BBA - Syllabus

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(Academic Year 2011 2012) TRIMESTER I 1. India : Social Political and Economic System Introduction to Sociology its relevance to the Business Leader of Tomorrow Concepts of Sociological Analysis Social Structure Social Institutions Effect of Sociology Indian Society Historical Evolution Indian Society Rural Society in India Ethics and Transparency Corporate Social Responsibility Indian Political System The Philosophy of our Constitution Political Structure The Legislature The Executive The Judiciary Recent Developments Indian Economy Government Budgeting Government Revenue Tax Evasion Government Planning Public Expenditure Public Debt Indias foreign trade Monetary System & Policy Financial Institutions Economic Regulation

2. Principals of Business Economics Introduction to Business Economics Market Equilibrium Elasticity and Demand Forecasting Production Revenue and Cost Concepts Market Models Perfect Competition Monopoly Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly

3. Fundamentals of Business Mathematics

STATISTICS: Introduction, Graphs, Diagrams Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion Elementary Probability Theory Binomial, Poisson, Normal Distribution Correlation Regression BUSINESS MATHEMATICS Quadratic Equations Progressions Permutations Combinations Logarithms Matrices & Determinants Elementary Calculus: Limits, Derivatives, Integration

4. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Introduction to Book Keeping. Classification of Accounts. Golden Rules of Book Keeping. Identification of Accounts from given transaction & formulation of journal Entries Depreciation Introduction & Methods. S.L.M. W.D.V. Other Depreciation topics like Provision for Depreciation etc.

Capital & Revenue- Expenditure, Receipts, Income. Final Accounts (Manufacturing, Trading & P&L Account & Balance Sheet of a proprietor). Accounting Principles, Concepts & Conventions.

5. Effective Communication I
The Communication Process The Importance of Communication in Business Grammar Vocabulary Sentence Construction Punctuation Introduction to Email Writing Tone and Voice Organisation Concise Writing Using a Natural Style and Simple Language Informative Messages Persuasive Messages Unpleasant News Goodwill Messages Complaints Invitations Congratulations Arranging Functions Travel Sales Resume Writing Book Review

TRIMESTER II 6. Fundamentals of Management Accounting Introduction to Cost & Management Accounting. Basic Cost Concept & Cost Objectives. Cost Classification. Accounting for Material Labour & Overhead Costs. Preparation of Cost Statements & Cost Sheet. Methods of Costing. Reconciliation of cost and financial Records. Marginal Costing. Standard Costing. Costing Profit & Loss Account

7. Essentials of Information Technology An Overview of Computers in ones life. Introduction to Computers and its application Input and Output Devices Concept of Data Communication and Networking Internet and WWW Types of Information Systems Role of Information System in managing Business Outsourcing BCP and DR Application Software 8. Elements of Psychology 1. Evolution of Psychology Definition Schools of Psychology Branches of psychology Research Methods. 2. Personality Psychoanalytical Theory-Freud Behaviorist Theory Skinner Cognitive Theory-Bandura. 3. Motivation and Emotion Motivation and Behavior Components of Emotion Emotional quotient. 4. Cognition Thinking Stages in Memory Learning Social Cognition.

5. Psychometrics Types of tests Validity Reliability & standardization & norms 6 Attitude Attitude formation theories Attribution Cognitive Dissonance Prejudice Attitude and Organizational Performance. 9. Effective Communication II Basic Communication. Oral & Written Form. Non Verbal communication. Group Discussion. Personal Interview. Organisational Communication. Presentation Skills. Business Correspondence. Presentations. 10. Principles of Management Introduction to Management Management Past to Present Planning Objectives Organizing Line and Staff Authority and Decentralization Staffing Leadership Controlling

TRIMESTER III 11. FUNDAMENTALS BUSINESS LAW Introduction to Indian Contract Act. Partnership Act. Sales of Goods Act. Consumer Protection Act. Companies Act.

