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Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

by Prof. Peter Martin Doctor of Engineering Hamburg

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

1. General
Combustion systems normally fired by gas, oil, coal or other fuels, and employed either in the production of energy or in chemical/physical processes, generally pose a greater potential threat due to the existence of explosive fuel-air mixtures (18,19). During operation of such systems, the highest degree of safety must constantly be striven for, under any conceivable state of operation. To this end, suitable MC (monitoring and control) equipment must be used which is always in the position to check and control the process in a failsafe manner. In any case, flame scanners and burner management systems, which are suitable for continuous operation and normally used in industrial combustion systems (e.g., power plants, refineries, chemical plants, etc.), are essential components of a complex safety concept. Due to the current endeavor to employ substantial automation techniques, as well as the enforcement of new laws and prescriptions aimed at harmonizing the different national laws within the member states of the European Community, the safety requirements for systems posing a potential threat have increased considerably. This contribution is intended to comprehensively present the current requirements for such systems, which are legally binding for all EC member states.

2. Requirements for Systems with Safety Functions

It may generally be said that measures concerning the solution for and reduction of threat potential may be formulated for an MC system which will each contain different measures, depending on the risk assessment and classification. In general, one distinguishes MC protective measures from non- MC protective measures according to DIN V 19250 (9), which figure 1 illustrates.

Figure 1:

Risk reduction through non- MC and MC protective measures, according to DIN V 19250

Without protective measureseither in the actual process (non- MC equipment) or in the MC equipment itselfa certain risk originates from a safety-related system. This risk without protective measure is, as a rule, greater than the defensible risk, the so-called limit risk. Using special measures, the risk must, at a minimum, be reduced to the limit risk. Risk reduction may occur using non- MC protective measures (e.g., through suitable measures in the process) or else by using MC measures.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

As a general requirement for systems with threat potential, DIN V VDE 0801 (10, 11) dictates that it must be safety-oriented. According to this requirement, a system is safety- oriented if it is capable of remaining in a safe state should a failure occur, or if it can immediately change over to a different safe state. From the standard DIN V 19250 (9), a method emerges which establishes safety requirements for systems with different threat potentials, based on the estimation of risk. This method is independent of application and technology, and may be transferred to all ranges of todays automation technology. This method from the standard DIN V 19250 allows, for various applications, a maximum of eight classes of requirements to be defined, depending upon threat potential. The standard DIN V VDE 0801 (10,11), in contrast, describes for these eight requirement classes the measures to be taken to avoid any errors. This set of standards from DIN V VDE 0801 is related primarily to the use of microcomputers in MC systems. It may, however, generally be applied to automation systems. The procedure for determining the requirement class (1 to 8), according to DIN V 19250 (9), may be described in the following manner. This classification takes into account no regulations whatsoever. The requirement classes are determined with the aid of risk parameters. These consist of the extent of damage, duration spent in the danger zone, possibility of averting danger and the probability of the occurrence of undesired events. The requirement classes always consider the risk originating from the system without the employment of suitable MC protective equipment.

This consideration, also detailed in figure 2, accounts for the following risk parameters: - Extent of damage: S1 - minor injuries S2 - severe, permanent injuries to one or several persons, or the death of one individual S3 - deaths of several people S4 - catastrophic effect: very many deaths

Duration of time spent in danger zone: A1 - seldom to more often A2 - frequent to continuous

Averting danger: G1 - possible under certain conditions G2 - hardly possible

Probability of occurrence of undesired events: W1 - very low W2 - low W3 - relatively high

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Figure 2:

Risk graph and requirement classes, according to DIN V 19250

As an example, the determination of the requirement class (AK) for a burner control system in a power plant is to be considered. The risk of a concentration of a flammable fuel-air mixture is to be prevented by using MC protective equipment. A threat potential exists in that the fuel-air mixture could lead to an explosion of the boiler system. If people spend time in the danger zone, one would be forced to reckon with the deaths of several persons (S3). It is in this case, however, assumed that people are seldom found in the danger zone (A1). Without the use of MC protective equipment, one could assume the probability of occurrence is relatively high (W3). Given these considerations of the potential threat, the system should be classified into requirement class six.

