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Ironclad Armada

Historical Scenarios
Texas War of Independence (1836)
Battle of Campeche April 30May 16, 1843 Texas/Yucatan vs. Mexico

First Schleswig War (1848-1851)

1 Battle of Heligoland

June 4, 1849

Denmark vs. German Confederation

American Civil War (1860-1865)

Hampton Roads Battle of Plum Point Bend First Battle of Memphis Breakthrough to Vicksburg First Battle of Charleston Harbor Battle of Wassaw Sound Battle of Mobile Bay Battle of Albemarle Sound Battle of Trents Reach March 8-9, 1862 May 10, 1862 June 6, 1862 July 15, 1862 April 7, 1863 June 17, 1863 August 5, 1864 May 5, 1864 January 24, 1865 Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate

Reform War (1860)

Battle of Anton Lizardo March 6, 1860 United States vs. Mexico Rebels

Second Schleswig War (1864)

Battle of Jasmund nd 2 Battle of Heligoland March 17, 1864 May 9, 1864 Denmark vs. Prussia Denmark vs. Prussia

War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870)

Battle of Riachuelo June 11, 1865 Paraguay vs. Brazil

Third Italian Independence War (1866)

Battle of Lissa July 20, 1866 Italy vs. Austria

Chincha Islands War (1866)

Battle of Abtao Battle of Callao February 7, 1866 May 2, 1866 Spain vs. Chili/Peru Spain vs. Peru

Boshin War (1868-1869)

Battle of Awa Battle of Miyako Bay Battle of Hakodate Bay January 28, 1868 March 25, 1869 May 10, 1869 Imperial Japan vs. Tokugawa Imperial Japan vs. Republic of Ezo Imperial Japan vs. Republic of Ezo

Third Carlest War (1872-1876)

Cartegena Revolt October 11, 1873 Spain vs. Carlist Rebels

Peruvian Civil War (1877)

Battle of Pacocha May 29, 1877 Peru vs. Great Britain

War of the Pacific (1879-1884)

Battle of Angamos Battle of Arica October 8, 1879 February 27, 1880 Chile vs. Bolivia/Peru Chile vs. Bolivia/Peru

Hypothetical Scenarios
American Civil War (1860-1865)
Third Battle of Charleston Harbor Break the Blockade! Iron and Wood Run for Home October 8, 1863 Union vs. Royal Navy Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate Union vs. Confederate/Royal Navy

November 1865

Franco-American War (October-November 1865)

Battle Of Nantucket Battle Of Sapelo Island Battle Of Chandeleur Islands October 31, 1865 November 6, 1865 November 10, 1865 France vs. United States France vs. United States France vs. United States

Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

Battle of Dogger Bank August 1870 France vs. Prussia

Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878)

Deny the Danube 1877 Russia vs. Ottoman Turkey

Other Battles
Battle for a Mid Atlantic Port Form Line of Battle 1866 France vs. Royal Navy France vs. Royal Navy

Texas War of Independence (1836-1846)

Naval Battle of Campeche (April 30May 16, 1843) (From Wikipedia) The Naval Battle of Campeche took place on April 30, 1843 and May 16, 1843. The battle featured two of the most advanced warships of its day, the Mexican steamship-of-war Guadalupe and the equally formidable Moctezuma, commanded by British Royal Navy personnel on loan to the Mexican navy, as well as several sailing ships, against the sailing ships of the Texas Navy, consisting of the flagship Austin, commanded by Commodore Edwin Ward Moore, and the brig Wharton, and a couple of ships from the Republic of Yucatn, commanded by former Texas Navy Captain James D. Boylan. Texas had declared its independence in 1836 but Mexico did not recognize the Republic of Texas. In Yucatn, a similar rebellion had begun and was fought off-and-on from 1836 to 1846. Texas/Yucatan Navy (CR225) Texas Ship Austin (Sailing Sloop) (CR61) Texas Ship Warton (Sailing Brig) (CR50) Yucatan Ship Sisaleno (Sailing Schooner) (CR27) Yucatan Ship Independencia (Sailing Schooner) (CR27) Armed Sailing Sloop (CR15) Armed Sailing Sloop (CR15) Armed Sailing Sloop (CR15) Armed Sailing Sloop (CR15) Mexican Navy (CR222) Montezuma (Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Guadaloupe (Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Yucateco (Sailing Brig) (CR50) Iman (Sailing Brig) (CR50) Eagle (Sailing Schooner) (CR27) Campechano (Sailing Schooner) (CR27) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup with the following modifications. Wind strength is Normal. Before deploying the fleets, roll for starting wind direction. See Ironclad Armada for rules on Wind and Weather conditions.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 113 VPs.

First Schleswig War (1848-1851)

1 Battle of Heligoland (June 4, 1849) The 1st Battle of Heligoland took place on 4 June 1849 during the First Schleswig War and pitted the fledgling all-German navy known as the Reichsflotte (Imperial Fleet), which was founded less than a year prior, against the Royal Danish Navy, which had blocked German naval trade in North Sea and Baltic Sea since early 1848. The outcome was inconclusive, with no casualties, and the blockade went on. It remained the only battle of the German fleet. German Confederation Fleet (CR145) Attacker SMS Barbarossa (Common Side-Wheel Frigate) (CR77) SMS Lubeck (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) SMS Hamburg (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Denmark Fleet (CR101) Defender Vakyrien (Common Sailing Corvette) (CR67) Gejser (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below: Wind strength is Normal. Before deploying the fleets, roll for starting wind direction. See Ironclad Armada for rules on Wind and Weather conditions.

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 60 VPs have been earned.

