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(1992) p. 1-44

StabilizedFinite Element Formulations for IncompressibleFlow Computationst

Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics and Minnesola Supercomputer Institute University of M innesota Minneapolis, Minnesoto I. lntroduction I I . T h e C o v e r n i n gE q u a t i o n s I I l . T h e S p a c e - T i m eF o r m u l a t i o n a n d t h e G a l e r k i n / L e a s t - S q u a r e S s tabilization....... A. The Method B. Numerical Examples IV. The Formulations with the SUPC and PSPG Stabilizations............. A. The Method B. Numerical Examples V . A p p l i c a t i o n t o M o v i n g B o u n d a r i e sa n d I n t e r l a c e s :T h e D S D , U S T Procedure....... A. The Method B . N u m e r i c a lE x a m p l e s V I . C o n c l u d i n gR e m a r k s . . . . . . . . . References

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29 38 42

I. Introduction Finite element computation of incompressible flows involves two main sources of potential numerical instabilities associatedwith the Galerkin formulation of a problem. One sourceis due to the presence of advection terms in the governing equations,and can result in spurious node-to-node oscillations primarily in the velocity field. Such oscillations become more
rThis research was sponsored by NASA-Johnson Space Center (under grant NAG 9-449), NSF (under grant MSM-8796352), U.S. Army (under contract DAAL03-89-C-0038), and the Universitvof Paris VI.

T. E. Tezduyor
apparent for advection-dominated (i.e., high Reynolds number) flows and flows with sharp layers in the solution. The other source of instability is due to using inappropriate combinations of interpolation functions to represent the velocity and pressure fields. These instabilities usually appear as oscillations primarily in the pressurefield. In fact, there is not much about either of thesenumerical instabilities that could be consideredto be inherent to the finite element formulation. Such instabilities appear also in the standard versions of other discretization techniquessuch as finite difference and finite volume methods. This chapter consists of a review of the stabilized finite element formulations designed to prevent the potential numerical instabilities just described. The stabilization techniques that are reviewed more extensively than others are the Galerkin,/least-squares(GLS), streamline-upwind/ (SUPG), and pressure-stabllizing/Petrov-Galerkin Petrov-Galerkin (PSPG) formulations. All these formulations are consistentin the sense that, for reasons to be explained soon, an exact solution still satisfies the stabilized formulation. The descriptions of the stabilized formulations emphasizedin this chapter, and the numerical examplespresented,have all been extracted from recent papers by Tezduyar et ql. (1990c,d, e) and Liou and Tezduyar (1990). The SUPG stabilization for incompressibleflows is achievedby addirtg to the Galerkin formulation a seriesof terms, each in the form of an integral over a different element. These integrals involve the product of the residual of the momentum equation and the advective operator acting on the test function. This formulation was introduced by Hughes and Brooks (1979). A comprehensivedescription of the formulation, together with various numerical examples, can be found in Brooks and Hughes (1982). The implementation of the SUPG formulation in Brooks and Hughes (1982)was based on QlP0 (bilinear velocity/constant pressure)elements and one-step time-integration of the semi-discrete equations obtained by using such elements. The SUPG stabilization for the vorticity-stream function formulation of incompressible flow problems, including those with multiply-connected domains, was introduced by Tezduyar et al. (1988). It is relevant to mention that the SUPG stabilization has been successfully applied to not only incompressible flows, but also compressible flows. In fact, there has been always some exchangeof technology betweenthese two application areas.The SUPG stabilization for hyperbolic systemsin general and compressible Euler equations in particular was first introduced in a NASA report by Tezduyar and Hughes (1982). This report includes a

StobilizedFinite Element Formulations

detailed stability and accuracy analysis and several one- and twodimensional examples. The method was also presented in an AIAA paper by Tezduyar and Hughes (1983). The journal version of the NASA report was published with some additional numerical examples (Hughes and Tezduyar, 1984). The stabilization techniques introduced in Tezduyar and Hughes (1982) constituted a pilot work for compressible flows. For example, the Taylor-Galerkin stabilization method, which appeared in an article by Donea (1984)is very similar (under certain conditions identical) to one of the stabilization methods introduced in Tezduyar and Hughes (1982). Another example is the SUPG stabilization for compressible flows in the entropy variablesformulation (Hughes et al.,1987). Among others with interest in SUPG stabilization, Johnson and his group (see, e.g., Johnson and Saranen, 1986) has been perhaps one of the most involved ones. Becausein the SUPG stabilization the stabilizing terms added involve the residual of the momentum equation as a factor, when an exact solution is substituted into the stabilized formulation, theseadded terms vanish. and as a result the stabilized formulation is satisfied by the exact solution in the same way as the Galerkin formulation is satisfied. It is because of this property of the SUPG stabilization (and the other stabilization approaches emphasized in this chapter) that numerical oscillations are prevented numerical diffusion (i.e., without "overwithout introducing excessive stabilizing"), and therefore without compromising the accuracy of the solution. Two other stabilization techniques that became quite known in the past several years should be mentioned here. One is the selectivemass lumping method of Kawahara et al. (1982). This method has been successfullyused particularly in solving flow problems governed by the shallow water equations. It can be shown that there is a close relationship between this method and adding isotropic numerical diffusion to the governing equations. In fact, although currently the selectivelumping parameter used in this method is determined empirically, some theoretical guidelines in determining this parameter can be provided based on this relationship. The other stabilization technique is the balanced tensor diffusivity (BTD) method of Gresho et ul. (1984).In this method, a streamline diffusion term is added to the differential equations to compensatefor the time truncation error corresponding to the forward Euler time-integration. It was shown by Gresho (1990) and Gresho and Chan (1990) that the BTD method exhibits diffusion for certain test problems, particularly the symptoms of excessive

T. E. TeTduyar

for the problem involving an inviscid vortex for which the initial condition is also an exact solution that a reliable algorithm is expected to maintain as accuratelyas possible.Gresho predictedthat the suPG stabilizationwould exhibit similar symptoms. It was essentiallythis prediction that motivated the work leading to the article by Tezduyar et al. (1990a). Basedon numerical experimentswith the inviscid vortex and the unsteady flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100, it was shown inTezduyar et ql. (1990a\ that: (a) the SUPC stabilization for the vorticity-stream function formulation exhibits no symptoms of excessive diffusion; (b) the SUPG stabilization,as implementedin Brooks and Hughes(1982) with the Q1P0 element and the one-step time-integration, does exhibit symptoms of excessive diffusion; (c) this situation can be improved significantly if the one-step timeintegration schemeis replacedby the multi-step T6 schemeproposed in Tezduyar et ol. (1990a), and in which the SUpG stabilization is applied only to the advection step; this schemeshows virtually no symptoms of excessive diffusion. It is the belief of this author that the symptoms of excessive diffusion is not due to the SUPG stabilizationin general, but the combination of the SUPG stabilization,the QlP0 element, and the one-steptime-integration. The pressure function space is too poor for the discrete formulation to benefit from the consistency property of the SUPG stabilization. The situation improves significantly in the T6 formulation becausethe SUpG stabilization is applied only to the advection step, and that step does not involve any pressureterms. In fact, there is more evidenceto support this belief. For higher-order elementssuch as Q2Pl (biquadratic velocity/linear pressure)and pQ2Pl (pseudo-quadratic version of Q2pl), for which the pressure function space is richer, it was shown by Tezduyar et al. (1990b) that, for the same set of test problems used in Tezduyar et al. (1990a), the excess diffusion exhibited by the one-step and T6 schemes are quite comparable and very small. Furthermore, it was shown inTezduyar et al. (1990c) that for the stabilized QlQl (bilinear velocity and pressure) element, which has just a richer pressurefunction space than the elp0 element, the excess diffusion exhibited by the one-stepand T6 schemesare, again, quite comparable and very small. It is quite well-known that, without any kind of stabilization, for reliable computations, appropriate combinations of interpolation functions must be

