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FOREWORD The Governing Council and Registrar of LoveWorld Ministerial College take the pleasure in welcoming you to the College. It is our sincere hope that your learning experience will be filled with happiness and success. This student Handbook has been prepared to help answer many questions concerning the activities, procedures and rules for the successful daily operation of the College. Following these procedures will help us to have an orderly environment conducive to learning. There is no intent to develop a set of expectations which are confining or restrictive. Instead, a common ground of clearly understood policies and procedures will enable us to provide the best educational experience possible for every student. We are here to make your stay in the college successful, yet as educationally challenging as possible.

COLLEGE In 1992, LoveWorld Ministerial College graduated its first set of students. The academic year was such a success that plans was immediately made to increase the scope of the College and was registered as LoveWorld Ministerial College. By the next academic year, the bulk of what is now know as Basic Studies programme was launched, along with its very first Advanced Diploma Courses. With each passing session, the College developed more training techniques for both the full time students, church staff, missionaries, pastors and church members. The colleges staff and lecturers provided professional services in their compilation and packaging of necessary educational materials; all developed from available materials from the president of Believers LoveWorld inc. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. LoveWorld Ministerial College Grew in its goal to perfect the saints of God for the work of the ministry through training, several courses and in-reach programs. Several courses are now available to Christians of all works of life: Pastors, Ministers, Missionaries, Students, Workers, Home Makers, Retirees and every level of the laity.

VISION Our vision is to train and equip; perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry to take the divine presence of God to the peoples of the earth.

MISSIONSTATEMENT We are on a mission to provide world class training to our brethren to edify the saints and empower them in all areas of their lives with passion whilst creating optimal value for the ministry.

COREVALUES The values that bind us together as a winning team to achieve our set vision shall be:

Professionalism: Carrying out responsibilities in a competent manner with knowledge, wisdom and excellence. Team Spirit: our success is in joining forces together as a team with the I can do spirit. Integrity: being honest and transparent in our dealings with one another and stake holders. Respect for the individual: Displaying courtesy and empathy to the needs of people especially our esteemed Students, Lecturers and Alumni. Innovation: Evolving better ways to give our students the best value of training.

NOTICEOF NONDISCRIMINATORYPOLICY LoveWorld Ministerial College admit students of any race, color, gender, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programmes, activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, male or female, national and ethnic origin in the administration of education policies, admission policies, scholarship and other school administered programs.

CURRICULUMVALUE LoveWorld Ministerial College seeks academic and institutional recognition, but our programmes are strong in three areas: spiritual content, biblical study, and ministerial training. Our academic programmes are designed to be practical as well as academic, equipping the Body of Christ (the Church) by: Offering Bible-based programmes that increase the students knowledge of biblical truths. Providing quality educational opportunities at a cost within the reach of the average person. Creating individual programmes of study designed to meet the needs of the individual minister and leader. Preparing the called student for full-time ministry and lay people for leadership within the local Church.

INTRODUCTION This introduction contains the following main sections:

Getting started Lecturers Time schedule The Governing Council and the register of LOVEWORLD MINISTERIAL COLLEGE sincerely welcome you to the college and your online course. As an adult learner and online student, you probably appreciate freedom of earning credit toward your degree while studying on your own schedule and in your own location. However, to complete your coursework, you need to be self-disciplined and self-motivated. You also need to be organized so that you can study on a regular schedule. When you bring these qualities to your coursework, you will make steady and rewarding progress toward educational goals.

This Student Handbook contains the information you need to get organized and to stay on track as you proceed through each LoveWorld Ministerial College online course. The principal sections of the handbook are:

Introduction Contacting Your Lecturer Course Materials Doing the Work of the Course Preparing and Submitting Assignments Examinations Online Discussions Extensions Academic Integrity Academic Standards. These sections contain essential guidelines for completing various administrative tasks for which you are responsible (e.g., acquiring your course materials, properly submitting assignments, and arranging for examinations), meeting the academic standard established by the college, and pursuing your education with honesty and integrity. All this information needs your careful attention so that you get the most out of your courses and receive the proper credit. Before doing anything else, please read the Handbook carefully and refer to it frequently. Students often find it helpful to print the Handbook for easy reference.

