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Intelligence Bureau (India)

Intelligence Bureau
Khfya Bureau

Agency overview Formed Headquarters Employees 1887 New Delhi Classified

Agency executive Syed Asif Ibrahim, Director Intelligence Bureau Parent agency Ministry of Home Affairs Website

The Intelligence Bureau (IB) (Devangar Devangar: , Khfya Bureau) is India's internal intelligence agency and reputedly the world's oldest intelligence agency.[1] It was recast as the Central Intelligence Bureau in 1947 under the Ministry of Home Affairs. . The reason for the perception may be because, in 1885, Major General Sir Charles MacGregor was appointed Quartermaster General ral and head of the Intelligence Department for the British Indian Army at Simla. . The objective then was to monitor Russian troop deployments in Afghanistan Afghanistan, fearing a Russian invasion of British India through the North-West West during the late 19th century. In 1909, the Indian Political Intelligence Office was established in England in response to the development of Indian revolutionary activities, activities, which came to be called the Indian Political Intelligence (IPI) from 1921. This was a state-run state run surveillance and monitoring agency. The IPI was run jointly by the India Office and the Government of India and reported jointly to the Secretary of the Public and Judicial Department of the India Office, and the Direct Director of Intelligence Bureau (DIB) in India, and maintained close contact with Scotland Yard and MI5. Serving since December 2012, 12, Syed Asif Ibrahim is the current director of the IB, the first Muslim to hold the position.[2]


1 Responsibilities 2 Activities 3 Workings 4 Constitutionality 5 Ranks and insignia 6 Operations 7 Media portrayal 8 See also 9 References 10 Footnotes 11 Further reading 12 External links

Shrouded in secrecy, the IB is used to garner intelligence from within India and also execute counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism tasks. The Bureau comprises employees from law enforcement agencies, mostly from the Indian Police Service (IPS) and the military. However, the Director of Intelligence Bureau (DIB) has always been an IPS officer. In addition to domestic intelligence responsibilities, the IB is particularly tasked with intelligence collection in border areas, following the 1951 recommendations of the Himmatsinhji Committee (also known as the North and North-East Border Committee), a task entrusted to military intelligence organisations prior to independence in 1947. All spheres of human activity within India and in the neighborhood are allocated to the charter of duties of the Intelligence Bureau. The IB was also tasked with other external intelligence responsibilities as of 1951 until 1968, when the Research and Analysis Wing was formed. The current chief of the organisation is Syed Asif Ibrahim.[3]

Understanding of the shadowy workings of the IB is largely speculative. Many a times even their own family members are unaware of their whereabouts. One known task of the IB is to clear licences to amateur radio enthusiasts. The IB also passes on intelligence between other Indian intelligence agencies and the police. The Bureau also grants the necessary security clearances to Indian diplomats and judges before they take the oath. On rare occasions, IB officers interact with the media during a crisis situation. The IB is also rumoured to intercept and open around 6,000 letters daily. It also has an email spying system similar to FBI's Carnivore system.[4] The Bureau is also authorised to conduct wiretapping without a warrant.[5]

The Class 1 (Gazetted) officers carry out coordination and higher-level management of the IB. Subsidiary Intelligence Bureaus (SIBs) are headed by officers of the rank of Joint Director or

above, but smaller SIBs are also sometimes headed by Deputy Directors. Directors. The SIBs have their units at district headquarters headed by Deputy Central Intelligence Officers (DCIOs). The IB maintains a large number of field units and headquarters (which are under the control of Joint or Deputy Directors). It is through these offices offices and the intricate process of deputation that a very organic linkage between the state police agencies and the IB is maintained. In addition to these, at the national level the IB has several units (in some cases SIBs) to keep track of issues like terrorism, counter-intelligence, intelligence, VIP security, threat assessment and sensitive areas (i.e. Jammu and Kashmir and such). IB officers (like their counterparts in R&AW ) get monthly monthly special pays and an extra one-month month salary every year, as well as better promotions. Apart from the IPS and IAS, IB also recruits from the Indian Revenue Service Ser (IRS).[6]

IB was created on 23 December 1887, by the then British Secretary of State as a sub sub-sect of the Central Special Branch but there is no act of the Indian parliament nor executive order relating to the functioning of the IB. In 2012, a PIL was filed challenging the legality of IB.[7]

Ranks and insignia

Insignia of Director Intelligence Bureau See also: List of police ranks in India Ranks of Gazetted Officers (Group 'A')

Director Intelligence Bureau (post held by senior most Indian Police Service officer; and the only 4 star equivalent to Armed Forces Generals in terms of insignia. . However it's a post and not a rank.) Special Director (equivalent to Director General of Police) Additional. Director (equivalent to Additional Director General of Police Police) Joint Director (equivalent to Inspector General of Police) Deputy Director (equivalent to Deputy Inspector General of Police) Joint t Deputy Director(equivalent to Senior Superintendent of Police) Assistant Director (equivalent to Superintendent of Police)

Deputy Central Intelligence Officer (equivalent to Additional Superintendent of Police)

Ranks of Officers in (Group 'B')

Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-I (equivalent to Circle Inspector ) and equivalent to Deputy Superintendent of Police after completion of 3 years in the same post.

