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Profit and loss related math

1. a fruit seller buys lem0ns at 2 for a taka and sells them at 5 for 3 taka.his gain percent is : Let,he bought 100 lemons. 100 lemons=100/2=50 tk 5 lemon=3 tk 100 lemon=3*100/5=60 Profit in 50=10 profit in 100=10*100/50=20

(Per unit cost*100) / Total cost 0.50*100/2.50=20%

2. By selling 36 pens,Obama loses the selling price of 4 pens.What is his loss percent? {(x/9)/(10x/9)}*100=10%

3. a man sold 20 articles for tk 60 and gained 20% .how many articles did ge buy for tk 60 Sell price 120,cost price=100 sell price 60,cost price=60*100/120=50 50 taka=20 articles 60 taka=20*60/50=24 articles

4. a fruit seller buys lem0ns at 2 for a Tokyo and sells them at 5 for 3 Tokyo. his gain percent is

>>>>>>> Cost per Lemon = 1/2= 0.5 Revenue per lemon = 3/5 = 0.6 Profit per lemon = 0.6-0.5 = 0.1 Profit percentage = 0.1/0.5 = 20%Buying Price of 1 lemon is =.5 and selling price 3/5=.6 So on .5 tk gain .1 tk. So, in percentage gain (0.1/0.5)*100=20%

Another answer:
proti 5 ta sell korle 6 tar buy price soman hoi!!.tahole 5 tar sell korle 1 ta profit hoi.5 ta te 1 ta mane 20 percent. 5. a trader makes a profit eqqual to the selling price of 75 articles when he sold 100 of the articles. What % profit did he make in the transaction ? Plz mention the calculation procedure let CP per article is Tk 10 and SP per article is tk 15 so Cp of 100 articles is 1000Tk and Sp of 100 articles is 1500k ,cp of 75 articles is 750 and Sp of 75 articles is 1125 so profit % =1125/1000*100=112.5% Ans Another answer: Sp of 1 article=x tk. So,sp of 75 article=75x tk.and sp of 100=100x.nw,100x=cost+profit or,100x=c+75x. So,cost=25x. Profit=(75x/25x)*100=300% ans. 6. A sold a watch at a gain of 5% to B and B sold it to C at a gain of 4% .if C paid tk 91 for it,then the price paid by A is : Cost price for A=100,selling B at tk 105,then at 4%gain B sells it to C=105+105*4/100=109.2,when c paid 109.2 A paid 100,when 91 then 100*91/109.2=83.33% 7. by selling toffees at 20 for a taka, a man loses 4% .to gain 20%,for one taka he must sell: No of toffies* (1st sold price/2nd sold price)=20*(100loss)/(100+profit)=20*(100-4)/(100+20)=20*96/120=16 Another answer: 1/.96=1.04 & then 1.04*1.20=1.25 & 20/1.25=16 Another answer:

(1*120)/96=1.25, 1.25 tk=20 toffes, 1tk=20/1.25=16 toffes. Ans. 16 toffes.

8. if books bought at prices ranging from tk 200 to tk 350 are sold at prices ranging from tk 300 to tk 425, what is the greatest possible profit that be made in selling 8 books ? 8*425-8*200=1800 9. By selling 12 oranges for one take, a man loses 20% .how many for a taka should he sell to get a gain of 20% ? 20% loss mane buy price chilo 1 takai 10 ta.abar jodi 1 takai 8 ta sell korto tahole 20% profit hoto!!! buy price = (1/0.80) , now buy price*1.20= 1.5 tk. unit root method (12/1.5)=8 Another answer: cost of orange=1.25tk 20%gain selling price=1.5tk per orange cost .125tk so,for 1tk the no. orange can b sold (1/.125)=8.(ans)

10. 6% m0re is gained by selling a radio for tk 475 than by selling for tk 451.the cost price of the radio is : 24/0.06=400 11. A man sold 2 houses for tk 7.81 lakhs each. no one he gained 5% and on the other he lost 5% .What percent is the effect of the sale on the whole ? 25 %v loss. (5/10)^2. ( Common %/10) ^2 Another answer:

Rule: a+b+ab/100; So, +5 -5+(5(-5)/100 = -25..loss.

