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Nutraceuticals of CaliVita International

Doctor Wallach, the popular lecturer in America on the themes connected with health, once has told: "Researching the reasons of death of people and animals, I have made 17500 operations, and here to what conclusion I have come: everybody animal and the person, died natural death, die of a defective feed, this is, from deficiency of nutrients". Deficiency of vitamins and minerals is a problem of the population of all countries of the world, including the most developed. It cause both a defective feed, and decrease in the contents of the necessary substances in foodstuff that is the negative side of modern methods of conducting an agriculture and industrial processing of products. Thus very few people knows, that, for example, deficiency of calcium is the reason approximately 147 diseases. Natural food supplements and nutraceuticals of CaliVita International are created on the basis of last scientific development. They contain vitamins, minerals, microelements and other nutrients necessary for a high-grade feed. Besides they containin antioxydant complexes for protection from harmful factors of civilisation, lipotropic substances neutralizing food fats and helping to exempt an organism from the saved fatty adjournment, extracts from the curative plants which have been grown up in ecologically pure zones of our planet. The structure of nutraceuticals is balanced according to last scientific data about real deficiency of vitamins and minerals in an organism. There is a list of the key moments to which it is necessary to pay attention at a choice of food supplements and nutraceutics for the family from a variety of such products in the today's market: 1. Availability of the certificate certifying its quality and safety. 2. Guarantee of a natural origin of initial raw material. 3. Completeness of the information about quantitative and qualitative structure of components. 4. Availability of the information about the organic or inorganic form of mineral components. 5. Other information testifying to efficiency of mastering and action of a nutraceutic. CaliVita International gives full and a trustworthy information about structure of each product, natural sources of nutritious components, their form and the factors providing the maximal mastering and effective action of a nutraceuticals. The company gives a real guarantee of safety of products and satisfaction of needs of the user. These supplements and nutraceuticals are made in Farmington (the USA, state of Connecticut) at the industrial lines equipped according to requirements GMP, at use of materials of exclusively natural basis, with application of the newest technology. Then they pass the control over management of sanitary inspection behind foodstuff and medical preparations. The structure of nutraceuticals and their various characteristics grow out long and careful professional work.

By development and manufacturing of nutraceuticals CaliVita International applies, except for last discoveries, experience of nonconventional medicine of antique times, and also centenary and thousand-year traditions of various civilizations. Our supplements do not contain some sugar, salt preservatives, artificial additives and painting substances. Genetically modified raw material is not applied at production of nutraceuticals.

Nutraceuticals for blood group

At production of nutraceuticals CaliVita International uses the technology Timed Release, that is gradual absorption, that provides maintenance of necessary concentration of active substances in blood within 12-18 hours, and it increases efficiency of vitamins not less than on 40 %.. Mineral components in structure of nutraceutics are in chelated (organic) form, that besides improves their absorption at 5-10 time. One more technological know-how is not acid form of vitamin C (Ether ), that protects mucous of stomach and promotes long preservation of vitamin C in blood. The form of release of preparations - tablets in an environment and capsules - provides a long period of storage of preparations without application of preservatives. The company produce special complexes for people with various blood groups - Vital O, Vital A, Vital B, Vital AB. They are created on the basis of works studying connection of a food allowance with group of blood and contain an individual set of nutritious components for people of each genetic type. These nutraceuticals allow to lower also risk of genetically caused (so-called "family") illnesses, inherent in people with concrete blood type, and that who does not adhere to a diet for the group, they will help to lower harmful action of "not own" food stuffs. In 1998 CaliVita International first-ever began to distribute nutraceuticals for different groups of blood and continues to develop this direction. It allows us to realize in practice an individual approach to improvement and treatment of illnesses. Supplementing blood group diet by corresponding complexes, and also other products from a wide spectrum of nutraceuticals of CaliVita, we receive huge opportunities for normalization of exchange processes and elimination of many problems with our health. There is rase unique case in modern market of food supplements: having taken any nutraceutic of CaliVita International, you will find the full and open information on its quantitative and qualitative structure (on each component), the form in which it is presented, and also a natural source from which this component is received. A firm secret is one: the highest qualification of developers and manufacturers that provides not only constant updating of the list of products according to the advanced tendencies of a science and technology, but thus and optimum expenses at all stages of its creation and realization - and it gives reasonable prices and competitiveness to our nutraceuticals all over the world. Thus we do not use for distribution of products by services of intermediaries, and consequently CaliVita gives 100 % assurance on quality of its products.