12. ETHICS & GOVERNANCE Values and Ethics in Organizations 1. Values and Vision Statements 2. Stakeholders Model Code of Ethics Ethical Dilemmas Ethical Decision Making Corporate Governance & CSR Environmental issues and Triple Bottom Line Organizations

13. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING II Accounts of Non Trading Organizations Partnership Final Accounts Admission retirement and death. Company Final Accounts Redemption of Preference Shares 14. GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (Economics of Global Business). Social political & Ecological issues, Technology & Regulatory Environment. Business Ethics & Small Medium Large Social Responsibilities. Industrial Units. Joint Ventures, Multinationals & Transnational. Restructuring, Turnaround Closure 7 Economics trend. SEZ & related benefits & issues. 15. PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING - I Introduction, Marketing. Scope of Marketing. Core Concepts of Marketing. Holistic Marketing New Marketing realities. Creating and Delivering Value Value Delivery process Marketing Planning Developing a Marketing Plan Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Consumer Behavior Types of Consumer Goods. Segmentation and Targeting Positioning Product - product life cycle Pricing - Setting the Price Place Channel Decisions Promotion Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising Sales Promotion Publicity Personal Selling Introduction to Marketing Research Marketing Control


(Academic Year 2011 2012) TRIMESTER IV 1. Quantitative Analysis Linear Programming Problem (LPP) Transportation Problem (TP) Assignment Problem (AP) Simulation CPT / PERT Queuing Theory 2. Managerial Economics. An overview of Macroeconomics and Basic Concepts. Measurement of Macroeconomics Aggregates. Consumption, Investment and Income determination Monetary and Fiscal policy Money and Capital Markets Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Economic Fluctuations Open economy macroeconomics Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate Determination Introduction and Overview of Public Finance Public Tax and Expenditure Policies

3. Software Tools & Application Spread Sheet Package (Microsoft Excel 2000) a. Concept of Workbook, Worksheet, Cell b. Types of data, Entering, Editing, Deleting data into cell. Fill command, Series command, Custom list, Cell command

c. d. e. f. g.

Range: 2D Range 3D range Selecting, Inserting, Deleting cells, Rows, Columns, Ranges, Cell formatting. Relative reference Absolute reference. Formulas, Operators, Precedence of operators, Circular reference Library Functions:i) Financial Functions:- FV( ), PMT ( ), PV ( ) ii) Statistical Functions:- AVERAGE ( ), MEDIAN ( ), MODE ( ), STDEV ( ), VAR ( ) iii) String Functions:- LEN ( ), RIGHT ( ), LEFT ( ), MID ( ), PROPER ( ), UPPER ( ), LOWER ( ) iv) Logical Functions:- AND ( ), OR ( ), NOT ( ), IF( ) h. Hiding/ unhiding Rows, Columns, Sheet, Background of sheet. I. Chart Wizard. Introduction and Use of RDMS (MS Access)

Topics 1. Database and its Objects Introduction Access Database and its Objects including Table, Query, Form. Reports, Macros and Modules, Page. Creating Database Working with data including inserting, modifying and deleting records. Navigation Database including records, find and replace. Access data types Object naming rules Normalization of table E.F.C. Codd rules 2. Tables Creating tables through wizard and design view, datasheet view. Understanding field properties: field size, input mask, format, indexed, required, allow zero length, validation rule, validation text, caption, default value. Working with primary keys, foreign key, composite key and candidate key. Defining relationship and setting up the referential integrity (Cascade update and Cascade delete) Importing Exporting and Linking objects with another application. Understanding and creating different queries including select, action (append, delete, update, make-table) using wizard (cross-tab query, find duplicate query) Parameter query Understanding and implementing calculations and functions in queries. Understanding forms and its properties. Creating forms through different ways including wizard and design view. Understanding and implementing necessary controls and their properties available in access. Creating multiple-table and linked forms (subform) Adding calculated controls into form Validating data restricting data access. Creating switch board Creating charts and pivot tables reports Free-standing chart Embedded chart Understanding reports basics Creating reports through wizard and design view. Sorting and grouping the reports. Adding calculated controls into report.

3. Queries

4. Forms

5. Reports

6. Data access pages Understanding and designing data access pages. Static page and Dynamic page 7. Macro Understanding and designing macros. Utilizing macro with form and reports Conditional macro Macro errors 8. Access security Set unset password over database file.