GETTINGSTARTED Before you begin the course or courses for which you have registered:

Check that you have all of your course materials conveniently near your workstation. (See the section course materials.) Read the letter of introduction from the Registrar and (see also faculty information). Refer to the course calendar or assignment schedule in the course syllabus, and fill in the dates by which assignments must be submitted. To find the dates refer to the table of week-byweek dates posted on the course website (Information > week-by-week Dates). Make arrangements during the first week of the session to take course examinations. (See the section Examinations and Proctors.) You may need to work on specific study skills to help you cope successfully with distance learning.

LECTURERS You are assigned to a lecturer for each course you take with LoveWorld Ministerial College. To learn more about your lecturer and your course of study, go to the syllabus area of your course website, and then click lecturers letter. The letter includes the hours and the week during the month when your lecturer is available to discuss your coursework with you. You can print the letter to keep it close to hand. You will submit all individual assignments on line to your lecturer. He or she, in turn will send comments on your work directly to you. Your lecturer is also responsible for grading all exams in a given course and for evaluating your online participation. If you have any difficulty understanding any aspect of the coursework or if you have questions about exams your lecturer is there to help you. For instructions on contacting you lecturer, see the section contacting you lecturer.

TIMESCHEDULE Online courses at LoveWorld ministerial college follow a 28-week format for diploma courses, 1-day to 4weeks format for Certificate courses and a 52-week format for LCBC modules, with only one (final) examination. Online LCBC email courses follow a 52-week format and require you to take two exams, a midterm and a final. Regarding time schedules, bear in mind that

Assignments (including online discussions and group projects) are due at regular intervals and specified times. The final exam in all courses is scheduled during the final week of the session. To complete your work within these time limitations:

Develop a regular schedule. Allow sufficient time for your studies. Adopt the value: Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

CONTACTINGYOURLECTURER Contact your lecturer if you have any difficulty understanding an aspect of you course or if you have questions about your lecturers comments on your assignments. You lecturer will provide guidance and feedback to help you succeed in the course. Also please direct questions regarding examinations and final grades to your lecturer. Note: please do not call, write, or submit assignment before the scheduled start-date of the session. When you contact your lecturer after the session begins, please do so by e-mail or online interactive hours noted in faculty information or the lecturers letter of introduction. Important note for email users: Many lecturers have junk mail filters that will automatically delete your e-mail if you do not include the following information in the subject line of your e-mail: your name, the college name (LMC), course name and number, session, and the nature of communication. For example: From: Sent: To: Mary Student March 10, 2010 Pastor Smith Okoye

Subject: Mary Student, LMC, Eschatology-101. Feb2003, question about final exam.

COURSEMATERIALS For each course in which you register, course materials will be supplied to you. When you receive your course materials and are ready to begin your LoveWorld Ministerial College online course, please take a minute to check that you have everything you need. Consult the course materials section of the course website for a complete list.

CourseSyllabus You will find the syllabus for your online course in the syllabus area of the course website. A typical syllabus consist of the three principal sections: Registrars letter, Course Essentials (Which describe in detail the organization and requirements of the course), and course calendar (which provides an overview of the assignment schedule and course due dates). Use the table of the week-by-week dates provided as a calendar link to fill in the dates for the session in which you are enrolled. Textbooks All the Course Materials are compulsory and the Course text books will be supplied to you at a reasonable price. If you have a problem, please call any of our helpdesks or send us an e-mail. Look in the online syllabus for the list of textbooks assigned for each course. Many courses have a study guide (sometimes called a course guide or student guide) that presents course-related activities including self assessment exercise, problem sets, and reading assignments in the textbooks. The study guide may also provide commentary on course topics, much in the way lecture notes are presented in the classroom. If your course has a study guide, be sure to read it first when you begin each unit of study. MediaComponents Courses may include live streaming of lectures via INFINITY Satellite. When a course requires that you receive live lecture, you will be informed by e-mail, SMS, or available to you from the course website. AdministrativeForms Administrative forms for the course you are taking are found in the information area of the course website. You will need the forms to do the following:

Select a proctor for your course examination (Proctor Request Form) Request an extension to give you added time to complete coursework (Request for Extension) Update any personal information you previously sent to the College (Student data change form).