12. 6% m0re is gained by selling a radio for tk 475 than by selling for tk 451.the cost price of the radio is : 475-451=24 & then divide by 24/.06=400 13. If purchased 11 books for for 10 and sold all the books at the rate of 10 books for for 11, the profit percent is :
11 1 , 10 = 11 1 = 11/10 , 1 = (11/10 - 10/11) = 21/110 , 10/11 = 21/110 1 = 21*11/110*10 100 = 21*11*100/110*10 = 21 10 = 10/11

Using this formula:

100*profit cost
S.p =11/10=1.1c. p= 10/11 =. 909 Now profit =1. 1-. 909 =. 19*100/. 909 =21% 14. an article is sold at a certain selling it at 2/3 of that price, one loses 10% .the gain percent at original price is :

Let,cost price=100 10% loss=90 90*3/2=135 i.e.135-100= 35% gain

15. If an article is sold at a gain of 6% instead of at a loss of 6% then the seller gets tk 6 m0re .the cost price of the article is :

6/.12 = 506%+6% = 12% = 12/100 = .12

16. Jafar purchased 120 reams of paper at tk.80 per ream.he spent tk280 on transportation,paid tax at the rate of 40 paisa per ream and paid tk 72 to the coolie.if he wants to have a gain of 8%, what must be the selling price per ream ?

(120*80+280+120*.40+72)/120 = 83.33*1.08 = 90
Another answer:

The price of 120 reams=120*80=9600 Total he needed to buy this 120 reams=9600+280+(40*120/100)+72=10000 If cost price is 100,sell price=108 tk Cost price 10000,sell price=108*10000/100=10800 I..e,The selling price per ream=10800/120=90 tk

17. a man gains 10% by selling an article for a certain price.if he sells it at double the price,the profit made is :

Let,cost price=100 gain 10% i.e., 100+10=110 He sells it at double price =110*2=220 Profit=220-100=120 120%

18. the cost price of an article,which on being sold at a gain of 12% yields tk 6 m0re than when it is sold at a loss of 12% is

6/.24 = 25 1.12x - 0.88x = 6 x = 25x+0.12x-(x-0.12x)=6 0.12x+0.12x=6 0.24x=6 x=6/0.24 x=25

19. Arif chai buys an article with 25% discount on its marked price.he makes a profit of 10% by selling it at tk 660.the marked price is :

x-0.25x=0.75x 0.75x+0.10*0.75x=660 0.75x+0.075x=660 0.825x=660 x=660/0.825 x=800

Another answer:

x+ 10% of x = 660 ..So x= 600 ... Again 25% off discount means you-25% of my = 600...y= 800 you can crosscheck....800-25% of 800= 600 and 600+ 10% of 600= 660.

20. A man sold an article for tk. 75 and lost s0mething .had he sold it for tk 96 his gain would have been double the former loss.the cost price of the article is :

Let, x be the amount of loss, so the gain would be 2x, x+2x = 96-75, 3x=21, x= 7, So the cost price = 7+75 = 82

x ke khoti dhoresi, 75 takai sell dile je khoti hoy setai x, ar bolechd je 96 takai sell dile khotir double profit hoy, so 2x holo profit
21. A bicycle is sold at a gain of 16% .if it had been sold for tk 20 m0re,20% would have been gained.the cost price of the bicycle is :

0.20x-0.16x=20 0.04x=20 x=20/0.04 x=500

22. A tradesman, by means of a false balance defrauds to the extent of 8% in buying goods and also defrauds to 8% in selling.his gain percent is :

I have solved it by applying a formula. (100+common)^2/100 -100 =(100+8)^2/100 -100 =116.64-100 =16.64
Another answer:: 100+8%+8% = 116.64-100 = 16.64 23. A discount series of 10%,20% and 40% is equal to a single discount of :

I have solved it in detail since you didn't understand it the other day. Total=100 10% discount=100-10=90 20% discount of 90=0.20*90=18 90-18=72 40% discount=0.40*72=28.8 72-28.8=43.2 Single discount, 100-43.2=56.8

24. A trader lists his articles 20% above. cost price and allows a discount of 10% on cash payment.his gain percent is :
% 120-120*0.10=108

