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June 27, 2009

Lesson 13


Surveying the Source

Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:46, 47; John 14:6; Eph. 4:11−15; 2 Pet. 2:1−3.

Plotting the Course

The students will:
►Understand that God has given each can work for Him where they are.
one of us different gifts that we are to use ►Understand that they need to be pre-
to bring others to Christ. pared to stand up for their faith in order
►Understand that they do not have to to witness to others and also to grow
go far away to serve God, but that they spiritually.

Teacher’s Preparing to Lead

Guide The great commission was Christ’s fi- fulfillment. We need to understand that
nal instructions to us before He returned the Lord gave talents to each of us to use
to heaven. That message still bears the for His glory, be it at home, in the office,
same gravity it did that day on the mount; or in distant lands. We also need to be
and each one of us has a role to play in its prepared to defend our beliefs.

Getting Started
A. Prepare a T-chart on a chalkboard, activity. To introduce the activity, say:
flipchart, or whiteboard. Ask the students “Winning souls for Christ is an integral
to identify different talents that God has part of every Christian’s life; but at times
blessed people with. Write their response even performing a simple act of kindness
on the left side of the chart. Then discuss might generate fear in our hearts. This
how these can be used to win souls for activity highlights some keys to helping
Christ, and write these responses on the us overcome all those fears.”
Materials left side of the chart. After each class member has finished
chalkboard, flipchart, or B. Discuss how we can be missionaries the activity, ask for volunteers to read
whiteboard; chalk or right where we are. List all the ideas that some of their paraphrases. Discuss how
marker class members make. these texts might have made them feel
Also do the reproducible activity on less apprehensive about witnessing to
page 43. Give each person a copy of the others.

Delving Into the Word

A. Say: “As Seventh-day Adventists, missionaries while we sit at home on the
the great commission is something we’ve sidelines. Yet if that is what God had
heard about from a very young age. Yet planned, He wouldn’t have been so spe-
just a handful of us take it seriously and cific about the fact that He has given each
personally. We seem to have the idea that one of us different gifts to be used to
the job must be left to the pastors and the draw people closer to Him.”
Copyright 2009
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®

Ask volunteers to read Ephesians 4:7 “However, we must not forget that each
and Ephesians 4:11–13. Then ask class soldier that goes to the battlefield has to
members to share what these verses say be well armed. We must prayerfully
to them. study the Scriptures so when the people
B. Say: “In addition to preaching, we are witnessing to ask us to defend our
teaching, and giving Bible studies, we faith, we will have a ready answer.
also can be actively involved in the great Knowing the Scriptures benefits others as
commission by doing simple acts of kind- well as ourselves.”
ness. Paying the neighbor a visit, helping Have a volunteer read 2 Peter 2:1−3.
a colleague at work, babysitting for a Ask: “What warning are we given in this
busy mother, these are just some of the passage?” Say: “The times we are living
kindnesses we can do to extend God’s in are filled with many false doctrines. If
hand of mercy to others. When people are we do not carefully guard our mind, it
the recipients of such act, they will want becomes easy to fall into a trap, and in
to know what motivates you. They also turn, mislead the very souls we are trying
will learn about the true nature of God to bring to Christ.”
and His Son.

Discussing the Ideas

1. How can we ensure that the message cited about being missionaries for Christ
“Go ye therefore” becomes a personal whereever we are?
message? 5. What are the dangers of leaving the
2. What are the effects of each one of gospel commission to missionaries and
us helping to spread the gospel? pastors only?
3. What are some of false doctrines 6. What other verses are there which
being spread today? emphasize the fact that God has given
4. What can we do so that we are ex- each of us a special gift to use for Christ?

Closing the Activity

Ask individuals to share what the great think the other person’s talents are.
commission means to them and how they Discuss how each other’s talents can be
plan to make it a part of their lives. used to fulfill the great commission. En-
Have class members share what they courage everyone to put their talents to
think their talents are in relationship to use.
the great commission. Or have people Close with a prayer of dedication for
sitting next to each other say what they each person and their individual talents.

Saneliso Moyo, Somerset West, South Africa

Copyright 2009
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®

Directions: Winning souls for Christ is an integral part of every Christian’s life.
At times, however, we are overcome by fear. This activity highlights some keys
to help you overcome those fears. Read each text below. Then after each one,
write what reassurance that text gives you regarding the winning of souls for

1. Joshua 1:8, 9

Reassurance that

2. Acts 1:8

Reassurance that

3. Philippians 4:13

Reassurance that

4. Second Timothy 1:7

Reassurance that

5. Second Peter 1:3

Reassurance that

Copyright 2009
Lesson 13 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®


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