American Civil War (1860-1865)

Hampton Roads (March 8-9, 1862) Monitor vs. the Merrimack

(From Wikipedia) The Battle of Hampton Roads, often referred to as the Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (or Merrimac), was the most noted and arguably most important naval battle of the American Civil War from the standpoint of the development of navies. It was fought over two days, March 89, 1862, in Hampton Roads, a roadstead in Virginia where the Elizabeth and Nansemond Rivers meet the James River just before it enters Chesapeake Bay. The battle was a part of the effort of the Confederacy to break the Union blockade, which had cut off Virginia's largest cities, Norfolk and Richmond, from international trade. The major significance of the battle is that it was the first meeting in combat of ironclad warships.

Hampton Roads Day 1 (March 8, 1862) Union Fleet (CR846) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star near Newport News Bar. USS Cumberland (Common Sailing Sloop) (CR128) USS Congress (Common 44 gun Sailing Frigate) (CR144) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star near Hampton Bar. USS St. Lawrence (Common 44 gun Sailing Frigate) (CR144) USS Minnesota (Colorado Class Steam Frigate) (CR215) USS Roanoke (Colorado Class Steam Frigate) (CR215) Confederate Fleet (CR321) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star near the Elizabeth River. CSS Virginia (Casement Ironclad) (CR161) CSS Patrick Henry (Side-wheel Steamer) (CR68) CSS Jamestown (Side-wheel Steamer) (CR44) CSS Raleigh (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Beaufort (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Teaser (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) Deployed on the Confederate Battery symbols on Sewells Point. 3xSmall Gun Batteries (CR324) Setup: Wind strength is Becalmed. See Ironclad Armada for rules on Wind and Weather conditions. Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 165 VPs. Hampton Roads Day 2 (March 9, 1862) Union Fleet (CR537) Deployed 5 hexes directly north of the Union Deployment star near Newport News Bar facing NW. The Minnesota is run aground may not move until it has successfully reversed out of the shallow water. See Shallow Water rules in Ironclad Armada. USS Minnesota (Colorado Class Steam Frigate) (CR215) Apply 6 points of damage from the day before. Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star near Newport News Bar. USS Monitor (Monitor) (CR107) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star near Hampton Bar. USS Roanoke (Colorado Class Steam Frigate) (CR215) Confederate Fleet (CR321) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star near the Elizabeth River. CSS Virginia (Casement Ironclad) (CR161) CSS Patrick Henry (Side-wheel Steamer) (CR68) CSS Jamestown (Side-wheel Steamer) (CR44) CSS Raleigh (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Beaufort (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Teaser (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) Deployed on the Confederate Battery symbols on Sewells Point. 3xSmall Gun Batteries (CR324) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 165 VPs.

Battle of Plum Point Bend (May 10, 1862)

(From Wikipedia) Following the fall of Island No. 10 and other Confederate losses to the north and east of Confederate Fort Pillow, the Union squadron proceeded down river. Early in the morning on May 10, 1862, the Confederate River Defense Fleet surprised and attacked the Union squadron that had moved up to support mortar boat attacks on Fort Pillow.

Union Fleet (CR419) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star. USS Benton (Casement Ironclad) (CR71) USS Mound City (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Carondelet (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Cairo (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS St Louis (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Cincinnati (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Pittsburgh (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) Confederate Fleet (CR307) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star. CSS General Bragg (1000t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR63) CSS General Beauregard (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General Sterling Price (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General Earl Van Dorn (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General M. Jeff Thompson (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS Colonel Lovell (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General Sumter (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS Little Rebel (100t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR16) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 150 VPs.

First Battle of Memphis (June 6, 1862)

(From Wikipedia) As a result of the Federal victory at Corinth, the railroads that linked Memphis with the eastern part of the Confederacy had been cut, severely reducing the strategic importance of the city. Therefore, in early June the Rebel army abandoned Memphis and its nearby forts. Most of the garrison was sent to join units elsewhere, including Vicksburg, and only a small rear guard was left to make a token resistance. The River Defense Fleet would also have retreated to Vicksburg, but they could not get enough coal in Memphis. Unable to flee when the Federal fleet appeared on June 6, Montgomery and his captains had to decide whether to fight or scuttle their boats. They chose to fight, steaming out in the early morning to meet the advancing flotilla and the rams trailing behind it.

Union Fleet (CR380) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star. USS Benton (Casement Ironclad) (CR71) USS Louisville (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Carondelet (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Cairo (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS St Louis (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Queen of the West (Side-wheel Ram) (CR35) USS Monarch (Side-wheel Ram) (CR35) Confederate Fleet (CR307) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star. CSS General Bragg (1000t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR63) CSS General Beauregard (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General Sterling Price (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General Earl Van Dorn (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General M. Jeff Thompson (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS Colonel Lovell (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS General Sumter (500t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR38) CSS Little Rebel (100t Cotton-clad Gunboat) (CR16) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 150 VPs.


Breakthrough to Vicksburg (July 15, 1862)

(From Wikipedia Shortly after sunrise on 15 July 1862 the CSS Arkansas attempted to run the Union blockade upstream from Vicksburg. Three Federal vessels were sighted steaming towards the CSS Arkansas, the ironclad Carondelet, the wooden gunboat Tyler, and the ram Queen of the West.


Union Fleet (CR130) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star. USS Carondelet (City Class Casement Ironclad) (CR58) USS Queen of the West (Side-wheel Ram) (CR35) USS Tyler (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR37) Confederate Fleet Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star. CSS Arkansas (CR54) Victory conditions: To win the Union must sink or capture the Arkansas. The Arkansas must escape past the southern edge of Vicksburg.


First Battle of Charleston Harbor (April 7, 1863)

(From Wikipedia) The First Battle of Charleston Harbor was an engagement near Charleston, South Carolina that took place April 7, 1863, during the American Civil War. The striking force was a fleet of nine ironclad warships of the Union Navy, including seven monitors that were improved versions of the original USS Monitor. A Union Army contingent associated with the attack took no active part in the battle. The ships, under command of Rear Admiral Samuel Francis Du Pont, attacked the Confederate defenses near the entrance to Charleston Harbor. Navy Department officials in Washington hoped for a stunning success that would validate a new form of warfare, with armored warships mounting heavy guns reducing traditional forts.


