Disney Case Issues

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Main issue

What changes should Euro Disneylands management adopt in order to cope with the local culture, diversified workforce, regulations imposed by the government, changing consumer demand and how they can succeed in the long run.

Internal/External Needs Assessment 1

Internal Needs Assessment 1
Euro Disney always had communication problem with their employees, employees did not get proper information and their was a lack of unity in the information.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. The management had communication problem with the workers, if they are not able to understand the language of their worker, it is not possible to understand them. Moreover, they did not try a single step to solve this problem. It was like foreigners in the France, they could give the French people any hospitality.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. It is very important for Euro Disney to have a good communication with its labors because without good communication systems it becomes very hard to motivate the labors understanding

their demands and problems. As we know from the case that the management did not take any steps to solve the problem it left the labor and the people feel like foreigners in their own country. This is an issue that led to dissatisfaction among employees as they felt neglected as they could not have a communication system with the management.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it can be correctible through employee development. The employees need to be trained so that they can communicate with the management and they can express their needs and demands to the top management. The employees should be trained in a way that they can be eligible enough to understand the perspective of management also and then can present their needs and demands in a systematic way. The employees should be trained so that they can understand with whom they should talk about their needs, how to present their demands etc.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
Employee development is the most cost effective solution for developing the communication system because for an organization communication between the top management with the labors is very important to avoid any large problem, turn out and dissatisfaction. The costs that will arise because of the employee turn out and problems between employees and management are much higher than training employees.

Internal Needs Assessment 2

Euro Disney was facing Increasing challenge of getting new cast members, as the demand for different performance were resulting in different cast members with different skills.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. As it is mentioned in the case we see that Euro Disney faced the challenge of getting the new cast members used to smiling and being polite to guests on a consistence basis. Without proper training, the workers would find it difficult to make the customers satisfied and happy. So it is very important to improve the performance of the workers.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. Euro Disney is a land famous for their very cheerful and friendly workers. If Euro Disney fails in this quality the customer dissatisfaction will rise. If the customers do not get the expected satisfaction the overall reputation of Euro Disney will fall. So the workers need to be trained and motivated so that they can uphold the long customer friendly reputation of Euro Disney.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it can be correctible through employee development. The employees need to be trained in a way that they can be motivated in a way that allows them to keep smiling and being polite to park guests on a consistent basis. A proper training and development program will help them to enjoy this job more and do it more appropriately.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
Yes, employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied because Euro Disney can make their employees to be sincere all the day if they can create the proper dedication and sincerity among the employees through proper training. If the employees are dissatisfied and unhappy in their job, they can never make the customers happy and that can occur more loss for Euro Disney.

Internal Assessment 3


Euro Disneys employees Lacked knowledge about what consumers want and about customers desires and they were unaware of what customers really want, their vision about customer demand was blurred.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists As the Euro Disney not valuing their customers, so how they would be able to value their workers that are also French people. As a result dissatisfaction among workers and customers increased. Euro Disney forced customers to leave the park to purchase them, and insulted the deeply-held tradition of French wine-making. Some steps of Euro Disney made the French people feel that Euro Disney is not valuing their cultural norms and values. They thought that Euro Disney was trying to impose American culture and products and destroying their country. Because of the protests of the farmers, government steps and media coverage a bad impression was created that Euro Disney was just doing business and do not care about the customers or the country. So customer turned up less and revenue fall down.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. Euro Disneyland planned to serve an estimated 14,000 people per hour. To do this, 29 restaurants were built. Menus and prices were varied with American flavor predominant, as well as Disneys

rule of no alcohol. France is the source of many grape varieties and it has the world's largest wine production. France has traditionally been the largest consumer of its own wines. But by not selling alcoholic beverages in the park, Euro Disney forced customers to leave the park to purchase them, and offended the practice of French wine-making.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes it is correctable through employee development. Euro Disney must better understand and meet the different habits, expectations, and needs of the European theme park visitors as well as their labors. Then they need to develop and train their employees so that they can through their performance give the customers by giving them the proper value. Although all the rules and practices of Euro Disney were not totally for French customer and workers, keeping in mind the special cultural issues, Euro Disney should train their employees so that they can overcome the cultural difference barriers and give the customers the best output.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
No, employee development is not the most cost effective solution that can be applied. Firstly Euro Disney must better understand and meet the different habits, expectations, and needs of the European theme park visitors as well as their labors. They should develop the employees to adopt the changes and rules. Euro Disney will not be able to achieve something by imposing the rules and policies to employees. Firstly they have to earn the trust of the employees and then through training and employee development they should figure out the ways to serve the customers best.