Stabilized Finite Element Formulstions

usedto represent the velocity and pressure. Elementsthat do not satisfythe Brezzi condition (Brezzi, 1973),yet look attractivefor some reason,should be handled with care. For example,the QlP0 elementis one that does not satisfy this condition, yet it has always been a very popular element. Neverthelessit is an element that can potentially yield unstable computations. The Q2Pl and pQ2Pl elements,on the other hand, are known to be among the quadrilateral elementssatisfying the Brezzi condition, and have been successfully implemented with the SUPG stabilization (Tezduyar et al.,1990b) to be usedfor high Reynoldsnumber flows. Recently,Pironneau and Rappaz (1989) and Bristeau et al. (1990) showed that inappropriate combinations of interpolation functions can lead to numerical oscillations also in some compressible flow problems. Furthermore, they showed that combinationssimilar to those known to be stablefor incompressible flows can be successfully used for compressible flows. It was shown that (seeBrezzi and Pitkaranta, 1984, and Hughes e/ a/., 1986), with proper stabilization, elementsthat do not satisfy the Brezzi condition can be used for Stokes flow problems. The Petrov-Galerkin stabilization proposed in Hughes et al. (1986) is achieved, just like in the SUPG stabilization, by adding to the Galerkin formulation a series of integralsover elementdomains. Again, theseterms involve the residual of the momentum equation as a factor, and therefore the stabilized formulation is consistent. Several researchershave been actively involved with stabilization techniquesfor Stokes flows, and many articles on this subject appeared in the recent literature (or about to appear soon); to give a few examples:Hughes and Franca (1987); Franca and Hughes (1988); Franca and Dutra do Carmo (1989);Douglas and Wang (1989);Franca and Stenberg(1990); and Silvesterand Kechkar (1990). The PSPG stabilization term proposed in Tezduyar et a/. (1990c) is a generalization, to finite Reynolds number flows, of the Petrov-Galerkin stabilizationterm proposed in Hughes et ol. (1986) for Stokes flows. The coefficients in the PSPG stabilization terms vary with the Reynolds number (based on a global scaling velocity) very much as the coefficients in the SUPG stabilizationterms do. In the zero Reynoldsnumber limit, the PSPG stabilization term reduces to the one proposed in Hughes et al. (1986). In Tezduyar et al. (1990c), the SUPG and PSPG stabilizations are used together with both one-step (T1) and multi-step (T6) time-integration schemes.With the Tl scheme. the SUPG and PSPG stabilizationsare applied simultaneously. As will be explained soon, another way to arrive at this combined SUPG/PSPG stabilization is by considering the GLS

T. E. Tezduyar
stabilization for the steady-stateequations of incompressible flows. With the T6 scheme,on the other hand, the SUPG stabilization is applied only to the steps involving the pressure terms. Both schemeswere implemented in Tezduyar et al. (1990c)based on the QlQl and PlPl (linear velocity and pressure)elements,and were successfullyapplied to a set of nearly standard test problems. Also, recently, Lundgren and Mansour (1990) applied this type of stabilization techniques to Lagrangian finite element computation of viscousfree-surface flows. The GLS stabilization is a more general stabilization approach that includes the essenceof the SUPG and PSPG type stabilizations. This approach has been successfully applied to Stokes flows (Hughes and Franca, 1987),compressible flows (Hughes et al. 1989,and Shakib, 1988), and incompressible flows at finite Reynolds numbers (Hansbo and Szepessy, 1990,Tezduyaret sl., 1990d,e,and Liou and Tezduyar, 1990).In the GLS stabilization of incompressible flows, the stabilizing terms added are obtained by minimizing the sum of the squared residual of the momentum equation integrated over each element domain. Consequently, just like in the SUPG and PSPG stabilizations, because the stabilizingterms involve the residual of the momentum equation as a factor, the stabilized formulation is consistent. For time-dependent problems, a strict implementation of the GLS finite elementdiscretization in both space stabilization technique necessitates and time, and therefore leads to a space-time finite element formulation of the problem. The space-time finite element formulation has recently been successfullyused, in conjunction with the GLS stabilization, for various problems with fixed spatial domains. This author is most familiar with references Hughes et al. (1987),Hughes and Hulbert (1988),Shakib (1988), (1989).The basicsof the space-timeformulation, and Hansbo and Szepessy its implementation, and the associatedstability and accuracyanalysiscan be found in these references. It is important to realize that the finite element interpolation functions are discontinuous in time, so that the fully discrete equations are solved one space-time slab at a time, and this makes the computations feasible. Still, the computational cost associatedwith the spacetime finite element formulations using piecewiselinear functions in time is quite heavy. For large-scale problems, it becomes imperative to employ efficient iteration methods to reduce the cost involved. This was achievedin Liou and Tezduyar (1990) by using the generalized minimal residual (GMRES) iteration algorithm (Saad and Schultz, 1983) with rhe clustered (CEBE) preconditioners (Liou and Tezduyar, 1990). element-by-element

StabilizedFinite ElementFormulations
With a slightly more liberal implementation of the GLS stabilization, computation of time-dependent incompressible flow problems can be achievedby using the finite element discretization in spaceonly, rather than in both spaceand time. To do this, we first consider the GLS stabilization for the steady-state equations of incompressible flows. Then, in the definition of the stabilizing terms, we replacethe residual of the steady-state equations with the time-dependentone. These stabilizing terms are added to the Galerkin formulation of the time-dependent equations. The stabilized formulation obtained this way is, of course, still consistent.Furthermore, this stabilizationis very close to the combined SUPG/PSPG stabilization mentioned previously. Perhapsone of the most striking applicationsof the stabilizedspace-time finite element formulation is, as it was first pointed out by Tezduyar The DSD/ e), in computing moving boundariesand interfaces. et qt. (1990d, procedure by introduced (Deforming-Spatial-Domain,/Space-Time) ST applied to Tezduyar et al. (1990d,e) servesthis purpose, and was successfully severalunsteadyincompressibleflow problems involving moving boundaries and interfaces, such as free-surfaceflows, liquid drops, two-liquid flows, and flows with drifting cylinders. In the DSD/ST procedure, the finite element formulation of a problem is written over its space-timedomain, and therefore the deformation of the spatial domain with respectto time is taken into account automatically. Furthermore, in the DSD/ST procedure the frequency of remeshing is minimized. Here, we define remeshing as the process of generatinga new mesh, and projecting the solution from the old mesh to the in general,involvesprojection errorS,minimizing new one. Sinceremeshing, the frequency of remeshingresultsin minimizing the projection errors. The outline of the rest of this chapter is as follows. In Section II, the governing equations of the unsteady incompressible flows are reviewed. The review of the space-time and GLS formulations is presentedin Section III. The SUPG and PSPG stabilizationsare reviewed in Section IV. In Section V, as an application to moving boundaries and interfaces, the DSD/ST procedureis reviewed.SectionsIII, IV, and V include numerical examples for the methods reviewed in those sections. Concluding remarks are given in SectionVI. II. The Governing Equations Let C),C Rn'dbe the spatial domain at time I e (0,7'), where n,o is the number of space dimensions. Let Il denote the boundary of O,. We