4. Organizational Behavior Personality types, 16 PF, Big 5 and MBTI Attitudes, Emotions and Job Satisfaction Understanding self and others through Johari Window technique Theories of Motivation Transactional Analysis Team and Group Dynamics Managing Conflicts 5. Presentation Skills Presentation Skills (Personal skills, body language, introduction, do and donts, visual aids, presentation slides, etc.). Powerpoint Slides (How to make powerpoint slides, conceptualization, alignment, formats, structure for different requirements etc.) Video Conferencing (Technical details, practicality, where and when applicable etc.) Email Etiquettes (Theory, points to remember, formal , semi formal, informal emails in a corporate set up. Practical email writing) Report Writing (Theory, Types of reports, how to write? Formats, practical report writing) Assignments (Detailed study of B2B and B2C communication in 2 companies to be submitted as hard copy + Viva) Memorandum (Theory, do s and donts while writing, practical memo writing) Precis Writing (How to write, points to remember, practical sessions) TRIMESTER V 6. Financial Statement Analysis 1. Financial Statements of Limited Company- Schedule VI Sources of Finance Equity , Preference, Debentures Dividends Reserves Cash flow statements 2. Interpretation of Financial Statements Comparative common size, trend Ratios Notes to accounts

7. Principles of Marketing II Introduction to Marketing Management Marketing Planning Understanding Buyer & Consumer Segmenting, Targeting & positioning Promotion & Advertising Management 8. Principals Financial Management 1. Financial Analysis and Interpretation of Accounts. a) Study of manufacturing Trading Profit & Loss A/c of Limited Company Vertical Form Relationship between items in Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. a) Trend Analysis b) Comparative Statement. c) Common Size Statement. b) Ratio Analysis and Interpretation. a) Balance Sheet Ratios. b) Revenue Statement Ratios. c) Combined Ratios. 2. Preparation of statement of sources and application of funds and cash flow statement with reference to accounting standard no. 3. 3. Working capital projections Working capital concepts Estimation / projection of requirements in case manufacturing organization. 4. Project funds management Capital budgeting and budgeting controls basic problems on all techniques other than IRR a) Payback period (including discounted payback period) b) Accounting Rate of Rreturn (ARR) c) Profitability Index d) Net Present Value (NPV) e) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 9. Operations Management Introduction Production systems Facility Location Interfaces of Production function Facility Layout Types of Layouts Production Planning & Control Scheduling SPM SCM Inventory Management Services Operations

10. Elements of Taxation a) Direct Tax

Definition: S: 2 Basic of Charge (S: 3 to 9) Exclusions from Total Income (S: 10) Heads of Income. Deduction under Chapter VI A. Computation of Total Income. Basic aspects of deduction of Tax at Sources.

b) Indirect Tax
Central Sales Tax Act. Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act. Introduction to Service Tax & Central Excise Duty Laws.

TRIMESTER VI 11. Public Relations & Effective Communication.

Introduction to Public Relations Public Relations Definition, Public relations Attributes & Objectives Principles of Excellent Public Relations Practice Public Relations In house Department & PR agency ,Public :Definition, PR Budget PR strategy, Public relation in organization decision making. Strategic PR, Value of Good Relationships with Strategic Publics Public Opinion MPR Measuring PR Effectiveness. Corporate PR Publicity & Corporate PR Real life Examples -PR activity of Corporates Real life Examples -PR activity of Corporates of PR

12. Personnel Human Resource Management

Definitions & Nature. Public relation & influencing public opinion. Public relation in organization decision making. Evaluating PR effectiveness. Corporate public relations. Real Life examples in the Indian Environment.

