Restore Image Ghost

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This tutor will work just for drive C: ,So Install your favorite Windows XP (sp2 or sp3) in drive C: (No different if you install or not install your system drivers). 2.Istall all your favorite programs like Office,FireFox,7zip, and ... and test them to be sure they are working. 3.Install any windows updates that you need. 4.Make all your favorite customizations in your system. 5.Delete all unneeded files like files in temp folder and ...then Empty Recycle bine. 6.Extract Spat6.0.0beta2.exe some where forexample your desktop. 7.Extract SkyDriver to C:\Sysprep directory. 8.Make your favorite Back ground picture (800x600 0r 1024x768 24bit JPG) ,Name it setup.jpg and put it in C:\Sysprep\ directory. This is the background picture that you will see after applying the final ghost image to any computer,during first Boot. (See pic_01.jpg from attachment). 9.You can put more files inside C:\Sysprep\ directory like directx and ...that will be run during 1st boot (If you give the assosiated commands that i will tell about them during tutor) and will be added to your installed system automatically. 10.Run Spat6.0.0beta2.exe,If every thing is ready to begin,it will show message ,OK it. 11.The main page of Spat6 will be shown (See pic_02-A).Do as below: _ A _ Go to general tab select all. _ B _ click on "background picture" ,Then select C:\Sysprep\setup.jpg ,then click preview to show your picture ,then OK. _ C _ Go to Interface tab and in "Run before mini-setup" section give infor mation below (as you see in pic_02- : C:\Sysprep\DrvS3.exe Note: as i told in step 9 you can put other tools in C:\Sysprep\ directory

that as you see in pic_02-B,i have typed commands for thee other programs to be integrated to our deployed system and will be run during mini setup.but for this tutor you do not need them. _ D _ Go to Reseal tab select your favorites. _ E _ Back to General tab and click on sysprep 12.Spat starts working (About 1 or 2 minutes) then when the job is finished,it's window will be closed.wait about 1 minute,then shut Down computer. 13.At this time your C: drive is ready to get ghost image of that.So Boot your computer by 3rd party,get ghost image of drive C: and put it some where for example in D:\My Ghost\ Now every thing are finished,and if you apply this ghost image to drive C: of any computer,in 1st boot you will have mini setup proccess (about 10 minutes) and when it is finished ,you will see that it works in all computers and also all or some of drivers of that computer is installed automatically.This is because we have used SkyDriver that has many of drivers inside itself in 7zip format (the size of 7ziped drivers is 161 MB and extracted drivers are about 1.07 GB). Now If you boot your computer normally,you will have 10 minutes of mini setup proccess,then you can use you ready windows.this is the same proccess that you will have if you apply ghost image to another computer.The only difference is this that in some computers you will not need to install drivers and in some else you may need to install one or more drivers

I tested this project with 7 different computers by different hardwares all was OK. ==================================================

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