DOINGTHEWORKOF THECOURSE Once you have procured all the necessary course materials, your responsibility for doing the work of the course includes completing course assignments (see Preparing and Submitting Assignments), making sure the written assignment reach your lecturer, identify a proctor for your examination (see Examination and Proctors), and studying for and taking your examination. Online courses at LoveWorld Ministerial College use the Black/Whiteboard delivery platform. If you are new to this system, please take time to familiarize with the Black/Whiteboard learning environment and how to navigate it before you formally begin the course. If you know what to expect, where to go, and hoe to find things, you can better pace up yourself and complete your work on time. Howto Proceed For each online course you take, start by reviewing the General Information and Online Student Handbook links provided in the Information area of the course website. Then read the course syllabus so that you understand clearly the goals of the course and its organization. The syllabus typically consists of Course Essentials and a course Calendar (or assignment schedule). Both components require your careful

attention. As you work on each unit of study (i.e., weekly assignment, lesson or module), keep the following in mind:

Skim the assignment and related course documents to acquaint yourself with the learning activities and materials. This will help you plan the time needed to complete the work required. Check the information on unit objectives, which will help you focus on key points in the reading assignments and commentaries that accompany them. Read the assigned textbooks sections and any study notes or commentary in the study guide. Do any relevant self-test exercises and check your answers Prepare and submit all written work to your lecturer (see the section Preparing and Submitting Assignments). Participate in all class and group discussions.

PREPARINGANDSUBMITTINGASSIGNMENTS Each online course has a set number of individual assignments. You are required to complete those assignments and submit them to your lecturer. You must complete all assignments before you may take the final exam. Do not submit more than two assignments in a week unless your lecturer has agreed to accept them. Assignments sent to lecturer after the session ends (or after the extension date expires) will be returned to you ungraded. Following the guidelines below will help guarantee that your work gets to the lecturer in the proper form and in a timely fashion. PreparingAssignments Please follow these steps in preparing your written assignments for electronic submission, using the wordprocessing software on your computer:

At the top of the document, include your name and student ID number, the College name and the session in which you are enrolled, the course name, the course code and section number, and the assignment number. Identify the question number and restate each assignment question before providing your answer. Review your assignment before submitting it. It is important that you answer all questions for each assignment. Incomplete or partial assignments will not be graded and will be returned to you. Make and retain copies of assignments sent to your lecturers. Neither the College nor your lecturer can assume responsibility for lost assignments. Besides saving copies of your work on your hard drive, save copies to a floppy disk to prevent loss.

SubmittingAssignmentsElectronically After you complete each assignment, save it on your computer in your personal files. To submit the assignment electronically, save it as a rich-text file (.rtf) or text-only (.txt) file, since these default modes will most likely allow for success in transmission and receipt. You may explore other options individually with your lecturer and use what works best, depending on the compatibility of your computer system and software with your lecturers computer system and software. Depending on the course you are taking, you may submit assignments to your lecturer in one of the two ways: through Blackboards Digital Drop Box or via e-mail. Please follow the instructions given for your particular course.

Usingthe Digital DropBox The preferred way to submit assignments (used in most online courses in Blackboard is through the Digital Drop box. If your lecturer has indicated that your word-processing software is compatible with his or hers, then you can simply upload the file and send it as it is. If your software is not compatible with your lecturers, then you will need to save the file in rich-text format (with the extension .rtf) or as a text-only file (with a .txt extension) before you place it in the Digital Drop Box. To submit a file the Digital Drop Box: 1. Click the student tool button in the left navigation bar of the course website, and then click Digital Drop Box. 2. Click the Send File button, and then click the Browse button to select the file to attach from your computer. 3. Specify an assignment-related name as the file title, and include your name (e.g., Assignment 1/[Your Name]). 4. Click Submit, and then click OK. Your lecturer will assess and evaluate your assignment usually within a few days of receipt and return it with his or her comments via your Digital Drop Box. Comments on your assignments are intended to enhance your learning. Take the time to read them carefully. EXAMINATIONANDPROCTORS Examinations and Proctors contains the following main sections:

General Information Proctor Request Form Important Reminders Examination Feedback Form

GeneralInformation Most 28-week and 1 day-to- 4-week online courses require a single, comprehensive (final) examination; 52-week online courses and e-mail courses require both midterm and final examination typically counts for at least 50 percent of your grade in a LoveWorld Ministerial College course. Your average on written assignments, individual and group activities, class discussions, etc., accounts for the remainder of your grade. (Note: These weights vary from course to course. Please consult the Grading and Evaluation section of the online course syllabus.) To earn credit for a 28-week online course, you must pass the final exam. You must complete all assignments and the exam by the last day of the session. You are required to submit a Proctor Request Form (see the information area of the course website under administrative forms) by the end of the first week of the session so that the Office of Test Administration (OTA) knows where to mail your exams. You must submit this form at the beginning of each new session for each course in which you are enrolled. Even if you are using same proctor as in previous sessions, you must submit the form at the start of the new session. Otherwise, your exam will not be mailed out. You will receive written notification when your proctor has been approved. If you are late in sending in the Proctor Request Form, the mailing of your exam will also be late.