T. E. Tezduyar

consider the following velocity-pressure formulation of the Navier-stokes equations governing unsteady incompressible flows:

/0u \ ,("*u'vu/-v'o:0 V ' u : 0

on f), v/ e (0,Z), on O, vt e (0,Z),

(2.1) (2.2)

wherep and u are the densityand velocity, and o is the stress tensorgiven as

o(p, u) : -pl + 2pt(u),

with e(u) : jlvu + (vu)tl


Here, p and p are the pressure and the dynamic viscosity, and I is the identity tensor. The part of the boundary at which the velocity is assumed to be specifiedis denoted by (Il)r: u : g on (1,)gv/ e (0,?.).


The "natural" boundary conditions associated with (2.1)arethe conditions on the stress components, and theseare the conditionsassumed to be imposed part of the boundary: at the remaining n.o: h o n( 1 , ) r , v t e ( 0 , ? . ) . (2.6)

The homogeneousversion of (2.6), which correspondsto the "tractionfree" (i.e., zero normal and shearstress) conditions,is often imposedat the out flow boundaries. As initial condition, a divergence-freevelocity field uo(x) is specified over the domain f), at I : 0: u(x, 0) : uo(x) on Qo.


Let us now consider two immiscible fluids, A and B, occupying the domain C),. Let (Qr)o denote the subdomain occupied by fluid A, and (Il)o denotethe boundary of this subdomain.Similarly, let (er)s and (Il)u be the subdomain and boundary associatedwith fluid B. Furthermore, let (Il)ou be the intersectionof (1,)a and (Il)u, i.e., the interface between fluids A and B. The kinematical conditions at the interface (|,)es are based on the continuity of the velocity field. The dynamical conditions at the interface, for two-dimensional problems, can be expressed by the following equation: tre'oe * ns . 68: n^y/R^ on (|,)enVt e (0,7), (2.8)

Stabilized Finite Element Formulations

where no and n" are the unit outward normal vectors at the interface, oA tensors,y is the surfacetension coefficient, and Ro is and os are the stress the radius of curvature defined to be positive when no points towards the centerof curvature.The condition (2.8) is formally applicablealso for freesurface flows (i.e., when the second fluid does not exist), provided that to be occupiedby the fluid. subdomain (Q,)o is the one assigned

III. The Space-Time Formulation and the Galerkin/ Least-SquaresStabilization A. Tsr Mprnor Let us first assume that the spatial domain is fixed in time. Under this assumption,the subscriptr is dropped from the symbols C),and f,. In the space-time finite element formulation, the time interval (0, I) is partitioned In : (tn,t,*,), where tnand /n*r belongto an ordered into subintervals seriesof time levels0 : /o < /r < ... ( l,v : ?".The space-timeslab Qn is defined as the space-time domain e) x In. The lateral surface of Q, is denoted by P,; this is the surface describedby the boundary f, as I traverses 1n. Similar to the way it was representedby Eqs. (2.5) and (2.6), P, is decomposed into (P,)s and (P,)n with respect to the type of boundary condition being imposed. Finite element discretization of a space-time slab Q, is achieved by d i v i d i n gi t i n t o e l e m e n t s Q " " ,e : 1 , 2 , . . . , ( n r r ) n , w h e r e( n . ) n i s t h e n u m b e r of elements in the space-time slab Qn. Associated with this discretization, for each space-time slab we define the following finite element interpolation function spacesfor the velocity and pressure:

(sl), : lon I un e lHth(e)]',a, uh i gh on (PJ*],

V5, : {,onlttn e lH'n(Q)l""ir, wh = 0 on (P,)r}, lqnlqn e H'h(Q)].

(3.2) (3.3)

(s:)" : v|)":

Here Hrh(Qn) represents the finite-dimensional function space over the space-time slab Q". This space is formed by using, over the parent (element) domains, first-order polynomials in space and time. It is also possible to use zeroth-order polynomials in time. In either case, globally, the interpolation functions are continuous in space but discontinuous in time.


T. E. Tezduyar

The space-timeformulation of (2.1)-(2.7) canbe written as follows: Start with (uh;; : (uo;h; (3.4) sequentially for Qr,Qr,...,eN_r, given (uh),, find uhe (Sl), and ph e 1sj),, such that vwh e (zuh)n and vqh e 1vj),, *' t(+*un.vun) \ dI dO+\ / c(wh):o(pn,u dh O) - \ wh.hdp .lO, Jt&r,

[ ,\e,

.r 'fl" * un.v,on) v." ( q n ' n n ) ) I Jr(+ "=rJei t \d/ /

\ I l/arn - v ' o ( p h . " n t ) a e :o . + uh'vuh/ Ir(; (3.sy

r ' v . uhdQ + ((uh);- 1uh;;; ao )n.n^ .lo(wh);.

In the variational formulation given by (3.5), the following notation is being used: (un)ot : un{r" * d), (3.6) ]in1

o n: d ed t . .ln.t"'r ),.,1nr".r I t r d P :. t\ lr.-tara,. .rPa r, Jr


r f



l If we were in a standard finite element formulation, rather than a space-time one, the Galerkin formulation of (2.1)-(2.7) would have consisted of the first four integrals (their spatial versions of course) appearing in Eq. (3.5). In the space-time formulation, because the interpolation functions are discontinuous in time, the fifth integral in Eq. (3.5) enforces, weakly, the continuity of the velocity in time. The remaining series of integrals in Eq. (3.5) are the least-squaresterms added to the Galerkin variational formulation to assure the numerical stability of the computations. The coefficient r determinesthe weight of such added terms.

