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tion of each panel is determ ined using t he extensive selection of m odules available to plug into the panel's chassis.

The network's multi -priority peer-to-peer token ring protocol delivers a fast alarm r e s p on s e t i m e a c r o ss a ny s i z e n et wo r k . A ll EST3 operating features are software controlled usi ng object or iented rules, whi ch when needed, gives the desi gner great f lexF i r e . . . S e c u r i t y. .. A c c e s s Co n t ro l . . . No matter what your lif e saf ety needs are, access control funct ions into a single EST3 provides the total lif e safety solution seamless design. f o r y o u . W i t h t h e E ST 3 s ne w ca p ab i li ti es and the interplay of its expanded functions, t h is s y s t e m pr ov i de s a d y n a mi c s y n e rg y that is unrivaled. EST3 i s the perfect life safety platf orm to i ntegrate fire alarm, securi ty and a c c e ss c o n t ro l f u nc t i o n s. Securi ty and access control functions take full advantage of the survivabili ty and r eliabili ty inherent to t he EST3. The end result is a tr uly integrated life s a f e ty s o lu ti on t ha t , b y s h ar i n g s ys t em resources, results i n reduced costs. Install ing a single system i s much more e f f i c i e n t t h a n i n s t a l l i n g m u l t i p l e i n t e r c o nnected system s. Perfect for A ny Facility EST3 i s uni quely designed to meet t he life sa f e ty n e ed s of a n y si z e fa c il it y. Th e f un cDistributed Intelli gence = Survivability T h e E S T 3 s d i s t r i b u t e d t e c h n o l o g y i s d e s ig n ed t o su r v iv e e x p ec t e d an d u n ex pe c t ed event s. The EST3 network can be wi red so that a single open or shor t on the wiring causes t he system to isolate the faul t, wi t h o ut a n y l o ss of n e tw o rk fu n c t i on a li ty. EST3 A udio. The Voice of Authorit y EST3 digitized audi o will deliver up to eight (8) audio messages simultaneously over a single pair of wir es! These m essages can be automati cally dir ected to appropriate areas in a facili ty under program control. Security notification messages can be easily integratib i l it y i n i n te g r a ti n g f i r e , s e cu r i ty, a n d

ed into the audio system, to act as a theft deterrent.

Multi Priority Peer-to-Peer To k e n P a s s i n g N e t w o r k

Multi Priority Peer-to-Peer To k e n R i n g N e t w o r k

EST3 Life Safety Network

M ul t i Pr i or it y P ee r- to - Pe e r C o mmu n ic a ti on s Fast alarm response (under 3 seconds) Distributed intelligence Survivability Up to 64 Life Safety Control Panels Nodes Expansion capacity Up to 160,000 intelligent devices Multiplexed 8 Channel Digital Audio Hi g h qu al it y s o un d pr o d uct io n Distributed zoned amplifiers Reduced wiring Network Wide Global Message Routing Selective annunciation Redundancy

S h o ul d mu l ti pl e w i r in g fa u l t s oc c u r, th e network aut omaticall y confi gures into many sub-networks and cont inues to respond to alarm events from al l communicati ng panels. Distributed technology insures that pa n e l s i so l at e d fr o m th e n e tw ork re m a in f ully functional. To t a l C o n t r o l a t

Ideal for Retrof it Projects In t e ll i g e nt Si g na t u r e S e r ie s f ir e a n d s e cu r i ty devices are list ed f or both fire and securi ty a p p li ca t io ns , a n d a r e f u ll y s u p p or te d by the ES T3 system. Signature mul tisensor s m o k e d e t e c t o r s a r e u n m a t c h e d i n p e r f o rmance over a w ide variety of fire conditions. All Signature Series devices take full advantage of existing wiring, reducing

You r Fi ng e r ti ps retrofit install ation costs for material and User friendliness is l a b o r. a h a l lm ar k of th e EST3 design. The main display shows the operator the first and most recent system events as soon as Maintenance Made Easy Scheduled maintenance improves system av a i l a b i l i t y a n d t h e E S T 3 s d i a g n o s t i c s o f t ware makes quick work of troubleshooting. A compl ete librar y of comprehensive PCbased system reports even includes a mappi n g d i a gra m o f S i g n at u r e de v i ce co n n e c tions for easy-to-read as-built drawings.

an alert is received. Separate message queues for system events ensure that alarm messages are never intermixed wit h ot her lower priori ty system events. Paging and telephone operations are accom plished by using menu-driven switches, not rows of confusing toggle swi tches.


The New Standard In Life Safety.

Quality and reliability are built into every EST3 component and backed by ESTs commitment to ISO 9001 international quality standards. Whether your major concern is co st eff ecti vene ss, lif e and pro per ty pr ot ect ion, s ur vivability, e ase of ins ta ll ati on and maintenance or flexibility for the future, one system rises to the top. EST3.

Plug-in rail modules

User Control/Display Modules mount over any rail module

Easily changed labels

Communication and power bus rail

Hinged displays give access to terminations Ribbon cable interconnect of chassis Tw o 3 . 5 -a m p auxiliary outputs per power supply Quick snap f asteners secure modules

Removable t erminal blocks

Firefighters Te l e p h o n e : Large LCD display simultaneously incoming and connected calls. Easyto-understand switches along with text messages make phone operation easy and Paging Microphone: use the paging m icrophone to give specific area messages while sim ultaneously signaling other areas with prerecorded voice and t one signals. One 24-volt battery backs up to four power supplies efficient.

For mor e informa ti on about EST produ cts, ca ll for your fr ee copy of our com prehensive Life Lines CD- ROM , or conta ct the EST office neares t y ou.

US Sal es Sarasota, FL P hone: 941 -739-4638 , Fax : 9 41-727-12 14 w w w. e s t . n e t

Canad a S ales Ow en S ound, ON Phone: 519-376-2430, Fax: 519-372-2705 w w w. e d w a r d s . c a

Inte rnat ional Sal es To r o n t o , C a n a d a Phone: 905-270-1711, Fax: 905-270-9553 w w w. e s t i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c o m

C orpor ate He adquarters 9 0 F iel dstone C ourt , Cheshire, C T 06410-121 2

US Manufactur ing 5 No. Main, Pittsfield, ME 04967

Vi sit our w ebs ite at w ww. e s t . n e t

E m a i l : E S T. m a r k e t i n g @ e d w a r d s . s p x . c o m

It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

We cannot cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements.

For more information or questions relative to the brochure, contact EST.


Issue 1

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