Ranks of Officers in (Group 'C')

Assistant Central Intelligence Officer Grade-II (equivalent to Sub Inspector of Police). Junior Intelligence Officer Grade-I (equivalent to Assistant Sub Inspector of Police) Junior Intelligence Officer Grade-II (equivalent to Head Constable of Police) Security Assistant (equivalent to Constable of Police)

There are different ranks of executives which adhere for managing and executing the goals of the organisation. Sometimes executives are compared with state police service ranks which are different from the ranks in IB.

The Intelligence Bureau reportedly has a lot of successes to its credit, but operations conducted by the IB are rarely declassified. Due to the extreme secrecy surrounding the agency, there is little concrete information available about it or its activities. The IB was trained by the Soviet KGB from the 1950's on wards until the collapse of the soviet union. The IB was initially India's internal and external intelligence agency. Due to lapses on the part of the Intelligence Bureau to predict the Sino-Indian War of 1962, and later on, intelligence failure in the India-Pakistan War in 1965, it was bifurcated in 1968 and entrusted with the task of internal intelligence only. The external intelligence branch was handed to the newly created Research and Analysis Wing. The IB has had mixed success in counter-terrorism. It was reported in 2008 that the IB had been successful in busting terror modules. It alerted the police before the Hyderabad blasts and gave repeated warnings of a possible attack on Mumbai through the sea before the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. On the whole, however, the IB came in for some sharp criticism by the media after the relentless wave of terror attacks in 2008. The government came close to sacking top intelligence officials soon after 26/11 attacks because of serious lapses that led to the 2008 Mumbai attacks.[8] Heavy politics, under-funding and a shortage of professional field agents are the chief problems facing the agency. The overall strength of the agency is believed to be around 25,000, with 3500-odd field agents operating in the entire country. Of these, many are engaged in political intelligence.[9][10]


Shri. Sushil Kumar Sambhajirao Shinde Hon'ble Home Minister Shri. M. Ramachandran MOS Shri. R.P.N Singh MOS Role of Ministry of Home Affairs

India - large country - ancient civilisation - complex social dynamics. Federal Structure - preserves diversity - sustains unity. Union-State relations - dynamic. Public order and police - prime responsibility of the States - Part XI and Seventh Schedule - The Constitution of India. Duty of the Union - protect States against internal disturbance - ensure that governance of States carried out in accordance with The Constitution. MHA - Nodal Ministry. All Matters relating to internal security. All matters relating to Centre-State and Inter-State relations. Implementation of the provisions of the Constitution relating to Official Language and the provisions of the Official Languages Act, 1963. Certain basic functions under the Constitution like notification of assumption of office by the President and Vice-President; notification of appointment of the Prime Minister and other Ministers; notification of appointment, resignation and removal of Governors of States and Lieut. Governors and Administrators in Union Territories. Matters like Citizenship and Naturalisation, Census of Population, National Anthem, National Flag, etc.

MHA comprises

Department of Border Management - deals with - Management of Borders including Coastal Borders. Department of Internal Security - deals with - Police, Law and Order and Rehabilitation of Refugees. Department of States - deals with - Centre-State Relations, Inter-State Relations, Union Territories and Freedom Fighters Pension. Department of Official Languages - dealing with - implementation of the Constitutional and legal provisions relating to Official Languages.

Department of Home - deals with - notifications relating to assumption of office of President/Vice-President, appointment of Prime Minister /Ministers, etc.

Department of Jammu & Kashmir Affairs - created w.e.f. November 1, 1994 - deals with - Constitutional provisions and other matters relating to the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

Departments of MHA

Department of Border Management Department of Border Management, dealing with management of borders, including coastal borders. Department of Internal Security Department of Internal Security, dealing with police, law and order and rehabilitation.

Department of J & K Affairs Department of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Affairs, dealing with the constitutional provisions in respect of the State of Jammu & Kashmir and all other matters relating to the State excluding those with which the Ministry of External Affairs is concerned.

Department of Home Dealing with the notification of assumption of office by the President and Vice President, notification of appointment of the Prime Minister and other Ministers, etc Department of Official Language Dealing with the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution relating to official languages and the provisions of the Official Languages Act, 1963.

Department of States Dealing with Centre-State relations, Inter-State relations, Union Territories and Freedom Fighters pension

Divisions of MHA

Administration Division The Division is responsible for handling all administrative and vigilance matters, allocation of work among various Divisions of the Ministry and monitoring of compliance of furnishing information under the Right to Information Act, 2005, matters relating to the Table of Precedence, Padma Awards, Gallantry Awards, Jeevan Raksha Padak Awards, National Flag, National Anthem, State Emblem of India and Secretariat

Security Organisation.