Internal Needs Assessment 4

Internal authority demanded the workforce to follow US way of working and Forced US culture on French labors, which created dissatisfaction among employees and which was also against French law.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, performance discrepancy exists. Cultural problem is another issue which is strongly hampering the progress of Euro Disney. Euro Disney was also showing disrespect towards French workers if they try to impose US culture on French labors.. They are making the policies based on American holidays and American rules. But it is not possible under the French labor laws, they are different from Americans and it is not possible to change the labors practices in one night. So employees are getting irritated and their performance is decreasing.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. Euro Disney should value the norms and habits of its labors. Moreover, restrictions on individual and collective liberties are illegal under French law. If Euro Disney does not keep in mind the different culture, norms and values of France and the employees from France, they are actually disrespecting the employees. They have put the employees under some restrictions which is reducing the efficiency of those employees while they are in work. So it is very important to the organization to understand the cultural differences.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes it is correctable through employee development. Euro Disney authorities should understand that every culture has its own values, laws and lifestyle. If they try to impose something which is not a trend in that culture, not the employees or the customers would be happy. So they need to change their policies and make it more flexible and changing depending on the particular culture of the country. After the adaptation an employees development training should be arranged so that the employees can be flexible and can adapt easily with the culture of the organization.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
No, employee development is not the most cost effective solution that can be applied. Unless the authorities of Euro Disney understands the need of cultural issues and change their policies based on the demand and values of their employees , employee development will not be very helpful.

Internal Needs Assessment 5

The restaurants were not convenient, demand of various people were not met by limited number of food items, food items of different taste and different culture were not present.
Does a performance discrepancy exist?
Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. A performance discrepancy does exist in Euro Disneyland. The park is built is such a way that, the visitors had to have American food, as the fantasyland which serve European cuisine as a limited sitting arrangement. European customers may not

appreciate American food which can reduce the market share of the company. So, management was facing regarding this issue.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. Yes, it is important for the organization to solve the management performance discrepancy through exclusive design of building more European food service and reducing American food restaurant.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it can be correctible through employee development. Yes, it is correctable through employee development. First of all, the top management should hire Chefs who have keen ideas about European food styles. Also, provide training for the present chefs about European cuisine.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
Yes, employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied Of Course, employee development the most cost effective solution. With those hiring new chefs and training present ones, the company will satisfy their customers will the delicacies and hopefully those pleased customers will come back again soon.

External Needs Assessment 1

Struggling to cope up with different interest groups like the communist, dominated labor federation and CGT and were defenseless against the acquisition of the authority.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. As labor federations always play an integral part on the happiness and satisfaction of the workers. If any organization faces any dispute with the labor federation it is likely that the organization is going to face some problems with the satisfaction and performance of the workers which will in turn decrease the performance of the employees if they feel that they are not taken proper care. In Euro Disney also the management faced serious struggle with the labor federation. They went against Euro Disney on the ground of work policies like flexible work hour which created questions on workers and it went difficult for Euro Disney to find employees of their demand.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. It is very important for every organization to have a good relationship with the labor federation because workers always support the demands and views of labor federation and the federations can play a very important part in the satisfaction level and performance level of the workers by justifying their needs and demands. In Euro Disney we see that from the beginning in France it had clash with the federation on the ground of cultural issues and their protest created a bad image for the company. For this struggle finding appropriate labors and following the company policy of flexible work hour became hard for Euro Disney. So it is a very important issue for Euro Disney.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes it is correctable through employee development.

Euro Disney needs to develop the sense of organizational value and dedication to its employees and develop a good communication system and develop their employees in such a way through training, orientation that they understand why the policies are necessary to serve the goal of the organization. Moreover, through training they can develop the leadership quality in the employees so that they can be representative of Euro Disney in the labor federations.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
Yes, employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied development is necessary to have the integrity and avoid any disputes with the labor federations by creating a sense of unity, dedication and alignment with the values and policies of the organization. By creating a close relationship with the employees so that they can share the common values and work dedicatedly to fulfill the goal of Euro Disney and train them in a way so that they can represent Euro Disney in the labor federations is very important.