13. Decision Analysis Decision Making Introduction. Financial & Non Financial Analysis. Risk Ascertainment & Management. Budgeting & Planning. Cost Benefit Analysis with reference to Strategic Business Decision Making. 14. International Accounting Standards
Introduction to Auditing. Objectives and Scope of audit. Different types of Audit. Audit Program and Audit Notes, audit Techniques and internal Audit. Verification of various items in financial Statement. Vouching. Framework and Presentation of Financial Statement. Valuation of Inventories (IAS 2) Statement of Cash Flows (IAS 7), Accounting Policies & Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (IAS 8), Events Occurring After The Reporting Period (IAS 10) Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16) Revenue (IAS 18)

15. Elements of Strategy (Strategic Management) Introduction to Strategy Formulation Introduction to Strategy Environmental Scanning (SWOT, TOWS and PESTLE analysis) Industry Analysis using Michael Porters Five Forces Model Business Strategy Developing a Corporate Vision and Mission Statement Corporate, Functional and Operational Strategies and their impacts Strategy & Tactics Types of Business Strategy Diversification, Divestments and Growth Strategies Business Strategy implementation The 7 S Framework Mergers, Acquisitions, Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances Business Process Re-engineering Monitoring and Control of Strategic initiatives BCG Portfolio Matrix VIRO Framework Product Life Cycle GE Matrix


(Academic Year 2011 2012) TRIMESTER VII 1. Management of Services
Services Introduction. Services Marketing Mix and Customer behavior in services. Service Quality Service strategies Designing Services Process and Service Delivery Service Performance and Measurement Study of Select Service organization. 2. Commercial Banking Operation. 1. BANK CORPORATE STRUCTURE Types of Banks Structure of Banks Banking Processes Deposits and Lending 2. CHEQUES Definition Requisites of a valid cheque Types of cheques Uses of cheques Crossings Endorsements 3. TYPES OF ACCOUNTS Opening of Accounts Current Accounts Staff Accounts Dormant Accounts Transferring a current account

Closing a current account Mandates and power of attorney Savings accounts Opening of a savings account Dormant savings account Lien accounts Term deposits Opening term deposit account Administration of term deposit account Closing term deposit 4. CASH and CLEARING Cash Recordings Bait Money Vault Security Clearing- Inward and Outward Return Discipline. Over counter returns 5. INCIDENTAL SERVICES Issue of cheque books Issue of demand drafts Issue of Statements Stop payments. 6. Remittances Main Transfers. Telegraphic Transfers. SWIFT. RTGS/EFT/NEFT/ECS 7. LENDING AND BASICS OF TREASURY Credit and loan administration process Non performing Assets FX and Money Markets Risk types and its management 8. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Board Audit Internal Checks and Controls Compliance Risk Management Security KYC Anti Money Laundering

3. Corporate Financial Management

Leverage operating, financial, total Capital Structure Working Capital Management Sources of Finance Dividend Policy

4. Foundation of Financial Markets & Institution

(A) Stock Exchange History Meaning. Membership. Organisation. Governing Body. (B) Functions of Stock Exchange Regulations of Stock Exchanges. Recognized Stock Exchanges. (C) Primary Market & Secondary Market. Objective. Procedure. Stock Option Scheme. New Issue Market. (D) Role of SEBI (E) OTCEI-BSE-NSE-NSDL-CSDL NSDL: National Securities Depositary Ltd. CSDL: Central Securities Depositary Ltd. (F) Trading in Stock Exchange Patterns of Trading & Settlement. Speculations. Types of Speculations. Activities of Brokers. Broker Charges. Settlement Procedure. (G) Challenges before Stock Exchanges before India (H) Financial Institutions & Markets Securities Markets Primary & Secondary Debts/Equity Markets. Money Markets Operations & Instruments-ICDs, Bankers Acceptances, Treasury Bills, Agency Discount Notes. Mutual Funds Investment Objectives & Criteria. Derivatives History, Participants, Derivatives Markets in India, Instruments, Basic Terms & Properties of Options/Futures/Forward. (I) Commodity Market History Meaning Membership

Organisation Governing Body. Features of Products. Types of Transactions to be dealt in commodity Market. Study of Agricultural Produced Market Committee (Krushi Uttpan Bazar Samity) MCX NCDEX

5. Retail Management.

(Elective Marketing)

Introduction to Retail Management, Global & Indian Retail Scenario, Key Drives in Retailing in India, Trends in Retailing, Growth of Organized Retailing in India. Place of Retailing in the Marketing Mix, Retail Economics, Retail Formats, Scalability and Shop Displays. Retail Merchandising, Category Management , Mark Ups & Mark Down in Retail Pricing, GMROI etc. Retail Strategies. Retail Marketing, Advertising and Sales Promotion. Inventory Control and Financial Management. Management Information Systems in Retailing. Elements of Retail Operations, Footfall Management. Supply Chain Management in Retailing. Customer Service, Personal Selling, and CRM in Retailing. Managing Retail Personnel at work, Recruitment, Motivation and Retention. Careers in Retailing. Franchising in Retailing. Store Planning, Design and Layout. Retail Research, Retail Audit, Consumer Research at the Point of Purchase. Online Retailing (e-Tailing) Relevant Case Studies to illustrate the Theories discussed.