Border Management Division The Division deals with matters relating to coordination and concerted action by administrative, diplomatic, security, intelligence, legal, regulatory and economic agencies of the country for the management of international borders, creation of infrastructure like roads/fencing and floodlighting of borders, border areas development programme pilot project on Multi-purpose National Identity Card and Coastal Security.

Centre-State Division The Division deals with Centre-State relations, including working of the constitutional provisions governing such relations, appointment of Governors, creation of new States, nominations to Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha, Inter-State boundary disputes, over-seeing the crime situation in States, imposition of Presidents Rule and work relating to Crime & Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS), etc.

Coordination Division The Division deals with intra-Ministry coordination work, Parliamentary matters, public grievances (PGs), publication of Annual Report of the Ministry, Record Retention Schedule, Annual Action Plan of the Ministry, custody of classified and non-classified records of the Ministry, Internal Work Study, furnishing of various reports of SCs/STs and Persons with Disabilities, etc.

Disaster Management Division The Division is responsible for response, relief and preparedness for natural calamities and man-made disasters (except drought and epidemics). The Division is also responsible for legislation, policy, capacity building, prevention, mitigation and long term rehabilitation.

Finance Division The Division is responsible for formulating, operating and controlling the budget of the Ministry under the Integrated Finance Scheme.

Foreigners Division The Division deals with all matters relating to visa, immigration, citizenship, overseas citizenship of India, acceptance of foreign contribution and hospitality. Freedon Fighters & Rehabilitation Division

The Division frames and implements the Freedom Fighters Pension Scheme and the schemes for rehabilitation of migrants from former West Pakistan/East Pakistan and provision of relief to Sri Lankan and Tibetan refugees. It also handles work relating to Enemy Properties and residual work relating to Evacuee Properties.

Human Rights Division The Division deals with matters relating to the Protection of Human Rights Act and also matters relating to national integration and communal harmony and Ayodhya.

Internal Security Division Internal Security-I Division deals with matters relating to internal security and law & order, including anti-national and subversive activities of various groups/extremist organizations, policy and operational issues on terrorism, security clearances, monitoring of ISI activities and Home Secretary-level talks with Pakistan on terrorism and drug trafficking as a part of the composite dialogue process.

Internal Security-II Division deals with arms and explosives, narcotics and Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), National Security Act. This division also coordinates matters relating to MPs, certain Commissions of Inquiry, Sanction of Prosecution and Extradition, etc. Jammu & Kashmir Division The Division deals with constitutional matters including Article 370 of the Constitution of India and general policy matters in respect of J&K and terrorism/militancy in that State. It is also responsible for implementation of the Prime Ministers Package for J&K. Judicial Division The Division deals with all matters relating to the legislative aspects of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C.) and also the Commission of Inquiry Act. It also handles matters relating to State legislations, which require the assent of the President under the Constitution, political pension to erstwhile rulers before independence, Mercy Petitions under Article 72 of the Constitution. Naxal Management Division This Division was created w.e.f. October 19, 2006 in the Ministry of effectively tackle the naxalite menace from both security and development angles. It will monitor the naxal situation and counter-measures being taken by the affected States with the objective of improving groundlevel policing and development response as per the location specific action plans formulated/to be formulated by the affected States, and review with the concerned Ministries/Departments to ensure optimum utilisation of funds released under, and proper implementation of various developmental schemes in the naxal affected areas.

North East Division The Division deals with the internal security and law & order situation in North-Eastern States, including matters relating to insurgency and talks with various extremist groups operating in that region. Police Division Police-I Division functions as the cadre controlling authority in respect of Indian Police Service (IPS) and also deals with the award of Presidents police Medals for Meritorious/ Distinguished service and Gallantry, etc. Police-II Division deals with the personnel and financial matters relating to Central Police Forces including BSF Air Wing. This division also deals with deployment, operational matters and policy relating to Central Police Forces and also deals with the matters dealing with police welfare .
Police Modernisation Division The Division handles all items of work relating to modernization of State Police Forces, provisioning/ procurement of various items for modernization of Central Police Forces, police reforms and police mission. It also deals with the security of VIPs/vital intallations/religious shrines/places except Ram Janam Bhumi/Babri Masjid, Ayodhya.

Policy Planning Division The Division deals with matters relating to policy formulation in respect of internal security issues, international cooperation on counter-terrorism, international covenants, bilateral assistance treaties and related items of work.

Union Territories Division The Division deals with all legislative and constitutional matters relating to Union territories, including National Capital Territory of Delhi. It also functions as the cadre controlling authority of the Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram and Union Territory (AGMU) cadre of Indian Administrative Service (IAS)/Indian Police Service (IPS) as also Delhi-Andaman and Nicobar Island Civil Service (DANICS)/ Delhi-Andaman and Nicobar Island Police Service (DANIPS). Besides, it is responsible for over-seeing the crime and law and order situation in UTs.

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