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1/1-2 3/1/075/1/07 8/1/0713/1/07

Theme Learning About Living Things

Learning Areas Living Things and NonLiving Things

Learning objectives
Pupils should learn : - to make observations and use these to group things into living and non-living things.

Learning Outcomes
Pupils - make a list of the things they see. - group what they see into living things and non-living things. - record the groups in the form of a table. - state the characteristics of living things, i.e. : (a) they need food and water (b) they breathe (c) they can move (d) they grow (e) they can produce young - recognise humans, animals and plants are living things.


1/3-4 15/1/0719/1/07 22/1/0726/1/07


- that they need food and water to stay alive.

- state that they need to eat and drink to stay alive.

1/5-6 29/1/072/2/07 5/2/079/2/07


Learning Areas Ourselves

Learning objectives
Pupils should learn

Learning Outcomes
Pupils - recognise that they need to eat different foods to stay healthy. - state the kinds of food that : (a) give energy (b) help you grow (c) help you stay healthy


Learning About Living Things

- that they need to eat different kinds of food to be healthy.

1/7 11/2/0715/2/07

- that we grow and change as we grow older.

- describe changes in themselves since birth. - state that they grow in height, size and weight.

Chinese New Year Holiday 16.02.2007----25.02.2007 First Mid-semester test 26.02.2007----02.03.2007 - that animals need to live. - state that animals need food, water and air to stay alive.

1/10 5/3/079/3/07

Learning About Living Things


First Mid-semester break 10.03.2007----18.03.2007

1/12-13 19/3/0723/3/07 26/3/0730/3/07

Learning About Living Things

- list the foods eaten by some animals.


- the different foods that animals eat.

- state that some animals : (a) eat plants (b) eat other animals (c) eat plants and other animals

1/13-14 26/3/0730/3/07 2/4/076/4/07

Learning About Living Things

- state that animals grow in size and weight. - that animals grow. - state that animals change as they grow. - identify baby animals that look like their parents.

1/15-16 9/4/0713/4/07 16/4/0720/4/07

Learning About Living Things

Pupils should learn

Pupils - identify baby animals that do not look like their parents. - describe in what ways the baby animals are different from their parents.


- that animals grow.

1/17 23/4/0727/4/07

Learning About Living Thing


- that plants need the right amount of water for healthy growth.

- measure a specific volume of water. - observe and measure a growing plant.

1/18 30/4/074/5/07

- record the observations in a chart. - state that plants need water to grow but too much water may kill them.

1/19 7/5/0711/5/07

Learning About Living Things

- that flowering plants produce seeds which grow into new plants.

- recognise that flowering plants produce seeds which can grow into new plants. - identify seeds and the plants.


Revision First Examination 14.05.2007----25.05.2007 First Semester Holiday 26.05.2007----10.06.2007



2/24-25 11/6/0715/6/07 18/6/0722/6/07

Theme Learning About World Around Us

Learning Areas

Learning objectives
Pupils should learn - to observe and compare lengths.

Learning Outcomes
Pupils - state which object is longer or taller. - describe ways to measure length. - measure the length of an object using a non-standard tool. - record the length or height of an object in non-standard measurement in a table.


Long or short

2/26 25/6/0729/6/07

Learning About World Around Us Learning About World Around Us The magic of batteries

- about things that use batteries.

- identify things that use batteries. - list things that use batteries.

2/27-28 2/7/076/7/07 9/7/0713/7/07

-how to use a battery.

- are able to use batteries correctly. - recognize that batteries need to be inserted correctly for them to function. - describe how to insert a battery correctly.

2/28-29 9/7/07-

Learning About

- how to make a complete circuit.

- describe different ways in which the battery, wire and

13/7/07 16/7/0720/7/07

World Around Us

bulb can be connected. - are able to make a complete circuit using a battery, wire and a bulb. Pupils should learn - how to make a complete circuit. Pupils - are able to draw their working circuit.

2/30 23/7/0727/7/07

Learning About World Around Us

The magic of batteries

2/31 30/7/073/8/07

Mixing things

- that some materials can dissolve in water and some cannot.

- are able to recognise that some materials can dissolve in water. - record their observations in a table.


Second Mid Semester Examination 06.08.2007----10.08.2007 Correction and Explanation 13.08.2007----17.08.2007 Second-Mid Semester Break 18.08.2007----26.08.2007 - that pushing and pulling can change the shape of objects. - describe what they did to change the shape of materials.


2/35-36 27/8/0731/8/07 3/9/077/9/07 2/37-38 10/9/0714/9/07

Learning About World Around Us Learning About World Push and pull

- that pushing or pulling can make things speed up, slow down or

- describe what they did to make things speed up, slow down

17/9/0721/9/07 2/39-41 24/9/0728/9/07 1/10/075/10/07 8/10/0712/10/07

Around Us Learning About World Around Us

change direction.

or change direction. - predict which toy car will travel the furthest. - measure distances in appropriate units. - suggest and give reasons whether a comparison was fair or not.

- to make predictions and to test them.

42 43

Hari Raya Puasa 13.10.2007----21.10.2007 Revision 22.10.2007----26.10.2007 Second Semester Examination Correction and Explanation 29.10.2007----17.11.2007


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