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1. The working title of your project (< 20 words) Development of leadership among students in Management schools.

A case of students from Victoria Management School 2. Author Win Singphatanakul 3. Anticipated outputs (whichever are relevant): 1. thesis examination 4. Intended readers (can include markers or examiners) Professor Brad Jackson Management and leadership Scholar. Hon Steve Maharey Ministry of Education. Deborah Jones Examiner Dale Pfeifer Research Fellow of the centre of leadership. Professor Pat Walsh - Vice-Chancellor of Victoria University Victoria academic and support staff

(5a) What is the central question your project will pose? (< 30 words) Does the development of leadership is being supported or not by the Management Schools through their academic programmes? (5b) What is the answer it will provide? (< 30 words) The leadership development agenda is being supported at Victoria Management School, but might not be effective. This is because leadership differs from one to another. Therefore, how academic programmes and staff of Victoria University support the development of leadership are vital. (6) If your readers had only one sentence to summarise your project, what would it be? (< 25 words) This research is trying to investigate whether there is the development of leadership through academic programmes at Victoria University. (7a) Why will you do the work? (< 70 words) Victoria University wants to develop leadership in students towards courses. However, the development of leadership is not quite effective. Therefore, it is important to understand how students feel about the development of leadership in class, how teachers encourage them to develop their leadership abilities. Since leadership is an important aspect in todays world, therefore, the development of leadership is needed to be studied. (7b) What will you do? (< 70 words) The literature on development of leadership in school will be reviewed to find the relationship between education and the development of leadership. Ethnography method will be used to conduct this research, because one must understand what is like to be one of the students in class. The interview process with academic staff and students will be conducted as well as the observation in class. This is a qualitative study. (7c) What will be the results? (< 100 words) The key outcome would be that the development of leadership cannot be taught in school. It is rather about experience. However, we can teach students what leadership is but not how to be a good leader. Students in school are more like a good follower, because we have to follow the rules according to lecturers. Therefore, academic programme only will not develop leadership ability in students. Victoria University might need to train staff to understand what is leadership and how to deliver the concept of leadership in class without having to interfere with the subjects that they are teaching. The research outcome will help Victoria University to understand what the factors that effect the development of leadership are.

Briefly outline the likely key results. Focus on outcomes. (7d) What can your project add to theory? (< 70 words) If people are good followers then leaders might not be important. However, without a leader there is no follower. Therefore, it is important that students who are a bright future for the country understand the concept of leadership and know how to be a good leader as well as a good follower. This research will prove that the development of leadership in school is important.


What can your project add to practice? (< 70 words) People will pay more attention on leadership. This is quite a new concept in Victoria University and New Zealand. The research result will contribute to teachers in term of teaching style and students to develop the understanding of leadership. The development of leadership will also enhance management studies, since leadership is one of the most important issue in management studies today. People will pay more attention on leadership issue. (7) What might remain unresolved? (no word limit) How do we measure leadership, especially in cross-cultural leadership? This is because different people have different ideas about leadership therefore; the development of leadership in school might not work for some people. Also the literature on the development of leadership in school seems to be limited. What is more important between the developments of leadership or the understanding of leadership?


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