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Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write Standard English texts for a variety of real-life situations.

Select one of the options below for a writing assignment of 250-500 words in which you apply what you have learned about varieties of written Standard English. Option A: Create your own collection of written Standard English texts. Research and locate a technical text, an informational text, and a literary text. Explain how and why your choices fit each of the categories.

Technical text example

I have chosen this example for the technical text, because it is written in Standard English and it contains 99 percent specific medical terms- medical jargon. Definitely the usage of these terms occurs only on specific and specialized area of communication- namely medical field. If a text like this is given to a person without medical knowledge, that persons ability to understand and use the information presented will be close to negative. Biomarkers are the defining facet of translational cancer research; however, there is a great deal of confusion about the actual definition of what a biomarker is and what its characteristics are. Arguably, the most widely accepted definition is the one put forward by the Biomarkers Definitions Working Group, which defines a biomarker as "a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention" As the definition suggests, biomarkers can be used for multiple purposes in cancer research and measured in distinct types of specimens, such as tissue samples as well as peripheral blood (see, for example, circulating tumour cells), by using several assays. Despite the existence of excellent guidelines for the development and validation of biomarkers, there is a great deal of confusion when it comes to determining the validity of an assay to detect a biomarker. The process of biomarker development is by no means trivial; for the purpose of simplicity, it can be broadly divided into four main phases: (1) discovery of a potential biomarker through hypothesis-generating preclinical or exploratory studies; (2) development and technical validation of the assay for the identification of the biomarker in clinical samples; (3) demonstration of the biomarker's potential clinical utility, first in retrospective analyses and subsequently in prospective studies; and (4) continued assessment of the validity of the biomarker in routine clinical practice. The term 'validation' in the context of clinical studies has changed dramatically over the years; currently, perhaps the most adequate definition for a valid biomarker is a biomarker that is fit for purpose.

Informational text example

This is an example of a very specific informational text. It is a piece of a long license agreement where the client is informed about who owns the full rights on the product he just bought, about his rights of use on the product and about the consequences he might face if he breaks the agreement. I chose this piece of text because its just the type that clearly shows someone how he can spend money on a very expensive product just to find out afterwards that he is just a poor user and not the actual owner of something he paid so much foreven worse: he will have to pay good money for updates every year for something he will never completely own! Blessings and curses of software creators!

License Information
Your use of Apple software or hardware products is based on the software license and other terms and conditions in effect for the product at the time of purchase. Your agreement to these terms is required to install or use the product. Please be aware that the software license that accompanies the product at the time of purchase may differ from the version of the license you can review here. Be certain to read the applicable terms carefully before you install the software or use the product.

Literary text example

Unlike the other 2 pieces of text above, this literary fragment gives the reader so much emotional charge, it instantly puts the reader in contact with the main character of the novel and he instantly becomes part of Arnies world, anxious and willing to participate, to discover, to understand.The brutal honesty of the author:It could have been funny if it hadnt been so sad, and if it hadnt gotten scary as quick as it did. It could have been funny if it hadnt been so bad. How bad was it? It was bad from the start. And it got worse in a hurry. becomes the perfect magnet for the readers curiosity and compassion and need for good quality adrenaline, so he gets hooked. I chose this piece of text because it is the perfect example of using language to create powerful and irresistible emotions inside the reader, which will lead her or him on the path of a great reading adventure that will enrich her or his soul with unexpected and brutal experiences. And that makes great literaturein my opinion.

Arnie saw Christine for the first time and fell in love with her. I was with him that day we were on our way home from workand I would testify on the matter before the Throne of Almighty God if called upon to do so. Brother, he fell and he fell hard. It could have been funny if it hadnt been so sad, and if it hadnt gotten scary as quick as it did. It could have been funny if it hadnt been so bad. How bad was it? It was bad from the start. And it got worse in a hurry. From Christine, by Stephen King

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