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3. Discussion of consumer trust, market and media fragmentation and connection through social networks.

A successful company always wants to get more friends on facebook by making them pay to attract members. . Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends and to know various important information and news from different persons, groups, or organizations. Besides connect and share we also know facebook is a important tool which helps a customers and concern parties to know various aspect of information related to our life and requirement of our life. It helps to know various unknown information from various prospects because different kind of persons as well as site or company give various kinds of information. A customer wants to be friends of a company because a company creates their business page with a view to giving more effective and chronological information about various aspect of their products. Customers wants to be friends of a company because facebook business page of that company always try to give recent information about companies new products, price changes, new branch, policy changes, etc within very short time the changes have made. A customer can put question as well as they can comment of that changes of the company and the company helps these customer by giving more suitable answer or by commenting on their comment of the customer within unbelievable short time. By observing that we can give an evaluation of facebook by Leon Hill, Usocial CEO Facebook is an extremely effective marketing tool," the simple fact i s that with a large following on facebook, companies have an instant and targeted group of people to which company give all the information which is important for customers and a customer get these information without any cost and within very short time with details form. It is very important for customers to be friends of a company because Network-based

marketing such as facebook refers to a collection of marketing techniques that take advantage of links between consumers to increase sales. The company concentrate on the consumer networks formed using direct interactions (e.g., communications) between consumers, survey the diverse literature on such marketing with an emphasis on the statistical methods used and the data to

which these methods have been applied. We also provide a discussion of challenges and opportunities for this burgeoning research topic.

A company use facebook because it gets its usefulness from three ways (Shawndra Hill, Network based marketing) 1. It can ensure its customers as network neighbors 2. Statistical models, built with a very large amount of geographic, demographic and prior purchase data, are significantly and substantially improved by including network in formation. So there is a chance that a customer can get more reliable information. 3. More detailed information of that company are given on facebook fan page which helps customer to get more effective and reliable information without any cost.

So from above discussion we can say, facebook is a that marketing tool that helps customer to get important information regarding various aspect of the company within short time, one of the most important issue is that to get this information customer need not expense time or money as like as other marketing tool. If customers need simultaneous feedback they can grasp it by commenting on that link of the company and company helps it within very short time. For these reasons facebook customers wants to be friends of a company.

Consumer Trust Consumer Trust is defined as the confidence registrants and users have in the consistency of name resolution and the degree of confidence among registrants and users that a TLD registry operator is fulfilling its proposed purpose (Steve DelBianco, consumer trust, consumer choice and competition). Facebook is one of the most effective E-marketing tools that helps customer to grasp information confidently but there is a subject of trust on which both parties are related. Internet commerce is claimed to reduce the advantages of scale of large retailers, to lower the costs of entering international consumer markets, and perhaps to reduce the strength of established retailers by allowing new merchants to enter and leave quickly . But these

speculations appear to overlook the importance of the relationship between the consumer and the merchant in this new form of direct marketing. Quelch and Klein note that Trust is a critical factor in stimulating purchases over the Internet, especially at this early stage of commercial development. (Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa a, Noam Tractinsky b, Consumer trust in an Internet store)

Keen argues that the most significant long-term barrier for realizing the potential of Internet marketing to consumers will be the lack of consumer trust, both in the merchants honesty and in the merchants competence to fill Internet orders. Trust is a critical factor in any relationship in which the consumer does not have direct control over the actions of a trustee , the decision is important, and the environment is uncertain . Building on the social psychology and industrial marketing tradition, we define trust as a tractors expectations about the motives and behaviors of a trustee. Since the inception of commercial activity on the Web, security has been perceived by some to be a significant barrier to the emergence of a consumer mass market on the Internet. However, the issue of transaction security is a short-term technological problem. Rather, the substantive long-term issue is: How do you know whom to trust? In a virtual world, the issue of trust gets Magnified. The two major questions in this research are: 1. trust a significant antecedent of consumer attitudes toward an Internet store and Intended shopping behavior. 2. What influences a consumer to have trust in an Internet store? (Sirkka L. Jarvenpa a, Noam Tractinsky, Consumer trust in an Internet store.)