Union Fleet (CR1323) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star. USS Weehawken (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Passaic (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Montauk (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Patapsco (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS New Ironsides (Broadside Ironclad) (CR198) USS Catskill (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Nantucket (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Nahant (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Keokuk (Casemate Ironclad) (CR58) Battery Reynolds (Small Battery) (CR108) Confederate Fleet (CR2173) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star. CSS Palmetto State (Casemate Ironclad) (CR77) CSS Chicora (Casemate Ironclad) (CR44) Fort Sumter (CR922) Fort Moultrie (CR514) Battery Beauregard (Large Battery) (CR254) Battery Wagner (Large Battery) (CR254) Battery Gregg (Small Battery) (CR108) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 660 VPs.


Battle of Wassaw Sound (June 17, 1863)

(From Wikipedia) On 10 June 1863, Rear Admiral Du Pont had received reports Atlanta was about to descend the Wilmington River for a foray into Wassaw Sound and ordered the monitors USS Weehawken and USS Nahant to enter Wassaw Sound to stop the Southern ironclad ram's attack.


Union Fleet (CR274) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star. USS Weehawken (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Nahant (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) Confederate Fleet (CR139) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star. CSS Atlanta (Casement Ironclad) (CR89) CSS Resolute (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) CSS Isondiga (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 80 VPs.


Mobile Bay (August 5, 1964)

(From Wikipedia) The Battle of Mobile Bay of August 5, 1864, was an engagement of the American Civil War in which a Federal fleet commanded by Rear Adm. David G. Farragut attacked a smaller Confederate fleet led by Adm. Franklin Buchanan and forts that guarded the entrance to Mobile Bay. The battle was marked by Farragut's seemingly rash but successful run through a minefield that had just claimed one of his ironclad monitors, enabling his fleet to get beyond the range of the shore-based guns. This was followed by a reduction of the Confederate fleet to a single vessel, ironclad CSS Tennessee. Tennessee did not then retire, but engaged the entire Northern fleet. The armor on Tennessee gave her an advantage that enabled her to inflict more injury than she received, but she could not overcome the imbalance in numbers.


Union Fleet (CR1364) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Union Deployment star. USS Hartford (Screw Corvette) (CR130) USS Brooklyn (Hartford Class Screw Corvette) (CR130) USS Richmond (Hartford Class Screw Corvette) (CR130) USS Oneida (Kearsarge Class Screw Sloop) (CR76) USS Kennebec (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Itasca (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Galena (Ironclad Sloop) (CR46) USS Metacomet (Common 1000t Gunboat) (CR54) USS Port Royal (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Octorara (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Manhattan (Canonicus Class Monitor) (CR158) USS Tecumseh (Canonicus Class Monitor) (CR158) USS Chickasaw (Milwaukee Class Monitor) (CR141) USS Winnebago (Milwaukee Class Monitor) (CR141) Confederate Fleet (CR992) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Confederate Deployment star. CSS Tennessee (Casement Ironclad) (CR75) CSS Selma (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) CSS Morgan (Common 1000t Gunboat) (CR54) CSS Gaines (Common 1000t Gunboat) (CR54) Fort Morgan (CR775) 3x Size 2 Minefields deployed in the channel between the West Bank & Mobile Point. Victory conditions: The Union side must sink or capture the Confederate fleet, with the exception of Fort Morgan. The Confederate side may claim victory once they have earned 500 VPs.


Battle of Albemarle Sound (May 5, 1864) (From Wikipedia) The Battle of Albemarle Sound was an inconclusive naval battle along the coast of North Carolina during the American Civil War. Three Confederate States Navy warships, including an ironclad, engaged eight United States Navy gunboats. The action ended indecisively due to the sunset. Union Fleet (CR310) Attacker USS Syracuse (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Commodore Hull (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Ceres (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Miami (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Wyalusing (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Sassacus (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Mattabesett (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Whitehead (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) Confederate Fleet (CR75) Defender CSS Albemarle (Casement Ironclad) (CR43) CSS Bombshell (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Cotton Plant (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) Setup: The defending side deploys first, followed by the attacker, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either player may claim victory once 75 VPs have been earned.


Battle of Trents Reach (January 24, 1865) (From The Historical Marker Database) On Jan. 23, 1865, the ironclads Virginia II, Richmond, and Fredericksburg, with five smaller vessels, descended the James River in an effort to attack the Union supply depot at City Point. A reliable report indicated that recent floods had washed away the Union obstructions at Trents Reach. Also, most of the Union vessels that had steamed up the river in May 1864 had been pulled to North Carolina to participate in the attack against Fort Fisher near Wilmington. With the obstructions washed out, only the monitor U.S.S. Onondaga and a handful of wooden vessels protected City Point. Union Fleet (CR394) (Attacker) USS Onondaga (Onondaga Class Monitor) (CR273) USS Massassoit (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) USS Hunchback (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Spuyten Duyvil (Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR39) 2x Small Gun Batteries (CR108 each) deployed on any land hex in the attackers deployment zone. Confederate Fleet (CR373) (Defender) CSS Fredericksburg (Casement Ironclad) (CR59) CSS Richmond (Casement Ironclad) (CR80) CSS Virginia II (Casement Ironclad) (CR 95) CSS Hampton (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Nansemond (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Drewry (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Torpedo (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Beaufort (Common 100t Gunboat) (CR16) CSS Hornet (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) CSS Wasp (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) CSS Scorpion (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below: The battle takes place on the James River in Virginia. The first 5 hex rows on either side of the board are land and may not be entered by any vessel. Within 3 hexes of the land is shallow water.

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 145 VPs have been earned.


