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Class Participation Auto-assessment

Name:___________________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________________________________ Score: _______________ 1 point for each affirmative answer/16

Circle the answer (Yes or No) depending on your class work. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 1. I attend the class. 2. I come to class on time. 3. I show respect for the teacher and my peers. 4. Im quiet at appropriate times. 5. I participate actively in class. 6. I bring the required material to class. 7. I just have the English Course materials on my desk. 8. I listen carefully and follow directions. 9. I dont talk while the teacher is speaking. 10. I stay on assigned tasks. 11. I work neatly and carefully. 12. I complete class work on time. 13. I can work independently and within a group effectively. 14. I make-up work after any absence. 15. I dont eat or drink in the classroom. 16. I do my homework assignments and hand them in on time.

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