6. Introduction to Financial Planning ( Finance)

1. Introduction to Investment Planning. How investment planning is different from selling investment products. Investment risk. Measuring risk. Managing risk. Returns Investment Portfolio 2. Investment vehicles. Small saving Schemes. Fixed income instruments Insurance- based investment Mutual funds Equity shares Derivatives

Real estate Other investments 3. Investment strategies Active and passive strategies Asset allocation 4. Regulation of an investment advisor 5. Application to clients

TRIMESTER VIII 7. Entrepreneurship

a. UNIT I Introduction: The entrepreneur; Definition; Emergence of entrepreneurial class; Theories of Entrepreneurship; Role of socio-economic environment; Characteristics of entrepreneur, Vision & Mission focus on objectives. (6 Lectures) UNIT II Women Entrepreneur Development with reference SHGs Social EntrepreneurshipDefinition, Importance & Social Responsibility of NGOs. (3 Lectures) UNIT III Promotion of a Venture: Opportunities analysis; External environmental analysiseconomic, social and technological; Competitive factors; establishment of a new unit, and raising of funds; Venture capital sources and documentation required. (8/10 Lectures) UNIT IV Entrepreneurial Development Programmes (EDP): EDP, their role, relevance, and achievements; Role of Government in organizing EDPs; Critical evaluation. (4 Lectures) UNIT V Role of Entrepreneur: Role of an entrepreneur in economic growth as an innovator, generation of employment opportunities, complimenting and supplementing economic growth, brining about social stability and balanced regional development of industries; Role in export promotion and import substitution, forex earnings, and augmenting and meeting local demand. (12 Lectures) Projects & Viva etc. (5 Lectures)





8. Business Simulation
OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: A basic objective of this course is to integrate the specialized areas of business administration by requiring the student to analyze and make strategic and operational decisions in the environment of a computer processed management simulation. The student examines the conceptual and practical aspects of business policies and policy decision making by utilizing all the concepts, theories, and tools that were presented in the previous courses. The student should be able to analyze and recommend a comprehensive and workable approach to the situation. The course should cover current business issues and developments. Students will be placed in management teams and each management team will run their own company. The various companies will compete in an industry. Each company's management will be responsible for exercising all management, marketing and financing functions as well as making all decisions required in the "running of a business" which will impact the company's performance in the manufacturing and sale of consumer related products in a global environment.

A second objective is to interject the use of the computer in decision analysis, whenever possible, by having the student use the computer to work out business problems. A third objective is to provide an environment in which the student can gain experience in working and perhaps contending with third party groups whose interest may not parallel those of business. Such groups might include: Government Officials, Civil Society groups, Politicians, Suppliers etc. ACTIVITIES Students will be placed in management teams and each management team will run their own company. The various companies will compete in an industry. Each company's management will be responsible for all of the decisions made, or not made, which will impact the company's performance in the manufacture and sale of consumer related products. EVALUATION Each company's performance and relative competitive position will be measured using the following parameters: Volume of sales Market share Sales Income after Taxes Earnings per share Return on Assets Return on Sales Return on Equity Stock Price Company performance data as well as relative industry data will be provided annually and later in the game, yearly. A company's relative industry ranking at the end of the simulation based on the above parameters will be largely determinative of the team and individual student grade. Each team is required to maintain a business diary/journal (in Microsoft Word format and submitted as one file at the end of the trimester) that will detail for yearly plans and each Year's decisions: (1) the major decisions being made, (2) the expected or hoped for results, and (3) and evaluation of the causes of the success or failure of the decision(s). The diary/journal serves two primary purposes. One purpose is to cause the team to engage in strategic and operational planning and control. Another purpose of the diary/journal is to allow the instructor to evaluate the recovery process (planning and decision quality after the occurrence of a disaster) of a team who has made an earlier disastrous decision(s) which destroys their industry ranking. Students will be evaluated on their team's relative competitive performance (60%) and the comprehensiveness of their team's business diary (20%) and the subjective evaluation of their written term project (20%).