Reform War (1860)

Battle of Anton Lizardo (March 6, 1860) (From Wikipedia) The Battle of Anton Lizardo was a naval engagement of the Reform War that took place off Anton Lizardo, Mexico in 1860. A Mexican Navy officer named Rear Admiral Tomas M. Marin mutinied from the Mexican fleet and escaped to Havana, Cuba. There he formed a squadron of armed vessels to attack merchant ships and blockade Veracruz. The Mexican Government declared Marin a pirate and permitted foreign navies to attack his ships so the United States accepted the challenge, as they had several vessels patrolling in the Gulf of Mexico. United States Fleet (CR136) USS Saratoga (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Wave (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Indianola (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Mexico Rebels (CR136) Marquis de la Havana (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Democracy (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Union (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 68 VPs.


Second Schleswig War (1864)

Battle of Jasmund (March 17, 1864) (From Wikipedia) The naval Battle of Jasmund (also known as the Battle of Rgen) took place during the Second War of Schleswig between the navies of Denmark and Prussia on 17 March 1864 near the Prussian island of Rgen. Demark Fleet (CR 405) Skjold (Screw SOL) (CR163) Sjaelland (Niels Juel Class Screw Frigate) (CR125) Heimdal (Screw Corvette) (CR66) Thor (Screw Corvette) (CR51) Prussian Fleet (CR399) SMS Arcona (Screw Corvette) (CR95) SMS Nymphe (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) SMS Loreley (Common Side-Wheel Frigate) (CR77) SMS Comet (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) SMS Hay (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) SMS Hyane (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) SMS Pfeil (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) SMS Scorpion (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) SMS Wespe (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 200 VPs.


2 Battle of Heligoland (May 9, 1864) (From Wikipedia) The Battle of Heligoland (or Helgoland) was fought on 9 May 1864, during the Second War of Schleswig between the navy of Denmark and the allied navies of Austria and Prussia south of the then-British North Sea island of Heligoland where the Battle of Heligoland (1849) had taken place. Denmark Fleet (CR330) Niels Juel (Screw Frigate) (CR125) Jylland (Screw Frigate) (CR139) Heimdal (Screw Corvette) (CR66) Allied Fleet (CR365) Austrian (CR296) Schwarzenberg (Screw Frigate) (CR148) Radetzky (Schwarzenberg Class Screw Frigate) (CR148) Prussian (CR69) Preussischer Adler (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR31) Blitz (Common 350-ton gunboat) (CR19) Basilisk (Common 350-ton gunboat) (CR19) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.


Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 182 VPs.


War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870)

Battle of Riachuelo (June 11, 1865)

The War of the Triple Alliance was a military conflict in South America fought from 1864 to 1870 between Paraguay and the Triple Alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. The naval Battle of Riachuelo was a key point in the War of the Triple Alliance. It took place on the Parana River near the town of Corrientes.


Brazilian Fleet (CR266) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Brazilian Deployment star. Amazonas (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Belmonte (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Jequitinhonha (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Beberibe (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Parnaba (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Araguari (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Iguatemi (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Mearim (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Ipiranga (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Paraguayan Fleet (CR268) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Paraguayan Deployment star. Tacuar (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Ygure (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Paraguar (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Rio Apa (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Marquez de Olinda (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Salto Guair (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Ypor (Common 350 ton Gunboat) (CR19) Pirabeb (Common 100 ton Gunboat) (CR16) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 135 VPs.


Third Italian Independence War (1866)

Battle of Lissa (July 20 1866) (From Wikipedia) The Battle of Lissa or Battle of Vis took place on 20 July 1866 in the Adriatic Sea near the island of Vis (Italian: Lissa). The battle occurred as part of the Third Italian Independence War, in which Italy allied with Prussia in the course of the conflict against Austria. The major Italian objective was to capture Venice from Austria. The fleets were composed of a mix of unarmored sailing ships with steam engines, and armored ironclads also combining sails and steam engines. The Italian fleet of 12 ironclads and 17 unarmored ships outnumbered the Austrian fleet of 7 and 11 respectively. The Austrians were also severely outmatched in rifled guns (276 to 121) and total weight of metal (53,236 tons to 23,538 tons). A single turret ship took part in the action the Italian Affondatore. Austrian Empire (CR2465) 1st Division Armored ships (CR1112) Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (Broadside Ironclad) (CR123) Habsburg (Erzherzog Ferdinand Max class Broadside Ironclad) (CR123) Kaiser Max (Central Battery ironclad) (CR204) Don Juan d'Austria (Kaiser Max class Central Battery ironclad) (CR204) Prinz Eugen (Kaiser Max class Central Battery ironclad) (CR204) Drache (Broadside Ironclad) (CR127) Salamander (Drache class Broadside Ironclad) (CR127) 2nd Division Wooden steam warships (CR963) Kaiser (Common 90 Gun Screw SOL) (CR239) Novara (Screw Frigate) (CR128) Schwarzenburg (Screw Frigate) (CR148) Radetzky (Screw Frigate) (CR125) Donau (Radetzky class Screw Frigate) (CR125) Adria (Radetzky class Screw Frigate) (CR125) Erzherzog Friedrich (Screw Corvette) (CR73) 3rd Division Minor craft (CR390) Narenta (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Kerka (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Hum (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Vellebich (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Dalmat (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Seehund (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Wal (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Streiter (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Reka (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Andreas Hofer (Common 100 ton Gunboat) (CR16) Kaiserin Elizabeth (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Greif (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Kingdom of Italy (CR3139) Armoured ships (CR1697) Affondatore (Turret Ram) (CR79) Re d'Italia (Broadside Ironclad) (CR201) Re di Portogallo (Re d'Italia class Broadside Ironclad) (CR201) Regina Maria Pia (Broadside Ironclad) (CR168) San Martino (Regina Maria Pia class Broadside Ironclad) (CR168) Castelfidardo (Regina Maria Pia class Broadside Ironclad) (CR168) Ancona (Regina Maria Pia class Broadside Ironclad) (CR168) Principe di Carignano (Broadside Ironclad) (CR146) Formidabile (Broadside Ironclad) (CR117) Terribile (Formidabile class Broadside Ironclad) (CR117) Palestro (Coast Defense ironclad) (CR82) Varese (Palestro class Coast Defense ironclad) (CR82)