This journal explores the relationship perspective of Internet consumer commerce. At the center of this relationship perspective is the concept of trust. To date, research on Internet-based consumer behavior has addressed primarily the flow aspects of the Shopping experience to build customer loyalty , the consumers information and Decision support requirements, and site attributes intended to increase store traffic And sales . This paper is complementary to these existing perspectives.

Market fragmentation Market fragmentation means Emergence of new segments (in a previously homogeneous market) which have their own distinct needs, requirements, and preferences. These fragments reduce the effectiveness of mass marketing techniques and erode brand loyalty. (J. W. Elliott and M. E. Echols, Market Segmentation, Speculative Behavior:) There are a few businesses that can go onto all of the social media sites to gain business. For the remainder of businesses you must find the correct mix of social networks where your clients reside. It is easy to just say go to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to do business, because there are so many people on these sites. At the same time, you might have challenges wading through all the useless information if you do not know where to look. You definitely want to do a little research before you jump into the big three to find out what sites would be most useful to you. Generally here is what I have found to be true for businesses using the following social networks. Using the market segmentation above here is how to best use the social networks below. Facebook If you are the owner of a company that needs extensive advertisement you might be able to get away with not having an account on Facebook as long as you have a very strong presence on LinkedIn. Everyone else, use Facebook. It also might not hurt to at least set up a basic fan page for branding purposes. Twitter I think Twitter should be called the great funnel. Most businesses can use Twitter, but you have to understand that the majority of businesses will not make money directly from Twitter. Instead, this is a great place to make your initial contact and then funnel that contact to your blog, Facebook, or LinkedIn. fragmentation

LinkedIn This is great for those looking to connect with other professionals or B2B businesses. Everyone who is on the site understands that this is a site for business to be conducted. The key is build relationships first. YouTube If you have a visual product you need to post a comment thanking me for writing this, and then go out to Best Buy to get a flip or another camera. You need to have a presence on Youtube with a visual product. That is the entire idea of using Youtube. Be creative with your use of Youtube. MySpace Yes they are still around with only 160 million users. MySpace has turned into a place for entertainers and musicians. Other than that, go elsewhere. Active Rain Real site for real estate professionals to network. MLMSocial A social network for network marketers. Quick note: They are updating the site right now, and should be done soon. The site currently has a coming soon sign that has been there for a few weeks, but David Track has done an amazing job with this network over the past year. Bloggers This is a social network for bloggers. The bloggers are in all different categories, but all share the same love of blogging. Finance3.0 or LinkedFA

These are social networks for financial professionals to share information on the economy around the world.

TSA Mastery This is half social network/half tribe. It is based on Seth Godins Tribes, and is an excellent place to connect with other internet marketers and bloggers. There is a social network for every conceivable group available through social media. You need to have your own market segmentation definition of who you want to connect with, before you jump into social media. Social marketing is an effective marketing site which is helpful for both companies and customers. But to maintain it is not easy task, for this company has to maintain some issues. Six critical issues need to consider in social network are given below1. Drive word-of-mouth and capture experience: Travel marketing used to be essentially about running advertising campaigns and then driving bookings. Now, your customer experience is the most important and influential asset you have. 2. Channel the massive demand: There is so much consumer-driven demand; its possible to drive significant business by just channeling this demand into bookings. 3. Traditional advertising inspires: Far from being an irrelevance in this demand-driven landscape, advertising can inspire. It also helps signpost and re-direct demand into bookings. Its just not the final decision maker it used to be. 4. Active search strategy is critical: Search is the number one place for travel inspiration, ideas and information. If you are not visible on search you will be missing out on business. Think of all search access points including maps, mobile and location based. 5. You must be active in the reviews ecosystem: It means being active on review sites, to thank customers, or to deal with complaints promptly. It means tracking commentary online and reaching out to people that has talked about your products.