External Needs Assessment 2

Strict rule on appearance code which was considered offensive to the French labor unions and resulted in uncomfortable working condition for the employees all over Euro Disney.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. Because, labors are the heart of any company, if they are not comfortable with the appearance codes that will be bad for Euro Disney. Starting from Mens hair cut to womens make up and dress up were limited and restricted according to the rules of Disney. A related training video contained a shower scene, indirectly saying that a daily bath was required. It seems that, they are interfering in ever steps of the labors life. It is not always possible to maintain all of these things together. These rules were creating employee dissatisfaction which was obstructing their performance.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. Euro Disney should value the norms and habits of its labors. Moreover, restrictions on individual and collective liberties are illegal under French law. So, Disney should lower the restrictions for its labors.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it can be correctible through employee development. It is actually a two- way process for both the authorities and the employees. The employees should understand that as they are working in a company that has been operating in different parts of the world and has its own image; it has to follow some of its unique qualities all over the world. When customers visit Euro Disney they do not want to see a land of their own culture but the famous Disney Land that is popular in America. So the employees need to be trained in a way that they do not feel these rules as a pressure but happily follow it. For this the authority must develop a training system that increases the value of organizations culture among employees.

External Needs Assessment 3

Helpless, against the external forces like changing demand, problem with law and enforcement, interest groups and dissatisfied customers, lagging external market support .

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. The company lacks a team of strategist and policy makers who can come up with instant effective solutions to avoid external dilemmas. The management also seemed to be reluctant regarding the issues that were affecting their revenues. As a result the performance of Euro Disney was getting down in many situations. Especially when the government and the media was not at all supporting the policies of Euro Disney, Euro Disney should have that capacity to stand against these protest and mishaps and should have presented their thought to the public. As a result of this protest from farmers and local people and media the image of Euro Disney to the customers went down.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. Proper internal strength is very important for any organization to be successful in the competition. Without proper internal strength the chances of winning external negatives impact get less. If Euro Disney could have stand ethically and through its strategies against the protests of local people, traffic issues, transportation and media coverage they could have had more customers on the opening in France. Mainly for the organizations operating in another country and has to deal with other cultural issues internal strength is very important.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it can be correctible through employee development. The internal strength will be stronger by strong, talented, dedicated internal employees who will be able to fight together against the external issues. This strong and co-ordinate internal strength has to be developed by proper training. Euro Disney needs to develop the sense of unity with the employees of France and make them feel that they are very important part for the success of the organization. Euro Disney must develop the sense of organizational culture among the employees and earn their trust that Euro Disney is not against French culture and not destroying French peoples values. This sense of unity and trust can be built by proper employee development plan.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
Yes, employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied because without proper internal strength Euro Disney will always fail to fight against the external issues and will incur more and more losses. With a proper employee development program if they can make a strong internal team they can reduce many additional external costs. Euro Disney needs to get the support of the French employees to fight against the protests of French people to win the heart of French customer.

External Needs Assessment 4

The taste of European people were not taken into consideration, Euro Disney did not perform any market analysis which neglected the sovereignty of France and its people.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, a performance discrepancy exists. Disneyland in France did not perform any market analysis which was a performance discrepancy. French government gave them support with reduced tax and subsidized loans for building costs. However, French government asked Disney to use French cultures in their themes, which Euro Disneyland did not do. French intellectuals and communists were against Disney as they believed, this theme park would neglect the sovereignty of France and its people.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, it is very important for the organization. It is important to the Euro Disneyland to follow what French government and its people are thinking about them. In order to do quality business, Euro Disneyland should maintain a continuous relation with French government, communists, intellectuals and people.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it can be correctible through employee development. Yes, it is correctable through employee development by hiring leaders who can or will be committed about creating excellent relationships with France and its people. Those leaders should be trained in such manner that, they will act as French but work for US.

Is employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied?
Yes, employee development the most cost effective solution that can be applied Employee Development is the most cost effective solution that can be applied. If the Euro Disneyland has melancholy relations with French government, communists, intellectuals or people, then it is obvious Disney cannot run business in France. That can be a huge

blow for such a large investment, so maintaining proper relationship with French is crucial for the business.

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