Analysis of Substation Reliability

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2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America 1

Analysis of Substation Availability

Carlos K. C. Arruda, Helio P. Amorim Junior, Luis A. M. C. Domingues, Ricardo C. Fonte, Pablo A. Lisboa, Sergio L. Zaghetto, Lidio F. A. Nascimento, Lilian F. Queiroz

AbstractThe paper discusses the modeling of substations for reliability, dealing with each equipment and its inuence in the topology. The study consider the power availability for each load, using either an analytic and a simulation model. Some results and a software implementation are presented. Index Termssubstation, availability, reliability

I. I NTRODUCTION HE growing concern for quality of service in electric companies leads to the development of tools for management of company assets, for decision making on essential issues such as: Investment (time to replace the equipments); Maintenance planning (dening the frequency and duration of maintenance, especially with equipment in the end of its useful life). In this context, the Centro de Pesquisas em Energia Eletrica (Cepel), in a R&D project for Eletrobras Eletronorte, began research in reliability models for power substations (138 to 500 kV) [1] [2] [3] [4]. This article presents the methodology for evaluate substation availability based on the determination of the risk of failure of each equipment. The indicator is intended as a tool to support the operation and maintenance, as well as support for decision-making regarding the establishment of maintenance plans, relocation and equipment replacement. II. P REVIOUS W ORK Traditionally, reliability models in power systems engineering consider full availabilty of the substations, dealing only with failure in transmission lines. Nowadays, in a competitive market, with a crescent list of aging equipments, and the new policy of the Brazilian electric sector, It is known that the substation topology inuences its reliability, but theres a need of a quantitative basis for comparison between arrangements. III. M ETHODOLOGY A. Equipment reliability modeling The fundamentals of reliability presents the "bathtub" curve, representing the failure rate along an operating cycle (not necessarily time). The curve represents a group of failure modes, divided in "infant mortalities", "stable rate of failure"

and "wear out". The difculty lies in determine the point of the curve for a given equipment. A line of reasoning is classify the stages related to the failure, resulting in types of occurence. An occurence is dened as an event causing an interruption, programmed or not, in an equipment operation. The occurences are classied as: Active failure: unscheduled event that requires the isolation of equipment with the operation of circuit breakers (e.g. short circuit), Passive failure: unscheduled event which results in the interruption of energy ow through the equipment, but does not demand the immediate isolation (e.g. winding disruption), Maintenance: programmed event, including in a predictive manner, which requires the de-energizing of equipment, with a delay if a failure is occurring in the substation, ie, a maintenance will not be the second contingency, Defect: an event that demands an interruption, with or without urgency, with probability to become a failure between detection and interruption. Another type of occurence are the hidden failures, with could be active and passive. The hidden failure lies in ofine equipments, or energized equipments with low interaction, e.g. circuit breakers and surge suppressors. For these cases, inspection play an important role to nd defects. 1) Non-repairable equipments: An equipment is considered non-repairable in an economic sense, where the cost of replacement surpasses all the costs for repair. Some models provides good results with a low sampling, a typical context for power system utilities. The Weibull approach [5] is a simple function, using 2 or 3 parameters, with a wide range of application for several failure modes. Other models are the lognormal and exponential distributions. The rate of failure for the Weibull model is given by h(t) = t


Carlos K. C. Arruda (, Helio P. Amorim Junior, Luis A. M. C. Domingues and Ricardo C. Fonte are with Cepel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Pablo A. Lisboa are with PUC-RJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sergio L. Zaghetto, Lidio F. A. Nascimento and Lilian F. Queiroz are with Eletrobras Eletronorte, Brasilia, Brazil. 978-1-4577-0487-1/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE

where is the shape parameter, the characteristic life, and t the cycle variable. The 3-parameter Weibull function includes the waiting time parameter, replacing t with (t t0 ). 2) Repairable equipments: In repairable equipments, the cost for repair has signicant advantage comparing with the replacement. For these cases, the Weibull approach is valid only for the rst failure. A repairable equipment consists of several components, and in its most fundamental level are considered non-repairable. However, obtaining data for each component is often difcult, requiring a way to study the device as a whole.