CaliVita International is a memeber of California Group group of leading manufacturers of products for health. CaliVita have got the exclusive right of distribution of following trade marks belongs: CaliVita International - products of the newest development and directions of "Elite Club". 4 Life Products - one of the famous trade marks in market of nutraceuticals. Its products Acidophilus with Psyllium and Noni Liquid refer to among the best world nutraceutics. Perfect Nutrition - this company has no competitors in the Europe on a parity "price/quality". This is the manufacturer of very popular multivitamins Full Spectrum and many other of nutraceuticals. California Fitness - the ancestor of values and traditions world fitnessmovement, the manufacturer of sports preparations and energizers. Trade mark of California Fitness is a part of emblem of CaliVita Intrnational and became a symbol of the international fitness championships as this company is traditionally its sponsor.

New Developments
In recent years, following the trends of the global health sciences, CaliVita International has opened two new developments - liquid formulas and electronic devices.

Liquid formulas of CaliVita

A thousand-year tradition of juice therapy are embodied in our time in the concept of liquid nutraceutics, or "juices." The most convenient way to restore and improve health is to use not the form, which gives us great minds of pharmacologists, but that suggests to us by nature. As much as we may try, it is impossible to enter a whole apple, from the skin to seeds, into one tablet. Therefore, the whole world used the Millennium natural juices to improve the health. Liquid formulas of CaliVita are carefully designed compositions, including the concentrated juices of vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants, have expressed prophylactic and therapeutic effect. The advantage of natural liquid formulas is a complex effect on the body, with the most flexible, "natural" form. Liquid formulas are the best way of detoxification and rehabilitation of the body. Liquid formulas have a huge advantage. Natural juices are compatible with any other nutraceuticals, as well as any pharmacological drugs. Juices can be recommended to children and adults for the prevention, treatment - for anything. Juices do not have to grind, they are easy to swallow, they have a pleasant taste. Juices better assimilated, their assimilation does not depend on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. This is biologically available, easily assimilated form, its absorption begins already in the mouth. Therefore effeciency of liquids is always higher than any solid products - its effectively impact begins at the minimum dosage.

Assimilation of minerals contained in the nutraceuticals, is highly dependent on the form in which they are presented. Inorganic minerals are not assimilated more than 10%. Assimilation of minerals in chelate (organic) form - is 4-7 times higher. The most biologically available and most assimilated form - that are colloidal minerals, which are contained in the liquid nutraceuticals. Their assimilation is 90 percent or more. Given all this, liquid nutraceuticals create the best conditions for the restoration and maintenance of health, for enhance immunity, resistance to infection and other factors. The liquid forms is also easily removed from the body, so they can be taken continuously, without fear of overdose or side effects. Natural juices are not only preventive but also curative effect, that is recognized by all. Juice therapy applies to heart disease and kidney, in the treatment of anemia. Juices are the foundation of cleansing the liver, as well as the foundation of antineoplastic nutrition. Liquid formulas of CaliVita contain a range of concentrated juice a wide variety of plants, including tropical fruits and exotic fruits such as mangostin and Noni (for example, the formula "Ocean-21" includes about 200 components). Therefore their therapeutic effect is so much. Currently CaliVita offers liquid formulas: Polinesian Noni Liquid - Polinesian Nonie juice. Zen Thonic - mangosteen juice. Ocean 21 - liquid formula based on extracts of algae, aloe, and Pau d'Arco. Liquid Chlorophyll -liquid chlorophyll.

Bio-informational devices
Electronic devices of CaliVita Electronics correctly to call as bio-informational devices, as well as their role is primarily to the impact on the information structure of our body. Bioinformatics impact acts on the cellular level, allowing to restore energetics of cells, and thereby to return them in a healthy condition, a kind of "erasing" the memory of the disease. Device of bioresonance therapy Bio Harmonex has 20 programs for the normalization of the various systems and functions, as well as detoxification of body. It differs from other devices of this type that it is a portable device, no more of cigarette box. Thus, you can engage in any case, while taking bioresonance therapy. It is very important that the impact being of non-contact method - that guarantees the security of apparat. BioHarmonex harmonize the work of the body and can serve as an additional tool for homeopathic therapy. It also improves digestion and effectiveness of dietary supplements. Protective foil Communiguard creates an information field, blocking the harmful radiation effects of mobile phones, computers, televisions, microwave ovens, or other source of electromagnetic energy. Communiguard is the size of a postage stamp, glued to the body of the cell phone, does not require charging and is almost eternal. The efficiency of protection against radiation confirmed by direct measurements at the Institute