Wooden steam warships (CR1202) Gaeta (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Maria Adelaide (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Duca di Genova (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Garibaldi (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Principe Umberto (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Carlo Alberto (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Vittorio Emanuele (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) San Giovanni (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Governolo (Common Side-wheel Corvette) (CR52) Guiscardo (Common Side-wheel Corvette) (CR52) Minor ships (CR240) Giglio (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Cristoforo Colombo (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Gottemolo (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Unknown (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Esploratore (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Messaggere (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 1250 VPs.


Chincha Islands War (1866)

Battle of Abtao (February 7, 1866)

(From Wikipedia) The Naval Battle of Abtao took place on February 7, 1866, between a Spanish naval squadron and a combined Peruvian-Chilean fleet, at the island of Abtao in the Gulf of Ancud near Chilo Archipelago in south-central Chile.


Spanish fleet (CR255) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Spanish Deployment star. Villa de Madrid (Common 68lb/44 gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) Blanca (Common 68lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR110) Allied fleet (CR372) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Allied Deployment star. Peru Apurmac (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Unin (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Amrica (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Chile Covadonga (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Lautaro (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Antonio Varas (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 125 VPs.


Battle of Callao (May 2, 1866)

(From Wikipedia) The Battle of Callao (in Spanish, called Combate del Dos de Mayo mainly in South America) occurred on May 2, 1866 between a Spanish fleet under the command of Admiral Casto Mndez Nez and the fortified battery emplacements of the Peruvian port city of Callao during the Chincha Islands War.


Spanish Fleet (CR660) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Spanish Deployment star. Numancia (Broadside Ironclad) (CR161) Reina Blanca (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Resolucin (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Berenguela (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Villa de Madrid (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Almansa (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Vencedora (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Peruvian Fleet (CR1692) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Peruvian Deployment star. Loa (Casement Ironclad) (CR44) Victoria (Monitor) (CR42) Colon (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Tumbes (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Sachaca (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Fort Del Real Felipe (CR1014) Battery Pichincha (Large Gun Battery) (CR254) Independence Battery (Small Gun Battery) (CR108) Battery Abtao (Small Gun Battery) (CR108) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 330 VPs.


Boshin War (1868-1869)

(From Wikipedia) The Boshin War ("War of the Year of the Dragon") was a civil war in Japan, fought from 1868 to 1869 between forces of the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate and those seeking to return political power to the imperial court. Battle of Awa (January 28, 1868) (From Wikipedia) The Naval Battle of Awa occurred on 28 January 1868 during the Boshin War in Japan, in the area of Awa Bay near Osaka. The battle involved ships of the Tokugawa Shogunate and Satsuma vessels loyal to the imperial court in Kyoto. Imperial Japanese Fleet (Satsuma) (CR145) Kasuga (Common Side-wheel Frigate) (CR77) Hoho (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Heiun (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Tokugawa Fleet (CR138) Kaiyo Maru (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Banryu (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Hazuru (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 68 VPs.


Battle of Miyako Bay (March 25, 1869) (From Wikipedia) After the remnants of the Bakufu army loyal to the former Tokugawa Shogunate refused to surrender to the new Meiji government in the Battle of Ueno and Battle of Aizu, they fled north to occupy the island of Hokkaid and established the Republic of Ezo. The navy of the Imperial forces also moved north to support the eventual invasion of Hokkaid. Anticipating the arrival of the Imperial fleet, the rebels organized a plan to seize the revolutionary new warship Ktetsu, and dispatched three warships for a surprise attack. To create surprise, Kaiten planned to enter Miyako harbor under an American flag. Ezo Republic Fleet (CR102) Attacker Kaiten (Common Side-wheel Corvette) (CR52) Banryu (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Takao (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Imperial Japanese Fleet (CR339) Defender Kotetsu (Ironclad Ram) (CR73) Kasuga (Common Side-wheel Frigate) (CR77) Hiryu (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Teibo (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Yoshun (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Moshun (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Choyo (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Setup: The defending side deploys first, followed by the attacker, in the areas shown below:

Special Rules: The Imperial Fleet is anchored and may not move or fire until the turn after the Ezo fleet has fired on or rammed an Imperial ship. Victory conditions: The Ezo Republic wins by capturing the Kotetsu. The Imperial player wins by preventing the capture of the Kotetsu.


Battle of Hakodate Bay (May 10, 1869) (From Wikipedia) The Naval Battle of Hakodate Bay was fought on 10 May 1869, between the remnants of the Tokugawa Shogunate navy, consolidated into the armed forces of the rebel Ezo Republic, and the newly formed Imperial Japanese Navy. It was one of the last stages of Battle of Hakodate during the Boshin War, and occurred near Hakodate in the northern Japanese island of Hokkaid. Imperial Japanese Fleet (CR339) Defender Kotetsu (Ironclad Ram) (CR73) Kasuga (Common Side-wheel Frigate) (CR77) Hiryu (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Teibo (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Yoshun (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Moshun (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Choyo (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Ezo Republic Fleet (CR170) Defender Kaiten (Common Side-wheel Corvette) (CR52) Banryu (Common 500 Ton Gunboat) (CR34) Chiyodagata (Common 100 ton Gunboat) (CR16) Chogei (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Mikaho (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 134 VPs have been earned.


