the net force on dA: By definition, F = FR

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1 yc ydA AA


FR = s hc A
Interpretation: shc = gage pressure at the depth of the centroid (pc). So, FR is the net force form the average pressure on the area of interest.

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Location of FR: ypFR = Mz

But where

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Using our previous result for FR

we have

y p = yc +

I xx ,c yc A
I xy ,c yc A

x p = xc +

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Notes: (xp, yp) is called the center of pressure. It is not at the centroid in general. Rather, FR is located below the centroid because pressure increases with depth. If the pressure above the liquid (p1) and outside the tank (p0) are not the same, there is an additional force FR = (p1 p0)A on the plate located at the plate centroid. Special Cases: 1) = 0: hc is the depth of the whole surface. Then FR acts through the centroid of the surface 2) = /2: hc = yc

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1) Window in a Tank

Find the magnitude and location of the force on the window.

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From the textbook (p. 91)

The window is vertical, so


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2) Gate

Find the force P exerted on the gate at point A by the wall. The gate is hinged at B and rests on a smooth wall at A. The width of the gate into the page is b = 4 ft. The weight of the gate is negligible The pressure below the gate is atmospheric
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P. S. Krueger

FBD of the gate Dont forget to do this!!

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Since the pressure outside the gate is atmospheric,



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Finally, for equilibrium we require

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Cylindrical Curved Surfaces

Integrating pressure over the surface is hard. Instead, deal with a volume of fluid defined by the curved surface and the horizontal and vertical projections of the surface.
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FBDs of the fluid volume and surface:

FH, FV = horizontal and vertical components of the fluid force on the curved surface. Fy = fluid static force on the horizontal projection of the curved surface Fx = fluid static force on the vertical projection of the curved surface W = weight of the fluid in the specified volume.
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For these FBDs, statics requires 1) FH = Fx 2) FV = Fy + W 3) The moment of FH and FV about an arbitrary point O is the same as the moment of Fx, Fy, and W about point O. Special Case: Circular Surface. In this case the resultant must act through the center of the circle since pressure is always perpendicular to the surface.

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Example: Forces on a Curved Gate

Find the force P required to hold the gate shut.

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FBDs: Method 1: Method 2:

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Method 1:

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Method 2:

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Physics: Pressure on the top is less than pressure on the bottom of the object, so there is a net upward force exerted by the fluid on the object. This force is called buoyancy.
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Magnitude and location of buoyant force: FB = weight of the displaced fluid = WD FB acts through the CG of the displaced fluid. If the fluid is incompressible
WD = sVD

where VD is the volume of the displaced fluid.

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Determine the specific gravity (SG) of the object if h = 1 ft. FBD:

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For equilibrium,

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Some Notes on Stability

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Note: For a floating object, the CG can be above the center of buoyancy and the ship can still be stable. This is not true for immersed objects.

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