Proctors will not be aware of your session deadlines, so make sure you complete your exam by the last day of the session. If you cannot take a scheduled examination or if you have filled for a course extension you must notify your proctor and OTA immediately. Proctors are required to return your exam to the college within one week of a scheduled exam date if it has not been administered. Exams usually have a time limit of two to three hours. They may contain objective questions, short essay questions, long essay questions or a combination of the three. If you want clarification about what will be covered on the course exam, contact your lecturer and check your online syllabus. Make sure you are ready to complete the test on the day of the administration because once the exam seal is broken; you will be graded on the work completed. It is not possible to retake examination. Please be sure to review the exam cover carefully before you break the exam seal to verify that you have the correct test for the course in which you are enrolled. All exams are closed-book and closed-notes unless otherwise stated in your course syllabus and on the cover of the examination booklet. If you are found using unauthorized materials during the administration, your exam will be confiscated, and you will receive an F on the test. Finally any attempt to copy or remove from the test site information contained in the test booklet will result in a failing test grade and possible action by the colleges Ethics committee. ProctorRequestForm Complete and submit your Proctor Request Form electronically, using the link provided in your course website (see Administrative forms in the information area of the course website). Be sure to fill in all required fields. Select your state or country and your base (test site) from the drop-down list boxes under method 1 of the form, and provide your proctors name, rank or title, and e-mail address of your proctor. The proctor may be a Test Control Officer (TCO), Education Services Officer (ESO), or base or unit commander. Please be accurate in submitting all contact information. Incorrect contact information can lead to serious delays in taking your exams and in completing your final grade report. Once we have your Proctor Request Form, your exam will be e-mailed from LoveWorld Ministerial College two weeks before the official test week. Contact your proctor the week before the official test week to confirm delivery of the test and to reserve a seat at your education centre at your specified test date. You mustcompleteall assignmentsand the examby the last day of the sessionunless you have been granted an official course extension. If you are deployed and want to continue with your course at your new location, please submit the Proctor Request Form in the same as described above. Students who are deployed are eligible for course extensions if they complete a Request for Extension form and provide a copy of their deployment orders. If you are deployed but opt to wait until your return to finish the course, simply notify your base proctor that you will be taking the test when you return. This is possible only if you have received an official course extension. No exam will be administered after the last day of the session unless an official course extension has been granted. ImportantReminders

If you do not submit a Proctor Request Form for each course in which you are enrolled, OTA will not know where you intend to take your exams. You must submit this information at the beginning of each new session, even if you are using the same proctor as the previous sessions. If you are on extension, your exams will no longer be mailed out automatically by OTA. An official course extension means you have an additional session in which to complete the course.

OTA does not know when you plan to take your test unless you notify them. You must inform them two weeks before desired test date to request that exam be mailed out. You can only offer a maximum of one course from each faculty at a time. For students offering degree courses, you cannot register for Lay Pastoring , if you have not done and completed Diplomain MinistryProgrammeand you cannot register for PastoralMinistry if you have not done and completed Lay Pastoring course.

ExaminationFeedbackForm At the time you take a proctored exam (pen-and-paper exam only), you will complete and Examination Feedback Form, which the lecturer will use to record your exam grade and write comments. You will receive the actual form from your proctor, but please read over the following instructions so you will know how to fill it out when you take your exams. GeneralInstructions. Address the Examination Feedback Form to yourself. You are required to provide the student information that is requested on both sides of the form and hand it in with your exam. This is a multisheet (NCR) form, so you will need to use a hard-point pen when printing the information on this form. Please print legibly. Do not separate or keep any of the copies. You will receive your copy of the form in the mail with your examination grade and comments from your lecturer about your examination. Your lecturer will not make any comments directly on your examination, and you will not receive a copy of your graded examination. If you have questions that have not been answered in the Examination Feedback Form, please contact your lecturer directly. In the usual event that you require a personal review of your answers, you may ask your lecturer who can then review it and discuss it with you in greater detail. To completethe sectionsof the ExaminationFeedbackForm: 1. 2. 3. Print your name. Write your student ID number. Fill in the course name and the complete course code (e.g., eschatology-101). If you cant remember the entire code, fill in as much as you can. 4. Write your lecturers name. 5. Check the section and write the year that you started the course. 6. Check which exam you are taking. 7. Leave blank the spaces for lecturers comments, the examination grade, and the final course grade. 8. Fill out the self-mailing panel on the back of the form. Print your name and address clearly. If you do not preaddress the mailing panel with your name and address, you will not receive your exam results. Your lecturer will sign and date this form after grading your exam. He or she will return the exam itself to the OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR and will forward the exam results directly to you. Please do not contact the OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR for individual exam grade information.