Third Carlist War (1872-1876)

Cartegena Revolt (October 11, 1873) (From Ironclads and Blockade Runners) When the "Cantonists" in eastern Spain revolted in 1873, the ironclads Vitoria, Numancia, Tetuan, and Mendez Nunez fell into their hands. Somewhat pressed (this being most of its ironclad force), Spain declared these ships to be pirates, hoping that foreign powers would do much of the work. The German ironclad Friedrich Karl and the British Swiftsure were on station, and between them they seized three Cantonist ships, including the Vitoria, and turned them over to the central government. On 11 October, a Spanish fleet including the Vitoria under Rear Admiral Miguel Lobo engaged the Cantonist Numancia, Tetuan, Mendez Nunez and a wooden ship, forcing them back to Cartagena. Spanish Fleet (CR565) Vitorio (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR145) Zaragosa (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR176) Arapiles (Broadside Ironclad) (CR161) Tornado (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Carlist Fleet (CR553) Numancia (Broadside Ironclad) (CR161) Tetuan (Broadside Ironclad) (CR156) Mendez Nunez (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR132) Ville De Madrid (Common 32lb/32 gun Screw Frigate) (CR104) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 275 VPs.


Peruvian Civil War (1877)

Battle of Pacocha (May 29, 1877) (From Wikipedia) The naval Incident of Pacocha took place on 6 May 1877 when Nicols de Pirola was leading a revolution to overthrow then Peruvian President Mariano Ignacio Prado. Pirola used the Peruvian monitor Huscar as a raiding ship. She practiced sabotage primarily against the government forces of Peru. However, after she boarded some British merchant ships, British Authorities sent Rear Admiral de Horsey to capture the vessel. Royal Navy Fleet (CR321) Attacker HMS Shah (Large Screw Frigate) (CR238) HMS Amethyst (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Peruvian Fleet (CR134) Defender Huascar (Turret Ship) (CR134) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 134 VPs have been earned.


War of the Pacific (1879-1884)

Battle of Angamos (October 8, 1879) (From Wikipedia) The Battle of Angamos (Combate naval de Angamos) was fought on October 8, 1879, during the naval stage of the War of the Pacific (Guerra del Pacifico). The Peruvian ironclad Huascar had made several incursions into Chilean waters, challenging the Chilean navy's domination along its entire coast; the Huascar attacked ports and captured transports. Chile's plan was to achieve naval supremacy prior to invading Bolivian and/or Peruvian territory to establish the logistic advantage needed to launch a land campaign. No attempt to disembark troops could be made by the Chileans, because the Huascar was preventing the Chilean Navy from taking control of the sea; the Chilean fleet was in a diminished state of readiness after a long campaign away from its base. In order to initiate the naval stage of the campaign the Huascar had to be eliminated or captured. Chilean Fleet (CR329) Attacker 1st Division Blanco Encalada (Almirante Cochrane class Central Batter Ironclad) (CR106) Virjen de Covadonga (Common Side-wheel Steamship) (CR34) 2nd Division Almirante Cochrane (Central Batter Ironclad) (CR106) OHiggins (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Peruvian Fleet (CR217) Defender Huascar (Turret Ship) (CR134) Union (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 110 VPs have been earned.


Battle of Arica (February 27, 1880)

In February 1880 the last Peruvian ironclad, the Manco Capac was defending the city of Arica from the Chilean blockade. The Peruvian warship Huscar, after its capture at Angamos, had been sent for repairs and refitted for service with the Chilean fleet. The Huscar arrived in Arica on 25 February in order to take the place of the Cochrane in the port blockade. Later the Magallanes arrived to join the Huscar in the operation. On 27 February, the Chilean Navy began bombarding Arica's ground defenses.


Chilean Fleet (CR217) Huascar (Turret Ship) (CR134) Magallanes (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Peruvian Fleet (CR177) Manco Capac (US-Canonicus Class Monitor) (CR158) Alliance (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) 3x Small Gun Batteries (CR108@) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 80 VPs.


Hypothetical Scenarios
American Civil War
Third Battle of Charleston Harbor (October 8, 1863)

From the book Britannia's Fist: From Civil War to World War by Peter Tsouras. The Union blockade fleet meets the Royal Navy off Charleston Harbor.


Union Fleet (CR2119) st 1 Squadron (CR1333) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Northern Union Deployment star. USS New Ironsides (Broadside Ironclad) (CR180) USS Lehigh (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Montauk (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Nahant (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Catskill (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Atlanta (Casement Ironclad) (ex-CSS) (CR71) USS Wabash (Colorado Class Screw Frigate) (CR215) USS Powhatan (Side-wheel Frigate) (CR130) USS Canandaigua (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) USS Pawnee (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) USS Housatonic (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) 2 Squadron (CR765) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Southern Union Deployment star. USS Weehawken (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Patapsco (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Passaic (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) Paul Jones (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) Cimarron (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) Mahaska (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) Sonoma (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Conemaugh (Common 1000 ton Gunboat) (CR54) Unadilla (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Ottawa (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Seneca (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Royal Navy Fleet (CR2560) Deployed within 5 hexes of the Royal Navy Deployment star. st 1 Squadron (CR1204) HMS Black Prince (Warrior class Broadside Ironclad) (CR233) HMS Mersey (Large Screw Frigate) (CR246) HMS Sans Pareil (Common 80gun Screw SOL) (CR218) HMS Phaeton (Common 68lb/44gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) HMS Racoon (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) HMS Challenger (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) HMS Cadmus (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) HMS Bulldog (Common Side-wheel Sloop) (CR56) HMS Alacrity (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) 2 Suadron (CR1356) HMS Resistance (Defence class Broadside Ironclad) (CR163) HMS Ariadne (Large Screw Frigate) (CR204) HMS Saint George (Common 90 gun Screw SOL) (CR239) HMS Donegal (Common 110 gun Screw SOL) (CR287) HMS Shannon (Common 68lb/44gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) HMS Melpomene (Common 68lb/44gun Screw Frigate) (CR145) HMS Jason (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) HMS Barracouta (Common Side-wheel Sloop) (CR56) HMS Algerine (Common 500 ton Gunboat) (CR34) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 1050 VPs.
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Break the Blockade! A Confederate squadron tries to break out past a blockade. A purely hypothetical scenario it takes place "somewhere" and "sometime" during the ACW. Union Fleet (CR578) (Attacker) USS Hartford (Screw Sloop) (CR130) USS New Ironsides (Broadside Ironclad) (CR188) USS Canonicus (Canocicus Class Monitor) (CR158) USS Port Royal (Double-ender Gunboat) (CR51) USS Wyalusing (Double-ender Gunboat) (CR51) Confederate Fleet (CR291) (Defender) CSS Virginia (Casement Ironclad) (CR161) CSS Manassas (Ironclad Ram) (CR19) CSS Fredericksburg (Casement Ironclad) (CR59) CSS Gaines (Common 1000t Gunboat) (CR52) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 145 VPs have been earned.