Stabilized Finite Element Formulations


2. This kind of stabilization of the Galerkin formulation is referred to (GLS) procedure, and can be considered as a as the Galerkin,/least-squares generalization of the stabilization based on the streamline-upwind/PetrovGalerkin (SUPG) procedure employed for incompressible flows. lt is with such stabilization procedures that it is possible to use elements that have equal-order interpolation functions for velocity and pressure, and that are otherwiseunstable. 3. It is important to realize that the stabilizing terms added involve the momentum equation as a factor. Therefore, despitethese additional terms, an exact solution is still admissible to the variational formulation given by Eq. (3.5) The coefficient ? used in this formulation is obtained by a simple multidimensional generalization of the optimal z given in Shakib (1988) for onedimensional space-time formulation. The expressionfor the r used in this formulation is 1 ' : l r - l [\nt/

| / 2\'

2"l l-u \ '; : ) + r/ "n ll *l ( \ h / \,,/

| j

( 3 . 9 )

where v is the kinematic viscosity, and Ar and h are the temporal and spatial "elernent lengths." For steady-statecomputations, a different definition for r is used:

': [(#)'. (#)']-'"

( 3 .l 0 )

For derivation of r for higher-order elements, see Franca et al. (1990). Remqrk 4. Because the finite elementinterpolation functions are discontinuous in time, the fully discreteequations can be solved one space-time slab at a time. Still, the memory needed for the global matrices involved in this method is quite substantial. For example, in two dimensions, the memory needed for space-time formulation (with interpolation functions that are piecewise linear in time) of a problem is approximately four times greater compared with using the finite element method only for spatial discretization. However, iteration methods can be employed to substantially reducethe cost involved in solving the linear equation systemsarising from the space-time finite element discretization. It was shown in Liou and Tezduyar (1990)that


T. E. Tezduyar

the clustered element-by-element (CEBE) preconditioners (Liou and Tezduyar, 1990), together with the generalizedminimal residual (GMRES) method (Saadand schultz, 1983)can be effectivelyused for this purpose.

B. NuuEnrcar ExaMprss In this section, numerical examples are presented from the space-time finite elementcomputationsbasedon the cEBE/GMRES iteration method. The interpolation functions used for velocity and pressure are piecewise bilinear in spaceand piecewiselinear in time. These computations involve no global coefficient matrices, and therefore need substantially less computer memory and time compared to non-iterative solution of the fully discreteequations(seeRemark 4). By using very large time step sizes(e.g., 100,000) the steady-state solutionsare obtained in a few time steps.For the descriptionof the iteration method, its performancecharacteristics, and the details of the numerical examples,seeLiou and Tezduyar (1990). The lid-driven cavity flow ot Reynolds number 1000 In this problem, the cavity has a square shape, and the Reynolds number is basedon the sizeof the cavity and the velocity of the lid. A uniform mesh with 64 x 64 elements and 4225 nodes is employed. Every time step, approximately 25,000 equations are solved simultaneously. Figure I shows, for the steady-statesolution, velocity components along the vertical and horizontal centerlines,pressure, vorticity, and stream function. "Steady-state" solution for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100

In this test problem, the dimensions of the computational domain, normalized by the cylinder diameter, are 30.5 and 16.0 in the flow and cross-flow directions, respectively. The free-stream velocity is 0.125. Reynolds number is based on the free-stream velocity and the diameter of the cylinder. symmetry conditions are imposed at the upper and lower computational boundaries, and the traction-free condition is imposed at the outflow boundary. A mesh with 5400 elementsand 5510 nodes is employed. Every time step approximately 33,000 equations are solved simultaneously. Figure 2 shows, for the "steady-state" solution, pressure,vorticity, stream function and stationary stream function.

Stubilized Finite Element Formulotions u(atx-O.S)

'I '-+*




4.4 4.2 0.0

t /






1 0.E








'\)// \\\^N
' .// ' \ : \( \ - . . ) / /


\ /


stream function

Frc. 1. Steady-state solution for the lid-driven cavity flow at Reynolds number 1000: velocity components along the vertical and horizontal center lines, pressure, vorticity, and stream function (Liou and Tezduyar, 1990).


T. E. Tezduyor





stream function

stream function

s t a t i o n a r Vs t r e a m f u n c t i o n

stationarv stream function

Ftc. 2. "Steady-state" solution for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100: pressure, vorticity, stream function, and stationary stream function (Liou and Tezduyar, 1990).

Finite ElementFormulotions Stabilized IY. The Formulationswith the SUPG and PSPG Stabilizations
A. TnB Mrrnor


In this section, the variational formulations with the SUPG and PSPG stabilization terms are described. These formulations are based on finite elementdiscretizationin spaceonly, rather than in both spaceand time. Let us discretize the domain O by subdividing it into elements O", : 7 , 2 , . . . , f r e t , w h e r er z . ,i s t h e n u m b e r o f e l e m e n t sA with this e . ssociated discretization,we define the following finite elementinterpolation function spacesfor the velocity and pressure:

s,l : funluh e 1,a1h1elr1n,o, uh = gh on lsl, : fwhlwh e 1111h1fl)1n"o, Zoh wh = 0 on lrl, sI : v; : lqnlqh e rlrhlo;;,

(4.1) (4.2) (4.3)

where 11'n(f,)) represents the finite-dimensional function space over the spatialdomain O. This spaceis formed by using, over the elementdomains, first-order polynomials in space. The stabilized Galerkin formulation of (2.1)-(2.7) can be written as follows: Find uh e S| andpn e Sj'such that, vwh Zuhand vqh e V!,

* un. vun) ao + c(wh): o(ph, uh)do [,*'''(q# J,'


. uh wh.hdr+Jnan v df, *

(6h+ eh) "!, Jr"


* ". v") - v. o(pn,u'l] ao : o.

As it can be seenfrom Eq. (4.4), two stabilizingterms have been added to the standard Galerkin formulation of (2.1)-(2.7); the one with 6h is the SUPG term, and the one with eh is the PSPG (pressure-stabilizing/PetrovGalerkin) term. The Petrov-Galerkin functions 5h and eh are defined as uh'vwh. 6h : Tsupc " l , ,: T p s p c pYq,,,

(4.5) (4.6)

t6 where

T. E. Tezduyar

: rsupc ffi.G.,;, : ?pspc ffi ze.fll.

llunll rr

(4.7) (4.8)

Here, Reu and Re{' are the element Reynolds numbers, which are based, respectively, on the local velocityuh and a global scalingvelocityU. That is, Re": t;'


- l l u l lr r # Rei:;.
The "element length" /t is computed by using the expression

h : 2 l I l t ' v r u ,) l
\ a = 1 /

/ ' r n

\ - l


where r.n is the number of nodes in the element,No is the basis function associatedwith node a, and s is the unit vector in the direction of the local velocity. The "element length" hn. on the other hand, is definedto be equal to the element. The to the diameter of the circle which is area-equivalent (4.8) (4.'7) is defined as and function z(Re) used in Eqs.

( l,



The spatial discretizationof Eq. (4.4) leads to the following set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. ( M + M u ) a + N ( v )+ N 6 ( v ) + (K+ Ku)t- (G+Gu)p:F Grv+M.a+ N.(v)+ K.v* +F6), (4.13) (4.14)


where v is the vector of unknown nodal values of uh, a is the time derivative of v, and p is the vector of nodal values of ph. The matricesM, N, K and G are derived, respectively,from the time-dependent,advective,viscous, and pressureterms. The vector F is due to the boundary conditions (2.5) and (2.6) (i.e., the g and ft terms), whereas the vector E is due to the boundary condition (2.5). The subscripts6 and e identify the SUPG and PSPC contributions, respectively.