6. Think again about the concept of the influencer: The influencer has been redefined. The older, more mainstream consumer is key. This means redefining targeting when looking for people to talk about your products. ( tnooz ..march 24. kavin may Facebook page for small business Customer relationship is one of the crucial subject for any organization. Facebook helps to build sound customer relationship with the company. By using Facebook a company can find

potential customers, keep them up-to-date about your business and maintain their loyalty. Here are the ways how a company can build and maintain a solid customer relationship: Create an effective Facebook Page for Your Business: By creating a page, company can allow fans to like the page, which will give your business more visibility. Company can also post updates and send them as messages to all of theirs fans, or create targeted messages and send them to customers depending on their age, gender or location. This is also a great way to stay in contact with customers, as you can post questions for them to answer, read and respond to their comments, and announce upcoming sales or other pertinent information. Customers will feel more closely linked to company, which can help build trust with your company.

Use Your Friends Post links and status updates about your business on your personal page. If any of your friends like your business or any of the links or updates you post, their friends will be able to see this activity in their news feeds, as well. Just make sure you dont overdo it by pestering your friends to like your business, and you can get your companys name all over Facebook quickly and

easily. As always, do be careful when you mix business with pleasure by being responsible and professional in what you post.

Build Expectations Looking for a way to create excitement and buzz for your business? Be sure to build expectations and maintain them. For example, you can let notify your customers that if a certain number of people like your business Facebook page, there will be a sale or coupon of some sort, or a free giveaway of products, or some other kind of special reward.

Keep Everything Up-to-Date Keeping companies Facebook fan page updated is an important job of maintaining your new online business. You dont want your customers to grow bored or wonder if your company is still in operation. Remember that the Facebook page allows you to interact with your customers and build a relationship with them. You should therefore provide them with the most current and accurate information to keep them loyal and interested in your company.

4. Recommendations for key points that a small business should consider As we know facebook is one of the most effective social marketing tool small business can be easily benefited from it. It is so much important for small business to set their facebook page more efficiently and effectively. The way for setting small business business page more effectively and efficiently are given below-

1. Identify your customer: first step for setting business effectively need to identify their customers because their overall activity will be set in the light of the customers. 2. Create your business page: Many free and paid Facebook page templates and applications are available to quickly build a professional looking business page. Small business need to select most suitable one.

3. Add a custom welcome/landing page: Adding a custom landing page to your Facebook business page is a great way to not only increase Likes, but it also offers a great opportunity to showcase what is unique about your business and entice the customer to learn more.

4. Set goals: Nothing feels better than crossing a to-do off your list and achieving a goal. Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals. For example, a good daily goal is to create three Facebook posts for your page. These posts can consist of industry information, an eye catching photo, or an invitation to an upcoming event. Setting goals will set the pace for your success and achieving smaller goals will keep you motivated and focused.

5. Enlist page administrators: Facebook page maintenance does not need to be restricted to one person. If you have a couple employees or a team get them involved! Share your goals and divide and conquer.

6. Create a content calendar: The easiest way to streamline post activity on your business page is to create a simple content calendar. Plan to post at least three times a day.

7. Email your database: Once your business page is up and running, send an email to your database. Be sure to let them know that liking your page will give them access to special events, promotions, and insider tips and tricks.

8. Promote your page: promote your small business page. Many people create fantastic Facebook business pages and then forget to promote them. Because it is not unique way, create your page in your way and that will be the unique.

9. Monitor your success: All Facebook business pages are equipped with an analytics feature called Insights. Insights are available to page administrators and are an easy way to track fan engagement and post success. Regularly check Insights to see how your page is performing and make adjustments where needed.

10. Bonus Tip: A Facebook business page is a great place to show off your superior customer service skills. Respond to all customer comments in a timely manner and be sure to maintain a positive professional tone. The success of business facebook page of a small business depends mostly on that issue. (Rachel miller, small business social marketing)

As with any online marketing investment, including social media and networks, determining which social communities a small business should engage with in order to reach particular business outcomes for this need to consider following three key points1. What characterizes the customer or conversation? 2. Whats small business hypothesis about how Facebook will help to reach a business goal? 3. What approach to the social web makes the most sense for engaging identified customer personas and communities for the desired business outcome? Finally social marketing such as facebook helps a small business to advertise products or service more efficiently and effectively. Successful small business companies always try to maintain its facebook page with more effective way by which customers or friends of the company can get required information about the company at a glance.

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