Error-aversion measures are assigned to each of the requirement classes (1 to 8) according to DIN V 19250 and within the context of DIN V VDE 0801 (10,11). Detailed requirements may be taken from the standard concerning the different steps of MC equipment development and production. The following list cites the chronological stages of development. Further detailed measures may be found in the standard DIN V VDE 0801.

- concept phase - development phase (draft) - development phase (coding) - development phase (implementation and integration) - validation - fabrication preparation phase - fabrication - start-up phase - installation phase - operational phase - modification phase For each requirement class, the measures for averting errors in MC equipment using computers for safety tasks are taken from this standard. A catalog of individual measures is assigned to each of the abovementioned stages in the chronological development of a safety-oriented product. These measures are assessed in detail with respect to the constraints on their applicability, as described below:

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

- need not be used - recommended - since prescribed, not exchangeable for that requirement class - simple, average or high degree of efficacy is prescribed

Individual measures could be exchanged or stepped. In any case, particulars are gathered from the standard. In figure 3, the individual measures for averting errors in the concept phase are represented.

The above-mentioned standards are signposts for the current development of safety-oriented MC systems featuring computers. Thus they also represent the foundation for the safety requirements of burner management systems and flame monitors considered here.

3. Technical Rules for Steam Boilers (TRD)

The Technical Rules for Steam Boilers (TRD) are to generally be regarded as the basis for the connected use of flames monitors and burner management systems in steam boilers or combustion systems. They describe the current state of the safety requirements for operating those types of systems, in relation to the technology to be installed and, specifically, the particulars of the products considered here, namely flame monitors and burner management systems. Especially meaningful are the rules TRD 411, 412, 413, 414 (1,2,3,4) for firing steam boilers with different fossil fuels (gas, oil, coal, wood), as well as the additional requirements from TRD 604 (pages 1 and 2) ( 5) for operation without constant supervision. In terms of these technical rules for steam boilers (TRD), a flame monitor is defined as a piece of equipment which signals to the burner control whether a flame is present, as well as signaling the failure or blow-off of a flame. A flame monitor typically consists of a flame scanner and a control unit. A burner management system is, according to the aforementioned regulations, a device which controls and checks the burner in every stage of operation, from start-up, to normal operation, through to shut-down. In any case, the tasks of the flame monitor must be involved within the scope of its operation. Technical Rules for Steam Boilers (TRD 411, 412, 413, 414) stipulate for each of the fuels here named (gas, oil, coal or wood) that suitable safety shut-off equipment for the fuel supply is to be installed if operating a boiler system. This safety shut-off equipment is to be driven such that the fuel supply is interrupted if faults occur which heighten the potential threat and thereby the risk. The current set of rules offers a catalog of various faults, depending on the fuel type. Included in particular, is the interruption of the fuel supply if the flame monitor indicates that the flame is absent or has been extinguished.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Figure 3:

Classification of error-avoiding measures in the concept phase, for example

Complete control and monitoring devices which are employed in this area must have proven their suitability as safety-oriented equipment in a corresponding test, in accordance with the TRDs. Proof is obtained, according to the Technical Rules for the Operation of Steam Boiler Systems, using a design test. This test follows the current EC prescriptions ( 23), in which conformity to the relevant guidelines, prescriptions and standards is demonstrated. In particular, it is explicitly required that these types of MC systems correspond, at a minimum, to the standards DIN VDE0116 ( 12) (electrical equipment for combustion systems) and depending on the fuel, the standards DIN EN 230 (oil) ( 8) or DIN EN 298 / DIN 4788 (Bl. 3) (gas) (6, 7). From these further standards, which are explained in further detail below, it is understood that flame monitors must be self-monitoring and fail-safe against internal errors. The TRDs mentioned here pre-determine the safety periods for the fuel types employed. For gas and oil, these safety periods are presented in figure 4. The flame monitor or burner management system must establish beyond doubt that flame monitoring adheres to the required safety periods for all burner types, upon start-up or failure of the flame during normal operation. In the case of individual burners or multi-burner operation, the TRDs dictate that a flame monitor must be installed. If several burners are installed, the individual monitoring may be replaced by monitoring of the combustion chamber. Combustion chamber monitoring may be implemented in which only those burners are equipped with flame monitors (main burners), which, within the safety period, ignite all non-monitored burners reliably and without negative effect. TRD also states that flame monitors must be arranged and designed such that they may be checked easily at any time. It must be possible to test their functionality without intruding into the electrical control. The method by which this test is to be conducted must be given in the operating instructions.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Figure 4:

Permissible safety periods for gas and oil combustion, according to TRD

4. Basic Standards
The above-mentioned standards contain the requirements for computers in MC systems with safety functions, including hardware and software construction, documentation and testing. They also contain the principles behind the use of safety-oriented MC systems in steam boilers or combustion systems. In contrast, the standards cited below concern the principles for implementing the construction of the electrotechnical and electronic components used in combustion systems. First, essential requirements for flame monitors and burner management systems must be taken from the standard DIN VDE 0116 (12) (electrical equipment of combustion systems). This standard describes the planning and construction principles of a combustion systems electrical equipment. The requirements for equipment with electric and electronic components used in gas, oil and coal combustion are treated here. A rough overview breaks down the requirements of this standard into the following groups:

- general requirements - protection against external influences - creeping distance and air gap - protective measures - danger switch and mains switch - supply, voltage and grounding of auxiliary circuits - danger measures - treatment of short circuits - cable and conductors - power supply and unit connections - etc.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Additionally, the standard DIN EN 60730-1 (13) (automatic check and control devices for household use and similar applications) contains a large number of even more detailed requirements which are binding for the electrical equipment in heating and burner technology used to fire gas, oil or coal. In particular, safety requirements are addressed in this standard for check and control devices which are intended to be operated by persons lacking deep familiarity with them. It is essential to mention a general requirement here that MC systems which were designed according to this standard may never endanger people or the surroundings, regardless of proper or careless use. This standard contains the following requirements:

- scope of test and testing sequence - mechanical stability, permanency and corrosion resistance - resistance to humidity and dust - heat and fire resistance, requirements of ambient conditions - electric strength, drift - ignition fault, operation with line-side, magnetic and electromagnetic interference quantities - creeping distance and air gap, creep resistance, distance through insulation - etc.

As far as the current requirements for flame monitors and burner management systems are concerned, with respect to the demands for electromagnetic compatibility (EMV), clear regulations apply from January 1, 1996. More precisely, the EMV guideline (20) operates on the basis of the applicable EC law. According to this law, and from the time it was put into effect, no further devices may be introduced into the EC market which do not correspond to this guideline. Essentially, the requirements of this guideline are taken from the standards DIN EN 50081 (parts 1 and 2) (14, 15) and DIN EN 50082 (parts 1 and 2) (16, 17). These standards may be distinguished as follows:

50081 1 50081 2 50082 1 50082 2

Resistance to interference Emissions of interference Resistance to interference Emissions of interference

Living areas, commercial areas Industrial areas Living areas, commercial areas Industrial areas

Provided that no specific product or product family standards regulate any other requirements, these standards and the requirements contained therein for electrical and electronic equipment are to be regarded as binding, in order to establish conformity with the aforementioned EMV guideline of the EC nations.

These standards for interference emissions contain limit values regarding the strength of electromagnetic fields in pre-determined intervals and defined frequency ranges. The resistance to interference describes the following assessment criteria for defined test interference quantities: - A: - B: equipment continues working properly equipment continues working properly; minimum defined quality of operation; in operational mode or stored data temporary operational failure is automatically or manually re-established loss of no case function only above was there a loss of must, however, a the be

- C:



Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

At this point, it should be pointed out that greater requirements exist in specific product standards for flame monitors and burner management systems (DIN EN 230 and DIN EN 298), than would otherwise be found in the EMV standards described above.