Stabilized Finite Element Formulations


First, considerthe time-integrationof Eqs. (4.13)and (a.14)by a one-step generalize td rapezoida r lu l e : i . e . .g i v e n( u h ) , , l i n d ( u h ) n * ,a n d ( p n ) n _ ,( r h i s will be referred to as Tl formulation). When written in an incremental form, the Tl formulation leads to

M*Aa-G*AP:11, (Gr)* aa + G. Ap : Q,

(4.15) (4.16)

R : F * Fo - [(M + Mu)a + N(v) + N6(v) + (K + Ku)v - (G + Gu)pl, Q : E * E . - [ G ' v + M . a + N . ( v )+ K . v + G . p ] ,

(4.r7) (4.18)

M * : M + M u+ " o r ( H .
(Gt)* :

+ K + K6),

(4.1e) (4.20) (4.2r)


The parameter cvcontrols the stability and accuracy of the time integration algorithm. Remark 5. The systems(4.15) and (4.16) can be solved by treating the velocity explicitly in the momentum equation. Since the SUPG and PSPG supplements are applied to all terms in the momentum equation, in explicit computations the coefficient matrix of the pressure equation is generally not symmetric. All explicit Tl computations reported in this section are based on the symmetrization of the coefficient matrix of the pressure per time step. In such equation, and the resultsare obtained with two passes computations, M*, G* and (Gr)* are replacedwith M* : Mr,

(4.22) (4.23) (4.24)

G*:G, (Gt)*: .'A/Gr,

where M. is the lumped version of the mass matrix M.


T. E. Tezduyar

To write the T6 formulation(Tezduyar et al.,1990a)of (2.1)-(2.7), we needto slightlymodify the definition of the solution spacefor velocity: (S,l),*" : lunluh e [r11h1f2r1n,o, uh : Gn)n*"on I"]; (4.2s)

remain as they weregiven by the definitionsof the other function spaces Eqs. (a.2)and (4.3).We now summarize the T6 formulation. l. Find (uh)f*, e (S,l),*a suchrhat, vwh Zuh, (uh), . v r u n"t + (uh)/ )a o \ tunl' + ( u n ')' v ( u ' \ ^ ) d a : 0 ' (4.26\

i , " n. r '( \ t u h ) , * _.e a\r .la -

i [ ,r. ,((un)'-t: dAl e |'ro" 1

2. Find (uh)n*u e (S,l),*oand (ph)n*u e Sj such that, vwh e Zuh and vqh e V], q (uht;-u]rio . p [ ( u h ) , -+ | e ( w h )(:6 h ) n _ 0 d e [ *r 0L,t .lo .ln .l r" ilet r'

i I

{ ' wh.(fth)n*oar+ | qhv.1uh\n*ude

.l o ( pl,rUh)n* - (on);* ) a ul v . ( o h ) n * o {a e i : o .

+ | I .n. ( " = r . jo " 3.



Find (uh);+1 o e (S,l)n*r-osuch that, vwh e Zuh, d _ _ !-u h ) , * d ] r n * [ e(wh):1oh;n*rdo [ *r.p[(uh)r_*r 0 2 0)Lt .Jn' .lo

- I

ton.(ftn)n*, df : o.


4. i

Find (uh)n*,-o e (S,l),*r-e such that, vwh e Zoh, - (un)n-*'-d h. ' v(uh),* + (uh),*,_e ,_u)aa
(on)i'*r_, \ .^ , h. h. u h ) ' * ' -_ ','( u v h ), n * )a +( o -u

, . f{'uh)n*r, *n ,\-"i=r;f"Jn

0 '' p ( t . r "1,.lr"


/tu,h)n+r_o -

- z Bll,

: 0.


Stabilized Finite Element Formulations 5. Find (uh);*, e (S,l),*r such that, vwh Zoh,


*'''(@#i't ,\,
n e t i /

* (uh)n+, o'v l u n ; r * , - u ) a o
(un)i*r (uh)o+r-o



I o''p(


01 .uny,*,-u * ( u h ) o + r -v a)e i


6. Find (uh),*, e (S,l),*, and (ph)n*, e Sj such that, vwh e Zuh and vqh e V!, - (uh);*r]do p[(uh),r

[ * '
I .l fr



etron) : 1oh;n*, do

wh. (fth)n*, ra *


qhv . 1uh;n*, do

. 1o e


p[(un),*r- (un);*rl 0Lt (

v .ton) ,.,] ao : 0. (4.31)

Remarks 6. The parameter 0 is the one used in the d-scheme(Bristeau et ol., 1987);for the numericalexamples to be reportedin this section,it is setto ]. 7 . The matrix forms corresponding to Eqs. (4.26), (4.28), (4.29), and (4.30) can be solved implicitly or explicitly as described inTezduyar et al. (1990a).The matrix form of the two "Stokes substeps," i.e., Eqs. (4.27) and (4. 3 1), are quite similar to the matrix form of the T I formulation; they can be solved implicitly or by treating the velocity explicitly. The results reported in this section are based on the explicit treatment of all substeps. The numbers of passesused in the substeps are 4-2-2-2-4-2.

B. Nuunnrcar ExeuprEs To have a better basis of comparison among the solutions obtained by using different elements, meshes generated with different elements are required to have the same distribution of the velocity and pressure nodes. The nodal values of the stream function and vorticity are obtained by the least-squaresinterpolation. For the meshes generated with the PlPl


T. E. Tezduyqr

elements,these quantities are computed from the velocity field by using the meshesgeneratedwith the QlQl element. For details of the computations and the performance characteristics,see Tezduyar et al. (1990c). Unsteadyflow post a cylinder at Reynolds number 100 The problem set-upin this caseis the sameas it was for the "steady-state" case of Section lII. However, this time we are interestedin the unsteady behavior.The meshusedfor Q I Q 1 consists of 5240elements, while the number of elements for P I P 1 is 10,480. Both meshes contain 5350velocitynodes. The periodic solution is computed by introducing a short-termperturbation to the symmetric solution. We have observed,at least for small perturbations, that the periodic solution is independent of the mode of perturbation. Strouhal number and the time history of the lift and drag coefficients are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Compared to the Tl formulation, the T6 o ' lo 1 / T 1


i l

fi rl

i l l

l t

l L t l l ii:lL,il lj ir L .0.16 t t

i/i i1

t l - 1

vl I
f i

,0.170 l

J 'l]{+ljl If




/ \


]] I I


l I rl]l

f I

I t I


I r


f I



)r=u. rbo

Ftc. 3. Periodicsolution(obtained with variousformulations) for flow pasta cylinderat Reynolds number100:Strouhalnumberand the time historyof the lift coefficient (Tezduyar et a|..1990c\.

