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Shailesh Tiwari1 and Divyang Shukla 2 Student, Electronics and Communication Dr.M.C.Saxena College of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh. India

Abstract- Believe it or not, 4G is coming. Before many of us even have 3G cellular service, the outlook for 4Galthough still Although the new, third generation (3G) wireless technology has not yet been implemented, leading companies in the industry are already laying the groundwork for what some are calling fourth generation (4G) technology. For this purpose 4G will be as considered those technologies that are still in the planning stages and will not be deployed within the next five years. Researchers are continuing their ideas in the development of an undefined wireless world, which could become operational by 2010. It now appears that the first 4G services could arrive, not between 2010 and 2015 as originally planned, but quite a bit sooner. Parts of 4G, in fact, are taking shape right now. Information is power, nowhere is this truer than on the battlefield, where the ability to communicate clearly and rapidly pass on information spells the difference between survival and death? 4G (4 th Generation) is the technology that is going to drive a soldier in the field in future. The key to empowering the military with tactical broadband voice, video and data is 4G communications technology. This technology adopts Wireless technology on the platform of fixed networks, Advanced antennae technologies and More advanced wireless security technologies.

or cells, each of which is served by a low power transmitter and receiver.


1G analog system for mobile communications saw two key improvements during 1970s: the invention of the microprocessor and the digitization of the control link between the mobile phone and the cell site.


2G digital cellular systems were first developed at the end of 1980s These systems digitized not only the control link but also the voice signal. The new system provided better quality and higher capacity at lower cost to consumers. GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) was first commercially operated digital cellular system which is based on TDMA.

A 4G system will be able to provide a comprehensive IP solution where voice, data and streamed multimedia can be given to users on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis, and at higher data rates than previous generations. The approaching 4G (fourth generation) mobile communication systems are projected to solve still-remaining problems of 3G (third generation) systems and to provide a wide variety of new services, from high-quality voice to high definition video to high-data-rate wireless channels. The term 4G is used broadly to include several types of broadband wireless access communication systems, not only cellular telephone systems. 4G networks will also feature IP interoperability for seamless mobile Internet access and bit rates of 50 Mbps or more.


3G systems provide faster communication services, including voice, fax and internet, anytime and anywhere.3G had opened the way to enabling innovative applications and services (e.g. multimedia, entertainment, information and location-based services). The first 3G network was deployed in Japan in 2001. Short history of mobile technologies

The first analog cellular systems were based on IMTS (Improved Mobile Telephone Service) and developed in 1970. The systems were cellular because coverage areas were split into smaller areas

going to play modest role and will dominate the cellular traffic instead of voice in future.

What is 4G?
Fourth generation (4G) wireless was originally conceived by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the same organization that developed the wired Internet. It is not surprising, then, that DARPA chose the same distributed architecture for the wireless Internet that had proven so successful in the wired Internet. Although experts and policymakers have yet to agree on all the aspects of 4G wireless, two characteristics have emerged as all but certain components of 4G: end-to- end Internet Protocol (IP), and peer-to-peer networking. An all IP network makes sense because consumers will want to use the same data applications they are used to in wired networks. A peer-to-peer network, where every device is both a transceiver and a router/repeater for other devices in the network, eliminates this spoke-and-hub weakness of cellular architectures, because the elimination of a single node does not disable the network. 4G technology is significant because users joining the network add mobile routers to the network infrastructure . Because users carry much of the network with them, network capacity and coverage is dynamically shifted to accommodate changing user patterns. As people congregate and create pockets of high demand, they also create additional routes for each other, thus enabling additional access to network capacity. Users will automatically hop away from congested routes to less congested routes. This permits the network to dynamically and automatically self-balance capacity, and increase network utilization.

1. Support for multimedia services like teleconferencing and wireless Internet. 2. Wider bandwidths and higher bitrates. 3. Global mobility and service portability. 4. Scalability of mobile network. 5. Entirely Packet-Switched networks. 6. Digital network elements. 7. Higher band widths to provide multimedia services at lower cost(up to 100 Mbps). 8. Tight network security.