5. Product Standards for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

The product-specific basic standards DIN EN 230 (8) (vaporizing oil burner in monobloc design, safety, monitoring and control equipment, as well as safety periods), DIN EN 298 ( 6) (burner management systems for gas burners and gas-burning installations, with and without blower), and DIN 4788, part 3 (gas burners, flame monitoring equipment, flame monitors, control units and burner management systems) (7), contain detailed requirements concerning the construction and operation of flame monitors and burner management systems. The most essential requirement from these standards is that the flame monitor delivers a signal within the pre-set safety period (in the case of a failure of the flame or if a flame is extinguished). The time between the failure of the flame signal and the resulting voltage-free switch in the terminals for the safety shut-off valves is defined as the response time for flame failure. It must be less than the safety period, which depends on the fuel and capacity. The corresponding safety periods have already been described in figure 4, within the context of the requirements of the Technical Guidelines for Steam Boilers (TRD). The essential requirements of these standards are: - fail-safe control as protection against internal errors - self-monitoring function The flame monitor or burner management system must be constructed such that the following errors are taken into account: - errors in components (resistors, capacitors, ICs [integrated circuits], diodes, relays, switches, etc.) - errors in the CPU of microprocessors- errors in the construction - error in the transmission of data or input/output units - custom chips - etc.

The system must be designed such that critical functions (valve controls, microprocessors, switch circuits, etc.) are protected using fail-safe transmission equipment. Essentially, one of the following secure operational states must be achieved should an error put the system out of operation: - transfer to a non-operative state in which all valves are idle - commencement of the safety shut-off - the system, in terms of operation, remains in agreement with the functional requirements Further information regarding conditions in the case of error may be found in the standards. All components must be designed with consideration given to the occurrence of such conditions. As already discussed, the development, construction and production of a flame monitor or burner management system must be in accord with the requirements DIN V VDE 0801 for safety-oriented systems. Further flame monitor and burner management system requirements taken from the aforementioned standards are summarized below. When using optical flame sensors, the spectral sensitivities may only be utilized in the following ranges: - UV radiation (<400 nm.) - IR radiation (>800 nm.)

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

When employing sensors that are IR-sensitive, only the flicker frequency may be used for recognition of the flame signal. If using UV sensors, no influence from IR components may occur. Should shortfalls occur in the minimum light intensity, no flame signal may be given. As far as the effects of light emissions in the range of the supply frequency due to electrical light sources in the UV or IR range are concerned, it must be determined beyond doubt that signals with 50 Hz frequencies, and their harmonics, are disregarded during flame signal analysis. The mounting system must be designed such that the sensor shuts down if it is torn from its mounting. When using ionization flame monitors, the rectifier characteristics of the flame must be utilized. The use of discharge tubes (UV cells) must be checked periodically for aging, in order to detect a breakthrough without the presence of a flame. In any case, short circuits in the connection lines to the sensor must lead to a loss of the flame signal. These standards contain, in further detail, substantial requirements and notes regarding the following complexes: - general construction requirements - protection classes for housing, electrical equipment and contacts - long-term behavior (temperatures, electrical requirements, operational rate, etc.) - functional requirements (flame failure, restart, etc.) - time periods (safety period, response time upon flame failure, etc.) - error shutdowns and reset equipment - functional testing protection against ambient influences (temperatures, fluctuations in the supply interruptions and drops in the voltage, changes in the supply frequency, surge rapid voltage spikes, electromagnetic radiation, electrostatic discharges) voltage, voltage,

- protection against internal errors, averting errors, error control - identification, installation and operating instructions


Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

6. EC Guidelines
Due to the current EC legislation aimed at harmonizing the different prescriptions and laws of the EC member states, a substantial number of guidelines from the EC council have been enacted in the past years which have expanded the catalog of requirements for flame monitors and burner management systems. Further guidelines will follow in the future. Afterward, only those products will be allowed into the European market whose conformity to the relevant guidelines has been tested and confirmed. Complete products whose conformity is demonstrated must be marked with the CE label. More exact information regarding the procedures involved in conformity testing are found in the EC guideline Module Construction Kit (23). The products to be considered here, flame monitors and burner management systems, belong to the group of products which must demonstrate their conformity during the course of design testing. The EC guidelines already in force, which apply to flame monitors and burner management systems, are cited below along with their effective dates: - EMV guideline (20), as of 1/1/1996 - gas-burning installations guideline (21), as of 1/1/1996 - machine guideline (24), as of 1/1/1996 After the beginning of 1997, the following guideline will also be in force: - low-voltage guideline (22), after 1/1/1997 The manufacturer of a flame monitor or burner management system must establish beyond doubt, using conformity certificates, that the product is in accord with the guidelines mentioned. In addition, conformity may be shown in the future by affixing the CE symbol to the product.