Stabilized Finite Element Formulutions

o101/T1 o101/T6


it I

I /


P1P, /1 T1





500.0 too.o 1000,0 1200.0 0.0 400,0 !000.0 1200.0

Frc. 4. Periodic solution (obtained with various formulations) for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100: time history of the drag coefficient (Tezduyar et al., 1990c).

formulation gives a slightly higher Strouhal number. Also, the Q1Q1 element gives a Strouhal number abouL 2Vo higher than what the PlPl element gives. Although the lift and drag coefficients show no significant differenceamong different formulations, the QlQl elementgivesa slightly higher drag coefficientthan the PlPl element,and the T6 formulation gives a slightly higher drag coefficient than the Tl formulation. The periodic solution flow patterns corresponding to the crest value of the lift coefficient are shown in Figs. 5-8. The patterns corresponding to the trough value of the lift coefficient are simply the mirror images, with respectto the horizontal centerline,of the patternsshown in Figs. 5-8. The solutions obtained with different formulations are very similar. However, it can be seen, upon close comparison, that the T6 formulation is less dissipativethan the Tl formulation and that the QlQl element is less dissipativethan the PlPl element.On comparing thesesolutions with the


T. E. Tezduyar




stream function

stream function

statlonary stream f unction

stationarv stream function



for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds Frc. 5. Periodic solution (obtained with QlQl/Tl) number 100: flow patterns corresponding to the crest value of the lift coefficient (Tezduyar et o1..1990c\.

Stabilized Finite Elemen t Formulations




stream function

stream function

s t a t i o n a r ys t r e a m f u n c t i o n

stationary stream f unction

1 \\\V' I \\\'-

\ \.....-:\--



vU( \u-t)
Frc. 6. Periodic solution (obtained with QlQl/T6) for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100: flow patterns corresponding to the crest value of the lift coefficient (Tezduyar et al..1990c\.


T. E. Tezduyar





stream function

s t a t i o n a r ys t r e a m f u n c t i o n

stationary stream f unction


pressu re

Frc. 7. Periodic solution (obtained with P1P1/Tl) for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100: flow patterns corresponding to the crest value of the lift coefficient (Tezduyar et al..1990c\.

Stqbilized Finite Element Formulations





stream function

stream function

s t a t i o n a r ys t r e a m f u n c t i o n

stationary stream f unction






Frc.8. Periodic solution (obtained with PlPl/T6) for flow past a cylinder at Reynolds number 100: flow patterns corresponding to the crest value of the lift coefficient (Tezduyar et a|..1990c).


T. E. Tezduyar

ones reported in Tezduyar et al. (1990b), it can be observed that the solutions obtained with the QlQl and PlPl elementsare very closeto the ones obtained with the pQ2P1 and QlP0/T6 elements.

V. Application to Moving Boundaries and Interfaces: The DSD/ST Procedure A. Tns MrrHoo It was first shown in Tezduyar et al. (1990d,e) that the stabilized space-time finite element formulation described in Section III can be effectively applied to fluid dynamics computations involving moving boundaries and interfaces. The variational formulation associatedwith the DSD/ST (Deforming-Spatial-Domain/Space-Time) procedure is only slightly different than the one given by Eq. (3.5) in SectionIII. Because the now spatial domains are time-dependent, the subscript I that was dropped from the symbols such as f), and Il needsto be reinstated. Furthermore, we let On : O,, and l, : 1,,, and define the space-time slab Qn as the domain enclosed by the surfacesOn, On*1, and Pn (seeFig. 9). The variational formulation replacingthe one given by Eq. (3.5) can then be written as follows:

Jn,*n -


* on.von)oO* . h dPwh

: o1ph,nh1 dg In.e(wh)

+ |

. noy/RodP wh J,*,^"
(ton);. ((uh); - (uh);) aet
J O"

qh v . uh dO + \

. i-J,,'[,(#."
-v [,(#*un'vun)

or"t) - v.otqn,wn)] . o(ph,onl]aO : o,


where (P)as is the space-time surface described by the boundary (1,)as as / traverses the time interval (t,, tr+r).

SrabilizedFinire Elemen t Formulations



t=tn+1 t

[ = tn


Frc. 9. The space-time slab for the DSD/ST formulation (Tezduyar et al.,1990d).

Remarks 8. The kinematical conditions at the interface (Il)ou are automatically subdomains(O,)o and (O,)u sharethe same satisfiedbecause the discretized n o d e sa t t h i s i n t e r f a c e . 9. The additional term (i.e., the fourth integral) in Eq. (5.1) enforces the dynamical conditions associatedwith the interfaces and free-surfacesin the presence of surfacetension effects. If the interface is to be interpreted free-surface the as of a single fluid, then the fluid is assumedto occupy subdomain (Q,)o. This variational formulation can of course be easily extended to more than two fluids. 10. For two-liquid flows, the solution and variational function spaces for pressureshould include the functions that are discontinuousacrossthe interface.

As a special case of drifting solid objects, let us now consider a drifting cylinder. The cylinder moves with unknown linear velocity components Z1 and V, and angular velocity @. The temporal evolutions of these additional unknowns depend on the flow field and can be described by writing the Newton's law for the cylinder:

dt dV, dt

D ( 4 , V z ,@ ,U ) m L(Vr,V2, @ ,U )



T. E. Tezduyar

d O_ T ( n , v z , 6 , u )
d t J


where D, L , and 7"are the drag, lift and torque on the cylinder, respectively, while m and J are its mass and polar moment of inertia. The vector of nodal values of velocity and pressureis denoted by u. Temporal discretization of Eqs. (5.2)-(5.4)leadsto a set of equationswhich, in an abstractform. can be written as

V - V - = A r D ( V - ,V , U ) .


Here, V (unknown) and V (known) are vectorsrepresenting the motion of the cylinder, respectively,inside the current space-time slab and at the end of the previousone. The current slab thickness/r+t - t,is L,t. For linear-intime interpolation, Eq. (5.5) takes the form (V)"*t

(4); (v),

I r


lnt"; t l
| *tt;

+ Dr*)

+ L"*t)


I '

(V,)T (v);



I u-Q;

+ T"*t)



l*r"; t 1 l*r';
t l | 6rQ;

- D"*t)

- Li*t)

T r*t)

Based on the general (5.5),we can write the incremental expression form of (5.6)as

- ^, (*) ou * f r - (*)l (u,v). a, \d v , z rAV: R" \aul L


Equation (5.7) is of course coupled with the incremental form of the discreteequation systemresulting from (5.1):

(Mfiu)AU + (Milv)AV : Ru (U, V).

( s.8)

In computations reported in this section, (5.7)-(5.8) the system is solved by

Stabilized Finite Element Formulstions


a block iteration schemein which the term (AD/AV) is neglected.During eachiteration, Eq. (5.8) is solvedfor AU only, using the value of V from the previousiteration; and then V is updated by (5.7) while U is held constant. to take However, the full systemcan, in principle, be solvedsimultaneously advantageof larger time stepsafforded by a fully implicit method. Iterating of the nonlinear nature on the solution will still be needednot only because of the elementdomains Qi on of the dependence of (2.1) but also because the vector V. Remark 11. In the DSD/ST procedure,to facilitate the motion of free-surfaces, interfaces,and solid boundaries,we needto move the boundary nodeswith the normal componentof the velocity at thosenodes.Except for this restriction, we have the freedom to move all the nodesany way we would like to. With this freedom, we can move the mesh in such a way that we only need to remesh when it becomesnecessaryto do so to prevent unacceptable By minimizing the degrees of mesh distortion and potential entanglements. frequency of remeshing,we minimize the projection errors expectedto be introduced by remeshing.In fact, for some computations,as a by-product of moving the mesh, we may be able to get a limited degreeof automatic mesh refinement, again with minimal projection errors. For example, a mesh moving schemesuitable for a single cylinder drifting in a bounded flow domain is described in Tezduyar et sl. (1990e).