Team's Relative Game Performance : 60% Team's Business Journal 20% Term Project 20 %

Term projects will be based on further reading and understanding in the general area of business strategy. The List of References for the term project must contain at least six (6) citations from professional and/or academic journals. TOPICS 1. BASIC SKILL BUILDING- Teaches how to solve interconnected business problems in complex business situations with emphasis on marketing, strategy, finance and HR. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, SWOT 2. BASIC SKILL BUILDING Porters Five Forces Model 3. CASE DISCUSSION, PRESENTATIONS AND SIMULATION- MARKETING STRATEGY CASE Students can discuss the results of research that links strategic variables to firm performance. Students can describe the various models and methods used to conduct external and internal analysis (e.g. SWOT, BCG, Porter, etc. 4. CASE DISCUSSION, SIMULATION AND PRESENTATIONS - FINANCE CASE Students can determine the relative well-being of the firm and identify specific performance problems (e.g. inventory management, debt load, etc.) based on financial statements. Students can determine whether the financial condition of the firm allows the firm to pursue a desired strategy. 5. CASE DISCUSSION, SIMULATION AND PRESENTATIONS -DEMAND FORECASTING/ Market Share Case Students can prepare a written analysis of a business situation, including market structure, within the parameters of the Porter 5 Forces Model or standard Economic Market Structures to assess market conditions. 6. CASE DISCUSSION, SIMULATION AND PRESENTATIONS - HR CASE 7. FINAL TEAM PRESENTATION ON FUTURE STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN. STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN FOCUSED ON SIMULATION RESULTS AND PRIORITIES FOR THE FUTURE MATERIAL REQUIRED: INTEGRATED SIMULATION GAME, preferably simulating the Indian business environment (to be provided by the vendor) NOTE: THE STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE COVERED THE TOPICS FOR SIMULATION AS PART OF OTHER COURSES IN PREVIOUS TRIMESTERS


Service Marketing a. Introduction to Service Marketing, Importance of Service Sector, Distinctive Marketing Challenges, Expanded Marketing Mix. b. Environment for service Marketing Macro and Micro Environments. Market Research in Services, Market Metrics & Demand Forecasting. c. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning in Services.

d. Search for competitive Advantage, Internal, Market and competition Analysis. Using positioning maps to plot a competitive strategy, changing competitive positioning: Creating sustainable competitive advantage. e. Service Marketing Mix f. Service designing for a Global Market. Pricing Decision frame work, E-Service delivery, Franchising in services, Integrated Marketing communication in services, People, Physical Evidence and process- Moment of Truth, Brand Experience. g. Service Marketing Applications h. Marketing of Government organizations, Healthcare, Retail, Financial Services, Insurance, Hospitality, Media Marketing, Banking, Mobile, Airlines, etc. i. Ethical Issues in Services j. Focus on select sectors Health Care, Media, Legal services, Food Services Industry, etc. 10. Modeling & Finance Lab. (Elective Finance) a. Introduction to financial analysis & ratios b. Microsoft excel functions c. Project finance( Flash Report, cash flow forecasting,etc) d. Cost of capital e. IRR, NPV & other functions f. Financial statement analysis g. Capital Budgeting 11. Insurance and Risk Management (Elective Finance)
Introduction What is insurance & risk? Risk Management Process & Principles of Insurance Principles of Insurance (contd) & Insurance terms Legal Aspects of Insurance Contract Life Insurance Products General Insurance Products Insurance Needs Analysis Insurance Needs Analysis (Contd) Underwriting, Rate-making & Insurance Practice Claims Settlement & Government Regulation Government Regulation (Contd) & Insurance Numericals Insurance Numericals Insurance Numericals Revision & Group Assignment Revision & Group Assignment