7. DVGW Registration
In the past, proof of a flame monitors or burner management systems conformity to the national standards and prescriptions could be obtained through a design test performed under the auspices of the DVGW (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. / German Association for the Gas and Water Trade) and through DIN-DVGW registration. Thus it was possible to simultaneously earn the right to mark products with the DIN-DVGW mark of conformity. The conformity assessment process has now been unified at the European level (25). The legal regulations for design testing and granting of EC design test certificates for gas-burning installations and their accessories are now regulated within the context to the gas-burning installations guideline (21). Afterward, as already mentioned in the previous section, structural requirements and the corresponding conformity assessment are legally regulated. A manufacturer of gas-burning installations or their accessories must follow these regulations. The proof of conformity must be produced via an EC design test and documented by the manufacturer through a declaration of design conformity. By affixing the CE identification, gas-burning installations and their accessories are freely marketable in the EC member states. The following procedure must be followed when obtaining an EC design test certificate: - application for testing at DVGW - EC design test through accredited test laboratory (e.g., TV) - EC design test certificate is drawn up through the DVGW (notified body) - continuous monitoring of the manufacturers production once manufacturing begins - declaration of conformity by the manufacturer - CE certification of the products - products brought into circulation throughout the EC

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems


The gas-burning installation guideline provides the following methods for monitoring observance of product quality and other required prescriptions: - annual inspection test - assurance of production quality (proof of QA system based upon ISO 9000) - assurance of product quality (proof of QA system based upon ISO 9000) The EC design test certificate has an identification number, which should be found on the product nameplate, thus allowing the product to be tracked throughout the EC.


Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

8. Implementation Systems







A system for flame monitoring and assessment is used in combustion systems with the goals already discussed in mind (18). Figure 5 depicts the application of a flame monitor on a burner. Such flame monitors, and burner management systems as well, are normally equipped today with fail-safe microprocessor systems. The use of a flame monitor, which typically consists of a control unit and a flame sensor, must occur independently of the combustion system, its mode of operation and its operational characteristics. Function must also be guaranteed in the case of the following operating parameters:

- varying load conditions - variable gas recirculation currents - emissions-reducing measures - multi-burner systems - fuel operation and fuel change, as desired (gas, oil, coal) - deviating fuel composition - etc.

Figure 5:

Equipping a burner with a flame monitor

A flame monitor must meet an extensive catalog of requirements which, as depicted in the previous section, are taken from corresponding standards. Furthermore, characteristics may be defined which are based essentially on demands for practical use. These demands are: - security against stray light (from glowing walls or pipe bundles)

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

selective recognition of individual (flicker frequency adjustment using high-pass filters) flames during multi-burner


in connection with the following: - highly safe - high reliability - high sensitivity - high availability - high economic efficiency Generally, development today has been based exclusively on systems using microcomputers to implement the requirements and tasks of flame monitors, as already mentioned. Figures 6 and 7 show the signal processing that takes place in a flame sensor using a semiconductor photoelement (GaP). In particular, figure 6 reveals that the system is made fail-safe through dual-channel CPU construction.