25. a man purchases an electric heater whose printed price is tk 160.if he received two successive discounts of 20% and 10% ,he paid : 160-160*0.20=128 128-128*0.10=115.2 26. Sabina bought a tv with 20% discount on the labeled price. Had she bought it with 25% discount, he would have saved tk what price did he buy the TV ? Let the labeled price be P. According to condition, 0.25P -0.2P = 500 0.05P = 500 P = 10000. So, the labeled price of the TV is Tk. 10000. [kon company'r TV eta??? ] And, the price at which Sabina bought the TV = 0.8 x 10000 = 8000. Answer: Tk. 8,000.00 only. Another answer: 5%=500 100%=10000 80%=8000 Another answer: 80*500/5

Using this formula 100-discount or loss)*Amount/ Difference between

discount Or loss percent

27. The difference between a discount of 40% on tk 500 and two successive discounts of 36% and 4% on the same amount is : 500*0.60=300 500*0.64=320*0.96=307.20 Difference=307.20-300=7.20 Another answer: 40% e discount 200 and 2 successive 36% and 4% e discount 192.8.. so diff between the discounts = 7.2 28. A sold a watch at a gain of 5% to B and B sold it to C at a gain of 4% .if C paid tk 91 for it,then the price paid by A is The cost price for A=100, selling B at tk 105, then at 4%gain B sells it to C=105+105*4/100=109.2,when c paid 109.2 A paid 100,when 91 then 100*91/109.2=83.33% Another answer: A x 1.05 x 1.04 = 91 so, A = 91/[1.05x1.04] = Tk. 83.33. Answer: Tk. 83.33 only.

29. By selling 8 dozen of pencils , a shopkeeper gains the selling price of 1 dozen pencils.his gain percent is : Simple way te 8 dozen pencil er price 8 tk hole 1 dozen er price 1 tk. 8 tk te gain 1 tk. so, 100 tk te gain 12.50 tk. calculation na kore solution Another answer 40% e discount 200 and 2 successive 36% and 4% e discount 192.8.. so diff between the discounts = 7.2

ekta shortcut:
Effective discount rate in the 1st offer = 40% Effective discount rate in the 2nd offer = 36+4 +36x4/100 = 41.44% Differential discount rate = 41.44 - 40 = 1.44% So, difference in discount amount = 500x1.44% = Tk. 7.2

30. When the price of a toy was increased by 20% ,the number toys sold was decreased by 15% .what was the effect on the sales of the shop ? 100*100=10000 120*85=10200 Much in 10000=200 much in 100=200*100/10000=2

31. when the price of a toy was increased by 30% ,the number of toys sold fell by 30%.what is the effect on the sale of the shop ?
, =100*100=10000 , =130*70=9100 =-= =900*100/10000=9 % =

32. By selling 36 oranges ,a vendor loses the selling price of 4 oranges .his loss percent is : If cost price = X & sales price=Y, then, 36X - 36Y = 4Y =>y=0.9X=90% of X So the amount of loss is 10% Another answer: Let the selling price of 36 oranges be R. so, the selling price of 4 oranges = 4R/36 = R/9 so, the cost of 36 oranges = Selling price + loss.. = R + R/9 = 10R/9. so, Loss percentage = Loss x 100/ Cost = [R/9] X 100 / [10R/9] = 10% Answer: 10% Loss on cost Another answer: Selling 36x... Cost 40x.... 36x/40x = .9 .......... 10% loss

33.By selling an article for tk 144, a man loses 1/7 of his outlay .by selling it for tk 168, his gain or loss percent is : x-x/7=144 7x-x=144*7 6x=1008 x=168 168-168=0 i.e,0% gain. 34. By selling 45 oranges for tk40 ,a man loses 20% .How many should he sell for tk 24 so as to gain 20% in the transaction ? Cost of 45 mangoes = 40/0.8 = 50. ... To assure a gain of 20%, In a revenue of tk. 24, the cost amount is = 24/1.2 = 20 If the cost is tk. 20, the number of oranges is = 45x20/50 = 18. ans: Eighteen Oranges. Another answer: Buying price of 45 oranges (100/80*40) =50 tk. to gain 20% , selling price of 45 orange will be (120/100*50)=60 tk. so number of orange should be sell for tk 24 is ( 45/60*24)=18

35. a man purchased sugar worth of tk400.he sold 3/4 th at a loss of 10% and the remainder at a gain of 10% .on the whole,he gets : 400*3/4=300 loss in 100=10 loss in 300=10*100/300=30 i.e.,300-30=270 400*1/4=100 Gain 10%=100+10=110 Total=270+110=380 Loss in 400=20 Loss in 100=20*100/400=5 5% loss

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