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In a country like India, saving money is an integral part of any family. Everyone who earns money through monthly salary or through business income, spend a part of their earnings on daily expenses and save the rest for their future commitments. And while looking at saving the hard earned money, people look at various investment avenues which can give them handsome returns. In the process of earning money, spending it, saving it and looking at investing the money, most of the people do the first three of them very judiciously. However, when it comes to investing the money, especially in equities, a lot of people commit mistakes. Even more, it is really a worrying factor that retail investors are often taken for granted and their investment expectations are never met. However, we have always proved that "Retail Investors can also create wealth from Equities" and we continue to believe that there is no better investment manager for your money above you. Our focus is on a niche area of Discovering multibagger stocks from mid/small cap sector, which will help any individual investor to take independent route of investing directly into the market. Only in the last 5 months, we have come out with more than 6 Multibagger stocks.

Multibagger Package
If you are looking at investing your money in to some of the smaller companies possessing strong business fundamentals and can offer multibagger returns on your investment, this is your place to be. We do extensive research on companies that have a market cap of less than 1000 crore and 90% of our investment ideas from this package have been in companies with market cap of less than 400 crore. True to its name, this package has been credited for identifying several Multibagger stocks and in the last one year, this package has come out more than 10 Multibaggers including several 5 baggers and 3 baggers.
A one year subscription (Cost 15,000 INR) to our Multibagger package offers you all of the following 10in3

The investment ideas presented through our 10in3 reports have a potential of giving 8 to 10 times returns on your investment in 3 years time period.
The package offers 6 10in3 investment cases on a alternate month basis. Sample report

Street Smart

Our Street Smart ideas often are well poised to become market leaders in the future. The investment ideas presented through our Street Smart report have a potential of giving 4 to 5 times returns on your investments in 3 years time period.
The package offers 6 Street Smart investment cases on a alternate month basis. Sample report Inside Value

The investment ideas presented through our Inside Value report have a potential of giving 80% to 100% returns in one year time period.
The package offers 12 investment cases on a monthly basis. Sample report Double Circuit

The investment ideas presented through our double Circuit report have a potential of giving 30% returns in 3 months time period.
The package offers 24 investment cases on a monthly basis (2 per month)

Penny Stock Package

Theres a lot of debate as to what is the fastest path to making millions in the stock market. If youre starting with just a little capital, well researched Penny/Micro cap stock investment can certainly pay huge rewards. Penny/Micro cap stocks are the future companies of India, and moreover you get them at a discount as they go un-noticed. We work on companies that have a market cap of less than 200 crore and 100% of our investment ideas so far have been in companies with market cap of less than 100 crore.
A one year subscription (Cost 15,000 INR) to our Penny stock package offers you all of the following Business Insight

The investment ideas presented through our Business Insight reports have a potential of giving 12-15 times returns on your investment in 3-4 years time period.
The package offers 12 Business Insight investment cases on monthly basis. Sample report Value Pick

The investment ideas presented through our Value report have a potential of giving 80% to 100% returns in one year time period.

The package offers 12 investment cases on a monthly basis. Sample report Instant Profit

The investment ideas presented through our Instant Profit report have a potential of giving 30% returns in 3 months time period.
The package offers 24 investment cases on a monthly basis (2 per month)

Trading Package
Our trading services boasts of a success ratio of more than 85% and is one of the most sought after service among the retail investors.
Our trading services offer the following two packages Nifty Future/Option "Nifty Champion Calls" -

This is a premium service for those who can spend at least 30min in the market like a day trader. In this service we will be providing you with excellent positional Nifty future/option calls. This service is basically for NSE Nifty/Stock Future/option Traders. This service is delivered through a sophisticated SMS System wherein we make sure the deliverability of messages on time.
Make Money Combo Pack (Nifty/Stock Future & Option + Cash Market Calls - Positional Calls Only)

This is one of the classic package from SLT, where our technical analyst will hold your hand and guide you all through the way to make sure that you make a descent profit. This service is basically for NSE Nifty/Stock Future/Option Traders. We deliver this service with a very sophisticated SMS System wherein we make sure the deliverability of message on time.
Our trading services costs between 9,000 INR per month to 50,000 INR per year.

Offline PMS
Our Offline PMS Service or TMP (The Millionaire Portfolio) is one of the most innovative services from HBJ Capital. In fact, TMP is the first of its kind in the history of financial services and simply put, it is Innovation at its best. TMP is a new concept in itself and was put to test for almost a year before being launched as a standalone product.