Figure 6:

Signal processing in the control unit of a D-UG 660 flame monitor


Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Figure 7:

Signal processing in the flame sensor of a D-LE 601 UA flame monitor

Different setting elements on the control unit and flame sensor ensure a comfortable adaptation to specific combustion processes. Possible settings include the following parameters: - switch threshold - amplification - cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter While the switch threshold and amplification are used to adjust the flame monitor to the most varying intensities in light emissions, due to different fuels and various load conditions, the cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter is set in order to achieve selective recognition of individual burners in boilers with multi-burner systems. Remote switching of the amplifications and switch thresholds is a useful aid for different operations of the boiler system. Figure 8 shows the possible settings of the unit parameters on the flame sensor. With the aid of a pulse reduction technique, further selectivity adjustments may be carried out to mask emitters with constant basic frequencies.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems


Figure 8:

Possible settings on a D-LE 601 UA flame sensor

The decision to be made is whether a flame is present or not, a complex decision that involves extensive analyses and considerations. To this end, as shown in figure 9, the following criteria for the flame or light emission are draw upon: - minimum basic intensity (A) - minimum portion of variable light (B) - appropriate light wavelength range (C) - minimum flicker frequency (D)

The following criteria must at least be met, in order for a decision to be made whether a flame is present. A light emission with a minimum intensity must emanate from the flame. The intensity of the variable light components must have a minimum dimension. The wavelength of the light emission must lie in either the UV (180-400 nm.) or IR (800-2000 nm.) range. The flicker frequency must lie in a plausible range (>20 - <200 Hz.), whose value may be assigned to a flame. Only when these criteria are simultaneously fulfilled may one assume with any degree of security that a flame is present.


Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Figure 9:

Criteria for determining whether a flame is present

Figure 10: Sensor types found in flame sensors

Figure 10 depicts the sensors that are normally used today. Due to their higher signal yield and extreme amplification, photo-semiconductors have been preferred over the last few years as opposed to the UV cells well-known for decades. In particular, the UV-sensitive semiconductors, like gallium-phosphorous detectors,

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems


for example, are increasing in importance. Due to their high sensitivity, even in the case of reduced light emissions from the flame, e.g., during heavy gas recirculation, a sufficient signal level may still be delivered.

Figure 11: Integrating a burner management system

Figure 11 depicts the use of a burner management system for control of a burner and its peripherals (solenoid valves, blower, ignition devices, sensors, etc.). Fail-safe microprocessor control systems years ago replaced the proven method of cam control (26). The advantages of microprocessor control systems, with their high flexibility, quickly led to the replacement of this rigid technology. In addition, interfaces may be used for exchanging information, as well as outputting status and fault messages with a high content of information. An expandable range of functions and simple method of installation and set-up are also advantageous.

The design of the burner management system, in terms of its essential operational groups, may be described in the following manner:

- two processors for control of program sequences - one processor for non-safety-oriented unit functions - management of process inputs - management of process outputs (for blower, solenoid valves, dampers, ignitors, etc.) - flame monitor function - operational status displays and digital output of status signals - error status displays and digital output of status signals - digital V24 interface for data transmission - program-controlled blow-out process

Fuel types (oil, gas) found in the field and different burner types (master and slave burners) may be operated without any problems using the burner management system presented here.


Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

Figure 12: D-GF 200 burner management system program sequence in master burner mode

Figure 12 describes the program sequence of a burner management system and its complex functions. Failsafe operation is guaranteed for each operational state thanks to the high level of requirements. Figure 13 depicts the signal processing in the burner management system, to further describe the range of function. Here as well, the dual-channel principle of operation for the microprocessor control is a sign of its fail-safe construction. A third CPU allows for the installation of client or system-specific tasks, whose fulfillment requires no safety-oriented function.

9. Summary
The present models clearly show that the potential risk facing industrial combustion (process combustion or steam boiler operation) was considerably reduced in the past decades due to both strict requirements and the connected development of flame monitors and burner management systems suitable for continuous industrial operation. The technology available today for MC systems, which, economically and technologically speaking, can only be implemented sensibly by using microcomputers, demonstrates a high degree of functional safety thanks to todays MC protective measures. The requirements described here are fulfilled to a broad extent by the currently available technology. It must be inherent in the capabilities of these safetyoriented MC systems that they remain in a secure state when contending with faults or failures. Field use shows that, in spite of the heightened past requirements, the stipulated goals can still be realized. Field use also demonstrates that technology based on economic criteria is indeed available to the market.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems


Figure 13: Signal processing in a D-GF 200 burner management system


Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

10. List of References

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TRD 411, Technical Rules for Steam Boilers, Oil Combustion in Steam Boilers, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, April 1992. TRD 412, Technical Rules for Steam Boilers, Gas Combustion in Steam Boilers, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, May 1991. TRD 413, Technical Rules for Steam Boilers, Coal Dust Combustion in Steam Boilers, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, July 1985. TRD 414, Technical Rules for Steam Boilers, Wood Combustion in Steam Boilers, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, May 1988. TRD 604, Technical Rules for Steam Boilers, Operation of Steam Boilers with Steam Generators From Group IV Without Constant Supervision, page 1 and 2, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, October 1993. DIN EN 298, Burner Management Systems for Gas Burners and Gas-Burning Installations With and Without a Blower, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, February 1994. DIN 4788, part 3, Gas Burners - Flame Monitoring Equipment, Flame Monitors, Control Units and Burner Management Systems, Concepts, Safety Requirements, Testing, Certification, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, April 1989. DIN EN 230, Oil Dispersion Burners in Monobloc Design, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, May 1991. DIN EN 19250, Basic Safety Considerations for MC Protective Equipment, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, May 1994.



8. 9.

10. DIN V VDE 0801, Principles for Computers in Systems Performing Safety Tasks, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, January 1990. 11. DIN V VDE 0801/A1, Principles for Computers in Systems Performing Safety Tasks, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, October 1994. 12. DIN VDE 116, Electrical Equipment for Combustion Systems, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, October 1989. 13. DIN EN 60730-1, Automatic Electrical and Control Devices for Household Use and Similar Applications, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, January 1996. 14. DIN EN 50081, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV), Part 1 - Living Areas, Commercial Areas, and Small Businesses, Basic Standard for Interference Emissions, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, March 1993. 15. DIN EN 50081, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV), Part 2 - Industrial Areas, Basic Standard for Interference Emissions, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, March 1994. 16. DIN EN 50082, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV), Part 1 - Living Areas, Commercial Areas, and Small Businesses, Basic Standard for Resistance to Interference, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, March 1993. 17. DIN EN 50082, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMV), Part 2 - Industrial Areas, Basic Standard for Resistance to Interference, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, February 1996. 18. Martin, P., State of Technology for Monitoring and Assessing Flames, Gaswrme international, issue 1/2, 42 (1993), Vulcan-Verlag, Essen. 19. Hlscher, H. and Rader, J., Microcomputers in Safety Technology, TV Rheinland Press, Cologne, 1984.

Requirements for Flame Monitors and Burner Management Systems

20. EMV Guideline, Council Guideline of 3 May 1989 for Conformation of Legal Directives of the Member States Regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility, EC official gazette 89/L139/19 from 5/23/89 and 92/L126/11, dated 5/12/92. 21. Gas-Burning Installations Guideline, Council Guideline of 29 June 1990 for Conformation of Legal Directives of the Member States for Gas-Burning Equipment, EC official gazette 90/L196/15, dated 7/26/90.


22. Low-Voltage Guideline, Council Guideline of 29 June 1990 for Conformation of Legal Directives of the Member States Regarding Electrical Equipment for Use Within Particular Voltage Limits, EC official gazette 90/L196/15, dated 12/31/90. 23. Module Construction Kits, Council Resolution of 13 December 1990 Regarding the Modules to be Used for Different Phases of the Conformity Assessment Process as Found in the Harmonization Guidelines, EC official gazette, 90/L380/13, dated 12/31/90. 24. Machine Guideline, Council Guideline of 14 June 1989 for Conformation of Legal Directives of the Member States for Machines, EC official gazette 89/L183/9, dated 9/26/89. 25. Neun, J., Effects of the Internal European Market Upon Gas-Burning Installations and Components, informational circular of the DVGW (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V., Eschborn, 1995. 26. Martin, P. and Schult, J., Use of Burner Management Systems for Control of Burners, Gaswrme international, issue 10, 42 (1993), Vulkan-Verlag, Essen.

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