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MISKIN ARTS Graphic Design ers Artist Contract

Miskin Arts Artist Contract 2013/14

PROFESSIONAL / PERSONAL DISCIPLINE Professional discipline is a vital part of any arts workers daily life. It is the Miskin Arts's main objective to ensure that your training is underpinned by a clear understanding of the needs of the industry for which you are preparing yourself. To this end major emphasis will be placed on the importance of self discipline, appearance, punctuality, courtesy, respect for colleagues, unselfishness and a great deal of common sense. These elements form a significant part of your assessment in all areas of work throughout your course. This contract represents a way of working that is about your course and your industry and is designed to reinforce your own responsibility to your training, to your craft and to your company. It is important that you read and understand it and that you show willing to undertake the responsibilities needed to achieve success in your chosen field. You will also sign a learning agreement with NWK College, please note that your contract with the Miskin augments all similar agreements. LATENESS/ABSENCE/DISCIPLINARY POLICY Any designer who is late for lessons whether in the morning or afternoon session, it will be noted and persistent lateness will incur a formal warning If there is a genuine reason for the lateness, which can be evidenced in writing, then no formal warning will be issued

Phone calls for lateness or absences due to illness or other reason must be received before 9.30am on that day on the following number:

01322 629472
Appointments with doctors, dentists, etc. should normally be made outside of studio hours. Unavoidable appointments must be discussed with your lecturer prior to attending. Persistent failure to bring the correct equipment to a session will result in disciplinary action

Miskin Arts Artist Contract 2013/14

Holidays must not be booked in term time. Holidays taken without prior consent may have serious implications for your course.

Personal hygiene must be maintained from day to day. You are expected at all times to conduct yourself in a manner so as not to damage the good name and reputation of the Miskin Arts and the company's good practice. Any designers found to be compromising the good name and reputation of the Miskin Arts by behaving in an unacceptable manner will be asked to leave the premises. You are directly responsible for the behavior of any guests that you invite to Miskin Arts events. Personal valuables that you bring onto the campus are YOUR responsibility POLICY ON PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINE The following are understood to be reasons for excluding a designer from a project. Persistent absence. Repeated lateness. Disruption to the work of your group and/or other groups. Deadlines for written work or other set tasks have not been met. Evident lack of commitment to the work Failure to turn up for group work thus compromising the work of another MAINTENANCE AND UPKEEP OF BUILDINGS POLICY

Miskin Arts Artist Contract 2013/14

It is every designers duty, whilst undertaking a course at the Miskin Arts, to ensure that the studio spaces and all other spaces relating to the Arts and around the building are kept clean and in working order. Chewing gum, smoking, eating and drinking are not acceptable anywhere inside the buildings with the exception of drinking water. Any designers found to be consuming either food or drink inside the buildings may face disciplinary action. Any designers found to be vandalising/abusing the building in any way will be immediately issued with a formal warning and face permanent dismissal. Any designers found to be stealing from the studios or any related buildings will immediately be issued with a formal warning and face permanent dismissal. Smoking on campus is only permitted inside the designated smoking zones. Anyone found smoking outside of the zones will be subject to college disciplinary procedure College ID cards must be worn in all public areas (outside of the graphic design studios) at all times. Anyone not wearing their ID card in public areas will be subject to college disciplinary procedure MOBILE PHONES The use of mobile phones and MP3 players in the studios and related buildings without prior consent is strictly forbidden. All mobile phones must be turned to silent and headphones removed before entering the buildings. Any designer whose phone rings during lessons will be immediately dismissed from the space

As part of your course, you grant the Graphic Design staff permission to take and use:

Miskin Arts Artist Contract 2013/14

digital images of you and/or your work for use in news releases and/or photographic and/or educational materials. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, web sites or other electronic communications. You further agree that your name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s). You authorize the use of these images without compensation to yourself. All originals, prints and digital reproductions shall be the property of Miskin Arts (Graphic Design Department).

Miskin Arts Artist Contract 2013/14

DECLARATION I give permission to my tutors to at any time contact my Parents and/or Guardians regards any college issues they may have regards the course. I, the undersigned, have read, understood and accepted the rules contained in this document. Signed _____________________________________ Printed Name ________________________________ Course _____________________________________ Date _______________________________________

Parent or guardian (please sign below if the named designer is under 18) I have read, understood and support the above contract Signed_______________________________________

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