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ME/CEE 2342:

Fluid Mechanics Section 6 Pipe Flow [Chapter 8 in the text book]

Paul S. Krueger Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX 75275 (214) 768-1296 Office: 301G Embrey
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Pipe Flow Terminology:

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Entrance Region: Velocity profile changes from uniform to more rounded or blunt. Pressure gradient is not linear Le D = 0.05 Re
Le D = 1.359 Re1 4

Fully Developed Region: Velocity profile (u(r)) does not change with distance. Pressure decreases linearly with distance. Mathematically:

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Shear Stress in the Fully-Developed Region

Horizontal pipe:

Assume steady, incompressible, axisymmetric (no dependence on ). Fully-developed requires:

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Step 1: CV & FBD (see previous diagram) Step 2: Conservation of Mass

Step 3: Forces

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Step 4: N2 (x-component only)


p 2(r ) = l r Note: The LHS does not depend on r. Therefore, the RHS doesnt either!


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r (r ) = w R
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Laminar vs. Turbulent Flow

For Re sufficiently low, the flow is smooth and steady. Fluid at adjacent radii slide over one another:

For Re too large, the flow becomes unstable and velocity fluctuations appear

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Laminar Pipe Flow Recall For laminar flow

Boundary Condition (BC):

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2 p R r u (r ) = 1 l 4 R 2
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Volume Flow Rate:

In terms of D = 2R:

D 4 p Q= 128 l
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Energy Considerations:

For a stream tube we have

In this case

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For a horizontal pipe

From Poiseuilles Law

Using Q = UA gives

2 l U hL = f D 2g

f = Darcy Friction Factor

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Notes: Using laminar flow analysis we have obtained a formula for hL in pipe flow. f = 64/Re only for laminar flow. Since the losses are due only to viscosity, this result also works for inclined pipes. In that case

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Fully-Developed Turbulent Flow As we have already seen, in turbulent flow the velocity components show random fluctuations due to complex swirls and eddies:

Here uA(t) shows random fluctuations even though the average flow rate through the pipe (Q) is constant.
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For constant Q, however, the time average of uA is constant. That is,

The fluctuation is then defined as

which is still a function of time. Similarly, the other velocity components show fluctuations and may be decomposed as

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The magnitude of the fluctuations is specified by

which is the standard deviation of the fluctuations, squared. Using this quantity, we define turbulence intensity as

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The mean/average quantities u , v , w have many of the same properties as the full velocity field for laminar flow: 1) For axisymmetric pipe flow v = w = 0 2) If the flow is fully-developed, then u (r ) does not change along the pipe length ( u x = 0 ). In other words, there is a distinct velocity profile for the mean velocity. We cannot solve an equation directly to find the velocity profile in turbulent flow as we did with laminar flow, but experiments show a good fit for u (r ) is

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[Source: Munson, Young Okiishi (4th Ed.)]

Notes: The profile is nearly uniform for turbulent flow. Thus, = 1, = 1 is a reasonable assumption for turbulent flow. The power law fit does not have the correct gradients (slopes) at r = 0 and R.
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Near the wall, the profile is better described by a Linear-Law region (next to the wall) and a Log-Law region (overlap between the wall and outer regions). This is discussed in more detail in the text book. Shear Stress Recall that shear stress varies linearly with r, namely,

In turbulent flow, we dont have a simple way of determining w. Mathematically, however, we can break into two terms:

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Experiments show that turb dominates except near the wall.

The physical meaning of the two terms can be illustrated as follows:

[Source: Munson, Young Okiishi (4th Ed.)]

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Dimensional Analysis of Turbulent Pipe Flow

We already know that We would like to use this to find a simple formula relating p to Q (like we did for laminar flow). The problem is finding a formula for w that is valid for both laminar and turbulent flow. Instead, we must rely on dimensional analysis, physics, and experiments. Dimensional Analysis: Functional dependence of p:

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= size (height) of roughness on the inside of the pipe.

= fluid density inertia effects


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Repeating Variables:


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Experiment: Measure f for different Re and /D => Moody Chart

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hL has the same form for laminar and turbulent flow, only f is more complex for turbulent flow. For laminar flow f = 64/Re. So, f is not a function of /D for laminar flow. Values of for common materials can be found in Table 8-2 and Fig. A-12 in the textbook. From the Moody Chart, f is a only function of /D as Re . Due to uncertainties in actual parameters (l, D, etc.) pipe flow analysis is likely accurate only to within 10%.

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Example: Type I (Flow rate and diameter are known)

What H is required to achieve flow rates of a) Q = 6.60 10-5 m3/s b) Q = 4.40 10-4 m3/s Ignore entrance effects (assume pipe friction only)
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Governing equation: Energy equation

a) First determine Re:

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From the Moody chart or results for laminar flow


From the Moody chart (see next slide): So,

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Example: Type II (D known, hL known, Q unknown)

Ignore entrance and exit effects and find Q.

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Governing equation:

Only losses in the pipe considered, so hL is determined as

Procedure: (i) Guess Q (or f) (ii) Find f (or Q) (iii)Calculate new Q (determine new f) (iv)Use now Q (f) to fine new f (Q) (v)Repeat until the answer converges
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(i) Guess:




(v) Repeat

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Minor Losses
What happens if we dont have a nice, straight, constant diameter pipe? Changes in geometry cause disturbances which further increase hL. These are called minor losses. For example:

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Similarly, in a pipe bend we can have separation and secondary flows:

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In general we express these losses as

hL ,m

U2 = KL 2g

The loss coefficients KL are typically determined by experiment and are tabulated for various features (e.g., Table 8-4, Figs. 8-34, 8-36, 8-38). Types of minor losses: Change in pipe diameter Entrance effects Exit flow Valves Pipe bends Defects in pipes (e.g., couplings)
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How much power does the fan add to the air?

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Governing equation

For systems with minor losses

hL = hL , f + hL ,m

2 U2 l U = f + KL 2g D 2g

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Flow Coefficient (Cv) Minor losses are sometimes expressed in terms of a flow coefficient (Cv), especially among valve manufacturers. The flow coefficient for liquids is defined as

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Open Channel Flow (Ch. 13 in textbook)

Front View Side View

Hydraulic Diameter
4 Ac Dh = P

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Energy Equation:


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For uniform flow, flow velocity and depth remain unchanged and therefore, a balance with hL is required:

Manning Coefficient (see Table 13-1):

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