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Cimatron E 7.

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

Table of Contents
General................................................................................................................................ 1 System Requirements.......................................................................................................... 1 Installation Layout .............................................................................................................. 1 Installation Scenarios .......................................................................................................... 2 Installation Procedure ......................................................................................................... 3

Cimatron E June 2005

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

From Cimatron E 7.0, the Cimatron catalogs will be separated from Cimatron E. They will be installed from a separate CD. There are three reasons for this change: Cimatron E7 will support a large number of catalogs. Most of the important part producers are represented in these catalogs. An independent CD will enable several updates before releasing the next E version. The catalogs can easily be installed on Server computers without requiring an E installation.

System Requirements
To view the hardware requirements for Cimatron E Catalogs, refer to the hardware requirements section in the Cimatron E Installation Guide. For the Server Installation you must free 800 MB of disk space.

Installation Layout
1. During the Cimatron E Catalogs installation the catalogs will be installed in the Catalogs directory, as follows: C:\Cimatron\ CimatronE\ \Catalogs \Data \Program (DLLs) \SourceData \Workarea The Server Catalogs will be installed in the following directory: C:\CimatronCatalogs The default product name and path is C:\CimatronCatalogs and can be changed as required.

2. 3.

Cimatron E June 2005

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

Installation Scenarios
Two types of installations exist, as follows: 1. Cimatron E Catalogs: The Catalogs folders will be copied to the Catalogs directory, under C:\Cimatron\CimatronE. This location cannot be changed by the user. E7 must be installed before installing the MoldDesign Catalogs. 2. Server Catalogs: This type of installation is recommended for several users working with one catalog only. The Catalogs should be installed on the Server computer. It is not required to install Cimatron E on this computer. The Catalogs folders will be copied by default to new C:\CimatronCatalogs directory. However, if required, the user can select another directory during the installation process. 3. Upgrade Mode: While upgrading from E6.0 to E7.0 the old catalogs will not be updated since the Cimatron E CD does not include the catalogs anymore. In order to update the catalogs, you must install them from the Cimatron MoldDesign Catalogs CD. Both types of Cimatron E7 Catalogs can be upgraded. Cimatron E Catalogs (installed under the Cimatron E directory) cannot be uninstalled separately. They can only be uninstalled as part of the Cimatron E uninstall process. Server Catalogs can be uninstalled separately. When upgrading Catalogs, catalog parts that were created by the user will not be deleted.

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

Cimatron E June 2005

Installation Procedure
1. Prepare your computer for installation, as follows: Close all other applications. Ensure you have at least 800 Mb free on your hard disk. 2. Insert the installation CD into the drive. The installation program will run automatically. The Cimatron MoldDesign Catalogs Welcome window is displayed. Click Next.

3. In the displayed Installation Type window, choose the required installation type, and then click Next.

Cimatron E June 2005

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

4. In the displayed Choose Destination Location window, select the required destination folder and click Next.

Notes: Since Cimatron E does not support names with spaces. Do not use spaces when entering directory names (xxx yyy), use underscores instead (xxx_yyy). If the selected installation type is Cimatron E Catalogs, the Catalogs will automatically be installed in the C:\Cimatron\CimatronE\Catalogs directory.

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

Cimatron E June 2005

5. In the displayed Select Catalogs to Install window, choose the required Catalogs to install from the list, and click Next.

Note: In the Cimatron E Catalogs installation type, old catalogs that are unchecked will not be removed. In the Server installation type, old catalogs that are unchecked will be removed. 6. In the displayed Start Copying Files window, click Next to confirm the components that are to be installed.

Cimatron E June 2005

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

7. The installation process of the Cimatron MoldDesign Catalogs begins to run.

8. When the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Complete window is displayed. Click Finish to complete the installation process.

MoldDesign Catalog Installation Guide

Cimatron E June 2005

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