12. Advertising, Media & Marketing Communication. (Elective Marketing)

I Introduction Meaning, Nature and importance of Advertising, Types of Advertising, Advertising objectives, establishing the Budget for advertising II Advertisement Development and Testing Factors which accomplish audience persecution, source/endorser, Message Structure and appeal, Advertising copy elements. Evaluating Effectiveness; Pre and Post testing techniques. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Advertising. III Media Selection Traditional and New age Media, Factors influencing Media Choice, Media Scheduling Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication Developing an overall campaign- Advertising, PR, Trade and Consumer promotion, Media management.


13. Sales & Distribution Management. (Elective Marketing) 1. a) Introduction to Sales Management and its Evaluation.
b) Job & Role of sales management in organization. 2. a) The selling function, selling theories. b) Importance of systems selling in contemporary environment. 3. a) Personal selling, sales presentation and the art of negotiation. b) Case study: Maruti Udyog Ltd. 4. a) Selling of Services as opposed to Selling of Tangible Products, Sales Management Planning & Information Systems & Sales Forecasting. b) Case Study: Electrical Equipment Ltd. 5. a) Sales Budgeting & Planning for Quotas. b) Case Studies: 1) Metal Products India Ltd. 2) Star Engineering Ltd. 6. a) Sales Budgeting & Planning for Quotas (Contd). b) Case Studies: 1) Crofton Wagely Inc. 2) Nirma Success Story. 7. a) Development of Sales Organization and Different Types of Sales Organizations. b) Case Studies: Patni Computers. 8. a) Manpower Planning, Recruitment, & Selection of Sales People. b) Case Study: Hindustan Products Ltd. 9. a) Training & Development of Sales People. b) Case Study: Softek 10 a) Time & Territory Management, Territory Planning and Design. b) Case Study: Sales Territory of ELR (ELI LILLY RANBAXY LTD.) 11. a) Sales Incentives & Sales Compensation. b) Case Study: Carter Oil Company. 12. a) Motivating & Leading Sales People. b) Performance Appraisal of Sales People, Controlling & Supervising them.

13. Distribution Management a) Physical Distribution (Marketing Logistics), Tasks of Physical Distribution & Total Cost Approach. 14. a) Alternative Channels of Distribution & their Evaluation. 15. a) Managing Channel Members, Sources of Conflicts & Resolving/controlling the same and VMS. 16. a) Warehouse Management.

TRIMESTER IX 14. Customer Relationship Management.

1. Introduction 2. Understanding customers value and providing them the same a. Trust b. Loyalty c. Commitment 3. Data Mining and Data Warehousing a. Tools and Technologies for data-mining, data warehousing b. Customer Life Time Value determination 4. STP & R a. Customer segmentation b. Targeting c. Positioning d. Retaining 5. Communication to the target and creating values for them a. Interacting with customers and creating values for them b. Channel issues and creating values c. Tools and technologies to interact d. Using mass customization to build relationship 6. Implementing CRM and Direct selling a. Campaign Management b. SFA c. CSR and Call center as facilitators to CRM implementation d. ERP 7. Products/Services, Brand and CRM a. Relevance of Brand in building CRM b. How CRM help to create strong brand equity 8. Metrics for CRM a. Measuring Success/Failure of CRM 9. Customer-Strategy Enterprise (Need to Synchronize) a. CSE (Customer Strategy Enterprise) b. Organizing around CSE

15. Business Plan

16. Investment Planning (Elective Finance)

1. Introduction to Investment Planning. How investment planning is different from selling investment products. Investment risk. Measuring risk. Managing risk. Returns Investment Portfolio 2. Investment vehicles. Small saving Schemes. Fixed income instruments Insurance- based investment Mutual funds Equity shares Derivatives Real estate Other investments 3. Investment strategies Active and passive strategies Asset allocation 4. Regulation of an investment advisor 5. Application to clients