Iron and Wood A standard fleet action with a mix of ship types using the standard Starmada scenario setup. Union Fleet (CR366) USS Minnesota (Colorado Class Steam Frigate) (CR213) USS Monitor (Monitor) (CR107) USS Galena (Ironclad Sloop) (CR46) Confederate Fleet (CR344) CSS Virginia (Casement Ironclad) (CR161) CSS Patrick Henry (Side-wheel Steamer) (CR72) CSS Arkansas (Casement Ironclad) (CR64) CSS Jamestown (Side-wheel Steamer) (CR47) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 115 VPs.


Run for Home (November 1865) The Laird Rams, CSS North Carolina & CSS Mississippi, escorted by a small Royal Navy squadron, attempt to run the Union blockade and make it to a friendly port. Union Fleet (CR842) (Attacker) USS Weehawken (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Patapsco (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Passaic (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Tecumseh (Canonicus Class Monitor) (CR158) USS Onondaga (Onondaga Class Monitor) (CR273) Confederate/Royal Navy Fleet (CR509) (Defender) CSS North Carolina (North Carolina Class Turret Ship) (CR156) CSS Mississippi (North Carolina Class Turret Ship) (CR156) HMS Enterprise (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR80) HMS Charybdis (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) HMS Mullet (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 250 VPs have been earned.


The Franco-American War (October-November 1865)

(Based on the scenario descriptions from Yaquinto Ironclads Expansion Kit) In early 1865 Napoleon III of France decides, because of the weakened condition of the United States as a result of the Civil War, it is time to expand his empire in Mexico to reclaim the Southwestern United States. His grand strategy called for a sea born invasion with the French fleet and elements of the Austrian navy of Louisiana and east Texas, while the French armies under Maximilian would attack into west Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The plan was dependent on the invasion forces blocking any reinforcements to the Southwestern States. Napoleon concluded that a series of quick victories would make the war weary Americans sue for peace on his terms and allow the annexation of the Southwestern States to his Mexican empire. Ex-Confederate agent, C. Geoffrey Breckinridge, who was still in France at the time, uncovered the grand plan of Napoleon. This agent was able to escape France with the aid of the U.S. consul on a fast steamer to warn his friends and former enemies of the danger. American passions flamed, and Blue joined Gray to meet the invasion at sea and destroy it before it got started. Napoleon moved fast, but his initial attacks and feints are met off the coast of New England, Charleston, and Chandeleur Islands. Battle of Nantucket (October 31, 1865) A French diversionary squadron meets a force of U.S. steam frigates off the coast of New England near Nantucket shoal. American Fleet (CR628) USS Minnesota (Colorado Class Large Screw Frigate) (CR215) USS Franklin (Colorado Class Large Screw Frigate) (CR215) USS Susquehanna (Powhatan class Side-wheel Frigate) (CR122) USS Oneida (Kearsarge Class Screw Sloop) (CR76) French Fleet (CR635) Duquesne (Common Screw 80 gun SOL) (CR218) Renommee (Common Screw Frigate 68lb/44 gun) (CR145) Pandore (Common Screw Frigate 68lb/32 gun) (CR110) Pomone (Common Screw Frigate 68lb/32 gun) (CR110) Titan (Common Side-wheel Corvette) (CR52) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 318 VPs.


Battle of Sapelo Island, Darien GA (November 6, 1865) The right wing covering force of the French fleet encounters heavy elements of the U.S. East Coast fleet heading south to intercept the main French invasion forces in the Gulf of Mexico. American Fleet (CR1333) USS New Ironsides (Broadside Ironclad) (CR180) USS Lehigh (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Montauk (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Nahant (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Catskill (Passaic Class Monitor) (CR137) USS Atlanta (Casement Ironclad) (ex-CSS) (CR71) USS Wabash (Colorado Class Screw Frigate) (CR215) USS Powhatan (Side-wheel Frigate) (CR130) USS Canandaigua (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) USS Pawnee (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) USS Housatonic (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) French Fleet (CR1333) Normandie (Glorie class Broadside Ironclad) (CR192) Magenta (Broadside Ironclad) (CR232) Magnanime (Provence class Broadside Ironclad) (CR202) Savoie (Provence class Broadside Ironclad) (CR202) Roland (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Caton (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Cacique (Common Side-wheel Frigate) (CR77) Corse (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Treville (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Alerte (Common 1000t Gunboat) (CR54) Fleche (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) Sainte-Barbe (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 666 VPs.