B. Nuurnrcnr ExeuprBs All solutions presented in this section were obtained with linear-in-time interpolation functions. For the details of the computations, see Tezduyar et al. (1990e1. Free-surface wave propogot ion This is a problem that was considered in Hughes et ol. (1981). Initially, the fluid is stationary, and occupies a long rectangular region with dimen10. The flow is assumedto be sions L x D, where L : 949.095 and D: inviscid, and both the density and the gravity are set to 1.0. The mesh consists of 320 elements, with two elements through depth. The wave is generated by prescribing the velocity along the left-hand boundary of the


T. E. Tezduvar

domain according to the expressiona, : (Hc/D) sech2(crct/D- 4), where c : IS(D + H)lt" and rc : (3H/4D)t/2, with 8 : I and 11 : 0.86. The time step size is 1.789. Figure l0 shows the solutions obtained at various time steps. After 160 time steps, the wave retains 94.4V0 of its initial amplitude. This solution compares well with those presented in Hughes el a/. (1981).

0 < . 1 '6 0)

3 o
o . 1 rh q) c '6

9 n c -




F r c . 1 0 . F r e e - s u r f a c e w a v e p r o p a g a t i o n : t i m e h i s t o r y o ft h e s u r f a c e w a v e ( T e z d r r y a r e t a l . , I 990e).

Stabilized Finite Element Formulations


3 0 .!




4 : l i l. u


Frc. 11. I 990e).

Pulsating drop: time history of the axial dimensions of the drop (Tezduyar et al.,

Pulsoting drop In this problem, the drop is initially of elliptical shape with axial dimensions 1.25 (horizontal) and 0.80 (vertical). The density, viscosity, and the The effect surfacetension coefficientare l 0, 0.001 and 0.001, respectively. is 380, and the time stepsize The number of elements of gravity is neglected. is 1.0. Figure 1l showsthe time history of the axial dimensionsof the drop. Figures l2a, l2b, 12c, and l2d show the flow field and finite element mesh corresponding,approximately, two points a, b, c, and d in Fig. 11. Large-a mp Ii t ude slosh i ng This problem is similar to the one that was consideredin Huerta and Liu (1988). Initially, the fluid is stationary and occupies a 2.66'7x 1.0 rectangular region. The density and viscosity are 1.0 and 0.002, respectively. The gravity is 1.0, and the surface tension is neglected. The wave is created by applying a horizontal body force of ,4 sin(rr.rl),where A : 0.01 and a : 0.978.The Reynoldsnumber (basedon the height of the fluid and the gravity) is 514. Inviscid boundary conditions are assumedat "tank." Compared to the problem consideredhere, the the walls of the


T. E. Tezduyar
stream function pressure


O @
pressure mesh

Frc. 12. (a) Pulsating drop: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding (approximately) to point a in Fig. 1l (Tezdtryar et al., I 990e).

stream function


Frc. 12. (b) Pulsaringdrop: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding (approximately) to point b in Fig. l1 (Tezduyar et al., 1990e).

Stabilized Finite Element Formulations stream function oressure





Frc. 12. (c) Pulsating drop: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y )t o p o i n t c i n F i g . l 1 ( T e z d u y a re t a l . , 1 9 9 0 e ) .

stream function

/-) L\ \'7


Frc. 12. (d) Pulsating drop: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding (approximately) to point d in Fig. 1l (Tezduyar et al., 1990e).


. A

T. E. Telduyar

? r^-r,
cJc I, O 0 q o


!)o CJ c)c a
! N

c-) , A c-Jq

0 . c 1 6 . 0 3 2 . 0 4 8 . 0 6 4 . C 8 0 . 0 9 6 . 0 11 2 . 0 i 2 8 . 0 1 4 4 . 01 6 J . 01 7 6 . 01 9 2 . 0 t
o c

ot t: b

(Jc c O n

] a a a c) ) c O c a ,^ O o ' . o

\ '


i i

1u4.0 186.0 iuB.c

r/ ,l


\ /

190.rJ :92.C 194.0 196.0 L9B.iJ 2JU.0 2A2.:J 2C4.J L

F r c . 1 3 . L a r g e - a m p l i t u d es l o s h i n g : t i m e history of the vertical location (relative to the stationary level) of the free-surface along the left- and right-hand sides of the "tank" (Tezduyar et al., 1990e).

Reynolds number used in Huerta and Liu (1988)is 514,000.Furthermore, in Huerta and Liu (1988) the horizontal body force is removed after ten cycles; in this case, on the other hand, this force is maintained during the entire computation. The number of elementsis 441, and the time step size is 0.107. With thesevaluesof the frequencyand the time step size,a single period of the forcing function takes 60 time steps.Figure l3 shows the time history of the vertical location (relative to the stationary level of 1.0) of the free-surfacealong the left- and right-hand sidesof the "tank." Figures 14a,

StabilizedFinite Element Formulations

stream function


pressu re








Frc. 14. (a) Large-amplitude sloshing: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y )t o p o i n t a i n F i g . l 3 ( T e z d u y a re t o l . , l ' 9 9 0 e ) . stream function



-.\_..--- _=/



Frc. 14. (b) Large-amplitude sloshing: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding (approximately) to point b in Fig. 13 (Tezduyar et al.,1990e).

stream function

T. E. Tezduyar
pressu re





Ftc' 14. (c) Large-amplitude sloshing: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding (approximately) to poinr c in Fig. 13 (Tezduyar et al., 1990e). stream function



N -._=\\\\\



{ \r .

i s$

i rt r **

i jjj
Ftc. 14. (d) Large-amplitude sloshing: flow field and finite element mesh corresponding (approximately) to point d in Fig. l3 ('Iezduyar et al., 1990e).

i j$

Stabilized Finite Element Formulations

3 /

l4b, l4c, and 14d show the flow field and finite element mesh corresponding, approximately, to points e, b, c, and d in Fig. 13. A cylinder drifting in a shear flow This test problem involves a cylinder (with unit radius) drifting in a shear flow in a 6l x 32 bounded domain. The density and viscosity are 1.0 and 0.005, respectively.The upper and lower walls move with velocities 0.156 and 0.094. The upstream velocity profile is assumedto be a linear
dLspLocemenL :o"


^ l

_ l

- l
: l I

i . 0 2 5 . c 5 0 . 0 7 5 . 0 1 0 0 . 01 2 5 . c L 0 . 0 2 5 . c 5 0 . 0 7 5 . 0 1 0 0 . 01 2 5 . 0 L 0 . 3 2 5 . 0 5 0 . 0 7 5 . 0 1 0 0 . 01 2 5 . 0 L



l : :
c.0 25.c 50.0 75.0100.0 125.0

0 , 0 2 5 . 0 5 0 . 0 7 5 . 0 1 0 0 , 01 2 5 . 0 L

0 . 3 2 5 . 0 5 0 . 0 7 5 . 0 1 0 0 . 0t 2 5 . 0 L


ongJ uo.






c.0 25.c 50.0 75.0 I00.0125.0 L

0 . 0 2 5 . 0 5 0 . 0 u 5 . 0 1 0 0 . 01 2 s . 0 L

0 . 0 2 5 . 0 5 0 . 0 7 5 . 0 1 0 0 . 01 2 5 . 0 L

Frc. 15. A cylinder drifting in a shear flow: time history ofthe drag, lift, torque, linear and angular velocity components, displacementcomponents, and rotation (Tezduyar et a1.,1990e).