17. International Trade & Finance (Elective Finance)

Objective: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Topic 1 Theories of International Trade: Mercantilism Absolute cost theory Comparative cost theory Factor endowment theory Country similarity theory The new trade theory International product life cycle theory Theory of competitive advantage To get a broad picture of the global economy To examine the theoretical explanations of basis international trade To understand the gains and disadvantages of trade To evaluate pros and cons of free trade and protection To understand the role of international trade bodies To get an analytical view of balance of payments and policies that ensure balance To understand the international monetary system from gold standard to now To understand the foreign exchange market and factors affecting exchange rates FOREX risk and its management

Implications of trade theories Topic 2 Gains from Trade and Terms of Trade

(8 lectures)

Gains from trade (distribution of gains, gains to small countries, problems of trade) Terms of trade (Mills doctrine, Offer Curves and Equilibrium Terms of Trade, Different Concepts of Terms of Trade, Influences on Terms of Trade) (4 lectures) Topic 3 Trade Strategy Outward oriented and inward oriented strategies Arguments for free trade Arguments for protection Trade strategy of India Topic 4 Trade Barriers Tariff barriers Non-tariff barriers Quantitative restrictions Topic 5 International Trade Organisations GATT WTO Regional Trading Agreements Topic 6 Balance of Payments Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment Components of BOP BOP Disequilibrium Correction of Disequilibrium Policies for External and Internal Balance Topic 7 International Monetary System Pre Bretton Woods Period

(2 lectures)

(2 lectures)

(4 lectures)

(4 lectures)

The Bretton Woods System Breakdown of Bretton Woods Managed Float System EMS, ECU and EURO Topic 8 Foreign Exchange

(4 lectures)

Functions of Foreign Exchange Market Transactions in Foreign Exchange Market (Spot and Forward Exchanges,Futures, Options, SWAP Operations, Arbitrage) Determination of Exchange Rates (Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Balance of Payments Theory, Monetary Models) Exchange Rate Systems (Fixed Exchange Rates, Flexible Exchange Rates) Currency Exchange Risk (8 lectures) Topic 9 Foreign Exchange Risk Management Factors Effecting Exchange Rates Types of Risks Arbitrage and Speculation Risk Management Strategies References: 1. 2. 3. 4. International Economics Francis Cherunilam, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Publication International Finance Maurice D Levi, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Publication International Finance V. A. Avadhani, Himalaya Publishing House International Economics (Theory and Policy) Krugman and Obstfeld, 6th Edition, Pearson Education

(4 lectures)

18. Markets Research (Elective Marketing)

Introduction, Familiarisation with Course Contents, Course Assessment, Need & Scope of MR & Classify MR Studies. Evolution of Marketing Research & Emerging Issues, Marketing Research in Internet Era. The Market Research Process - An Overview + A Case Study How to Define a Research Problem & Writing a Research Proposal Research Methods & Designs, Major Qualitative Research Techniques

19. Direct Marketing (Elective Marketing)

DIRECT MARKETING Objectives: The course is designed to help students understand the management decision making process and activities that go into planning and implementing Direct Marketing programs

Scope: Introduction to Direct Marketing Definition, scope of direct marketing, reasons for growth, what can be sold via direct marketing. Direct marketing media, objectives of direct marketing customer acquisition, development and retention. Building a successful program, new direct marketing approaches. Customer Database for Direct Marketing Setting up customer database structure, software, Customer contact and behavioral variables, database enhancements, lead generation Direct Mail Marketing Direct mail industry, advantages, timing and sequencing of mails, Direct mail and privacy, response management Catalog Marketing History of Catalogs, Types of Catalogs, Catalog attributes, design and innovation, ordering and billing, Perceived risks in Catalog shopping Telemarketing Introduction, Communication objectives, script, response management, managing and motivating telemarketers, performance monitoring Direct response Television and Radio Direct response TV commercials, Home shopping channels, cable industry, making use of Radio for direct marketing Direct Marketing and Technology Online services, reaching out to international consumers through internet, using mobiles for direct marketing Direct response print Making magazines and newspapers work, advantages and disadvantages, response management The future of direct marketing Retention programs for high value customers. Building trust - Testimonials and endorsements, guidelines for ethical business practice in direct marketing Prescribed text Direct Marketing An integrated approach, William J. Donald, McGraw-hill publications, 1998

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