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Problem statements There are few problems involved in the current system, the main problem is use of paper.

In order to store the record related to rented book, the curent system used many papers. This also create another problem such cost of paper, the more paper used to store data the more cost need to be spend. Another problem related to used of paper are space need to reserve for paper storege. It also create same problem as cost, the more used of paper, the more space need to reserve. Next about the organization of data itself. By using paper it is easy to make mistake for example when tried to count the number of renter or when to copy the data from one place to another. It can be conclude that by using paper as medium to save data, it will create insert, deletion, and update anomaly and data redundacy. Besides that, with paper it is easy to lost data or record for example place where data was stored was spill with water. Lastly is time time consuming, this is related to another problems mentioned before. Thus a new system is proposed to make system organization more efficient and effective. The benefits of propose system The main benefits of course to overcome the main problem, to do this we will used database system to store related data. This will greatly reduce used of paper. By cutting down the used of paper it also reduce the cost need to be spend on papers. When the quantity of paper is decrease, space need for storing also decrease. So, the free space can be used for more important purpose. By using system database, of course it will significantly smooth organization of data. Process of counting, sum of, or copy paste will be more easier. This also will reduce redundancy of data, insert anomaly, delete anomaly and update anomaly. Besides that, the new propose system is easier to backup and make data recovary when something unexpected happens. For overall, it will reduce time taken for some job, thus makes it more efficient and effective.

Project Scope There are two user in the system staff and admin. Staff - staff can register new staff to use the system - staff will store information of book rent by the customer - staff also can calculate the charge for customer based on day - staff can print receipt for user rivision - staff also can review all the books - staff can list all the members of Hawais Book Rental UiTM Admin - admin can look the list of member registered on system - admin can edit the data of member - admin can register new book on the system - admin can register new staff

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