EUTROPA, in Germany. Water filter and ionizer Aquarion provides not only 100% clearance of water from contamination and impurities, but also allows the water to a specified value of pH, which is very important to maintain the acid-alkaline balance of the body. This is a unique instrument, capable to maintain the pH in the running water. Aquarion also structuring water. Maintaining the optimum pH value of the body liquid environment is one of the essential conditions of health. This creates not only the optimal conditions for metabolism, but also makes impossible the reproduction of disease germs and parasites that, according to scientific data, is one of the greatest challenges of humanity.

Healthcare Devices of CaliVita Electronics

Bio Harmonex (apparat for bioresonance therapy) Manufacturer: CaliVita Electronics, USA The device of the latest generation, for biological stimulation of body information systems Bioresonance is one of the most promising areas of future medicine, because by impact on the most important processes in the body, it runs and promotes its self-regulation. The big advantage of bioresonance is that it inherently has a very wide range. It does not cause any side effects, as well as makes our bodies just to remember what it already knew, when it was healthy. Bio Harmonex generates a magnetic field, which can be used for self or additional therapy. Its therapeutic effect is also confirmed by clinical tests. Bio Harmonex has 20 integrated programs targeted at preventing and decision of various health problems, detoxification of the body, withdrawal pains, slowing down aging, increase physical and mental efficiency. These programs can be used separately or consecutively, one after another. Unlike other devices of this type, Bio Harmonex acts contactless method, that is, it does not require connecting electrodes to acupuncture points. You can use the device, doing housework, while working or walking. It also guarantees a security against damage to own bio-field of person. Aquarion Water Ionizer and Filter (device to obtain purified water with a specified pH) Manufacturer: CaliVita Electronics, USA Ecologic product Aquarion is a high-quality filter that cleans and ionizes water, enriching it with oxygen, releasing of heavy metals and toxic substances. The device also has an internal filter, which did not penetrate even viruses. This is a self-cleaning filter (particles of dirt does not settle on it). It also contains tourmaline, which enriches the water ions. Aquarion has unique characteristics: it can "divide" the water into two parts - acid and alkaline. Ionized water is easily absorbed by the body. Our body has a slight alkaline characteristics, so the

use of ionized alkaline water does not damages it, in fact, establish the work of all its systems. Acid water should be used only outwardly. It can be used instead of medicine to disinfect skin. In Japan, this water is used in treating burns and wounds. Ionized acid water helps with embedded nose (flu, common cold), significantly reduces the irritation of the mucous membrane with allergies, is ideal for women vaginal irrigation. Distinguishing characteristic of the filter "Aquarion" is that it can produce water with a given level of pH. Currently, this is the only device that is able to maintain a stable pH level in the running water, even with the pressure fluctuations in the water network.

Communiguard (protection against electromagnetic radiation) Manufacturer: CaliVita Electronics, USA Ecologic product Communiguard is the information processed foil, which is based on the laws of biophysics. This device protects our body from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. In our daily lives, we can not completely insulate ourselves from the harmful effects of electrical appliances. Household appliances, televisions, computers, laptops and mobile phones create a magnetic field around us. This field affects the whole body, especially if we are placed within a radius of its impact during long time. It can provoke headaches, irritability, insomnia, chronic fatigue, which could later lead to more serious diseases. Mobile phone is the most frequently used device in the everyday life that generates electromagnetic radiation. With frequent use of mobile phone, regulatory system of our body begins to work in high stress. If it lasts long enough, it begins to suffer immune system, and this in turn can lead to various kinds of disorders, such as a dysfunction of metabolic processes, disruption of the cell energy supply, etc. Nowadays, children are increasingly exposed to harmful action of electrosmog. They also need protection! Communiguard is very simple and safe to use. Remove the protective film carefully, and attach the foil on the back of mobile phone battery. Communiguard does not need charge and has long-term use. Change it is necessary only if the foil damaged. It can also be attached to the other appliances: computers, laptops, television, microwave ovens, and even in the car.

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