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The Poisson approach is adequate for repairable equipments, and is subdivided in the homogeneous Poisson process (HPP) and Non-Homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). The process deals with each equipment in a separate timeline, with dots marking the failures, resulting in the time dot plot (Figure 1).

C. Modeling the PV rules Beyond the direct costs of load interruption, repairs and contractual fee, the ANEEL resolution 270 [6] denes the parcela varivel por indisponibilidade ("variable parcel for unavailability", PVI or simply PV) as a ne by the unavailability of equipment, independently of existence of load interruption. Each unit belongs to a transforming function, representing its importance inside the substation and the neighboring systems. For each function, it is calculated a base revenue ("parcela base", or PB) and a downtime franchise. With the equipment unavailable for a time exceeding the franchise, the ne is estimated. Also, the resolution establishes some exceptions, mostly dealing with interruptions that are not predictable by the company. The PV rules are best modeled inside the simulation model, where all exceptions can be directly treated. D. Substation modeling

Figure 1.

Time dot plot example with data gathered, resulting in table I

For example, the rate of repair (or rate of occurence of failures, ROCOF) for the NHPP Power Law is given by (t) = t 1 (2)

where and are the function parameters. The time to the rst failure in a NHPP Power Law follows a Weibull distribution. For comparison, a set of 230 kV switches was treated, from the point of view of reliability, as a non-repairable population, in the sense that each failure occurred was repaired so that the component or subsystem, corresponding to its mode failure, was totally renovated or replaced with a new device to the group. The Weibull model was therefore applied in this case, rst considering all faults grouped and then separating the failures by their failure modes. Following the group was analyzed as a set of repairable systems, whose behavior, in terms of reliability, was assumed as a NHPP, an approach more akin to reality of a maintenance policy. The results are summarized in Table I, where MTTF is the mean time to failure and MTBF is the mean time between failures. B. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) According to the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), any equipment in a substation can be broken down into subsystems and these into components, to facilitate the identication of failure modes, aiming at the qualitative analysis of reliability. When the goal is to quantitative analysis of the reliability of equipment, the systems must be separated in subsystems and components that are repairable, ie, those who, having failed, can be replaced in a satisfactory operating condition for any corrective action, and non-repairable, ie, those which the individual items are removed permanently from the installation or totally replaced.

The power system reliability is the capacity to supply power to a specied load in a specied time span. To calculate the supply, an pathnder algorithm is applied, checking that the load has at least one connection to a source, making sure it also has the power to supply the current demand. The current position of switches and circuit breakers (CBs) inuences the overall reliability, mainly by hidden failures in the switching. That way the advantages of a topology can be measured, in a quantitative sense. 1) Analytical model: The analytical model was the rst implementation, used in the study of transmission line reliability. The initial design applies passive and active faults, maintenance and hidden failures in circuit breakers, assuming exponential models of occurrence (single parameter, namely rate of failure ). For example, the rate of failure for two components can be expressed by the equation: pk = pi pj (rpi + rpj ) (3)

where p i and p j are the rate of passive failure for equipments i and j , rpi and rpj the replacement or repair time, according with the mode of failure. For active failures, the equation is similar, with the difference the equipment must be isolated by CBs, therefore with increased probability of load loss. The hidden failures by CB operation are applied introducting the variable dp , where 0 < dp < 1: adpk = ai dpj (4)

where ai is the rate of active failure for equipment i and dpj the probability of failure of CB j . 2) Monte-Carlo model: The simulation model, or MonteCarlo, performs the random selection of occurrences in the substation, studying the possibilities of interruption. By a signicant number of simulations, it is possible to obtain the average performance of the system.


