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Problem of Statement

An investigation to determine the distribution, interaction and species diversity of organisms located in four ecosystems in Jamaica. Purpose of Project The purpose of the project is to evaluate the abundance of species, the distribution of species and to estimate the species diversity of the locations which was visited. In addition, in doing the project, the knowledge of species interaction to the environment will be noticed.

Method of Data Collection

In analyzing the organisms living in different ecosystems, Twickenham Park Open Lot, Twickenham Park Canal and Long Road River and Inniss Bay Beach. The following were used in collecting data; Net: This is a cris-cross instrument with a handle used to catch acquatic organisms. This was used at the Twickenham Park Canal and Long Road River. Quadrat: This is a square object which is thrown randomly and what is caught in the net is counted. This is used to catch terrestrial organisms. This was used at the Twickenham Park Open Lot. The line transect is an instrument used to measure the interval of organisms.

Literature Review

Species Diversity

According to Mark McGinley who wrote on encyclopedia of the earth on the 22nd of July 2008, states that species diversity is a measure of the diversity within an ecological community that incorporates both species richness and the species abundances. Adaptation Adaptation is the adjustment or changes in behavior, physiology and structure of an organism to become more suited to an environment. An example of species adaptation to habitat through physical changes is the marine iguana. The only iguana in the world to feed on algae in ocean waters, this large reptile developed a short stubby snout to feed off underwater rocks.

According to Mark McGinley, there are many factors that affect the distribution of organisms such as abiotic factors and biotic factors such as light and mutualism respectively. An environment in which organisms live will be determined by a range of physical factors. Species Diversity can be a useful tool for the ecologist.

Presentation of Data

Apparatus Quadrat Line Transect

Types of Organisms Terrestrial organism Terrestrial Organism


Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms

Table 1.1 shows the apparatus for each experiment.

Most and Least Dominant Organisms


20 Beetles 15 Grass Dragonfly 10 Plant x Plant y 5

0 Beetles Grass Dragonfly Plant x Plant y

Bar graph 1 shows most and least dominants in the twickenham park open lot

Species diversity of the four ecosystems

Site Twickenham Park open lot Twickenham Park Canal Inniss Bay Beach Long Road River

Site Type Terrestrial Aquatic Terrestrial Aquatic

Species Diversity 4.3 2.43 2.54 2.3

Table 2 shows the species diversity of the four locations.

Most and Least Dominant Organisms

Tilapia Perge Shrimp Crayfish 1% 1% 4% 4% Animal 'a' Snail

51% 39%

Pie Chart 1 showing the most and least dominant of Twickenham Park Canal.

Most and Least Dominant Organisms

Butterfly 4%


Dragonfly 28%

Johncrow 25%

Beetle 43%

Pie Chart 2 showing the most and least dominants in Inniss Bay Beach.

Species obtained at the Long Road River



Plant x

4% 26%


Pie Chart 3 shows the organisms obtained at the Long Road River.

Analysis of Data

Bar Graph shows the most and least dominant in Twickenham Park Open lot, wher is evident that beetles were the most dominant at a figure of 25, the and the grass and plant y at the least, with the figures of 7. Table 2 shows the species diversity of the four ecosystems, the Inniss Bay Beach had the highest species diversity of 2.54. The reason for this is that the ecosystem has a larger space, compared to the other areas because of its size and also there was an abundance in their food supply. Pie Chart 1 shows the most and least dominant of the Twickenham Park Canal, with snail being the most dominant and tilapia and perge,the least dominant. The snail at 51% and tilapia and perge at 1%. The organisms sharing the second least dominant are shrimp and crayfish at 4 %. Pie Chart 2 also shows the most and least dominants of the Inniss Bay Beach, the total number of organisms that were recorded on the line transect, the most dominant was Beetle at 43% and Butterfly at 4%, then Johncrow and dragonfly following respectively. This was because of the type of environment, and is not really a habitat for these species. At every one meter interval. The first meter to the 15 meter, no organisms were recorded, this was because of the aggression of the banks. Pie Chart 3 shows the organisms that were obtained at the Long Road River, the amount was scarce because of the human activities.

Discussion of Findings

The alteration of data that was carried out could be done at a suitable time and weather condition. Data shown in pie chart 2 showed that the most dominant organism was the beetle, the grass and plant y was least dominant, reason for this is the type of environment and the beetles have an impact on the grass and plant y. Different types of methods that were used to obtain the data for each experiment that was carried out. Pie Chart 2, shows the most and least dominant organisms of inniss bay beach, the data which is shown puts beetle as the most dominant organisms, the environment is suitable for the interaction of the butterfly. Pie Chart 3 shows the species obtained at the Long Road River in Portland, three organisms were found, because of the type of environment, and the human activities that take place such as the use of chemicals can be detrimental to their habitat. Table 1.1 shows the apparatus of the four locations, the net, the quadrat and the line transect were used, to test terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Table 2 shows the species diversity of the four ecosystems which inniss bay beach had the most species diversity, while long road river had the least,reason for this was that some areas were more accessible. The Long Road River was the lowest diversity calculated because of the

conditions which were present. The reason for the Inniss Bay Beach being the highest was because there was less action of waves and strong breeze.


I conclude, that from the given data obtained from the four ecosystems, it showed that Long Road River had the smallest species diversity of 2.3, the second, in order was the Twickenham Park Open Lot at 4.3, the inniss bay beach at 2.54 and Twickenham Park Canal at which it is 2.43.


To make each ecosystem better, habits can be obtained to treat the environment better. If persons can see the benefits of the ecosystem towards them and the role it plays, then the environment can be treated different. Have fliers and posters be given out, to illustrate the use of the environment and the benefits we can obtain from them. Penalties can be enforced, resulting in the destruction of the environment to be at a minimum.

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