4G mobile phone

Why 4G is required?
At the first, we might have a question that why we even require 4G if 3G systems are working well. It is because of basically two reasons that one is substantial growth in overall number of subscribers and other is massive demand of new data services which can be either data, audio, image or video(interactive or non interactive). These two factors are enough to cause a substantial bottle neck in cellular communication services. Though the projected data rate is around 2Mbps in 3G, the actual data rates are slower, especially in crowded areas or when network is congested. Further the data rates also depends on the users activity (moving or steady state) and location (indoor/outdoor) as expected, the data services like multimedia are

4G Network

Figure shows the basic concept of 4g network. The future 4G infrastructure will consist of a set of various networks using internet protocol. As a common protocol so that the users are in control as they will be able to choose every application and environment. Accessing information anywhere, anytime with seamless connection to a wide range of information, obtaining services, receiving a large volume of information, data, pictures, video and so on are the key of 4G infrastructure.

In this method which prevents the receivers/demodulators from seeing frequencies other than their own specific one. The main benefit of OFDM is high spectral efficiency, but with OFDM you also get; high resiliency to RF interference, and the multi-path distortion is lower. This is handy because in a standard terrestrial broadcasting situation there are high amounts of multipath-channels. Since the various versions of the signal interfere with each other, known as inter symbol interference (ISI) it becomes incredibly hard to extract the original information. The use of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) was originally proposed in 1971 by Weinstein and Ebert, which greatly reduces the implementation complexity of OFDM systems. This was further reduced by the development of the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Shortly after equalization algorithm was implemented in order to help suppress both ISI and inter subcarrier interference, which is caused by the channel impulse response and timing and frequency errors. In OFDM the subcarrier pulse which is used for transmission is rectangular. This is why the capability of pulse forming and modulation can be performed by an IDFT, which can be generated very efficiently as an IFFT. Because of this, the receiver only needs a FFT to reverse this process. Taking into account the theories of the Fourier Transform the rectangular pulse shape will end up as a sin(x)/x style of spectrum of the subcarriers. In traditional FDM the sub-channels arent orthogonal therefore need to be separated by guard bands which obviously wastes much needed spectrum.

Advantages: Property owners can install their own access points. - Spreads infrastructure cost. Reduced network access operational cost: - Access points configure into access network. - Some access points may be moving (bus, train) Multihop also could reduce costs in heterogeneous 3G networks.

Ultra Wide Band (UWB)

Ultra Wideband technology, or UWB, is an advanced transmission technology that can be used in the implementation of a 4G network. The secret to UWB is that it is typically detected as noise. This highly specific kind of noise does not cause interference with current radio frequency devices, but can be decoded by another device that recognizes UWB and can reassemble it back into a signal. Since the signal is disguised as noise, it can use any part of the frequency spectrum, which means that it can use frequencies that are currently in use by other radio frequency devices. An Ultra Wideband device works by emitting a series of short, low powered electrical pulses that are not directed at one particular frequency but rather are spread across the entire spectrum. As seen in Figure, Ultra Wideband uses a frequency of between 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. The pulse can be called shaped noise because it is not flat, but curves across the Spectrum. On the other hand, actual noise would

Wireless technology used in 4G


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) :Orthogonal FDM's spread spectrum technique spreads the data over a lot of carriers that are spaced apart at precise frequencies. This spacing provides the "orthogonality".

look the same across a range of frequencies- it has no shape. For this reason, regular noise that may have the same frequency as the pulse itself does not cancel out the pulse. Interference would have to spread across the spectrum uniformly to obscure the pulse.