2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America 3

Table I R ESULTS FOR EQUIPMENT MODELING AS REPAIRABLE AND NON - REPAIRABLE FORMS [4] Failure mode All failure modes Hot spot in contacts Defect in actuators 4.89799 4.37602 5.18048 7976.41 8902.07 9614.29 Weibull rate of failure 9.66E-4 5.02E-4 4.01E-4 3,3119 9231,99 NHPP rate of repair 3.35E-4

MTTF 7314.96 8110.64 8845.61

MTBF 2985.07

This methodology allows to incorporate any type of occurrence, with a statistical model associated with a random event. It is also possible to model the system load variation and generation availability, in addition to climatic phenomena as a common failure mode (e.g. lightning). Otherwise, the Monte-Carlo model needs a large number of simulations, depending on the number of statistical variables involved. Additionally, a model with large number of options is as good as only when we have sufcient data available. IV. I MPLEMENTATION The methodology has been divided in two implementations: The software Conweib models the occurences for repairable and non-repairable equipments, offering Weibull, lognormal, and Poisson functions. Figure 2 ilustrates the software.

Figure 3.

AnSE - substation analysis

Figure 4.

Test topology for CB analysis

position but a higher duration, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. Considering a total cost simply as a function of the failure duration, the NC position is the logical choice.

Figure 2.

Conweib - modeling of 138 kV switches of Coxip substation

The software AnSE ("anlise de subestaes" - substation analysis) models the substation topology, applying the functions estimated by Conweib for each equipment. Conguring the initial state of switches and CBs, costs of occurences and PVs, the total cost for availability is estimated. Figure 3 ilustrates the AnSE tool for substation building. An initial version has been implemented in C++ (using the Borland compiler), evolving to a Java system, with userfriendly interfaces and multi-platform capabilities. V. R ESULTS A. Analysis of circuit breakers In a hypotetical substation, a bypass circuit breaker (CB) has 2 possible positions: normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC). Figure 4 shows the topology, with the refered CB marked as "1". A reliability analysis made in the software AnSE shows the effect of each position, with lower rate of failure for a NO

Figure 5.

Duration of failures for each position of the CB

Figure 6.

Rate of failure for each position of the CB

Table II C RITICAL COMPONENTS IN M ARAB SUBSTATION , USING REFERENCE FAILURE RATES Equipment Reactor MBRE7-02 Switch MBSL7-02 CB MBDJ7-02 CB MBDJ7-03 Failure mode Passive Passive Passive + Maintenance Rate of failure 0.09 0.0015 0.0011 Interruption time (h) 8.1 0.036 0.0089

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B. Sensibility analysis at Marab substation Figures 7 and 8 illustrates an analysis in Marab Substation with the analytic model, using a "robustness index" (RI) as a tool to support planning. The RI is dened as an adimensional number, comparing a reference state (e.g. a new substation, a proposed project or the actual state of an existing one) with a future state. For these examples, the RI are the relation between the failure rates: hactual (5) hreference The aging was simulated increasing the failure rates for all reactors (gure 7), and all transformers (gure 8), showing the impact of each type of equipment. In this case the failure rates are obtained from references [7] [8]. RI =

Following the analysis, critical components are found, as ilustrated in Table II. Shortly after the study, an occurence in reactor MBRE7-02 was related by Eletronorte, agreeing with the predictions. VI. C ONCLUSIONS The work presented a methodology to support substation project, routine operation and maintenance. For this purpose, a consolidated database is essential for a good modeling. In the lack of consistent data, the substation team must provide support for the model estimation, using their experiences. A correlation between maintenance and failure is essential, required for a balance between costs. Excessive maintenance allows a asymptotically low risk of failure, in counterpart the equipment is unavailable with increasing preventive interruptions, raising the risk of double contingencies. A model is needed to relate the realistic reduction in the risk of failure due to increased maintenance, therefore a constant study, including equipment monitoring, gives the optimum maintenance time. Applying economic indexes in the reliability models allows better response from managers, supporting strategic decisions. Also, the improving substation models could bring support to the federal agencies for future market rules. ACKNOWLEGMENT

Figure 7.