T. E. Tezduyar

interpolation of the velocities at the upper and lower boundaries. At the downstream boundary, normal and shear stressesare specified consistent with the undisturbed shear flow. The Reynolds number basedon the average upstream velocity and the cylinder diameter is 50. The mass and polar moment of inertia of the cylinder are 2n and n, respectively. The initial condition is the steady-state solution for the fixed cylinder locatedat (16,16) relativeto the lower left corner. The number of elements is 1152.Except for the first few time steps,the time step sizeis 0.125. Figure 15 shows, for the cylinder, time history of the drag, lift, torque, linear and angular velocity components, Cisplacement components, and rotation. Figures l6a, l6b, and l6c show the flow field and finite elementmesh at t:0.0, 62.5, and 125.0, respectively. VI. Concluding Remarks In this chapter, a review of stabilization techniquesused in finite element computation of incompressibleflows was presented.Stabilization is needed to prevent the numerical oscillations that might be produced by the presence of dominant advection terms in the governing equations or by not using an acceptablecombination of interpolation functions to representthe velocity and pressurefields. Many researchers are actively involved in development and analysisof various stabilizationmethods. It is important to make sure that the stabilization technique does not result in over-stabilization of the problem by introducing excessive numerical diffusion. The Galerkin/leastsquares, streamline-upwind/Petrov-Galerkin, and pressure-stabilizing/ Petrov-Galerkin stabilization techniqueswere reviewed in this article more extensivelythan others. All three stabilization techniques lead to formulations that are consistent. That is. the stabilization terms added to the Galerkin formulation of the problem vanish when an exact solution is substituted into the stabilized formulation. These stabilization methods introduce minimal excessdiffusion, and therefore result in solutions with minimal loss of accuracy. The Galerkin,/least-squares stabilization for time-dependent flow problems necessitates finite element discretization in both space and time, and this could be computationally quite costly. However, there are iteration methods designed to reduce the computational cost associated with the space-time finite element formulation. Also, for fixed spatial domains, there are ways to implement the Galerkin./least-squares formulation in a slightly different way then it is formally supposed to be, so that the

Stobilized Finite Element Formulations

velocrty mesh








: 0.0 Frc. 16. (a) A cylinder drifting in a shear flow: flow field and finite element mesh at I (Tezduyar et al., 1990e).


T. E. Tezduyar







FIc- 16. (b) A cylinder drifting in a shear flow: flow field and finite element mesh at t : 62.5 (Tezduyar et al., 1990e).

Stqbilized Finite Element Formulqtions





\/ (->



pressu re


t :

Frc. 16. (c) A cylinder drifting in a 125.0 (Tezduyar et al., 1990e).

flow: flow field and finite element mesh at


T. E. Telduyar

computations are performed with finite element discretization in space only. on the other hand, the combination of Galerkin/least-squares and space-time finite element formulations gives us a new and very effective strategy for computation of unsteady incompressible flows involving moving boundaries and interfaces.

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Stabilized Finite Element Formulqtions


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T. E. Tezduyar

elementsfor the conjugate gradient solution of the stokes probrem. Comput. Meth. Appr. Mech. Eng. 79,7t-86. Tezduyar, T. 8., and Hughes, T. J. R. (19g2). Development of time-accurate finite element techniquesfor first-order hyperbolic systemswith particular emphasison the compressible Euler equations' Report prepared under NASA-Ames University Consortium Interchanse No. NCA2-ORl45-104. Tezduyar, T. E., and Hughes, T. J. R. (19g3). Finite element formulations for convection dominated flows with particular emphasis on the compressible Euler equations. AIAA Paper 83-0125, Proceedings of AIAA 2lst Aerospoce sciencesMeeting, Reno, Nevada. Tezduvar, T. E., Glowinski, R., and Liou, J. (l9gg). petrov-Garerkin m e t h o d so n m u l t i p l y connected domains for the vorticity-stream function formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids g, 1269_1290. T e z d u y a r , T . 8 . , L i o u , J . , a n d G a n j o o , D . K . ( 1 9 9 0 a ) .I n c o m p r e s s i b l e flow computations based on the vorticity-stream function and velocity-pressure formulations. Comput. Struct. 35,445-472. Tezduyar, T. E', shih, R., and Mittal, S. (1990e). Time-accurate incompressibre flow computations with quadrilateral verocity-pressure elements. University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute ResearchReport UMSI 90,2143, August 1990. See update U2 below. Tezduyar, T. E., Shih, R., Mittal, S., and Ray, S. E. (1990b). I n c o m p r e s s i b l ef l o w computations with stabilized bilinear and linear equar-order-interpolation velocity-pressure elements. University of Minnesota supercomputer Institute Research Report UMSI 901165, September 1990. See update U3 below. Tezduyar, T. E., Liou, J', and Behr, M. (1990d). A new strategy for finite element computations involving moving boundaries and interfaces-the DSD/sr procedure: I. The concept and the preliminary numerical tests. University of Minnesota Supercompurer Institute ResearchReport UMSI 901169, September 1990. See update U4 below. T e z d u y a r ,T . E ' , L i o u , J . , B e h r , M . , a n d M i t t a r . S . ( l g g 0 e ) . A n e w s t r a r e g yf o r f i n i t e e r e m e n t computations involving moving boundaries and interfaces-the osoTsr procedure: II. computation of free-surface flows, twoJiquid flows, and flows with drifiing cylinders. University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Research Report UMSI go/r70, September 1990. See update U5 below.

Publication Updates U1. J. Liou and T.E. Tezduyar, "Clustered Element-by-Element Computations for Fluid Flow", Chapter 9 in Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ed. H.D. Simon), MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1992) 167-187. U2. T.E. Tezduyar, S. Mittal and R. Shih, "Time-accurate Incompressible Flow Computations with Quadrilateral Velocity-Pressure Elements", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 87 (1991) 363-384. U3. T.E. Tezduyar, S. Mittal, S.E. Ray and R. Shih, "Incompressible Flow Computations with Stabilized Bilinear and Linear Equal-order-interpolation Velocity-Pressure Elements", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 95 (1992) 221-242. U4. T.E. Tezduyar, M. Behr and J. Liou, "A New Strategy for Finite Element Computations Involving Moving Boundaries and Interfaces The Deforming-Spatial-Domain/Space-Time Procedure: I. The Concept and the Preliminary Numerical Tests", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 94 (1992) 339-351. U5. T.E. Tezduyar, M. Behr, S. Mittal and J. Liou, "A New Strategy for Finite Element Computations Involving Moving Boundaries and Interfaces The Deforming-Spatial-Domain/ Space-Time Procedure: II. Computation of Free-surface Flows, Two-liquid Flows, and Flows with Drifting Cylinders", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 94 (1992) 353-371.

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