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You are on page 1of 2 Dont bother with Jejemon By: Philip C.

Tubeza Jejemon are unacceptable but so are the shortage of classroom, teachers and text book .Instead of going after the jejemons the Department of Education (DefEd) should focus on solving major problems like classroom and book shortage. Dont bother with Shortage the National Union of student of the Philippines said Yesterday NUSP President Cedes said the DepEd declaration of war against the jejemon on those who have a peculiar way or writing English, mangling grammar and spelling in the process was shallow and that its eclipsed the prossing concerns of the youth by paying too much attention to a text speak. Two weeks before the start of classes, DepEd wants the public abort the jejemons as a impediment to the youths learning despite the issues on the lack of classrooms, derelick facilities underpald teacher high dropout rates corruption campaign against a subculture. Decede saids The subculture that the DepEd campaign against the jejemon was deeply noted the departments skewed attitude on education issues .Book shortage are 57,930,3.48 million and 34.7 million respectiveliy He Also said DepEd remained inhibited on its anomalous doing such as the textbook and noodle scam to one but two Review of Related Studies Gay Lingo (made in the philippines) Gay A : Hoy, Bakla, me Thats Entertainment ka ba? Gay B : Naku, Washington Sycip. Purita Kalaw ang lolah mo ngayon Gay A : Rampa sana aketch. Go Bingo ka, ate? Gay B : Ayyyy, Wishing, Pagoda Cold Wave Lotion ako. Everyone who got what they were saying, raise your hands! It is true. The propagation of this form of communication is unstoppable. Once the not-so-secret language of homosexuals; gay lingo is no longer exclusive to gays much to our divas dismay. From its grassroots beginnings in obscure parlors around the city it has infiltrated the tri-media and is now being spoken or understood or both by every Juan, Juana, Nene Chapter I INTRODUCTION Rationale The difference between how something is said and what is said is called paralanguage. Albert Mehrabian as cited by Allan Chapman (2009) attests that human communication consists of 93 percent body language and paralinguistic cues, while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves. His research has suggested that between 60 and 70 percent of all meanings is derived from nonverbal behavior. It is interesting to note that a vast majority of people communicate several messages without using speech quite often. A person nods ones head to show approval or shake ones heads to indicate disapproval? In school, when a student is asked to stand in front to share and explain answer, but that student doesnt have anything in mind, one will not only say: Im sorry, I dont know the answer, but also shake ones head and give the teacher a pity look. When some attempts to touch a person for a penny, one will indicate denial through words as well as shaking ones palm. Ray Birdwhistell, as referred to by Ellen Harold and Susan Tobin (2011) argued that all movements of the body have meanings and they are not accidental. These non-verbal forms of language (or paralanguage) have a grammar that can be analyzed in similar terms to spoken communication. Paralinguistic cues are everywhere and a part of how we communicate. There are many varieties of paralanguage. One of which is the term kinemes (Ray Birdwhistell, 2011). It is a form of nonverbal communication, which consists of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals subconsciously. Filipinos for instance are a group of people that rely most on nonverbal aspect of communication, Gochenour as cited by Don Herrington (2011). According to him, Filipinos have a highly developed sensitivity to the nonverbal aspects of communication and considerably less dependent on spoken words compared to Europeans and Americans To the general population, family is what defines them and makes people who they are. Family is a term that can be defined in many ways. For example, countless people believe family could mean a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children. Others identify it as two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place. The most widespread and

practical definition of family would be all the members of a household under one roof. However, the term nuclear family is used to distinguish a family group consisting of most commonly, a father and mother and their children, from what is known as an extended family. Nuclear families can be any size, as long as the family can support itself and there are only children and two parents. Early in the twentieth century, families were typically seen as nuclear. During this time period, it was standard to have a nuclear, traditional family and anything outside this realm, was looked at differently and usually negatively. Authors can use family structures and relationships to develop certain themes in their novels. In David Leavitts The Lost Language of Cranes and Langston Hughes Blessed Assurance, the discovery of self-identity through family members and biological ties can lead to conflicts that create negative and difficult situations between generations. In The Lost Language of Cranes by David Leavitt, the novel consists of a young man who agonizes over revealing his homosexuality to his parents, but doesn't realize that his father is also gay and is about to come out of the closet in a way that will destroy his marriage. There are many situations in this novel that depict the importance of family. For example, Phillip is extremely afraid to come out to his parents because of their reaction as the David Leavitt states Sometimes Phillip thought about what would happen if his mother were

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