Substation Robustness index for reactors aging

The authors thanks the group of developers for the software implementation: Prof. Norberto Mangiavacchi, Raama Costa and Hugo Checo (UERJ), Prof. Antonio Castelo Filho and Luiz Lucca (USP). R EFERENCES
[1] L. A. M. C. Domingues, et. al., Avaliao de conabilidade de subestaes, in 4o Simpsio Internacional de Conabilidade, 2006. [2] C. K. C. Arruda, et. al., Metodologia para clculo do ndice de robustez de subestaes - projeto piloto, subestao marab (PA), in XIX Seminrio Nacional de Produo e Transmisso de Energia Eltrica - SNPTEE, Outubro 2007. [3] H. P. Amorim Jr., et. al., Modelagem do risco de falha de equipamentos eltricos de subestaes, in XIX Seminrio Nacional de Produo e Transmisso de Energia Eltrica - SNPTEE, Outubro 2007. [4] R. C. Fonte, et. al., Aplicao combinada de modelos de risco de falha de sistemas reparveis e no reparveis para clculo de conabilidade de equipamentos, in XX Seminrio Nacional de Produo e Transmisso de Energia Eltrica - SNPTEE, Novembro 2009. [5] R. B. Abernethy, The New Weibull Handbook, 4th ed., 2000. [6] Agncia Nacional de Energia Eltrica - ANEEL, Resoluo normativa n. 270 de 26 de junho de 2007, 2007. [7] Cigr SC 12 WG 05, An internal survey on failures in large power transformers in service, Electra, no. 88, May 1983. [8] D. O. Koval, Transmission equipment reliability data from canadian electrical association, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 32, no. 6, NovemberDecember 1996.

Figure 8.

Substation Robustness index for transformers aging

However the application of this index was restricted to each substation separately, not allowing a wider decision-making level, to compare adequately the impact of each device, since the different subtations do not have the same weight in the higher level. This led to a review of methods for extending the concept of robustness index, using in a economic sense (i.e. the relative costs).


2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America 5

Carlos Kleber da Costa Arruda is graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1999 by the Centro Federal Celso Suckow da Fonseca (Cefet-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and has 11 years of experience in Cepel, in areas of research in EHV transmission lines, grounding, lightning and substation reliability. At present he is working toward the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in UFRJ, researching corona models in direct current transmission lines (HVDC).

Hlio de Paiva Amorim Junior , D.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, employed by Cepel since 2001. Has experience in High Voltage Test Techniques on laboratories and on site; Partial discharges measurements and diagnosis on high voltage equipment; Capacitance and tan delta measurements, Evaluation of power transformers, bushings, Stator windings and others high voltage equipment; Development of high voltage measurement techniques and evaluation techniques applied to laboratories and on site; Monitoring systems for high voltage equipment.

Luis Adriano de Melo Cabral Domingues is an electrotechnical engineer with a MSc degree on forecasting methods applied to transmission line operation. Works for Cepel since 1982 with the transmission lines department, developing calculation methods for electromagnetic elds applied to transmission lines and equipments.

Ricardo Cunha da Fonte , B.Sc. in Electric Engineering, Concentration of Power Systems (1982), Post graduated in Economic Engineering and Industrial Administration (1983), Master of Power Systems Engineering (2003). Working as a researcher in Cepel since 1985, duties including electric power system analysis, electric power system equipment monitoring techniques and electric power system plants reliability.

Pablo de Abreu Lisboa is graduated in mechanical engineering in 2004 by Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and has 5 years of experience in PUC-RJ, researching substation reliability and transmission lines. At present he is working toward the M.Sc. in mechanical engineering in UERJ, modeling a central solar water heat system.

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