While the idea of Offline PMS was conceived at HBJ Capital by mid 2009, it was only in July 2010 that TMP was officially launched.The idea behind TMP or the offline PMS service is to remove the disadvantages of a conventional PMS or any other portfolio services. And this we achieve by giving the POWER to manage your portfolio in your own hands. Our recent study on the various PMS schemes has revealed startling facts where the customers are not being placed in a favorable position. Some of the findings from the survey can be accessed HERE. TMP is a unique service which negates all the disadvantages of a conventional PMS scheme and has already created wealth and solved portfolio management woes for its customers. A remarkable fact about TMP is that it makes use of HBJ Recommended stocks and this makes powers TMP exceptional performance. To know more about TMP, please click HERE. To access a demo on TMP, please click HERE.
TMP costs 20,000 INR on a one year subscription.

Corporate Services
Empowered with a comprehensive knowledge gained through our experience and expertise, we offer services in the domain of Identity Solutions, Operational Advisory and Investment Advisory. We offer quick and practical solutions, which are commercially sound and in conformity with the legal codes of India. The success of our practice is based on long-term relationships with clients to whom we provide personal services combined with high professional standards and technical expertise. We have been in this service for a number of years and provide each solution that competently meets the specific requirements of our clients. With our focus on creating, enhancing and unlocking value for our clients, we have advised and worked with the management of several small/mid size companies to increase visibility of these organizations among the investing community leading to superior shareholder value. We have been consistently following the practice of helping organizations improve their operational performance, primarily through the analysis of existing business problems and development of plans for improvement.

Corporate Advisory

In a highly competitive market place, companies need to be more innovative in their approach towards operational changes & execution. When operating in a competitive environment, being cognizant about the competitors and their developments has its own merits. At HBJ Capital, We have been consistently supporting the CXOs, comprehend the total picture of the marketplace including the competitors, sharpen their focus to formulate their strategic course and organize the resources for achieving the desired targets.
Our scope of activities includes:

Understanding the shortcomings of the business and addressing them Improve operational efficiency by implementing latest solutions Keep ahead of the competitors through more innovative change models Execute a regular peer analysis, extract key learnings and implement them Locate cost reduction points, which you may be oblivious of

Like a doctor treats a human being through a three-fold method of diagnosis, prescription and treatment HBJ Capital treats an organization through the method of organizational study, strategy & action plan and implementation.

Identity Solutions
Our extensive study on a large basket of publicly listed small and medium companies reveals that the companies have no one to blame but themselves for not having achieved the real value that they so truly deserve on the bourses. The study has also concluded that building and maintaining a strong identity of the company creates a loyal and deep shareholder base, which provides a lot of direct and indirect benefits to the company in the long run. Not many companies in India seriously think and act on creating and maintaining their own identity among the shareholders and potential investors, although it is fast catching up.
Our Identity solutions are intended to do just this

Build a strong identity for the company and take them closer to the stakeholders and potential investors.
Our Scope of activities include

Work with the management of companies to improve the identity of the company, primarily among the various stake holders and potential investors.

Effectively communicate the client's business and revenue model and financials to the larger investing community in a clear and lucid language Help clients achieve long term fair valuation for their businesses through most effective marketing strategies Leverage our integrated Investor Relations Module and provide end to end solution to our clients.

Investment Advisory
Equity Research has been the core of HBJ Capital's existence and we have long been serving the retail and institutional clients. We extended our equity research services to corporate clients, since there were so many companies which were really in need of such services to take care of their short and long term investments. Our extensive research over a period of many years suggests the fact that the companies have done poorly with respect to their investments especially when it comes to equity investments. In order to save the shareholder's money and to make efficient use of it, it is of utmost importance for the organization to manage their long and short term investments in a manner that should generate substantial income over and above the income generated from operations.
Our scope of activities includes:

Advise our corporate clients on various options for long/short term investments with a view to minimize risk and maximize wealth. Provide Investment advisory services that would suit the unique needs of different classes of corporate clients. Provide unparalleled Investment options on publicly listed Small and mid cap segment companies.