ONLINEDISCUSSIONSANDBLOGGINGSESSIONS Online discussions in LoveWorld Ministerial College are synchronous. That is they are not conducted as chat rooms where all participants are present at the same time. Rather, you and the other participant contribute to threaded discussions that are accessible to everyone taking the course at the same time and,

of course to the lecturer. There may be a timeline for your contributions to the discussion, and those contributions will be considered part of your coursework. Participation in a discussion involves two distinct activities: an initial contribution and subsequent commentary. While the lecturer for the course may provide specific information regarding the length of the contribution, as a general guide we suggest a discussion of no more or no less than one screen (we estimate 22 lines and approximately 8-10 words per line, or 200 words). Involvement in the second discussion takes place after everyone has made an initial contribution and permits each student to comment freely on contributions of other students and the lecturer. Because the lecturer will assign a grade for the discussion requirement of your course, quality of comment (both initial and subsequent) is critical. (You may wish to consider composing your comments in a separate file and then copying and pasting them or even attaching the file to the discussion.) When participating in online discussions, please use upper-and lowercase letters when writing, as the use of all capital letters online customarily signifies SHOUTING. EXTENSIONS An extension in an online course allows you a second session in which to complete written assignments and to take the examination. However, a percentage of your final grade in an online course is based on your participation in online discussion and, perhaps, in group activities involving other members of the class. These asynchronous conversations and collaborative assignments will not continue after the scheduled end of the session. Your lecturer will take into consideration the discussions and groupwork in which you participate during the regular session, but you will not receive full credit for that portion of the course if you are not involved in all discussions and group activities before the end of the regular session. Please submit all request for extension to the Administrative Office of the Registrar using the form provided in the information area of the course website (or in a letter to the Office of the Registrar containing all the information requested on the form). Extension request must be received no later than the Friday before the last week of the semester. Action on the request will be based on its postmark, fax date, or electronic submission date and on the college policies in place at the time. You may apply for only one extension in any course if circumstances require it. After the extension is confirmed by the Registrar, you will need to reschedule all remaining coursework and examinations and inform the Office of Test Administration so that exams can be mailed to your proctor two weeks before your rescheduled test date(s). Be sure to share your new calendar with your lecturer. All coursework, including examinations, must be completed and sent to your mentor by the last day of the extension. ACADEMICINTEGRITY Academic integrity or pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception is an educational objective in LoveWorld Ministerial College. All lecturers and administrative staff members at the college insist on strict standards of academic honesty in all courses. Academic dishonesty undermines this objective. Academic dishonesty takes the following forms:

Cheating Plagiarizing Fabricating information or citations Facilitating acts of dishonesty by others Unauthorized access to examinations or the use of unauthorized materials during exam administration