Security requirements of 2G and 3G networks have been widely studied in the literature. Different standards implement their security for their unique security requirements. For example, GSM provides highly secured voice communication among users. However, the existing security schemes for wireless systems are inadequate for 4G networks. The key concern in security designs for 4G networks is flexibility. As the existing security schemes are mainly designed for specific services, such as voice service, they may not be applicable to 4G environments that will consist of many heterogeneous systems. Moreover, the key sizes and encryption and decryption algorithms of existing schemes are also fixed. They become inflexible when applied to different technologies and devices (with varied capabilities, processing powers, and security needs). As an example, Tiny SESAME is a lightweight reconfigurable security mechanism that provides security services for multimode or IP-based applications in 4G networks.

Smart Anteenas
Multiple smart antennas can be employed to help find, tune, and turn up signal information. Since the antennas can both listen and talk, a smart antenna can send signals back in the same direction that they came from. This means that the antenna system cannot only hear many times louder, but can also respond more loudly and directly as well. There are two types of smart antennas:Switched Beam Anteenas - It has fixed beams of transmission, and can switch from one predefined beam to another when the user with the phone moves throughout the sector.

4G in normal life:Traffic Control

Some major cities have deployed cameras on traffic lights and send Adaptive Array Anteenas:- It represent the most advanced smart antenna approach to date using a variety of new signal processing algorithms to locate and track the user, minimize interference, and maximize intended signal reception. those images back to a central command center. This is generally done using fiber, which limits where the cameras can be hung, i.e., no fiber, no camera. 4G networks allow cities to deploy cameras and backhaul them wirelessly. And instead of having to backhaul every camera, cities can backhaul every third or fifth or tenth camera, using the other cameras as router/repeaters. These cameras can also serve as fixed infrastructure

Location application

Smart antennas can thereby: Optimize available power Increase base station range and coverage Reuse available spectrum Increase bandwidth Lengthen battery life of wireless devices.


A Key challenge facing deployment of 4G technologies is how to make the network architectures compatible with each other. This was one of the unmet goals of 3G. As regards the operating area, rural areas and many buildings in metropolitan areas are not being served well by existing wireless networks.

As the history of mobile communications shows, attempts have been made to reduce a number of technologies to a single global standard. Projected 4G systems offer this promise of a standard that can be 4G location applications will be based on visualized, virtual navigation schemes that will support a remote database containing graphical representations of streets, buildings and another physical characteristic of a large metropolitan area. This data base could be accessed by subscribers in vehicles. embraced worldwide through its key concept of integration. Future wireless networks will need to support diverse IP multimedia applications to allow sharing of resources among multiple users. There must be a low complexity of implementation and an efficient means of negotiation between the end users and the wireless infrastructure. The fourth generation promises to fulfill the goal of PCC (personal computing and communication)a vision that affordably provides high data rates everywhere over a wireless network.

A paramedic assisting a victim of a traffic accident in a remote location could access medical records (X-rays) and establish a video conference so that a remotely based surgeon could provide onscene assistance

Traffic Control during Disaster

If a hurricane hits the Coast and cars start driving south-east, 4G networks can allow officials to access traffic control boxes to change inland traffic lanes to green. Instead of having to send officers to every box on roads being overwhelmed by civilians who are evacuating, it can all be done remotely, and dynamically. In a September 11 type environment, lights could also be forced to red to prevent civilians from driving into harms way.

References1). Frattasi, S. Fathi, H. Fitzek, F.H.P. Prasad, R. Katz,Defining 4G technology from the users perspective IEEE, Jan.-Feb. 2006, Volume: 20, Issue: 1, pp 35-41 2). X. P. Costa and H. Hartenstein. A Simulation Study on the Performance of Mobile IPv6 in a WLAN-based Cellular Network, Computer Networks, 40(1):191204, September 2002. 3). 4G-Advanced wireless communication, Savo g. Glisic,2nd edt, john willy & sons ltd 4). www.India 5). 6). 7).

Although the concept of 4G communications shows much promise, there are still limitations that must be addressed. A major concern is interoperability between the signaling techniques that are planned for use in 4G. Cost is another factor that could hamper the progress of 4G technology. The equipment required to implement the nextgeneration network are still very expensive.

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