Institutional Services

Having passed our first few years in business specializing on Independent equity research , HBJ Capital was able to sense a compelling demand and need for innovative services that would give a winning edge to various institutions. This led to the birth of our Institutional Services arm in 2007. And, since then, we have provided client focused services to various institutions like Private Equity firms, Foreign Institutional Investors, US based Hedge funds, Brokerage houses, Mutual Fund managers and other domestic institutions. The innovation comes from the basic fact that we do equity research in a unconventional manner. We do not take the generic research model of having a team for each and every sector and coming out with investment reports endlessly. However, we possess a

passionate and energetic team which is good at identifying wealth creating opportunities for our clients and not merely stock reports. We have always believed that the wealth creating opportunities are at the bottom of the pyramid which no other brokerage or equity research firm looks into. Over 80% of our investment cases presented to our Institutional clients have a market cap of under 2000 Crore INR. And in the journey that we have had so far, we have had the privilege to work with some of the industry leaders and marquee names who are Private Equity firms and Foreign Investors

Private Equity Services

We believe that Entrepreneurship is a vital constituent in the growth of an economy and India is uniquely poised to unlock the entrepreneurial boom for the next few decades. The technology boom of the mid and late 90s have ushered in tremendous changes and set the stage for a wave of entrepreneurship taking India by storm. The power of first generation entrepreneurship in India was first illustrated by the IT industry which went from USD 60 Million to USD 60 Billon industry in 20 years and 99% of the companies were setup by the middle class, first generation entrepreneurs. This has only inspired Entrepreneurs from other industrial space like alternate energy, Retail, health care, education, Financial services and many more. HBJ Capital has helped several entrepreneurs to realize their dreams and to achieve greater heights by bringing in the most strategic fit to the company. Since our inception in 2007, we have been involved in 12 Private Equity transactions amounting to over 200 Crore INR and have been associated with some of the global leaders in the industry.

During the evolution of any business, the access to capital becomes necessary to fuel the growth and the aspirations of the business. Be it companies in the early stage, which is looking at its first level of expansion or growth companies, which is looking at hiring top class professionals or adding capacities. For quite some time, we have also been witnessing the need from entrepreneurs for a helping hand from a Strategic stand point than Financial. The need for capital and strategic help is closely aligned with the needs of the business and the entrepreneur. It is at this inevitable phase that a lot of questions arise and many find it really hard to proceed.
Some of the questions that can place a business in dilemma include

Is this the right time to raise capital ?

What is the right valuation for my company ? How will the entry of an investor affect the strategies and operations ? How can the investor add value to my company ? How much capital should i raise ?

It is at this phase of evolution, when the business walks on a tight rope, we provide a helping hand through our deep understanding of all these issues. We also carry with us the experience of handling Private Equity transactions for several years and the vast investor network that we have in place. We walk shoulder to shoulder throughout this phase of fund raising and we help them understand capital requirements and identify ideal financial investors from a huge pool of private equity, venture capital, buy-out funds in the market.

Over the past several years, India has emerged as a leading Asian private equity market. Today almost all the large domestic and and foreign investors are competing for investment opportunities in India. As one of Indias leading service provider to the private equity industry, HBJ Capital has aligned its services to specifically address our client's requirements. In many cases, we act as a exclusive service partner to our Private Equity clients, rather than just treating them as one of the funds to which a deal can be sold. We have dedicated Private Equity teams across major Indian cities providing a seamless, panIndian network.
Our scope of activities includes

Sourcing a variety of investment opportunities throughout the country, that perfectly fit the requirements of our clients. Analyzing macro and microeconomic risks inherent in specific industries, companies and real estate assets through extensive due diligence Structuring and executing complex investments, including detailed financial analysis, deal negotiation and transaction execution Assisting Private Equity firms to create value and grow their businesses or portfolios Assessing the appropriate time and manner in which to harvest an investment

Institutional Research

We have always had this Question - "Why do Institutional investors go to Brokerage houses for Investment research?" These houses are just one among many selling the reports on almost the same companies which on most cases happen to be very late opportunities. They are primarily brokers and its not their fault for the institutions expecting wealth creating investment opportunities from them. But, the ones who have had the same question and thoughts in their hearts with a need for specialized equity research come to us. We launched our institutional services by late 2008 and were overwhelmed by the support provided by our first set of clients - some of the reputed FII s and US based Hedge funds. They were able to appreciate our idea of spotting opportunities rather than stocks and our ability to provide client focused services. And today, we provide Public equity research services to institutions including FII s, Hedge funds, Private Equity firms (PIPE), Domestic institutions and HNI s.
Our scope of activities include

Providing client focused investment opportunities from the Small and Mid cap Segment Identifying \ Creating deal closure options, whenever necessary Track the portfolio and provide updated outlook on the company Customized derivative trading solutions.

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