Battle of Chandeleur Islands (November 10, 1865) Elements of the main French fleet escorting the troop transports are intercepted by the hastily assembled U.S. Gulf Squadron in the pivotal battle of the war. French Fleet (CR1690) Attacker Gloire (Broadside Ironclad) (CR192) Provence (Broadside Ironclad) (CR202) Flandre (Provence class Broadside Ironclad) (CR202) Napoleon (Common Screw 90 gun SOL) (CR239) Fleurus (Common Screw 90 gun SOL) (CR239) Isly (Common Screw Frigate 68lb/44 gun) (CR145) Forbin (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Laplace (Common Screw Corvette) (CR83) Descartes (Common Side-wheel Frigate) (CR77) Lucifer (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Surcouf (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Alarme (Common 1000t Gunboat) (CR54) Redoute (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) American Fleet (CR845) Defender USS Hartford (Screw Corvette) (CR130) USS Brooklyn (Hartford Class Screw Corvette) (CR130) USS Oneida (Kearsarge Class Screw Sloop) (CR76) USS Manhattan (Canonicus Class Monitor) (CR158) USS Winnebago (Milwaukee Class Monitor) (CR141) USS Tennessee (Casement Ironclad) (ex-CSS) (CR75) USS Kennebec (Common 500t Gunboat) (CR34) USS Port Royal (Sassacus class Double-ender Gunboat) (CR48) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 695 VPs.


Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

Battle of Dogger Bank (August 1870) At the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, the greatly numerically inferior Prussian Navy assumed a defensive posture against a naval blockade imposed by the French Navy.. Friedrich Carl Kronprinz, and Knig Wilhelm were concentrated in the North Sea at the port of Wilhelmshaven.They were subsequently joined there by the turret ship Arminius, which had been stationed in Kiel. Despite the great French naval superiority, the French had conducted insufficient pre-war planning for an assault on the Prussian naval installations, and concluded that it would only be possible with Danish assistance, which was not forthcoming. The four Prussian ships, under the command of Vice Admiral Jachmann, made an offensive sortie in early August 1870 out to the Dogger Bank, though they encountered no French warships. But what if they did? Prussian Fleet (CR1205) Arminius (Turret Ship) (CR146) Friedrich Carl (Central Battery ironclad) (CR304) Kronprinz (Central Battery ironclad) (CR304) Knig Wilhelm (Central Battery ironclad) (CR451) French Fleet (CR1200) Magenta (Broadside Ironclad) (CR232) Provence (Broadside Ironclad) (CR202) Flandre (Provence-class Broadside Ironclad) (CR202) Belliqueuse (Broadside ironclad) (CR130) Jeanne DArc (Alma-class Central Battery Ironclad) (CR154) Ocean (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR280) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 600 VPs.


Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878)

Deny the Danube (1877) The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 origins in the Russian goal of gaining access to the Mediterranean Sea and capturing the Balkan Peninsula from the Ottoman Empire. The war began with the Russians clearing the Danube of Turkish vessels and mining the river. This allowed them to cross the Danube at any point. In July 1877 the Russians constructed a bridge across the Danube at Svishto and invaded. This scenario is a what if with the Turks trying to force the Danubes Delta and clear the way further upstream for reinforcements and to attack the Russian flank. Russian Fleet (CR841) Attacker Novogorod (Coast Defense Ship) (CR195) Vice-Admiral Popov (Coast Defense Ship) (CR324) Admiral Chichagov (Turret Ship) (CR222) 5xTorpedo Boats (Common Whitehead Torpedo Boat) (CR20) Ottoman Turkish Fleet (CR735) Defender Messudieh (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR483) Idjalieh (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR108) Fethi Bulend (Central Battery Ironclad) (CR144) Setup: The attacking side deploys first, followed by the defender, in the areas shown below:

Victory Conditions: The attacking side receives victory points as normal. The defending side receives victory points as normal. In addition, each defending ship that moves off the game board via the attackers edge awards VPs to the defender, not the attacker as stated in rule 3.3: Moving on the Game Board. Either side may claim victory once 365 VPs have been earned.


Other Conflicts
Battle for a Mid Atlantic Port (1866)

In 1859, the French produced the world's first iron clad fighting ship, the Gloire and their naval arms race with the British took a new turn. Although ocean going ironclads are now common, the French navy has decided to re-enact their monumental achievement of some years before when the Gloire's sister ship, Normandie, performed the first trans-Atlantic crossing by an ironclad vessel. For this exercise in prestige, the Gloire itself has been chosen to remind the world of French naval innovation. In the French harbor, the Gloire and Palestro crews are the guests of honor at a great send off ceremony. An older wooden sloop, the Lucifer, is also preparing to accompany this mission. All three vessels have been building up their steam for many hours and are ready to depart. The mood of the throngs of well-wishers on the docks is festive and care free.


Suddenly, loud retorts of heavy cannon on harbors coastal defense fort bring the revelry to a jarring close! The British, obviously intent upon denying the French the glory of the re-enactment of their remarkable achievement have come to stop it all. French (CR705) Gloire (Broadside Ironclad) (CR192) Palestro (Floating Battery) (CR81) Lucifer (Common Screw Sloop) (CR70) Small Gun Battery (CR108) Gavres Large Gun Battery (CR254) Larmar Plage British (CR379) HMS Royal Sovereign (Coast Defense Ship) (CR166) HMS Scorpion (Masted Turret Ship) (CR156) HMS Bath (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) HMS Ta Ta (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) HMS Fliegen Stiegen (Common Spar Torpedo Boat) (CR19) Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 190 VPs.


Form Line of Battle A standard fleet action with a French and British squadron played using the standard Starmada scenario setup. French (CR962) Common Screw 110 gun SOL (CR287) Common Screw 90 gun SOL (CR239) Common Screw 80 gun SOL (CR218) Common Screw 80 gun SOL (CR218) British (CR962) Common Screw 110 gun SOL (CR287) Common Screw 90 gun SOL (CR239) Common Screw 80 gun SOL (CR218) Common Screw 80 gun SOL (CR218) Setup: Use the standard Starmada scenario setup.

Victory conditions: Use the standard Starmada scenario victory conditions. Either side may claim victory once they have earned 480 VPs.


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