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Funds Inquiry and Account Inquiry

Differences in the Funds Inquiry and the Account Inquiry Screen ....................................2 Fig1: Budget Definition.......................................................................................................2 Fig2: Budget Organsiation Definition.................................................................................2 Fig3: Range Assignment......................................................................................................3 Fig4: Budget Journal Preparation........................................................................................3 Fig5: Effect of Budget Journals Funds Reservation...........................................................4 Fig6: Effect of Posting the Budget Journal..........................................................................4 Fig7: Effect of Creating an Encumbrance Transaction........................................................5

Differences in the Funds Inquiry and the Account Inquiry Screen Account Inquiry Screen takes care of only the posted Transactions. Data is fetched from the gl_balances table. Funds Inquiry screens also considers the transactions in the gl_bc_packets and the gl_bc_packets_arrival_order table.

Essentially, the funds Inquiry tries to give the online picture whenever an Encumbrance Entry is passed, it gives an up to date picture whether or not the transaction is posted. glifundb.pls is the file, which takes care of the funds Inquiry screen. It has got two cursors, which pull data from the gl_balances, gl_bc_Packets and the gl_bc_packets_arrival_order table. The cursor in gl_balances pulls the posted data for the flags A, E and B.The cursor in gl_bc_packets pulls the approved and pending transactions. If the funds inquiry screen and the account inquiry screen are to match there should be no unposted transactions for the A, E and B types. In the following screenshots we run a complete cycle of the difference between the Funds Inquiry Screen and the Account Inquiry Screen. Fig1: Budget Definition

Fig2: Budget Organsiation Definition

Fig3: Range Assignment

Fig4: Budget Journal Preparation

Fig5: Effect of Budget Journals Funds Reservation As soon as the funds are reserved a row in gl_bc_packets is inserted with status as funds being approved and an amount equivalent to that is shown in the Funds Inquiry Screen

However the same cannot be seen in the Acount Inquiry Screen. For this Period there will be no amounts as the Journal is yet to be posted.

Fig6: Effect of Posting the Budget Journal When the Budget Journal, which was created in Fig4 above, is posted, the Funds Inquiry Account will remain the same, and the Account Inquiry will show the amounts as well.

Fig7: Effect of Creating an Encumbrance Transaction Similarly when an Encumbrance Transaction is entered and Funds are reserved against the account, the Funds Available will get affected, but this will only take effect in the Account Inquiry Screen when that Journal is posted

Funds Inquiry Screen as soon as the above Journal passes funds reservation

Similarly if an Actual Journal is created and the funds are reserved for an amount of 3000, the Actual value in the above form will show 3000 and the Funds available will be reduced by 3000 to 15500. However the Account Inquiry Screen will get impacted only when the relevant Journal is posted

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