Submitting the work of another person or work previously used without informing the lecturer Tampering with the academic work of other students. A student who is charged with academic dishonesty will be given oral or written notice of the charge. If the lecturer or college official believes the infraction is serious enough to warrant referral of the case to the academic Dean, or if the lecturer awards a final grade of F in the course because of the infraction, the student and the lecturer will be afforded formal due process. If a student is found cheating on an exam or using unauthorized materials, he or she will automatically receive a grade F on that examination. Students who believe they have been falsely accused of academic dishonesty should seek redress through informal discussions with lecturer, through the Office of the Registrar, or through an executive officer of LoveWorld Ministerial College. Plagiarism Passing off the work of someone else as your own is plagiarism. Although it may seem like simple dishonesty, plagiarism is against the law. LoveWorld Ministerial College takes a strong stance against plagiarism, and students found to be plagiarizing will be severely penalized. If you copy phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or whole documents word-for-word or if you paraphrase by changing a word here and there without identifying the author, then you are plagiarizing. Please keep in mind that this type of identification applies to Internet sources as well as to print-based sources. Accidentally copying the words and ideas of another writer does not excuse the charge of plagiarism. It is easy to jot down notes and ideas from many sources and then write your own paper without knowing which words are your own and which are someone elses. It is more difficult to keep track of each and every source. However, the conscientious writer who wishes to avoid plagiarizing never fails to keep careful track of sources. Always be aware that if you write without acknowledging the source of your ideas, you run the risk of being charged with plagiarizing. Clearly, plagiarism, with whatever degree of intent to deceive, defeats the purpose of education. If you plagiarize deliberately, you are not educating yourself, and you are wasting your time on courses meant to improve your skills. If you plagiarize through carelessness, you are deceiving yourself. RelatedOffenses Manipulation of registration forms in order to sit in for an examination for which the student is not qualified. ACADEMICSTANDARDS Good written expression is the key to success in LoveWorld Ministerial College courses. The following information is meant to help you work to the required standards. The suggestion on writing style and structure and the advice on answering questions can be applied to both your written assignments and examinations. Format Please type (double-spaced) all work submitted for written assignments. Identify the question number and restate each assignment question before giving your answer. Be sure that you identify each assignment with the appropriate course name and number as well. Review the information provided in the Handbook about preparing and submitting assignments.

WritingStyle Written work including papers, assignments, class discussions, and examinations should be presented clearly and concisely in a formal expository style. Clear writing originates with clear thinking. Observe the basic rules of grammar and punctuation. If you have problems with your writing, get help. Structure A well-structured essay has a minimum of three components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Carefully review each of your essays before submitting to ensure that you have included each component.

Research Papers and lesson activities may require that you con duct research. You may use libraries convenient to your location.

Lectures Attendance to lectures is mandatory and every course shall be continuously assessed and examined at the end of the session in which it is given. Failure to obtain a minimum of 75% attendance to lectures denies the student the entitlement to take examination in such courses. Timetable A timetable for lectures and examinations is provided by the College timetable Committee and is adhered to for all minimal clashes. However, students are requested to report any such clashes to their lectures for appropriate action to be taken.

Scoringand GradingSystems The following table provides the LMC Approved Minimum Standard in all faculties and is applicable to courses.

(I) Credit Units

(II) % Scores

(III) Letter grades

(IV) Grade Points

(V) Grade Point Average (GPA)

(VI) Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

(VII) Class of Degree

Vary according to contact 70-100 hour assigned to each course per week per session according to work load carried by the student.

Derived by 4.50-500 Multiplying (I) & (IV)


Vary according to contact 60-69 hour assigned to each course per week per session according to work load carried by the student.

Derived by 3.50-4.49 Multiplying (I) & (IV)


Vary according to contact 50-59 hour assigned to each course per week per session according to work load carried by the student.

Derived by 2.40-3.49 Multiplying (I) & (IV)

Higher Credit

Vary according to contact 45-49 hour assigned to each course per week per session according to work load carried by the student.

Derived by 1.50-2.39 Multiplying (I) & (IV)

Lower Credit

Vary according to contact 40-44 hour assigned to each course per week per session according to work load carried by the student.

Derived by 1.00-1.49 Multiplying (I) & (IV)


Vary according to contact 0-39 hour assigned to each course per week per session according to work load carried by the student.

Derived by 0-0.99 Multiplying (I) & (IV)


Cumulative grade point Average (CGPA) is derived by the sum of quality points covered, divided by the total credit units of the courses for which examinations have been taken.

Durationof Programmes The faculty of Ministry degree programmes for a minimum of 7 months and a maximum of 9 months, the faculty of Ministry non-degree courses run for a minimum of 1 day intensive and a maximum of 4 weeks. The faculties of Executive Management and Entrepreneurial Development run for a minimum of 1 day intensive and a maximum of 3 months. Graduation All registered and graduating students are expected to take part in the convocation ceremony which is held as stipulated in the college calendar. Note: all registered students will be issued Identification Number during the first week after the commencement of the session. For all intents and purposes, the ID number is the identification

mark for students throughout the duration of their stay in the college. It must be used to identify assignments, term paper, answer booklets, etc., where relevant. Degrees are conferred on successful candidates at the colleges convocation ceremony.

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